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Poison Orchids
Poison Orchids
Sarah A. Denzil, Anni Taylor | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I read the synopsis for Poison Orchids by Sarah A. Denzil and Anni Taylor, I was hooked. This sounded like something I could really sink my teeth right into. I'm a big fan of psychological thrillers, and this one did not disappoint.

Gemma and Hayley end up working on a mango farm for the very rich and very handsome Tate LLewellyn. Everything seems perfect for them...a place to live, a steady income, fun times, and a sense of belonging. However, when Gemma and Hayley end up running out in the middle of the road away from an attacker, their memories start getting foggy. Each girl tells the detectives a different story yet both don't add up. With time running out for Gemma and Hayley, the police must figure out what the real truth is if they want to save the girls.

I found the plot for Poison Orchids to be very interesting. The whole memory thing has been done before, but I felt like Denzil and Taylor gave it an original spin that kept me glued to the book. Yes, there are some parts of the plot that are a little over the top and a bit unbelievable, but even so, the plot holds its own. Despite some of the outrageous scenes, this book held my unwavering attention with its perfect pacing. I found myself wanting to know what would happen next. I found that I couldn't trust anyone (with the exception of the police) in Poison Orchids. It was as if the thrills were never ending throughout this book! While you know almost from the beginning who the baddie is, there are plenty of plot twists throughout that will leave you thinking about them long after you finish the book. However, there are no cliff hangers, and it seemed that all loose ends were tied up by the end of the book.

The characters were well fleshed out and solid. I loved both Gemma and Hayley. Sometimes I would love one more than the other, but in the end, I realized I loved them both equally. I could somewhat relate to both of them.Tate and Rodney were both written very well although I would have liked a bit more backstory on Rodney. Megan, the psychologist, was an interesting character. I enjoyed getting to know her a bit better later on in the book. What I really admired was how much she cared about Gemma and Hayley. Bronwen, the detective on the case, was a no-nonsense type of woman, and I admired that about her. She wanted answers, and she was determined to get them. Even the secondary characters all felt very realistic. I could actually picture each and every character quite easily as I was reading Poison Orchids.

Trigger warnings for Poison Orchids include profanity, alcohol use, drug use, violence, death, murder, attempted suicide, rape, assault, brainwashing, gaslighting, and cults.

All in all, Poison Orchids makes for a thrilling read that will leave you thinking about it long after you've finished reading. It's got fantastic characters and an interesting plot for sure. I would definitely recommend Poison Orchids by Sarah A. Denzil and Anni Taylor to those aged 17+ who are after a great read!

JT (287 KP) rated Crawl (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
I was pleasantly surprised by Crawl. For one, it’s a monster movie. Two, it has a decent plot with characters you care about seeing survive. And three, it’s very well shot with some great CGI. The film opens with Haley (Kaya Scodelario) psyching herself up to compete in the pool, proof that her ability to swim and swim fast will not be found wanting later on.

When her sister calls to tell her that she has not heard from their father (Barry Pepper), Hayley heads towards a brewing category five Hurricane to see if all is OK – which it’s not.

Turns out that daddy has had a run-in with a couple of hungry alligators and only the confines of the underground basement has prevented him from becoming a quick snack. With floodwaters rising by the minute Hayley the ‘apex predator’ has to get her game face on to fend off another impending attack.

Sharks have always been at the forefront of water-based terror so it’s nice to see the alligator making a return. There is some neat jump scares coupled with good amounts of gore, but it rarely raises the tension levels any more than that.

Acting-wise Scodelario and Pepper do an alright job and there is an inkling of a back story to shed light on their slightly troubled relationship and competitive edge.
Christmas in Key West is anything but peaceful when sabotage at a new restaurant in town leads to murder, and Hayley is right in the middle trying to figure out what is happening.

There are several sub-plots that overshadow the main mystery at times, but the book was always entertaining with characters I love. Things do come together for a logical climax. Overall, this was an entertaining book.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
A Dish to Die for
A Dish to Die for
Lucy Burdette | 2022 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder on a Neighboring Key
Even when you live in paradise, you need a break. That’s why Hayley Snow is taking a few hours with her friend Eric and their dogs and heading to a beach on one of the nearby islands. However, the day takes a sad turn when Hayley’s dog finds a dead body half buried in the sand. The man was G.G. Garcia, a Key West developer who had a bad reputation. The local police think there is something suspicious about his death, and Hayley gets pulled into the investigation. Will she figure out what really happened?

I’ve fallen in love with Key West thanks to this series, and I was happy to be back. Sadly, the mystery was very weak. Even the characters got frustrated by their lack of progress throughout the book. Plus, the victim was a little too evil, with a few things that felt thrown in just to make other characters feel virtuous. The book gets a little dark and edgy for a cozy as well. Finally, there’s a subplot that comes across as half-baked, the characters involved definitely deserved better. On the other hand, I really did enjoy the location and the series regulars. Nathan, Hayley’s husband, gets some good development thanks to a visit from his estranged father. If you are new to the series, this isn’t the book for you, but fans will enjoy catching up with the characters.
Hayley Snow has gotten roped into being a judge on a search for the top chef of Key West. However, when one of the judges is murdered after the first round, she begins to wonder if she’s in danger. Is someone determined enough to win to make sure the judges will vote for them?

The reality competition actually slows the plot down a little at times, but I still enjoyed this book. The very colorful assortment of characters kept me entertained, and I loved getting to see more of Hayley’s housemate, Miss Gloria.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Christopher Robin (2018)
Christopher Robin (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
I'm probably very bias when it comes to this movie, because I am a huge Winnie-the-Pooh fan, so I probably would have liked it no matter what. Basically, this movie was very much like Hook, only with Pooh bear.
I actually really liked the renders of Pooh and his friends, and how they looked more like the original drawings by Ernest Shepherd, rather than the Disney-fied version. Disney did not decide to go with modeling Christopher Robin on A.A. Milne's son, which, I was kind of ok with.
I thought all of the actors did a really good job. I'm a huge Hayley Atwell fan, and I was sad that she didn't get more screen time. Ewan MacGregor did very well, and his interactions with Pooh and his friends were pitch-perfect.
Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Killer Alligators and Buckets Of Blood
Crawl is a 2019 disaster/horror movie directed by Alexandre Aja and written by Michael and Shawn Rasmussen. It was produced by Sam Raimi and Craig J. Flores and also Ghost House Pictures and Raimi Productions with distribution by Paramount Pictures. The film stars Kaya Scodelario and Barry Pepper.

Beth advises her sister, Haley Keller (Kaya Scodelario), an aspiring University of Florida swimmer to get out of the state, because a Category 5 hurricane is nearing. Concerned for the safety of her father, Dave (Barry Pepper), she goes against police instructions to evacuate, and goes to check on him. Hayley finds Dave's truck at their old Coral Lake home, where she goes into the crawlspace underneath the home to find her father. Now they both find themselves in a struggle for survival as large, ravenous alligators block their escape and they race against time as flood waters rise.

This movie was pretty awesome and better than I thought it was going to be. It was surprisingly delightful the way they built suspense and kept the tension in scenes. It was also pretty brutal with the blood and gore in the kill scenes. Kayla Scodelario performed amazingly and was great as Hayley Keller. Definitely an action-packed blood soaked adventure. The special effects were a little too unrealistic for me, especially in the beginning, which I thought would have bothered me more; but the plight the characters were in was done in such a way, that it just really draws you in. I know a lot of people would probably criticize the alligators behavior in this film too but I'm sure that could be said of movies like Jaws as well. If you don't over analyze it, you'll allow yourself to enjoy a rather exhilarating experience. I give it a 8/10.

This movie was pretty awesome and better than I thought it was going to be. It was surprisingly delightful the way they built suspense and kept the tension in scenes. Kayla Scodelario performed amazingly and was great as Hayley Keller. Definitely an action-packed, blood soaked adventure. The special effects were a little too unrealistic for me, especiallywhich I thought would have bothered me more but the plight the characters were done in such a that it just really draws you in. I know a lot of people would probably criticize the way the alligators behavior in this film but I'm sure that could be said of movies like Jaws as well. If you don't analyze it too harshly you'll allow yourself to enjoy a rather exhilarating experience. I give it a 8/10.
Its Fantasy Fest time, a week and a half long party for adults on Key West leading up to Halloween. Hayley Snow is busy covering the event for the magazine where she works. Meanwhile, her mom is in Key West to get remarried. Then a woman dies and Hayley’s co-worker Danielle becomes the prime suspect. Oh yeah, and there’s a hurricane that might be heading to the island as well.

As you can see, there’s plenty to keep your interest. That kept the pages turning although I did feel it weakened the ending of the actual mystery a bit. That’s a minor complaint overall with the wonderful characters and the festive atmosphere of the island. If you need an arm chair vacation, this is the book for you.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Christopher Robin (2018)
Christopher Robin (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Pooh and the gang (0 more)
Hayley Atwell is very underused (1 more)
Not really much of a kids movie
A good dose of warm fuzzy feelings
After recently reading a fair few uncomplimentary critic reviews for Christopher Robin, I wasn't sure what to expect from this. But, I was actually pleasantly surprised. And my wife absolutely loved it!

The movie begins with Christopher Robin as the child we all know from the stories. He's having a farewell tea party with Pooh and the gang in the hundred acre wood - a chance to see this latest incarnation of them all, beautifully rendered, different from what we're used to, but still very familiar. Christopher Robin is leaving them to head off to boarding school, so it's going to be a while before we see them all again.

From there we quickly skip through the next few chapters of Christopher's life, while the opening credits play. Boarding school, the death of his father, meeting his wife (Hayley Atwell) and heading off to fight in the war, before returning home. We pick up again with him while working for Winslow, a luggage company. His manager (a brilliant performance from Mark Gatiss) is putting pressure on him to come up with cost saving measures, in order to save the failing company, and demands that he work the whole weekend in order to come up with a solution. Christopher was due to go away with his family that weekend to his childhood home in Sussex, so must let them down once again in favour of work. Hayley Atwell is greatly underused in this movie, but plays the disappointed wife very well. Daughter Madeline doesn't think her dad ever was a child as all he wants her to do is work hard in order to go to boarding school, read her boring books instead of fun books and work instead of play. He's a far cry from the young Christopher Robin we know.

The whole movie is very dark and gloomy looking, with bright vibrant Disney colours rarely to be seen, even more so in this first part of the movie. Aside from some small comedy moments, this isn't really a kids movie at all.

When Pooh arrives in London, seeking out Christopher Robin having lost Tigger and his other friends, the tone of the movie immediately changes. The wonderful, soothing, familiar voice of Jim Cummings bringing this silly old bear to life as he tries to adjust to Lon-don life. There are some wonderfully funny moments, full of heart, even more so when the whole gang are finally reunited and all causing chaos in London.

While never quite reaching the dizzyingly high standard set recently by the amazing Paddington 2, Christopher Robin still manages to provide you with a warm fuzzy feeling inside and a very funny, enjoyable experience. And with a lesson in making sure your embrace your inner child thrown in too!
Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
The dog is cute (0 more)
Pointless death scenes (0 more)
Florida, hurricane season! When dad wasn’t answering his phone, Hayley’s sister pleaded for her to go and check on him.

Hayley drove to her old family home to find dad unconscious in the crawl space underneath the building. But he was not alone! Alligators from the local alligator farm (as an English person, I don’t understand this concept) has managed to access this sub level and were causing some trouble!

Water levels were beginning to rise, and their time was running out! What follows is a loop of escape and then more gator run ins.

I expected a little more from this film, but as a fan of shoddy animal related, creature feature horrors, whilst it didn’t wow me, it was not boring! I had issues with how unrealistic they were acting dispute their injuries. The gators were mostly realistic. And the acting wasn’t awful. It was just a very middle of the range film.