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With tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, I closed the pages of the final book in the Courage to Dream series. My heart is filled with warmth, yet filled with sadness that this series is now complete. I have enjoyed watching the O'Leary family grow in numbers and in love. Love's Faithful Promise begins in September 1922 and is a beautiful conclusion. Filled with trials and heartache, we see God's hand leading them closer together and closer to Him. I absolutely fell in love with Deirdre and Matthew...And Phoebe! Matthew carries so much guilt and unforgiveness towards himself that was so hard for me to witness. The compassion I felt for him was overwhelming. We are reminded though that we don't need to walk through the shadows of our past alone.

Oh I just love Deirdre and Matthew's journey of love! Keep your fan nearby. Because let me tell you...Their romance is so pure, passionate, precious, and sweet. But don't let my starry eyed, romance gushing fool you, this book gets INTENSE! I was literally sweating with anticipation right around page will know what I mean. Definitely put my stress ball "heart" I got from CFRR to good use (thank you Just Commonly).

Will you cry? Maybe. Will you want to smack some sense into people? Probably. Will you fall in love with Irish Meadows and the O'Leary clan? Without a doubt...Yes!!! Make sure you start your journey with the beginning of the series, Irish Meadows. Within these pages I pray you find hope and courage to live out the dreams the Lord has placed in your heart.

I received a free copy of Love's Faithful Promise in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Moonshine Heart
The Moonshine Heart
Eule Grey | 2023 | Dystopia, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE MOONSHINE HEART is a standalone novella set in a world that is dying but no one knows why. Each side - humans vs. witches - blames the other but doesn't do anything to solve the problem.

Rohene (human) and Marwa (witch) have the same half-moon birthmark on their hands. Marwa's Mistress is convinced they are to save the world. She gives Marwa a list of instructions to follow which will help the prophecy (which Marwa ignores.) With misunderstandings galore, they start off their adventure to save the world.

I enjoyed this story but wanted so much more. Both of the main characters told us about how sad and lonely their childhood was, but I didn't see it. There was very little world-building and, to be honest, I would have preferred a little more character-building too. By the time it came to the end, I didn't really care whether the world was saved for the humans or not. It was the animals I felt sorry for.

The overall premise of this story was a brilliant one. I'm just sorry I felt a little disappointed once I'd finished it. I would still recommend this author though as she has an amazing imagination.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 13, 2023
A Curse So Dark and Lonely
A Curse So Dark and Lonely
Brigid Kemmerer | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever finished a book and just felt bereft afterwards? Unable to figure out what on earth you are supposed to do now? That is how I felt earlier today when I finished A Curse So Dark And Lonely.

Brigid Kemmerer's retelling of Beauty and the Beast is the first in the Curse breaker series but it is nothing short of brilliant. It possibly took me 5 whole minutes to buy book 2: A Heart So Fierce and Broken once I had finished.

Now you may have gathered that I have read my fair share of retellings but this one has teeth! Split between Washington DC and the kingdom of Emberfall this is simply 480 ish pages of tension, angst and gritty violence.

Elements of ACSDAL mirror the traditional fairytale : enchantress, tick; cursed Prince, tick; true love is the only way to break the curse, (sickening) tick. However, this enchantress sticks around for a bit of torture, the cursed Prince is more of a beast than you expect and if the girl does not fall in love with the Prince? Then he has to start all over again!

If that hasn't got you heading for your local bookshop then Brigid Kemmerer also throws in a female protagonist with cerebral palsy, an enemies to lovers relationship and torn loyalties wherever you turn.

Kemmerer's characters are incredibly well developed and really seem to stay with the reader. Harper manages to be simultaneously vulnerable and kick ass; Grey is stoic and loyal, barely ever showing glimpses of his true heart or personality; and Rhen is the epitomy of a cursed Prince. You don't want to like Rhen sometimes but slowly you find yourself rooting for him and, maybe even falling a little bit in love with him.

This is a non-stop story with a fast-paced plot that leaves you guessing until the very end... Only to have you reeling at the epilogue. This is no fairytale and love doesn't always save the day!

Now everyone leave me alone... I'm reading book 2!
Healing Love
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where do I begin with this review? No words justify the amount of feels I felt with this book. It is absolutely an amazing read. From heartache and pain to smiles and hope, Ms. Slattery stitches together a novel that will not soon leave the reader's soul. You close the book and reflect on the story and the characters and their faith long into the night. It's forever in my heart, that's for sure!

I have never been on a mission trip but I know of people that have. They come home with stories that will leave you in tears, sometimes from happiness, sometimes from sadness. Ms. Slattery filled this book with such detail that you can't help but feel as if you, the reader,were right there in the center of the mission trip. Watching Brooke along side of Ubaldo really kept me hooked on the story. I loved both of their characters so much. I felt their emotions and their faith as if they were my own. When they came to terms with what God had in store for the two of them, together, I really felt it deep in my soul!

Ms. Slattery has taken on a wonderful theme for this book. Finding love in an unexpected place with an unexpected person, learning of that our plan isn't always His plans, and seeking redemption along the way, really makes for a fantabulous book! I can not simply give this incredibly moving novel a measly 5 star rating. It is beyond that. It is deserving of 5 thousand stars, if you want my opinion. This book, and all it has to offer, will suck you in, cacoon you into it's pages and leave you breathless and in awe of Ms. Slattery's work. Bravo, Jennifer Slattery! Bravo! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Characterization (2 more)
The humor feels a bit forced (0 more)
Great, but not as good as the first
Don't get me wrong, I love this film. And Baby Groot, can't forget him. But as good as this film was on it's own, it doesn't quite live up to the original.

The first had such an easy, unself-conscious joy to it. The jokes flowed and felt organic. And that's still mostly the case here. But there are several spots, especially with Drax and Nebula, where the humor feels forced. Drax and Nebula's characters both feel a touch 'off', overall.

On the other hand, Peter and his relationships are written very well. Yondu's arc and character growth are amazing. The rest of the plot is strong and the stunts and CGI are awesome.

Personally, my favorite part was the resolution at the end and Peter's realization. So emotional, heart-warming and in-character, without being sappy or weird.
District 9 (2009)
District 9 (2009)
2009 | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
The story (4 more)
The cast
The setting
The ending
It's so much more the alien movie.
Such a unique take on a genre that needed something original.
District 9 is one of the most original alien "invasion" movies out there. It was a serious breath of fresh air in a genre that tends to be so very cliche and repetitive. Don't get me wrong I love alien movies but you can only watch people get chased around and abducted so many times before you crave something different.

And at it's heart District 9 is so much more then just an alien movie it is a movie about immigrant and refugees and how the world tends to treat them.

My favorite part of the movie is the part that most people hated and that is the ending. I usually HATE open-ended ending but with District 9 I felt like it fit the movie so well that I couldn't be mad about it.
Eliza and Her Monsters
Eliza and Her Monsters
Francesca Zappia | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
5/5 applauding stars for Eliza, oh .. oh my, can I just say that the pie portion of this book was my absolute favourite thing I have read in a while - like how adorable and cute and just .. ugh I want to go back and just re-read that portion of the book again and again it was just too darn EVERYTHING.

This book was so good - to me - and adorable and sweet and.. at the end a bit frustrating (hello Wallace it's not all about YOU). Anxiety is a witch and panic attacks are no joke, and when I first had one I was like, what the F I went to a walk in clinic said my heart rate was just insane and I felt dizzy and like I was going to faint and they were like easy peasy diagnosis. I was like, girl, I get you this was ...I'll definitely re-read, recommend, hug, love, adore this book forever.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
The rock, yes he is pretty badass in this, but he captured the person playing him (no idea how to explain that part lol) well. (1 more)
It was actually quite funny.
Exceeding expectations
All the 4 avatar characters are awesome and well played. You get the sense of the person behind the avatar. I loved Jack Black, whom I usually cannot stand. Kevin Hart was his usual brilliantly funny self, the rock i mentioned in my good bits and Karen Gillan was fabulous!!!
I was sceptical, being a HUGE fan of Jumanji. After they get to the tree house with a little shout out to Alan Parish (which i absolutely loved, melted my heart, felt like something so natural, to give a nod to the comedy legend Robin Williams.) It definitely didn't feel like an insult to the orginal, more like a tribute in a way. I glimspe into where Alan spent all those years.
Pretty Stolen Dolls (Pretty Little Dolls #1)
Pretty Stolen Dolls (Pretty Little Dolls #1)
K. Webster, Ker Dukey | 2016 | Crime, Erotica, Horror, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
omg im hooked
omg i could not put this book down or even know where to start

i was hooked from the beginning fell in love with the 2 little girls, found hatred for benny immediately.
this book made me cry , it made my heart race and got me addicted.
as a victim of abuse myself i found it a bit hard to read but i was so invested in the characters that i just felt like i would betray them if i didn't keep reading and oooooh my god i am so glad i did .
i love dillon i loved him from the moment he was introduced i have a love of arrogant, self aware asshats.
if a story doesn't have a strong female lead and she all weasley and pathetic i just cant get into it and this book did not let me down.

right thats it im off to read book 2 should only take me till bed time seriously hooked