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The Prisoner of Second Avenue (1975)
The Prisoner of Second Avenue (1975)
1975 | Classics, Comedy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is a comedy?
Okay, let me start by saying I love Neil Simon movies.The Odd Couple ranks up there in my top 10. I love the Out-of-Towners, love Murder By Death, the Sunshine Boys & many of his other films. In fact, I can say I liked every one of his movies I have ever seen. This being said, I went into watching Prisoner thinking it would be a laugh-out-loud comedy. Instead, the movie borders on full-blown drama. Sure, there are quick one-liners thrown out from Jack Lemmon towards Anne Bancroft, but these seem more like insults than zingers. Throughout the film, every line I knew was supposed to be funny made me crack a smile, but there are no burst out laughing jokes.

I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for Mel Edison & his wife. But, instead I find him to over-react at every little thing. He's a weak little man who probably deserves a lot more than he got. You feel more sorry for his wife for having to put up with him. Then later on, when the roles are reversed, you could care less about either character. The funniest parts of the movie have to do with the radio announcements made throughout the film. But 5 or 6 of these cannot hold this film together as a comedy.

It's not a bad film, & it was somewhat enjoyable to watch. The acting by Lemmon & Bancroft is top notch. But it's just not funny enough.
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Mackenzi Lee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was excellent! First, all the diversity here - between the bisexual main character, his best friend, who is biracial, has an "invisible" disability, and also likes men (or at least likes Monty!) and his seemingly asexual sister - the book covers so many facets, it's great.

Given that it's historical fiction, set in Victorian Europe, Percy's biracial heritage has him just seen as black to most people they encounter. Monty doesn't seem to understand what that means, most of the time, and is a little blinded by his rich white boy privilege. He gets talked to a couple of times about how he's being blind to the problems his friend is facing.

I liked that we got to peek under Monty's playboy facade a few times, when being punched has him flashing back to being beaten by his father for being a "disappointment." An interaction between him and a pirate captain was particularly sweet, teaching him to fight back because he's worth defending.

I LOVE Felicity, Monty's sister, and I'm really eager to read her story in the sequel to this book, The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy. She is so badass, and incredibly intelligent.

The writing was fun, the action well-paced, and the dialogue clever. I was a little put off at first by the size of the book, but I flew through it quickly. I especially liked Monty's bisexuality - how he just cheerfully perved on practically everyone his age. It definitely reminded me of a few people I know!

Something that I noted, near the end of the book, was Percy not asking Monty to stop his perving. What he said was "if you ever go behind my back..." which implies as long as Percy knows, it's not an issue. Yay for non-monogamy being present in YA! It's nice to see alternative relationship structures being presented, though I wish it had been more than just implied.

This was an excellent read for Pride Month, and I loved the amount of diversity and intersectionality present in it.

You can find all my reviews at
Darius the Great is Not Okay
Darius the Great is Not Okay
Adib Khorram | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel got a lot of hype before and after its release - and it deserves it. It has great minority representation, from Persian (and bi-racial!) to Zoroastrian and Baha'i, to clinical depression and male friendship. You could also read gay and/or asexual into it, but that's not explicitly mentioned. Romantic love is just never addressed; perhaps because the story just doesn't involve it, but you could definitely read the main character as ace.

Darius is a great main character. He's funny, self-deprecating, and complex. He has clinical depression, is medicated for it, and can sometimes tell when it's the depression making him think a certain way, but sometimes he can't. He's biracial, visiting Iran and his mother's Persian family for the first time, and adjusting to Persian social norms and traditions while trying not to lose sight of his American life. His connection with his father is tenuous and fraught with miscommunication, and lot of the book is spent wrestling with that relationship. His new friend, Sohrab, is a great foil to that, as his father is completely absent from his life, having been arrested and thrown in jail prior to the start of the story, largely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and being part of a minority religion.

There are so many small things touched on this book - suspicion at customs when flying through, bullying at school for being Persian, not speaking his family's language because his mother didn't teach it to him (and feeling cut off because of it) - all little things that a lot of immigrant children deal with.

Aside from the cultural things the book addresses, there's also the mental health aspect. Both Darius and his father have clinical depression, and there's stigma attached to having the diagnosis, and to taking pills for it. We see how their mental states affects their relationship with each other and with the rest of their family, and it's quite powerful. The author talks about having clinical depression in an afterword, and includes some resources that helped him. This is an #ownvoices novel in more ways than one, and it really shows. Excellent book.

You can find all my reviews at

Joey Santiago recommended Highway to Hell by AC/DC in Music (curated)

Highway to Hell by AC/DC
Highway to Hell by AC/DC
1979 | Rock
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My first concert! I rode my bike to the city, because I lived in the suburbs and I tried to meet Angus Young outside the tour bus, asking the security guy, [imitates younger self] "Can I meet Angus Young?" "No, he's not here!" "Hey dude! What the fuck?! Don't talk to me like that, I bought a ticket!" Also, it was my first experience of how loud - it was the loudest shit I've ever heard! And in the suburbs, they were a dangerous band. It was like, "Oh fuck, the devil", it kind of made Kiss look tame, and it just powers. And when Angus Young solos, it's just magic. I saw them on that tour when Bon Scott had died; he'd just died and Brian Johnson had just taken over, and I was totally sceptical, and then it was like, "Oh, he's fucking good!" And actually, when Kim left the band, and we're going, "Aw shit, we're fucked", and we're talking about what we're going to do, and then we're like, "Fucking AC/DC replaced the fucking lead singer! We can do this! [sombrely] We shall overcome!" And we thought about replacing Kim with a dude, and then we went, "What?! They replaced Bon Scott with a guy that sounds exactly like Bon Scott! Let's not break the plate! We're not broken, we're not broken at all. Give me a fucking break." So I was totally adamant [laughs]! Song two ['Girls Got Rhythm'], it's like: "SEX!" It's about "SEX!" It's not like Foreigner, where it's obvious but it's fucking stupid - come on, you can do better than that! It's like, "I want to have sex with you, what's the problem?" I think it's the ultimate way to get attention: "Come on, we're not here to meet up, let's cut to the chase. I'm not going to waste your time, don't waste my time! Let's fuck, come on, I don't have time for this!" [laughs]"

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Marissa Meyer | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
There's going to be spoilers in the review, so be warned.

Marissa Meyer did it again! I have to say this series is a lot better than I had expected it to be. Since it is a book of fairy tale retellings, I expected it to be, not gonna lie, cliche as hell, but it isn't. Though it ties in aspects of the original fairy tales, they are still such separate things that I don't see it as a retelling as much.

Now, the introduction of the new characters, particularly Cress, Jacin, and Winter, was amazing. I love each of them in their own ways because they are not what one would expect them to be.

Cress is just a little ball of happy. I would not have expected her to be so lovely, especially after being mistreated for so much of her life! The little scenarios she makes up in order to get through each situation are just precious and super smart, if I am being completely honest! Cress is strong despite what she looks like. She has the capability of hacking anything she wishes, but even more that that, she is thrown (literally) to Earth after spending seven years basically in isolation and has to learn how to survive and keep another person (who she has a major crush on) alive as well. That's a lot to ask of a girl, but she does it with a smile on her face. If that isn't strength, then I don't know what is.

Then we go onto Jacin Clay. Now this boy is an enigma that I just can't quite figure out yet, but I have a feeling that I will in the next book. So he is a shell in the employ of Sybil, and therefore the queen, but kind of wants to rebel against them because he is in love with the princess, Winter. It gets confusing because Cinder thinks he is a supporter of Selene (her) instead of thinking of the more obvious choice. Jacin seems like he's going to be a pretty okay character, but we haven't gotten enough interaction with him for me to sort him out. There was that last scene in the book where he says he was on the Queen's side the whole time, but I don't think he's telling the truth. There's just something about him that seems trustworthy, and maybe that's myself being too naive, but I want to like him.

Finally, for the new characters, we get to Winter. She seems like a sweet girl, although going a bit mad, but understandably so. She, too, is a captive to the queen, and though it may seem that she has it better because she gets to be on Luna, that also means she is under constant scrutiny. We only get to see her really in one scene, so I can't wait to see what will come of her in the next book!

I loved getting to see all of the old characters again. Thorne is such a romantic loser, I love him so much. He just wants to act all tough, but he's got a major soft spot for Cress and Cinder. Speaking of, Cinder is getting more badass, which I appreciate. She's got some good plans too, so I want to see how that all pans out. Scarlet needs to be rescued ASAP. I need her and Wolf to be besties (and in a relationship forever because, yeah). Wolf needs to be happy, in general.

Now, I'm giving Kai his own paragraph because he is actually doing things in this book. Yay for active King!! Yes, he makes some stupid mistakes. And yes, he got misinformation about Princess Selene, but holy crap he got close to the truth! I am just happy he is taking action, but especially that he and Cinder are in the same space again. (get I crack myself up). No, but really, the laws he is trying to impose are sound and I stand by them. He is acknowledging the wrongs that have been put into place and is trying to change them for the better, all while sacrificing his own happiness for his country, and inevitably, the world. Go Kai!

I cannot wait to read the next book (but I have to buy it first!!)!!

Graham Lewis recommended After the Gold Rush by Neil Young in Music (curated)

After the Gold Rush by Neil Young
After the Gold Rush by Neil Young
1970 | Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard this when I was living up in the North East by listening to Kid Jensen. I had On The Beach, but hearing After The Gold Rush... Somehow Jensen had it, it was released in the States before it came to Europe, and I remember being really impressed by the sound and content. I think Neil Young is an example of somebody who is successful and very curious, and I think the freedom that he got, financial freedom as much as anything, he took that and turned it into his obsessions, his railway collections and whatever else. That meant he could go, 'I can do what I want to do, so I will'. It's still the tone on the guitar, and the two-note guitar solo, it's astonishing. Why have more when you can sound that good? He's in Wire's minimalism, and you can see his influence go right through - I'm not saying people are trying to emulate him, but you can see it in Earth, in Sunn O))), it's there. The only person who is comparable, and they're totally different, is Scott Walker. It's this obsessive curiosity of wanting to find out what would happen if I do that or apply this to this. And courting failure; publish and be damned. In that way I was going to name him, because I couldn't have Blue by Joni Mitchell. Look I've snuck that one in there. The happy thing with being in Wire was that we could talk about these records, because there was more to life than punk's ground zero, or whatever it was supposed to be. How many great punk records are there? First Ramones album? You know what I mean."

Everything (Songbird, #3)
Everything (Songbird, #3)
Melissa Pearl | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything is the third book in the Songbird Series and is about the baby of the 3 - Jody. She was the one who was always bubbly and positive but that changed when she went to college, fell in love with the wrong man, got pregnant and had to put her life on hold. Instead of moving forwards, she finds herself moving back home to her father as she tries to cope with having a young baby whilst being so very young herself.

The thing I loved about this book is that Jody feels sorry for herself at times, but she doesn't wallow in it. Feeling sorry for yourself when things get on top of you - especially when you're dealing with the constant tiredness that comes with a newborn! - is only natural. She has her moment and then tries to think of what she can do to change matters. She's afraid to go it alone but is also prepared to face that fear to make a better life for herself and her daughter.

Leo has his own struggles to deal with and does sort of have an ulterior motive when offering Jody a place to live and a job, but he doesn't act on anything. He gives Jody the space and confidence she needs to stand tall. Of course, the fact that he's completely in love with Angelia is completely irrelevant ;)

This is a wonderful story which can be read as a standalone but I personally would recommend reading the whole series, simply because you're missing out on two other fantastic books if you don't read them.

Highly recommended for all fans of Contemporary Romance.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 7, 2016
Strike a Pose (Model Love, #1)
Strike a Pose (Model Love, #1)
Jackie North | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A city-country story with all the emotions.
STRIKE A POSE is one of the stories in the multi-author series, Model Love, and we return to Farthingdale Ranch. Sid is one of the ranch hands, working to help pay for his sister to attend college. Heston is one of the models used for a Western photography session. Sid helps Heston wear his cowboy hat correctly and gets snapped in a couple of photos. When the photos turn out to be too poor to use, the owner spots Sid and wants him as a model - for just two weeks. This would help pay for two years of college so, of course, Sid says yes.

Oh, man. This story! It really was a case of opposites attract. Sid was the naïve innocent from the country, and Heston was the worldly-wise (or is that -weary?) one to show him the ropes. The connection between the two was there from the get-go but neither of them acted on it for the longest time. Or at least, that's how it felt! Those kisses in the rain though! Phew, there was steam coming off my kindle. I loved seeing their relationship grow and develop into something worth keeping. The circumstances around that were sad, but I'm glad it happened (in a way) as I was worried about how they would stay together.

A fantastic return to Farthingdale Ranch and all the people who live there. I'm so glad that Sid got his story. And he's not Loud-Mouth Sid at all! Grrr!!!!! A city-country story with all the emotions, highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
American Made (2017)
American Made (2017)
2017 | Mystery
Tom Cruise! (0 more)
A fun, entertaining movie
Anytime I mention to my family that I'm going to see a Tom Cruise movie, they roll their eyes and take the piss. The words 'man crush' are used, and I just take it on the chin (sometimes). The truth is though, many of my favourite movies are Tom Cruise movies. I'm not a fan of his earlier stuff (my wife is the complete opposite), but I pretty much love anything after his Vanilla Sky/Magnolia days. And he's clearly a hell of a nice guy outside of the movies too, despite what anything thinks about his religious beliefs. But then he went and made The Mummy earlier this year - a serious dip in Cruise quality. Can American Made be the movie to get him back on track?

It certainly is an idea role for Cruise. Based on a true story, Cruise plays Barry Seal. Top pilot for TWA and bored of the same old routine day in, day out. When his co-pilot and passengers are all asleep during a flight, he relieves the monotony by faking some heavy turbulence in order to wake them all up, but it's not enough. So, when he's approached by CIA agent Schafer (Domhnall Gleeson) to work for them, flying exciting reconnaissance missions over South America, he jumps at the chance. And then during a refueling stop in Colombia, Seal is recruited by Pablo Escobar's drug cartel, who offer to pay him $2000 for each kilo of cocaine he can carry from Columbia to Louisiana. Then he begins flying guns from Arkansas to Nicaragua while still continuing the drugs runs. Seal finds himself with more money than he can spend, burying bags of it in his backyard and piling it up in wardrobes. He can't turn around without bumping into money, and all the while the stakes are getting higher, the potential consequences of his actions increasing.

Caught up in among all of this are Seals wife and kids. Finding themselves woken by him at 4am and being told they need to move home before their house is raided at 6am, before gradually adjusting to their new, increasingly expensive lifestyle. We never quite get to spend enough time with that part of Barry's life, taking a backseat instead to the roller coaster thrill seeking that he's got himself wrapped up in outside of home.

Cruise charms and grins his way through all of this perfectly. Obviously he did all of the flying scenes himself and he must have had a real blast making this movie. There's a good deal of humour throughout and the use of film grain, handheld cameras and Kodak style lighting help to give it a real 70s-80s feel to match the era it's set in. A fun, entertaining movie and a return to form for Mr Cruise!
Rescuing Norah (Corrupted #1)
Rescuing Norah (Corrupted #1)
J. W. Ashley | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
116 of 200
Rescuing Norah ( Corrupted book 1)
By J.W. Ashley

Sometimes the people we think we know, turn out to be someone else entirely.For Norah, running into a handsome young benefactor had never been in the cards. After being raised in shelters, she never expected to meet her own prince charming. So when Clayton Matthews turned his attention on her, she never looked back.But as the years pass, Norah's seemingly perfect life begins to unravel, revealing a much more sinister side to the man she's promised to marry.After losing his job on a technicality, Harley is determined to redeem himself in the eyes of the Seattle PD.Taking down one of Seattle's biggest crime bosses would be a damn good way to start, but as a Mercenary working for an off-the-books firm he's got his work cut out for him.On the night he's set to present his evidence, everything changes, and he finds himself on the run with none other than his target's beautiful fiancee.And as the game of cat and mouse turns deadly, Harley finds himself torn between duty and the intense attraction he feels for a woman he should hate.Rescuing Norah is the first in a series of intertwined suspense novels where the threat gets bigger, the sparks burn hotter, and the only thing standing in the way of victory is the bulls-eye painted on their backs.

This was a bit of a surprise for as I didn’t expect it to be as good as it was! Full of action a little romance and a very solid storyline! It definitely had you rooting for the good guys and booing the baddies. Loved the little twist with Norah and Gerry very sweet!