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Dune 2 (2024)
Dune 2 (2024)
2024 | Sci-Fi
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dennis Villeneuve averred Part 2 of a single book, part 1 viewed as a risk released in the middle of a COVID pandemic and with no guarantee there would ever be a part 2 (which was then further delayed by an actors strike), this very much benefits from having all the world (galaxy) building done in the previous installment.

This picks up almost exactly from the end of Part 1, with Paul Atreides and his mother Jessica having survived the Harkonnen attack on his family and now in the company of the Fremen of Arrakis.

So there's more time for intergalactic politicking and action sequences this time round - some of which are very impressive - as Paul and Jessica seek to assimilate into the Fremen culture and with Paul initially fighting against their belief he could be their Messiah (I kept thinking "he's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy") but also still seeking revenge in the Harkonnens and on the Emperor who precipitated/allowed the attack in the first place.

I also kept seeing where that *other* space opera got their inspiration for the Empire and the Rebellion from.
Her Secret Inheritance (Isobel Key #2)
Her Secret Inheritance (Isobel Key #2)
Jen McConnel | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So life has gone full circle for Lou and she is returning to the place where she found herself 5 years ago. She has grown up and achieved much during those years but she still wonders what will happen if she happens to run into Brian. Let me tell you, sparks fly! Brian is not the same, easy going laddie that he used to be and yes, some of that is Lou's fault - if you can call it that as she just wasn't ready to settle down. I think I actually like Brian a bit more in this book because he's grown into such a strong character. He still has feelings and compassion but now he won't let anyone, even Lou, tell him what he's got to do.

This story is compact but still full of action. It is very well written and comes to a satisfying conclusion. The characters have more depth which makes them more engaging than ever. A perfect sequel to The Secret of Isobel Key. The only problem I have is that I still want more! ;)
Magic in the Moonlight (2014)
Magic in the Moonlight (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘯. A movie that has no reason for existing, does virtually nothing more except over-explain the movie to you - leaving nothing else behind to chew on. Not just slight but good *Lord* is it ever drab. Yet another Woody Allen film where Stone falls for an unlikable, pompous asshole who thinks he's genius because he tells everyone else they're stupid and recites the same misanthropic bullshit you can find on those awful pre-commentary videos on YouTube from 2013 - except in this one he never perks up and the plot forgets to happen. And that's all not to mention how this is easily nu-Allen's crummiest looking movie. Has a few good moments, Stone is dependably sterling, and it's got a hell of a twist/reveal - but can this guy quit taking beyond excellent premises and spinning them into mostly wack fluff? Granted this is the first of his films I've disliked, but he's toed the line more times than once. The Firth dialogue is near as insufferable and amateurish as Allen has been - real thesaurus abuse going on. Starts off agreeable but soon after becomes a hell of a bore, pretty sure I checked out of 18 of the last 20 minutes.
If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5)
If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5)
Rachel Vincent | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well I feel I have to say that this isn't my favourite series in the world...but I think this has been the best books so far.

Maybe it was the whole Kaylee and Tod thing, which I've been rooting for since early on, or something else that I cant put my finger on, but I enjoyed this one more than the previous.

Nash annoyed me no end in this, I know he's angry and upset but really? I thought you'd got it all out of your system in the last one! You've gone down in my expectations, I'm afraid.

Sabine wasn't as bitchy as usual; she actually helped Kaylee for a change instead of making stuff harder for her.

Book 6 is on hiatus for a bit until I read other books that I just cant wait to read (sorry Before I Wake, nothing personal)

speaker357 (212 KP) rated The Greatest Showman (2017) in Movies

Oct 2, 2018 (Updated Jun 14, 2019)  
The Greatest Showman (2017)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
2017 | Drama, Musical
Hugh Jackman singing again! (2 more)
Circus oddities!
Broadway music.
Michelle Williams (Honestly, I just don't like her.) (1 more)
Too family friendly to truly paint Barnum's character.
A glance into the antics of P.T. Barnum
I do genuinely enjoy this movie, it's got a really great story that starts with a adolescent Barnum realizing what may be his calling all while pursuing a young girl. As the story progresses he begins to use the methods which gave him the prestige he's earned.

For the most part I believe that this is pretty close to the truth. Missing some of the few antics that I recalled from reading the "48 Laws of Power."

Overall, I think I wish that they showed the true colors of Barnum.

Cee-Lo Green recommended Let's Stay Together by Al Green in Music (curated)

Let's Stay Together by Al Green
Let's Stay Together by Al Green
1972 | Dance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'm the step-son of Al Green, so that's my father in many ways. Let's Stay Together has that tom-snare that just gave it this whole deadpan quality, and then there's the organ work. It sounds like church. What's so special about the organ is that it's got that dichotomy about it. It can sound absolutely angelic or downright evil all at the same time. It's the only instrument can sound like that to me. And they made good use of it. He used the same sounds, the same producer, the whole way through; it's not like records today where people use this producer or that producer. That's what I was able to acquire with Danger Mouse. Al Green is everything. He's everything that I am."

Iced (Fever, #6)
Iced (Fever, #6)
Karen Marie Moning | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the original 5 books in this series and when I discovered this book with Dani as the lead character I was a little wary. It had been quite a few years since I read the books and I'd forgotten quite a bit of what happened other than Mac and Barron's relationship. But when this popped up at 99p on Amazon several years ago now I just had to buy it. I also managed to snag Burned - book 7 - for 99p too.

Anyway, back to this.

First off, I really liked Ryodan in this. He is a bad-arse and I And Dani grew on me a lot, too, for a 14 year old know-it-all/think-she-knows-best teenager.

Second, I should probably point out that this is NOT a romance book as such. Two men have designs on her but are willing to wait until she grows up - since she's just 14. But I've always liked this series, so I had to read this.

So Dani is coerced into working for Ryodan, as an investigator, after turning him down several times until he finds someone as leverage against her. Something is happening at various spots around Dublin, with people freezing in the middle of whatever they're doing, dying instantly. With Dani's abilities - super speed, super hearing, etc - Ryodan thinks she could be helpful in figuring out what's happening and so the story begins.

I liked the camaraderie between Dani and Ryodan, whether he was threatening her half the time or she was royally winding him up. They made me smile like a lunatic for most of the book. I also enjoyed seeing bits from both of their POV. We know Ryodan is willing to wait for Dani to get older before he tries anything with her but he does see something in her worth keeping her alive - because he is a bad-arse and could kill her quite easily if she annoyed him enough, let's face it! - so I'm looking forward to that bit in future books.

Now Christian, he freaked me out a bit. Fair enough, he's not quite got control of himself but the Unseelie Prince side of him is creepy as. He's the other guy who's after Dani but if she's got any sense she'd run a mile.

Lor was another character I grew to like. He's one of Ryodan's men whose job it is to keep an eye on Dani for a lot of the book. He's certainly a character and I'm looking forward to reading more of him.

I think I may have to read book 7 - Burned - straight after this one to see what happened next with this group of...friends? Especially with Mac and Dani at the end!
Stranded with the Secret Billionaire
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Stranded with the Secret Billionaire by Marion Lennox
Jilted heiress Penny Hindmarsh-Firth has set her broken heart on escaping high society city life. But she’s trapped by floods in the Outback, and a handsome stranger on horseback comes to her rescue!

After a betrayal shattered his life Matt Fraser withdrew from the world—but he can’t deny Penny refuge. This secret billionaire is reluctantly intrigued as the society princess begins proving there’s more to her than meets the eye…

The reason I have only given it 3 as it was okay but it just didn't grab me like the other Mills and Boon books I have read in the past. I feel I have grown up and want more out the book. I felt I want more from the characters and see more of their emotions. Doesn't mean I didn't like the plot where she was stranded with a secret billionaire Matt he seemed kind and cared for Penny's safety and respected her.

I loved how he was open he was in a relationship before and had a child with her and he was willing to change the house so he's daughter could stay. Penny brought he's emotion out more and got him fighting to see he's daughter more.

I loved how Penny didn't really care that he's a billionaire she didn't fall in love with him for he's money she just felt safe with him and she can be herself around him. I will read more Mills and Boon books and get back into them.

Check the book out for yourself.

Thanks for reading x
Passion Unleashed (Demonica #3)
Passion Unleashed (Demonica #3)
Larissa Ione | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read book 1 (Pleasure Unbound) and book 2 (Desire Unchained) not that long ago and got really invested in this group of brothers and their friends.

Like the others before, this one starts with some action. Wraith is hunting gang members that belong to a vampire led gang when he gets poisoned by a mysterious someone. And it seems he can't be healed unless he sleeps with a certain virgin with Aegis connections who holds a charm that can save his life. Of course, there's a downside to that--Serena will die without it.

I liked how Wraith changed in this. He's gone from some rather self destructive guy, who holds himself back from everyone, to one who starts to soften and admit he cares for people. We see his insecurities and his fears and I started to feel for him. To truly like him. He's not had the greatest life, not until he met his brothers anyway.

I loved the globe-trotting aspect to this one with Serena's Tomb Raider type skills. We spend a while in Egypt as she looks for two artefacts that the Aegis are hoping will stop the unrest in the demon population and Sheoul.

Gem and Kynan's romance returns in this one--after his disappearance at the end of the last book--and I have been eating it up! It's been three books brewing now, so it's about time they finally got together. Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly and for several pages I wanted to cry.

And what do you know? Another sibling pops up in this one, and it appears his story is next in the series. I don't know if I'll be going straight into book 4 or take a break now that the original trio have found their special someone.
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I read the first three books in this series a few months ago and got drawn into it quite quickly. The trio of friends grew on me a lot and I liked how they pulled Tori into their ranks and protected her from whatever dangers seem to follow them all around.

This one was no different with all the Guilds being put on a high alert after a warning of a loose demon in the area. Every member is given tasks and go out hunting for the rogue creature. As this one seems to be taking place around Halloween and Tori seems to find herself organising a Halloween Party she needs to head out and pick up some food she's ordered, only to find herself and Ezra being hunted by the demon. Only it seems the demon wants Ezra more than her anyone else...

I won't go into any more detail as that would totally ruin the story but we learn a lot more about Ezra in this. He takes a lot more of the spotlight and I enjoyed seeing more of him. It's definitely a bit of a surprise but he's still the gentle, sweet Ezra unless you royally pee him off

This has got a slight romance arc in it. She got together with Aaron in the second book, I think?, but they went their separate ways in the last one. She's always had a connection with Ezra and that grew in this one with them having a few moments where something flared.

I will definitely be reading the next one to see what other trouble this quartet get up to and to see if anything comes of her growing feelings for Ezra.