Medical and Education
Top 5 medical apps in, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Russia, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina,...

The Recovery Letters: Addressed to People Experiencing Depression
Olivia Sagan, James Withey and Tom Couser
In 2012, The Recovery Letters was launched to host a series of letters online written by people...

Microeconomics: Principles and Policy
William J. Baumol and Alan S. Blinder
Master the principles of economics, and gain an understanding of current economic situations with...

Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement
Jeanne M. Persuit and Christina L. McDowell Marinchak
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a holistic approach to the areas of advertising, public...
Science, Technology and Society in the Third World: An Annotated Bibliography
D. Stephen Voss, Carl L. Bankston and Wesley Shrum
This reference source lists and summarizes nearly one thousand English-language articles and books...
Designing Sustainable Communities
Innovation in planning is essential to dealing with the challenges society currently faces, from...

Essential Mathematics for Science and Technology
This is an entry level text for a wide range of courses in computer science, medicine, health...