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Hubie Halloween (2020)
Hubie Halloween (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Mystery
A new Halloween classic?
First question: Is this a good movie? No
Second question: Is this movie funny? Yes

You can't go into this movie expecting it to be any more than it is. A comedy with Adam Sandler & his friends acting silly.

The story is silly, the characters are silly. It's typical Sandler. People are mean to him but he keeps on keeping on until he's the hero. At the end, I didn't feel his bullies got what they deserved, but Hubie, Sandler's character, gets what he deserves. And that's fine.

His movies are all about his character. The out-of-place loser that everyone hates or makes fun of. So, how does Hubie stack up? He's great. He's the Water Boy character but instead of water, he's into safety, especially during Halloween. But the thing that I really liked is that he was scared of everything, screaming at every little jump scare & some not even that. And every time he screamed, I laughed out loud. In fact, there were lots of things making me laugh at. Every shirt that Hubie's mother & her friend wore had me laugh like a kid. I think the part that made me laugh the loudest was the cat's reaction when Violet insults it. The secondary characters were all funny as well.

There were throw backs & Easter eggs to his other movies too, like the O'Doyles from Billy Madison or Ben Stiller from Happy Gillmore. But I don't want to give away any more of them, including the cameos from famous people.

So, in ending, yeah, it's not actually art, but it's damn funny. I was laughing throughout the whole thing. I could see myself watching this every Halloween. It's a new classic in my house.

Jackjack (877 KP) rated Heroes in TV

Apr 18, 2020  
2006 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
7.1 (86 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I loved it!
Me and my fiancé have been tackling this one for years we started watching two years ago but stopped, he isn't a t.v kinda guys and every movie is a struggle for him not to fall asleep! But we have finally got back round to it and got two episodes left!! I love superpowers and all that, just a little something to get lost in, A fantasy world where people can fly and heal and do all kinds of crazy things. This series is that and a whole lot more with evil villains the main one being sylar who is in it throughout, he's story becomes very repetitive but it is still good to watch, plenty of action given from the government with twists and turns around every corner, it's yet again a fight to survive. Brilliant series! If you have not yet seen it, it's definitely one to invest in.
Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So once again I was stuck for choice for what book to read next so I random number generated (RNG) it and got this, #22, which just shows you how old it is (2012).
I'm hoping my tastes haven't changed that much that I won't like it but we'll see what happens.

Okay, I'm going to DNF this at 35%. It wasn't that bad a story but as I mentioned in my status update, I can't help but picture Robert/Bob as some sort of Mexican thug/drug lord/drug runner with how he talks. I know he's from the wrong side of town but I'm sure they don't necessarily have to talk like he was doing. Then the fact he's in a gang...meh.

The main reason I'm not going to finish this is because I got a little bored. It was a bit too predictable. Bad boy, good girl. Meet, fall in love. Live happily ever after. Now if it had been the other way around; bad girl, good guy...then I might have stuck around for completion because I haven't read that situation often and I find it much more intriguing.

The characters were also a little strange in their actions. Stuff happened that a normal person would freak out about and instead our characters just sort of got on with life as if nothing had happened.

My taste in books has changed a fair bit in the three years since I downloaded this, when I downloaded almost everything that was free in the romance category.

I'm now going to go read something that I've paid for and actively sought out.

Not necessarily a bad book just not to my tastes.
Death on the Nile (2022)
Death on the Nile (2022)
2022 | Mystery
I really wanted to like this because I grew up on Agatha Christie books and watching the PBS Poirot series with my grandmother. I love Poirot and I like this book, but the screen adaptation is odd. There were strange decisions like including the character Bouc when he's not even in this book and having something happen to him that is not part of the story at all. The pacing felt off with the movie feeling boring and slow in some spots and then a few moments of interesting sprinkled here and there. There didn't seem to be a lot of chemistry among the cast and the actress with four credits to her career so far did a better job emoting and acting than longtime veterans. Branagh did great as Poirot, he was great in the first movie too, but the movie took so long to get going and then when it got to the big reveal it got better. It felt so uneven and I was disappointed. It's not a complete disaster, but it's not stellar either.

Mark Arm recommended Hendrix In The West by Jimi Hendrix in Music (curated)

Hendrix In The West by Jimi Hendrix
Hendrix In The West by Jimi Hendrix
1972 | Blues, Psychedelic, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I picked this mainly because most people are probably familiar with the regular three studio records that came out. I would hope they are. This record, Hendrix In The West, is a compilation of live versions. I think four songs are from this San Diego show in 1969 and shortly after that tour Noel Redding was out of the band so it was the last part of the Experience. There's a version of 'Spanish Castle Magic' on the record that is just so incredible, and the bass is distorted and driving. That song alone is worth the whole record. And if you can get your hands on it, there's actually a bootleg of that whole San Diego show and I recommend that, but Hendrix In The West is a little more accessible. My friend Darren who was the drummer in Mr. Epp, we were in high school and he had one of those portable eight-track players. I think he pretty much only had three eight-tracks I can remember, and one was Jimi Hendrix's Smash Hits and another was The Who: Live At Leeds and we would play those constantly. I've always been really impressed by Mitch Mitchell's drumming. It spoke to me. I think he's maybe the best drummer in rock & roll. I just love that kind of loose, fluid feel. It's not stiff, there's sort of a jazz thing going through it. It's really propulsive. Have you ever seen 'Message To Love', the Isle of Wight set that Hendrix plays? It's weird what happened to Mitch Mitchell over the years he was playing with Hendrix. In the early days he's sitting upright and playing like he does on the records but by that almost last performance he's got a double kick drum which he's just slumped over and his back is hunched and he's really low. It's like he isn't playing the beats at all, he's just playing around it. It's like he's become a rock version of Elvin Jones - it's crazy. Rock & roll has taken its toll on a lot of people. There's a bit in the Isle of Wight thing where a couple of songs in, Hendrix just goes behind the speakers and you can hear his guitar hitting shit. And he comes back out and he's on fire. The song ends and he says "I just woke up two minutes ago!" I was like: "Gee, I wonder what he was doing back there?""


Kurt Vile recommended Good Old Boys by Randy Newman in Music (curated)

Good Old Boys by Randy Newman
Good Old Boys by Randy Newman
1974 | Singer-Songwriter
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"And then after that I got into Good Old Boys, which is a more refined thing, and at first I was like, no, I like Sail Away better, but Good Old Boys: he'll be singing like a love song, like a song like 'Marie', best love song ever, but then if you listen close, he's like, ""I love you the first time I saw you, and I will always love you Marie"". And then you realise, y'know, ""I don't listen to a word you say, when you're in trouble I just turn away"". You realise it's a love song from an asshole, a Southern asshole basically! There's another song on there, called 'Guilty', and that killed me. You've got to listen to the lyrics on that song. He starts out: ""Yes, baby, I been drinking, and I shouldn't come by I know, but I found myself in trouble, and I had nowhere else to go"", but then the production's amazing, it just kicks in with the drums and he's like: ""Got some whisky from the barman, got some cocaine from a friend"", and then it builds up and builds up, he's talking to his girlfriend. He's obviously a shit and he's shown up drunk at her doorway, and the punchline at the end is: ""You know I just can't stand myself and it takes a whole lot of medicine for me to pretend that I'm somebody else."" It's incredible! He always mocked the singer-songwriter thing, even though he was inspired by it. I say that in his moments like 'Guilty' and 'Marie', he says it better than Bob Dylan or anybody, or even Neil Young; obviously they're still talented at being real, they're both clever, they can put you on psychedelically any time they want and say [their lyrics] mean something or not and give a very cool response - not too cool, they can just answer any way they want, just be immortal. But Randy Newman has the concise moment that hits you in the gut; sometimes, I think, he's nailed it better than Bob Dylan. I totally think it's important to have humour in records. That's my personality anyway, but that's the best thing you can do, really. Because I was sometimes sad or melancholy, but I think the people that just ran that home, like in the grunge era, fucking like Smashing Pumpkins - I liked them when I was a kid - or even Eddie Vedder - no offence on them really, but at the same time they're victims of thinking there was this movement, like in the '70s, that there was this utopian dream that they'd change the world, like Crosby or something. But it's too one-sided after a while. Like fucking darkness in grunge - I don't know, no relief whatsoever? It's bullshit, it's too one-sided, it's not the way life is: life isn't that fucked, but it is. I just think that people, when they get too dramatic, it comes off like a bummer."

Wizard, A True Star by Todd Rundgren
Wizard, A True Star by Todd Rundgren
1973 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is when I was at Art School, on foundation, in Winchester. I went early for the term that starts around May, wandered into town and the local record shop was having a sale. There were two records I bought cheap that day: A Wizard, A True Star by Todd Rundgren, and Can't Buy A Thrill by Steely Dan. Those two records I must've listened to a billion times. A Wizard, A True Star is a truly bonkers record. I don't know if someone who didn't know anything about Todd Rundgren could go back and listen to it today and get anything about it. It starts with 'International Feel' with this semi-cosmic synth riff, which goes down through beats into this song with really loud drums on it, and then peters out and suddenly it's the song from The Wizard Of Oz! But that's Rundgren, really. I just sat in my room and listened to it thinking ""this is fantastic!"" Mild hallucinogens may be useful in its appreciation. Mike Barnes, the journalist, is a friend of mine and a few years back we went to see Todd Rundgren play A Wizard, A True Star live in its entirety. And what Mike said about Todd is you just have to go with it, basically. It doesn't make any sense. It goes from the sublime to the ridiculous, and there almost seems to be no taste filter with Todd. There's a book called Todd Rundgren In The Studio, and he's supposed to be this studio wizard but you realise after reading it that he's completely slapdash! He's such a messy producer! He made a huge amount of money out of Bat Out Of Hell, but he got kicked off the project as a producer because they didn't like any of his mixes. But he believed in the project so much he invested in it, and ended up taking a percentage on it and made a fortune from it. That shows that he's someone who is smart but won't necessarily attend to details, and will still maintain goodwill towards a project he's been sacked from. I like that; I admire that."

Falling (Fall or Break, #1)
Falling (Fall or Break, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 37%

This had been on my Amazon wish-list for quite a while before I bought this and then even longer before I got around to reading it. (Another of those A-Z reading challenge reads.)

We start by learning about Malachi and how he's struggling to find a job and living with his sister and her rather mean husband who has a set of rules that Malachi must abide by if he wants to stay there. He does find Malachi a job and in the process Malachi meets the guy he's been obsessing over at the local shop. In rolls Harper, recently released from prison for a crime he didn't commit, he's renovating his old home with his dads money and Malachi ends up working on the house. They both have an attraction to the other but try to ignore it for their own reasons but it's impossible.

I don't know about this one. I can't say I ever really got into it. I carried on for a while longer but it never really...picked up for me. I didn't feel like I cared enough about the characters to carry on so I finally gave up.

The only thing I felt a little interested in was the fact that Harper had been put in prison for a crime he didn't commit and then spent ten years in prison, every appeal shot down in flames, because everyone thought he was guilty. I did feel like an injustice had been served and those two boys needed some sort of karma to come bite them in the arse for the lies they told.

And I liked that it was set in the UK. Most of the books I read are set in America so it's nice to read something set somewhere different.
The Hurricane Heist (2018)
The Hurricane Heist (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Well at least it lived up expectations
You know it's not a good sign when a film is released on Sky Cinema the same day it apparently comes out in actual cinemas (despite the fact it isn't showing anywhere local to me).

Yes this film is bad, but it just about verges on so bad it's vaguely entertaining for an hour or so. It reminds me a little of Sharknado (although Hurricane Heist is nowhere near as ridiculous), with the pretty poor CGI, terrible script and bad acting. Some of the Southern accents are hilarious, even you Toby Kebbell, and Maggie Grace is really not a good actress. And casting Ralph Ineson? He's a good actor but he's got bad guy stamped all over him which makes the first part of this story a tad predictable. I'd have been more surprised if he'd have turned out to be a good guy. The plot is silly although doesn't come across quite as farfetched as the trailer made out.

But despite all of this, it is partly entertaining brainless fodder, just don't go expecting too much.
Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine by James Brown
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first heard it when I was a little kid. I thought, ""What is this?"", trying to get my head around it. You've got to do a dance as a little kid to figure it out, and with all the most interesting stuff it takes you a while to get it. It's so fucking modern. You could pick a number of songs, but the architecture of those songs, it's like these super-tight rhythm sections and it doesn't really go anywhere. The groove is the thing. Sometimes he goes, ""Take it to the bridge!"" and they change it, but then they go back to the groove. It's not like a traditional song structure. The streamlined simplicity of it, and not being distracted by harmonic development, strikes me as being so revolutionary and modern. It makes me think of painting. Sometimes he's just groaning and yelping, and he's kind of like Jackson Pollock over this very tight structure, this kind of animalistic thing smeared across the song. You can see the connection to the blues, you can see the connection to early jazz, but he takes it somewhere else completely different."
