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Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Tomi Adeyemi | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
DUUUUUUUDE okay so the fact that this book took me 3 months to read is in no way indicative of how much I loved this (okay the start was slow and it took me a good 200 pages to get into but this is the first fantasy epic i've read since harry potter so can you blame me???????) once i picked this up again I was hooked with a capital H, I love the premise and I love how carefully Tomi Adeyemi has built this world from the language, to the cities, to the magical lionaires (which i want one of btw) also i may be in love with inan more that I probably should be <spoiker> and it's probably an unpopular opinion for me to really want him and zelie to get together again but i love a good hate to love trope and an angsty boy so here i am.</spoiler> I can't wait for the next book in this series to come out because I NEED MORE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS 5 STARS 5 STARS

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Last Witch Hunter (2015) in Movies

Apr 16, 2020 (Updated Apr 16, 2020)  
The Last Witch Hunter (2015)
The Last Witch Hunter (2015)
2015 | Action, Fantasy
Here we go again. Lumbering action-fantasy stomper based - I kid you not - on one of Vin Diesel's Dungeons & Dragons games. Mediaeval warrior Kaulder (spelt with a K presumably because it's kooler, a principle I will be observing karefully in this review) battles the Evil Witch Queen and is kursed with immortality. What ensues is basically Highlander meets Hellboy meets Harry Potter meets Blade meets Men in Black: mysteriously, this film attempts to pinch the best bits of all those films and ends up seeming worse than any of them.

Plodding script is largely to blame, also the fact that Vin basically just does his routine smirking-swaggering-smug performance for most of the film. Usual excess of CGI doesn't help the situation much either. Michael Kaine (look how kool I've made him seem) somehow manages to emerge with dignity, but he's about the only one. Lazy film-making in virtually every way that matters (although it scrapes another point for the moment when Vin Diesel dolphins a giant wooden insect). Are they really still planning a sequel? Kount me out.

Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 16, 2020

Your use of ‘K’ rather than ‘C’ really made me laugh!

Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Characterisation (2 more)
Continuity (1 more)
World canon
It's the Wizarding World, but not quite as we know it...
Contains spoilers, click to show
OK. So. I loved this movie as a continuation of the fantastic beasts universe. I think that the cast does an amazing job of portraying the characters, and I honestly can't imagine anyone other than Eddie Redmayne playing Newt. The atmosphere of the whole thing was built up really well, and the American and European Wizarding worlds that have been created are visually stunning and full of depth.

However, I have a few niggles. I have some minor misgivings about the idea of Jude Law as Dumbledore, not because I dont think he'll do a good job, but because his Dumbledore is so far removed from the one we know and love. I mean, seriously, how do you get from suits to full blown robes? They're opposite ends of the style scale! I think my biggest issue with the whole thing is the lack of continuity from the potter series. I don't understand the back story of Nagini, I want to know what happened between Albus and Grindelwald, and don't get me started on the revelation at the end?!? There was a whole story arc about a hidden Dumbledore child in the HP book series (I love Ariana) and yet here we are, supposed to believe there's another one! I just don't get it!

Overall it's a great film as part of the Fantastic Beasts franchise, and as part of the Wizarding World, but let's not link it too closely to the events of Harry Potter. If we try to work out that labyrinth, I fear all our brains may just explode!
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle
2016 | Card Game
Yer a deck-builder, Harry. So many times we gamers are “treated” to really horrible games based on IPs (intellectual properties). For some reason, designers and publishers seem to care about getting games in hands that have a certain brand or logo on them, and don’t really care about the game itself. So we were a bit skeptical of a deck-builder, from USAopoly, that was based on a well-loved IP, in a kinda boring box, that uses movie stills for the art on the cards. As you can see by the scores given, we were split.

Okay, I am going to admit, the way the game is setup is both very cool and very off-putting. You see, you open the box and are instructed to start with the contents of the Game 1 box if you are new to deck-building, or if you want to experience the game incrementally. We chose to enjoy the game box by box. Now, this is a great way to teach deck-building concepts slowly and to ease the players into the game. We are not deck-building novices, however, and we probably should have start at Game 4 box, as the instructions suggest. Let me explain:

Game 1-3 boxes add more cards to the game, but don’t really increase the difficulty by much at all. It’s only once you delve into the Game 4-7 boxes does the experience change, and for the better. I fear Josh and Bryan’s scores reflect games played only with the components from Game 1-3 boxes, and I do understand their feeling of being underwhelmed. I have encouraged them to try the game again using more advanced box components, so this game may (hopefully) be receiving a score update.

That being said, I will speak of my thoughts on the game as I have played it. It’s really great. The game just ramps up much more the more component boxes you add into it, and you don’t even need to purchase the expansion for a great game experience. In fact, I have not yet added the expansion materials to my copy yet. I am somewhat afraid (but I do love Luna…). I love deck-building, and I love the components that are added in the later games (no spoilers) that make it more than just a deck-builder. The theme is certainly apparent, and if you are a fan of the franchise wanting a meatier Harry Potter experience, you definitely want to sink your basilisk fangs into this one.

We at Purple Phoenix Games give this title a tentative score of 16 / 24.
I am honestly not completely sure about my thoughts on this play. I was so excited when it was announced that they would be releasing the script, especially since I will most likely not be able to see the stage production any time soon, but it left me in a weird mental state after reading it. Warning, there may be plot spoilers in this review, so read at your own peril. If you do not want to be spoiled, read the play first, then come back to my review.

I know that a play will never really be the same as reading a novel by good old JK, but it still felt so different from the rest of the Harry Potter series. I found myself wanting more out of it than I got. There was a lot of nostalgia for the other books that I felt when I was reading it. And I loved this play for that reason.

Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the play. It was different, we got to see our Golden Trio all grown up, and see their interactions with other characters, including their children. I did, however, find myself getting angry at the characters--Harry and Ginny in particular. These two characters know, probably more than anyone else in this series, what it is like to be an outsider and to feel ostracized from other people. Yet they let their son feel the same way they did. To me, that sucks. They gave him huge shoes to fill in naming Albus what they did, but it seems that they never explained to him the meaning behind it. They let him hear all of the glorious stories of Dumbledore and Snape, but never let him in on the truth that both of those men were flawed individuals who messed up a lot. In not knowing that truth, Albus was made to think that he was not good enough. Again, super crappy thing to do to a child. Harry, you should know this!!

The plot itself was interesting. I think having to look at the past and see what changing any part of it could do to the future is something Albus, and even Harry, needed to understand. They must acknowledge the past, but still have the hope to look at the future. (Boom. Dumbledore style wisdom right there.) Even Scorpius needed to see what could happen. (By the way, I love Scorpius. I think he is my favorite of all of the children characters because he is adorable and so sassy.)

Just one question: WHERE WAS MY BOY TEDDY LUPIN?!?!?!?! I was looking for him the whole freaking play because I needed to see some of Remus and Tonks in another form, but we got NOTHING and I am upset. I was thinking of taking off another half star just for that fact alone, but I need to be not as bitter about it.

I cried while reading this. Whenever Albus was being self-deprecating, my heart broke even more. And Act 4 killed me. (SPOILERS) I sobbed when they were watching Voldy kill Lily and James. Straight up sobbed like a child.

I loved all of the stage directions and I think it would be very interesting to see how it all plays out on the stage. I honestly have no idea how they would do some of the effects.

Overall, it was a good addition to the Harry Potter novels. Was it as good or give me as many emotions as the novels did? No. But I enjoyed it for what it was.
Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising
Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising
2019 | Card Game, Dice Game, Fantasy
Have you read our review of Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War? If you have not, please do. I’ll wait. The reason I ask is because this Harry Potter version is a reimplementation of Thanos Rising with a few new twists. Great twists. In fact, I’ll spoil it for you and let you know that I now prefer the Harry Potter version even though I enjoy Marvel-related things in my life much more. But why is it good or better than its predecessor?

Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising is a game utilizing the Rising system of games (which also includes Batman, Star Wars, and SpongeBob Squarepants as of now) for two to four players. It is a cooperative game where players will take charge of one of the three factions: Dumbledore’s Army, Hogwarts, or Order of the Phoenix in order to defeat Voldemort and his Death Eater cronies. Though Voldemort will be menacing players throughout the game, the players will not be able to attack him directly until about half way through the game. Can you survive long enough to battle the big bad?

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, follow the instructions in the rulebook, but generally the central board will have the large painted Voldemort “mini(?)” and three areas that hold Place cards: Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic, and Diagon Alley. Players will be given one Leader card in their chosen faction (obviously Order of the Phoenix is best) to begin the game. Set aside the damage counters, corruption gem tokens, and Spell tokens in their own piles. Shuffle the main deck of character cards, reveal and place three per Place and then insert the Voldemort card somewhere near half-way into the shuffled deck. The game may now begin.
On a player’s turn they must complete the following steps: 1. Travel to a Location, 2. Roll Voldemort Die and resolve actions, 3. Roll, assign, and resolve Wizard dice, and 4. End Turn. After taking these actions it will be the next player’s turn.

To Travel to a Location, the active player will place their faction-matching Mission token upon one of the Places on the board. This is the Place that the active player may now be able to recruit Wizards from and also attack enemies.

Once at a Location, the active player will Roll Voldemort Die and resolve actions thenceforth. The game affords players a large green Voldemort Die to be rolled. Upon the faces are sides that instruct players to turn the Voldemort mini Left or Right one Place and attack all Wizards there (including all Wizards on a player’s team if Voldemort is now in their Location). Two faces will also show the Dark Mark. When this face is rolled Voldemort does not move, but will attack all Wizards at his current Place (by placing damage counters on the card) as well as activating ALL Death Eater Dark Mark abilities. Not all Death Eaters will have Dark Mark abilities, but when they activate, they can be deadly.

Now that Voldemort has had his fun, the active player will Roll, assign, and resolve Wizard dice. Players will have in front of them faction cards that indicate how many and of which color dice to be rolled on a turn. These dice may be added to or otherwise altered as a result of recruited Wizards’ special abilities as well. Once a player takes the appropriate dice to be rolled, they must roll them and begin assigning faces to Wizards for recruitment, Death Eaters for damage, or other abilities on team cards. Recruiting more Wizards to a player’s team or damaging Death Eaters is how the game progresses because each time a card is recruited or defeated it is removed from the main board and a new card replaces it. As long as at least one die is removed from the player’s pool each time the dice are rolled the player may continue rolling to match symbols needed.

To End Turn, the active player will add any recruited Wizards to their team, discard any defeated Death Eaters, Wizards, or Places, and retrieve their Mission token to be used on the next turn.

Play continues in this fashion of taking turns through the four steps until the Voldemort card is drawn. He then comes into play as an enemy that may be attacked like normal. Players win when they defeat enough Death Eaters and Voldemort, but can lose if the players allow a Place to be completely corrupted (usually by Death Eater card abilities), allowing four Places to be corrupted, if too many Wizards have been defeated per number of players, or any player has all their Wizards defeated from their team.
Components. This game includes a lot of components of varying style and materials. The cards are all very glossy (meh) and feature headshots of the characters mostly. The board is three pieces fit together like a pizza and is great. The damage counters are little translucent red cubes, and the corruption gem tokens are also translucent gems but gray in color. The best components in the game are by far the Voldemort, well, statue and all the dice. The Voldemort piece is incredible, and pre-painted. The stance he is taking is formidable and somewhat intimidating when he’s pointing his wand right at you. The dice have been upgraded to a matte finish (as opposed to yucky polished finish) and feature some great inking. The one negative I have to say is also about the dice: I believe that the faces sometimes can be confusing because the icons are more detailed than is necessary. While some would argue that detailed dice are better than merely serviceable dice, I would much rather see a sword on a face and know it’s a sword than to look at a die face and wonder what I am looking at exactly. In any case, that’s my opinion and yours may be different. Let’s still be friends.

So overall this is a big upgrade over the Thanos version of a Rising game for several key reasons. In Thanos I always felt like every turn could lose the game for us, and Thanos seemed to gain the Infinity Stones too quickly for my taste. In this version, you know you have half a deck before you are able to even fight Voldemort, so being able to tackle his minions until then seems more surmountable. The dice have been upgraded, and the Voldemort die is wonderful and easy to read. That was an issue I had with Thanos: his die was hard to read and the colors were not distinct enough. Not a factor in this version at all. I also feel that this version has much more faction-dependency and interplay. What I mean is that an Order of the Phoenix card may require a player to also have a Dumbledore’s Army card on the team in order to unlock access to their special ability. I like that. I like a well-balanced team, though my first game saw me recruit eight Order of the Phoenix cards and one Dumbledore’s Army card. We won, but I felt bad.

So it’s no surprise that I love this game. I find it better and easier to learn/play than the Thanos version. I like the components a whole lot more. I like the interplay between the factions more. I am sad that I prefer Marvel to Harry Potter, but I do not dislike Harry Potter, let it be known. And I do enjoy this version much more. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a triumphant 10 / 12. My wife and I truly love it and can’t wait to play it again very soon. If you are looking for a good Rising game, I certainly recommend you look at Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising. It’s a guaranteed hit if you or a loved one is a Harry Potter fan. For sure. It’s brilliant.
What If (2014)
What If (2014)
2014 | Comedy
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
384. What If. A pretty decent romantic comedy. A very formulaic romantic comedy, tho the performances and a decent soundtrack helped a lot. This is of the 'we can be friends' variety. Wallace a med school drop up, just can't seem to find love, then he meets Chantry at a party, sparks fly. He walks her home, and as that awkward moment of should I kiss her, she drops, yea my boyfriend, blah blah, Wallace stopped listening for a second. Boyfriend? Wtf? Anyway, the sentence ends with here's my number we can be best friends! He's like, yea. Then promptly loses it in the wind. The End. No, fate. They meet up randomly outside of an airport sometime later, and he is so ready to be friends with the girl he has the hots for! Will he find a way to get the girl? Gee, I wonder. Like I said, very formulaic. It is a fun movie, Harry Potter plays Wallace. Zoe Kazan plays Chantry. Wallace's best friend, Allan, is played by Kylo Ren. Its nice to look at and fun to listen to with a cool soundtrack. Check it out. Filmbufftim on FB