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Dumplin' (2018)
Dumplin' (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama
Fun (3 more)
great music
great acting
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie. It took me a little while to get completely into it and i felt like it took a little while to get going, but once i did i loved it.
This movie made me both laugh and cry (sometimes both at the same time), and even though the story has some sad undertones, at heart it is a feel good film, and genuinely makes you feel good about yourself and who you are.
Their Daring Hearts
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been some time since I read a Sharlene MacLaren novel, so when I saw the chance to review this, I jumped on it. I wasn't disappointed! I fell in love with Levi and his Quaker family and "Gordon Snipp" was a fun character to get to know!

I loved the historical detail to the Civil War era. Ms. MacLaren chiseled the scenes well, and I felt like I was transported to the heart of the story, the center of the war. All the feelings that Josie, Gordon Snipp, felt, I felt. I loved the way Josie fought for what she felt was right.

Levi's sweet character....oh was he swoon worthy as the Chaplain of his company. I love the way his friendship with "Snipp" blossomed, and later, his love for a beautiful young woman. It was so fun watching them together.

This story of hope, longing, deception and forgiveness is beautifully created. It's 4 star worthy, and I will definitely recommend it to all! Ms. MacLaren brought to life the action of the war, the romance of two God-fearing characters and messages from God of understanding and trust. This is definitely a keeper on my shelf!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from CelebrateLit/Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
V.E. Schwab | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
where to even begin with this. I had high hopes for this one and was expecting to love it but I didn't think I was going to FEEL it this much. I truly am a shell of a person now. This is such an easy five star for me because not only was it filled with beautiful prose (which I love) it also had so much heart and really struck my heart especially. There were so many times I had to set the book down and scream. I felt so seen in Henry's narrative, while I've never been in as low a place as he was the desire to just be loved stemming from always feeling like you are never enough and never the first choice is something that I really struggle with a lot. I cried a lot, it was intense. Everything was just woven together so well and when all the revelations came out and I finally pieced everything together I was so shook (I'm always a little slow with plot twists okay). I haven't felt like this from a novel in a long time.

Hana Wilsei (7 KP) rated The Blackhouse in Books

Jan 10, 2018 (Updated Jan 19, 2018)  
The Blackhouse
The Blackhouse
Peter May | 2009 | Mystery
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
cool 1st/3rd person alternating chapters, lovable MC, tension (0 more)
With this book, I felt like I gained an insight into Lewis and the human experience. There isn't just one mystery to be solved, or one lie being told. May's characters are deep and full of surprises. Fin, the MC, must return to the land that was once home, but is also a source of distress, to solve the murder of a former classmate. I'm only 22, so my youth isn't haunting me yet, but Fin is still relatable and has my heart.
"What did I think?" you ask. Well, I can sum that up in 1 word...HILARIOUS! Memoirs aren't typically my thing, but it was impossible not to fall in love with this one. Jen writes with an effortless yet descriptive style. She's not too high brow, but manages to sound like a writer who also happens to be a normal, every day person. The anecdotes she shares are, by turns, hilarious, scary, & heart any normal person's life.
This book was easy to read & hard to put down.

Jenna (87 KP) rated The Book Thief in Books

Jul 29, 2017  
The Book Thief
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (129 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I really enjoyed the fact that Zusak chose the write the novel from the perspective of Death. It was an interesting take on the causes and consequences of war, what it means to have compassion for your fellow human being, and doing the right thing even when doing so is difficult. I felt it also showed the complexities of war. War is never as simple as black and white, right and wrong. It's also - at its heart - a story about a young girl who loves to learn.

Lee Ann (116 KP) rated Opal in Books

May 24, 2018  
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2015 | Children
8.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read books 1 and 2 with an air of "hmmm, it's okay, but not really doing much for me.." I read it because Daemon amused me. Then I got to book 3.

At first, I felt pretty much the same.. it's an okay read, but nothing major.

Then I hit the final chapter

What the ever-loving fuck just happened?

For a heart-sinking moment I thought it was the last book of a trilogy... then I realised book 4 was waiting in the wings... holy mother of god... this series just got good.

Lee Ann (116 KP) rated Opal in Books

Mar 13, 2018  
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2015 | Children
8.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read books 1 and 2 with an air of "hmmm, it's okay, but not really doing much for me.." I read it because Daemon amused me. Then I got to book 3.

At first, I felt pretty much the same.. it's an okay read, but nothing major.

Then I hit the final chapter

What the ever-loving fuck just happened?

For a heart-sinking moment I thought it was the last book of a trilogy... then I realised book 4 was waiting in the wings... holy mother of god... this series just got good.