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FRiENDS - Single by Derek Simpson
FRiENDS - Single by Derek Simpson
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Derek Simpson is an artist, producer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist based in Long Beach, CA. Not too long ago, he released a DIY music video for his camaraderie tune, entitled, “FRiENDS”.

“Smoke a doobie, have a groovy night. I’m gettin’ loopy have a movie night. Some Bud heavy and a Miller High Life! ‘Cause that’s the only sh*t I need in my life! I ain’t goin’ out, I’m feelin’ chill. Some Harry Potter and a sleepin’ pill. They said that I was just too much to deal. But Seb and Kristie said they love me still. Too many joyrides to help a buddy out. Too many talks, I don’t recall what they’re about.” – lyrics by Jack O’Brien

‘FRiENDS’ is a fun-loving ode to friendship and unbridled adult indulgence.

The likable tune features Derek Simpson alongside his closest friends and roommates—Zac Hartwell, Jack O’Brien, Sebastian Hibbert, and Linden Crumrine.

‘FRiENDS’ contains a relatable storyline and introspective rap vocals. Also, the song possesses mellow instrumentation flavored with hazy lo-fi hip-hop, bits psychedelia, and experimental pop elements.

“‘FRiENDS’ is a love letter to the first support system I was introduced to outside of my hometown. I like to believe that at that age many of us are finding people we actually connect with for the first time. So we excitedly get together regularly and begin to build our tribes on the foundation of celebration. During the close of our time together in Allston, MA, a few of my buddies luckily jumped at the opportunity to take part in this musical mirror of our lifestyle. The reflection shows us something honest, sweaty, hilarious and sweet as we look back years later from three separate corners of the United States, together.” – Derek Simpson
Harry H Corbett: The Front Legs of the Cow
Harry H Corbett: The Front Legs of the Cow
Susannah Corbett | 2012 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Told by his daughter, excellent series of interviews and contributions (0 more)
Insightful, Poignant and Revealing
I started reading this after only knowing of Harry H Corvett in Steptoe and son as Harold the long suffering son of Albert (Wilfrid Brambell) and also n Carry on Screaming as Sidney Bung. I never realised what an accomplished actor he was at this point. After reading this amazing insight into his life i have realsied how versatile an actor he really was. With this being written by his daughter i expected a lot of fawning sentimentality and i am glad that i was proved wrong. This is a very revealing, moving and motivational book written with care and consideration. As well as her own personal experiences she draws on people from stage and screen that include but are not limited to Bryan Murphy, Lynda Baron and writers such as Ray Galton and Alan Simpson. One of the best bigraphies i have read for a very long time. Its a long book and tells of the history of the various theatres that Harry worked at and for but i found this interesting rather than distracting. This also includes a section at the end that debunks some of the myths associated with Steptoe and Son (them hating each other, Wilfrid Brambell always being drunk etc). All in all a five star read.
The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
“We’re trudging through the slush”.
Unlike its animated namesake, “The Snowman” is not a good film. Frustratingly it has all the right ingredients:

A story by bestselling Nordic writer Jo Nesbø;
Gorgeously photogenic snowy scenes of Oslo and Bergen;
A stellar cast (Michael Fassbender (“Alien: Covenant“); Rebecca Ferguson (“Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation“); J.K. Simmons (“Whiplash“); Toby Jones (“Dad’s Army“); Chloe Sevigny (“Love and Friendship“); Charlotte Gainsbourg (“Independence Day: Resurgence“, very sexy as Fassbender’s ex-squeeze) and even Val Kilmer (“Top Gun”, whose mother – interesting fact – is actually Swedish).
That sinking feeling when you realise you’ve been drinking all night and its too late for bed before work.

And while these elements congeal in the snow together quite well as vignettes, the whole film jerks from vignette to vignette in a most unsatisfactory way. I haven’t read the book (which might be much better) but the inclusion in the (terrible!) trailers of key scenes that never made the final cut (where was the fire for example?, the fish? the man trap?) implied to me that the director (Tomas Alfredson, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”) and screenwriting team – Peter Straughan (also “Tinker, Tailor”), Hossein Amini (“The Two Faces of January“) and Søren Sveistrup (TV’s “The Killing”) – either didn’t have (or didn’t agree on) the direction they wanted the film to go in.
Film Title: The Snowman
Arve Stop (J.K. Simmons) and Katrine (Rebecca Ferguson) having a “Weinstein moment” at the hotel.

Nesbø (and indeed most crime writers these days) litter their work with damaged cops…. you have to question whether the detective application form has a mandatory check-box with “alcoholic and borderline psycho” on it!. This film is no exception. Fassbender plays Nesbø’s master sleuth Harry Hole: an alcoholic insomniac well off the rails between homicide cases. “If only Oslo had a higher murder rate” bemoans his boss (Ronan Vibert). He joins forces with newby officer Katrine Bratt (Rebecca Ferguson), who has her fair share of mental demons to fight, in investigating a series of missing person/murder cases. The duo unearth a link between the cases – all happen when the snow starts to fall and to particular types of women, with the protagonist leaving a snowman at the scene.
One of the cuter snowmen… they get worse… much worse.

The plot is highly formulaic – I guessed who the killer was within about 20 minutes. But what makes this movie stand out, for all the wrong reasons, is that it has one of the most stupid, vacuous, flaccid, inane, ridiculous … (add 50 other thesaurus entries)… endings imaginable. My mouth actually gaped in astonishment!
There are also a surprisingly large number of loose ends you ponder after the film ends: why the “Snowman”‘s fixation with Harry?; what was with the “Vetlesen cleaner” subplot? How is Star Trek transportation possible in Norway? (But wait… “Telemark”… “Teleport”…. coincidence????? 🙂

On the plus side, there is some lovely Norwegian drone cinematography – (by Australian Dion Beebe (“Edge of Tomorrow“) – that immediately made me put “travel by winter train from Oslo to Bergen” on my life-map. The music by Marco Beltrami (“Logan“) is also effective and suitably Hitchcockian.
If you like your films gory, this one is definitely for you, with some pretty graphic content that (for those who like to cover their eyes) is cut to so quickly by editors Thelma Schoonmaker (“The Wolf of Wall Street“) and Claire Simpson (“Far From The Madding Crowd“) that your hands won’t have time to leave your lap! I remember this being a feature of a previous Nesbø adaptation (the much better “Headhunters” from 2011) but here it goes into overdrive.
One of my favourite actresses – Rebecca Ferguson, curiously playing much “younger” in this film than she appears in her previous hits.

Overall this was a rather disappointing effort that was heading for a FFf rating. But just because of that ending I’m knocking a whole extra Fad off!