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Pete Wareham recommended Girl Loves Me by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Girl Loves Me by David Bowie
Girl Loves Me by David Bowie
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I didn't get into him at all for ages. For years and years I just thought, what is all the fuss about?' I just could not get into it. And then one day someone said: ""Have you listened to Hunky Dory?"". I hadn't checked that out at all. I really got into Hunky Dory. I transcribed and analysed nearly all the songs on it. I got into Low, and I quite like 'Heroes', and Scary Monsters. But there's a lot of stuff I don't like. I could probably list 10 Bowie songs that I think are amazing, and the rest of it I'm not too bothered about. I'm really obsessed with him as a character, as an artist. To me he's incredibly impressive and really exciting, his relentless drive to reinvent himself. Probably one of the most inspiring people I can think of. But musically, it's not quite as abundant. That last album: it's quite weird. I was really into Death Grips, he was really into Death Grips, and Kendrick Lamaar as well. It's an album that owes a lot to those guys, but then it's also got a saxophone player on it. This track 'Girl Loves Me', he uses the language from Clockwork Orange. It's just a brilliant idea."

Reggie Heath has rented the offices that would be Sherlock Holmes address if he'd been, you know, real. Part of his lease involves answering the letters, a job he's assigned to younger brother Nigel. But one letter sends Nigel on a trip to Los Angeles with Reggie close behind. What has Nigel stumbled into?

I'm not a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, but I was intrigued by this book. Turned out to be a fun twisty read with good characters. It took a little bit to feel like I was part of the story, but once I got going, I couldn't put it down.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Erika (17788 KP) created a post

Nov 15, 2019  
The reason I haven't been as active this week because I was in New York. Not going to lie, I went there to catch Tom Hiddleston in Betrayal. I waited outside the stage door on the 12th, and they never came out. So, I returned the next night (after seeing the matinee), and they did come out. I got to meet Charlie Cox, Zawe Ashton and Tom Hiddleston. I did actually get a selfie (which I am not good at) with him, BUT, I was cursing my phone out because I thought it wasn't taking the picture. I would post it, but I look like such a dweeb. He looks amazing, as expected and damn, he's hotter IRL, and that hair is majestic...
Show all 7 comments.

Erika (17788 KP) Nov 16, 2019

Seriously, I can't even look at it, I'm so embarrassed. I should have asked for another one.


Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 16, 2019

Oh it's totally cool!

Hidden Fire (Elemental Mysteries #1)
Hidden Fire (Elemental Mysteries #1)
Elizabeth Hunter | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A phone call from an old friend sets Dr. Giovanni Vecchio back on the path of a mysterious manuscript he's hunted for over five hundred years. He never expected a young student librarian could be the key to unlock its secrets, nor could he have predicted the danger she would attract.

Now he and Beatrice De Novo follow a twisted maze that leads from the archives of a university library, though the fires of Renaissance Florence, and toward a confrontation hundreds of years in the making.

I really enjoyed reading this! Loved the discovery of witches vibe I got. The characters are brilliant I loved them flowed easy enough and I didn't want to put it down. Look forward to book 2.
Cold Pursuit (2019)
Cold Pursuit (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
I am so torn on how to review/rate this film. This film is a remake of a Norwegian film, and the setting is moved to Colorado. The director of this film is also Norwegian, and it is apparent that this is the case from the beautiful shots of scenery.
Basically, Liam Neeson's character is taking out a drug network after they OD his son. It is amusing when he's committing the crimes, which is a very weird thing to say.
I don't know if it's funny enough to be considered a black comedy, but there are amusing/awkwardly funny parts. Midway through the movie, another drug network is brought into the picture, and I'm not sure it was strictly necessary.
I have to give a shout out to Tom Bateman, who plays Viking. After I got over the weird/pretentious American accent he was rocking, he reminded me of a lot of the people I know with his... interesting... viewpoints and parenting habits. I can't figure out if I liked this film or not. I think the further removed I get from seeing it, the more I like it.
To All The Boys I&#039;ve Loved Before (2018)
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
I am genuinely surprised at how much I love this movie. Normally, I am a firm advocate for film adaptations sticking to the book and if they don't, I find myself getting really upset (Dumplin' is a great example of this), but I thoroughly love this movie. The changes that were made are ones that I love. I don't mind it not sticking to it entirely because the general feel of the story is still there. I get the same feeling watching the move that I got reading the book and I think that's most important.

Additionally, this cast is incredible. I love Lana Conder, I think she's incredible. I love almost everything Noah Centineo is in and he's the exact guy that I imagined for Peter. (Same with Lana and Lara Jean). I think that they have great chemistry and I'm excited to see how that plays out even further when the next movie comes out in February.

I really love this series. I know some people don't, I'm not sure why honestly, but I love it and I definitely see myself watching these movies every now and again when I just need a good, heartwarming love story.

Rick Astley recommended Highway to Hell by AC/DC in Music (curated)

Highway to Hell by AC/DC
Highway to Hell by AC/DC
1979 | Rock
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was about fifteen-years-old and I had just started playing drums and somebody played this album in its entirety on the radio. My Dad had a garden centre at the time and I used to sit in the pickup truck listening to the radio – you know, in its own bizarre way [at that age], you just want to be on your own. So I remember being in that van and the radio DJ saying something about AC/DC and they put it on – I was nailed to my seat. And I'm a drummer, I've always liked rock bands and I've got a mid-life crisis band with some friends – we're called The Luddites. We just play three-piece punk or rock. We murder some of the classics for charity – that's how we get away with it. We go from Sex Pistols to Clash to Foo Fighters to Kings of Leon and so on. Really anthemic songs! Those last two bands have got an odd place in a lot of people's music world – certainly that very guitar heavy rock sound of the Foo Fighters – you would be shocked at some of the people who are into this heavy rock sound. Certain people – a mom with three kids for example – are really into this music! But it's all melodically very strong. Where were we? Oh yes, AC/DC. I made a cassette of this album. I used to drum to this album. Phil Rudd was a monster on the drums. He doesn't do anything – he's the rock Ringo. Whatever he's done needs to be done. People take the piss out of Ringo but everything he did was where it should be. How did I change from being a drummer to a singer? I borrowed a guitar from a guy in the band and fumbled through a few chords and tried to write songs and I became the singer because of that."


Moses Boyd recommended Midnight Ravers by Bob Marley in Music (curated)

Midnight Ravers by Bob Marley
Midnight Ravers by Bob Marley
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think that tune is such a perfectly crafted piece of music. The funny thing is there's two mixes. There's the Jamaican mix, and the Jamaican mix is tough but I do like the other mix too. I got to work with Tony Platt who was like the engineer at a lot of those sessions and he was telling me all sorts of stories. And then what the song was about, when he was living in London and he was hanging around in Soho. It makes so much sense now because when I was really playing this a lot was when I was spending a lot of time in Soho, going to Ronnie Scott's, learning my craft, learning to play drums and jazz, going to clubs, hanging out ‘til 4am. So I felt it, I could picture him being there like ‘Rahtid…’ Everyone's been out on the night bus and seen something and think did that just happen? So I've always had an affinity with that particular track, sonically and content wise. I think people don't often talk about that side of Bob, and they’ve made him out to be this ganja-smoking, peace-loving guy, that’s not really what he's about. He's very political and does a lot of social commentary."

Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1)
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1)
Elana A. Mugdan | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1) by Elana A. Mugdan
Dragon Speaker is the first book in The Shadow War Saga, and we have DRAGONS, people!!! You know how I love me a dragon, and Thorion is just perfect. I want him for myself, which sucks because he's already bonded with Keriya, and he's fictional! Still, you know what I mean!

This is classed as young adult, but to be honest, I think 'some' young adults might be a bit confused as this world is complex, to say the least. Personally, I loved it, but then I'm as far from a young adult as you can get!

Keriya is fourteen, and hasn't had an easy time of it. Her village is superstitious, to say the least, and she has no magic, which makes her lower than low to them. When she goes on her vision quest, she is helped by Shivnath, their Dragon God. Shivnath tells Keriya what she must do, but gives no clues as to how to do it. This leads to an amazing story as Keriya tries to figure just who she can trust, and what she should do. She is helped by Fletcher, her best friend, and Roxanne, someone who got dragged into it by accident. It was great to see these relationships change and alter as the story went on.

There are romantic elements to this story, but it definitely takes second place behind the main part of the story. Plus, she's FOURTEEN!!! This was an amazing story that I devoured, and I can't wait to read more. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Club de Esquina by Milton Nascimento
Club de Esquina by Milton Nascimento
1972 | Classical, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember when we first got it I could only see the darkness of it. I couldn't get underneath it where all the light is. I was impermeable to it somehow. And one day, you wonder what happens, why did I not get this? One day the door opened and I received all of its beauty. I could not believe that I had not been able to hear it before. In terms of being a composer, for me Milton Nascimento is on the top shelf. There is such a power in the chord changes. He's got to be the king of those, in my world at least. What I like about music is that it's transformative and it's transporting, and I think he's my favourite transporter of all. You go on such journeys with his songs, and this is difficult to do. He obviously has a gift and also works very hard at it. He's very dedicated to his art. But I've rarely been so transported as when listening to this album, and I don't ask much more of music sometimes than just to be transported. I was not really aware of the lyrical content that much. The sleeve tells you a lot, for sure, about people struggling or just being resigned to certain conditions. I've been to Brazil a couple of times and you see quite a lot of poverty, but a lot of poorer people do own a big TV to watch the football on, and I didn't feel like 'oh my god this is about to explode', like I did in America in certain quarters. In some poor quarters of North America there is such tension, but I didn't feel the same tension in Brazil. It's more mellow even among the poorer classes. I know that it's very divided, with a lot of walls and high security buildings for the richer middle classes, but I felt that the poorer people weren't on the verge of rioting: somehow there was more acceptance. I don't know; obviously there are very complex societal issues, but this album captures a sense of joy and beauty and it's amazing to put that into music. We all have joy: it's inbuilt, and music can help us find that joy, that joi d'vivre."
