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Israel - God's Heart
Ron Gafni | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this little book! It's full of beautiful, vibrant pictures and I can't say enough how much I loved looking at all of them. It's not a big book, small and perfect for your end table or coffee table. God's beautiful land in Israel is wonderfully portrayed in this eye catching book. 

With pictures taken of history, sometimes on land and sometimes aerial, this book gives the reader some Scripture and details about the pictures to coincide. As I looked through this wonderful little book, I felt like I was able to visit the Holy Land without leaving my home. It was so beautiful to see. God's Heart is a wonderful way to describe what I saw in the pages of this book. 

This is definitely a 4 star book that I would recommend to those who love pictures of different places. The photos are crisp and detailed, leaving you feeling as though you are the one that took the picture, like you are the one that was there. I would love to see more books like this one to lay out so my guests can enjoy them as much as me! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2 in TV

May 28, 2019 (Updated May 28, 2019)  
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2
2019 | Sci-Fi
Action (1 more)
Some strong characters
Story-lines (0 more)
Fall off in form - more of a set up for Season 3....
I enjoyed the first series of this Trek spin off so went into season 2 hoping for a lot. It managed to tackle some of the troublesome storylines but it felt like the characters had lost some of the punchyness that made the first series shine.

In this series we get a lot of Spock (not entirely sold on the acting of Ethan Peck) who must face his past along with his estranged sister Michael Burnham. As well as Captain Pike (played very well by Anson Mount) taking control of Discovery to investigate a series of odd red signals that have being appearing across the universe.

Stories involving time travel are often problematic and unlike the Series 1 mirror universe storyline the time travel aspect in this was clumsy. The AI threat was also not that thrilling for me and left too many questions unanswered.

There seemed to be a much more mopy, exploring feelings and relationships, feel to this series that I think that let it down. The action was great but characters seemed to feel it was necessary to have a heart to heart in the middle of a time critical mission - GET ON WITH IT FFS!!!

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Beast in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Abbott Savage is very mercurial. But one constant in his life has been his love for London. He loves her so much that he knows he's not right for her. Giving her to his best friend, Kyle. Now Kyle has died and London is pregnant with his child. What is Abbott to do? He doesn't want anyone else to take care of London, but he has so many demons in his past, he's not sure if he can take care of her himself.

Thank you to C.M. Seabrook for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I wish I would have known that this was part of a series, now I want to read the rest of the Savage's stories.

Abbott is also known as The Beast of Port Clover. He's a boxer, who uses his fists inside and outside of the ring. The only constant in his life is London. She's been in his life for most of it and knows his heart better than anyone. Can Abbott put his life of debauchery aside in order to get the girl he's always wanted? In this book, I really felt for Abbott. His heart is damaged from his own doing and he doesn't see that it can be healed.

I will definitely go and read the rest of this series.
The Beach Trees
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a book I received that was personally recommended by the foxedbox and they are amazing at what they do. They are one of the best at getting your information and recommending you some of the best books that are out there.

I loved this book more than I thought I would. It was about a young woman who finds herself suddenly as a guardian to a 5-year-old boy because her friend, his mother, dies from a weak heart/heart problems/defects and how she goes back to her friend's home to honor her friend's wishes.

Along the way, she meets and connects with her friend's family, finds peace with her own family/personal issues and finds some sweet romance too. It takes place in/around New Orleans and mentions some about Hurricane Katrina and rebuilding and what it takes to put roots down and to commit and rebuild after storms in life and such. There's an intriguing story and mystery woven throughout the story between the past and the present and I couldn't get enough of it - I felt as if I was transported there lost in the story sometimes and had a hard time putting it down until it was over.

Now that I'm done reading it, I want to read more - it was SO good!!!
Unravelling Oliver
Unravelling Oliver
Liz Nugent | 2015 | Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why must I be disappointed by books I’m so eager to read? I didn’t end up loving this novel as much as I would have liked to, but I didn’t exactly hate it.

This novel started strong. It’s first line, “I expected more of a reaction the first time I hit her“, is brutal and shocking, it lures you in in an instant. What I expected to follow was a taut, heart racing novel about why such a “loving husband” would beat his wife into a coma. And, I guess I got the “why” bit, but I didn’t get the taut, heart racing bit. It was snail pace and didn’t really get exciting until the very end.

I saw another reviewer talk about the lack of character in the characters in the novel and she’s right. Considering this whole book was a character study, the people we got to study weren’t that special. I was most interested in Veronique so I was glad she had a good few chapters to herself, but I wasn’t particularly interested in reading about what other people thought of Oliver. Even Oliver’s own chapters could get irritating.

I can’t fault the writing in this one. For a debut, it’s really good! If you connected with the characters, the writing could definitely put you in their shoes and make you feel exactly how they felt, but because I didn’t connect with anyone, I didn’t get that pleasure. All I know is that the descriptions were realistic and insightful.

Obviously the plot for this one was what interested me and it sounded like a great story. Unfortunately it was too slow in revealing it’s secrets to keep my interest high, and so I began losing interest about the halfway mark. This was a short book but it felt long. I know we were supposed to get to know Oliver and all his troubles and worries in life, but it all felt like waffle. There were no definitive markers in this book to signify any sort of middle event that would lead us to the end event and so until the plot finally revealed itself this felt like one long biography of Oliver, with not a lot going on.

To give this novel credit, elements of the plot and the reveal are very unique to other books I’ve read. And I read a lot of this kinds of books. I suppose you could say the “why” in this book isn’t as dark as you would originally think. It’s almost trivial, I guess.

I sound a bit negative in this review but that’s just because I was so excited about reading it in the first place. In the end, a 3 star rating isn’t the worst thing ever, it’s just not great.

<i>Thank you so much to Ali @The Sunday Feeling for sending me your copy to read!</i>

Dalton (3 KP) rated Brotherly Love in Books

Sep 24, 2017  
Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love
Dalton Giesick | 2017 | Biography, Children, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
The US Review of Books
Contains spoilers, click to show
Brotherly Love
by Dalton Giesick
Trafford Publishing
reviewed by Omar Figueras

"When Dayton was hammering the staples into the wood, Grandpa cut a window on each end. Then he made a door for us... Our clubhouse was fin."

Dalton Giesick's short memoir Brotherly Love depicts the author's e'rly childhood years, being the all too brief moment in time that he was able to spend with his little brother, Dayton. The book describes those early years in a fleeting but endearing way. At the center of the story is the family's relocation to Colorado, the boys' moving in with their grandparents during that short duration, and the heart-wrenching changes the family endures once they have moved out West.

Part coming of age story and part eulogy, Giesick's treatment of his subject is heart-felt and gentle. His book is a sweet and tender read and the author's presentation of his memories of Dayton is much in tune with how an adult would treat a young child. A quick, yet powerful read, Giesick's writing is strong and tight. There are foreboding moments embedded throughout the story alluding to Dayton's disappearance; however, this tragedy occurs at the end of the story where the author's dreadful imaginings become his harsh reality. Although anticipated, the last revelation is both unexpected to the narrator and reader.

A tribute to a little boy with a large heart and an even bigger soul, Brotherly Love is a big brother's beautiful telling of the precious and too brief an instant he spent in the company of his little brother. Although short, the time that the author spent with Dayton was deeply transformative for himself, and by telling his story the author was able to provide this transformation for his readers.
The Hope Jar (The Prayer Jars #1)
The Hope Jar (The Prayer Jars #1)
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As you all know, I'm huge fan of Wanda Brunstetter. Not one of her books left me disappointed. So, to say I was excited about the start of this new series , is quite the understatement. The more I saw about it on Mrs. Brunstetter's pages, the more anxious for the release I became. Then when the book arrived, I couldn't wait to dive into it. And then......well, then I was in awe of Mrs. Brunstetter. Why? Because she has once again managed to take me to the heart of Amish country, to the world I wish I belonged in, and filled my heart with healing and hope. 

I loved the characters within the book. They were all chiseled perfectly for their rolls. I loved watching Michelle grown in her relationships, especially her convictions with God after she found the jar. The messages she received, the feelings she felt, all of them quickly spoke to me and became my own feelings. 

This book is beautifully written and will have the reader pulled to the center of the story instantly. From start to finish, I smiled, I laughed, I wondered what God would do in Michelle's life. The messages that Mrs. Brunstetter always manages to weave within the story speak loudly to the soul. I love that in Amish novels. So, if you are looking for a wonderful book to transport you to the heart of Amish country, then grab this book now. You'll be instantly addicted to the beautiful works of Wanda Brunstetter, if you aren't already. This 5 star book is definitely a keeper for me, and I can't wait to start my own hope jar! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
With tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, I closed the pages of the final book in the Courage to Dream series. My heart is filled with warmth, yet filled with sadness that this series is now complete. I have enjoyed watching the O'Leary family grow in numbers and in love. Love's Faithful Promise begins in September 1922 and is a beautiful conclusion. Filled with trials and heartache, we see God's hand leading them closer together and closer to Him. I absolutely fell in love with Deirdre and Matthew...And Phoebe! Matthew carries so much guilt and unforgiveness towards himself that was so hard for me to witness. The compassion I felt for him was overwhelming. We are reminded though that we don't need to walk through the shadows of our past alone.

Oh I just love Deirdre and Matthew's journey of love! Keep your fan nearby. Because let me tell you...Their romance is so pure, passionate, precious, and sweet. But don't let my starry eyed, romance gushing fool you, this book gets INTENSE! I was literally sweating with anticipation right around page will know what I mean. Definitely put my stress ball "heart" I got from CFRR to good use (thank you Just Commonly).

Will you cry? Maybe. Will you want to smack some sense into people? Probably. Will you fall in love with Irish Meadows and the O'Leary clan? Without a doubt...Yes!!! Make sure you start your journey with the beginning of the series, Irish Meadows. Within these pages I pray you find hope and courage to live out the dreams the Lord has placed in your heart.

I received a free copy of Love's Faithful Promise in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Moonshine Heart
The Moonshine Heart
Eule Grey | 2023 | Dystopia, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE MOONSHINE HEART is a standalone novella set in a world that is dying but no one knows why. Each side - humans vs. witches - blames the other but doesn't do anything to solve the problem.

Rohene (human) and Marwa (witch) have the same half-moon birthmark on their hands. Marwa's Mistress is convinced they are to save the world. She gives Marwa a list of instructions to follow which will help the prophecy (which Marwa ignores.) With misunderstandings galore, they start off their adventure to save the world.

I enjoyed this story but wanted so much more. Both of the main characters told us about how sad and lonely their childhood was, but I didn't see it. There was very little world-building and, to be honest, I would have preferred a little more character-building too. By the time it came to the end, I didn't really care whether the world was saved for the humans or not. It was the animals I felt sorry for.

The overall premise of this story was a brilliant one. I'm just sorry I felt a little disappointed once I'd finished it. I would still recommend this author though as she has an amazing imagination.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 13, 2023
A Curse So Dark and Lonely
A Curse So Dark and Lonely
Brigid Kemmerer | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever finished a book and just felt bereft afterwards? Unable to figure out what on earth you are supposed to do now? That is how I felt earlier today when I finished A Curse So Dark And Lonely.

Brigid Kemmerer's retelling of Beauty and the Beast is the first in the Curse breaker series but it is nothing short of brilliant. It possibly took me 5 whole minutes to buy book 2: A Heart So Fierce and Broken once I had finished.

Now you may have gathered that I have read my fair share of retellings but this one has teeth! Split between Washington DC and the kingdom of Emberfall this is simply 480 ish pages of tension, angst and gritty violence.

Elements of ACSDAL mirror the traditional fairytale : enchantress, tick; cursed Prince, tick; true love is the only way to break the curse, (sickening) tick. However, this enchantress sticks around for a bit of torture, the cursed Prince is more of a beast than you expect and if the girl does not fall in love with the Prince? Then he has to start all over again!

If that hasn't got you heading for your local bookshop then Brigid Kemmerer also throws in a female protagonist with cerebral palsy, an enemies to lovers relationship and torn loyalties wherever you turn.

Kemmerer's characters are incredibly well developed and really seem to stay with the reader. Harper manages to be simultaneously vulnerable and kick ass; Grey is stoic and loyal, barely ever showing glimpses of his true heart or personality; and Rhen is the epitomy of a cursed Prince. You don't want to like Rhen sometimes but slowly you find yourself rooting for him and, maybe even falling a little bit in love with him.

This is a non-stop story with a fast-paced plot that leaves you guessing until the very end... Only to have you reeling at the epilogue. This is no fairytale and love doesn't always save the day!

Now everyone leave me alone... I'm reading book 2!