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Eliza and Her Monsters
Eliza and Her Monsters
Francesca Zappia | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
I always read before I go to bed, so last night I decided to pick up Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. I fell in love and before I knew it, I was 50% done but I thought I could read for another 15 or so minutes – that turned into me finishing the book at midnight. I don’t regret a thing. This is a mental health book that deals with trauma, anxiety, and depression, so I would just like to give all readers a trigger warning. I personally felt that it was beautifully written, but not everyone will feel the same way so I suggest a level of caution if you think you may be triggered by these things. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel harmed by this book or any book.

Just a warning, I do talk about the relationships in this book as well as some plot points. I don’t discuss anything that wasn’t mentioned in the synopsis on the book or Goodreads, but if you haven’t read those then this is your spoiler warning.

Our main character is Eliza, the anonymous creator of the famous webcomic Monsterous Seas. She has always been more comfortable online than dealing with the real world, or real people. All of her friends are online. She has always kept her identity a secret and as the popularity of her work has grown, the fervor to learn her identity has as well.

Eliza has always been content to spend her days in school drawing and talking to no one – that is until there is a new guy in school, Wallace. Against all odds, he is a fan of Monsterous Seas and actually writes fan fiction about it. It doesn’t take long before they become friends and Wallace gets Eliza to come a little more out of her shell. Their friendship was so precious and I loved watching them bond over a story that was so important to each of their lives.

The romance aspect of the book also made me super happy – I legitimately was smiling every time they were super cute together. Even though they each had their issues to deal with, they didn’t push each other past their respective lines of security. They were supportive of one another and I think that Wallace was the perfect foil for Eliza. Yes, they had their troubles but at the end of the day, they were there for one another.

The family dynamic was completely relatable if frustrating at times. Eliza’s parents don’t truly understand what her webcomic is or how famous it is, which causes a lot of friction within the family. Her parents want to understand her more, but Eliza is very closed and protective of herself. While they may not understand the importance of it even if she took the time to explain it and what it means to the world, she doesn’t even give them the chance. Eliza is defensive and her lack of communication is what ultimately leads to the worst crisis she experiences, despite her parent's well-meaning intentions.

The most heart-warming part of the novel was the scene in which one of her brothers stood up for her and supported Eliza. It was such a precious moment and it was nice to see a positive familial connection being formed. Eliza learns throughout the novel that she never gave her family a chance and that maybe she doesn’t really know them. The growth that she experiences over the course of the novel was wonderful to see and gives you hope that (although she’s fictional) perhaps things will change for the better with her family and her life.

As a person who feels infinitely more comfortable talking to someone over the internet than in person, there were many times that I related to Eliza. I completely understand the anxiety of talking to another person, even one-on-one. I cannot imagine the stress and havoc the reveal of your identity to millions of people would have on your psyche and body. My heart broke when we found out her identity was exposed because Francesca wrote a character so real that we could feel her horror and destruction.

There was also some diversity in this book, although it wasn’t as explored as it could have been. Wallace’s family is a unique situation and I would have loved to learn more about them, but understand that it would have slowed down the pacing of the novel. I can’t say more because I don’t want this to have actual spoilers, so just go read the book. While it is not explicitly mentioned in the book, the author wrote in a tweet that she wished her portrayal of ace/demi sexuality was truly addressed. I think that would have brought a wonderful level of diversity that we don’t normally see in books and could use more of.

If it wasn’t clear from my ‘I read it in one sitting into the wee hours of the night’ tale, I absolutely loved this book. It was very relatable and as an introverted fangirl myself, I personally felt represented by this book. Even though I didn’t know about it before it was published, I definitely expect it to make my best of 2017 list. It is a contemporary that, in my opinion, honestly and respectfully tackles mental illness, family relationships and is so wonderfully written that I hope you fall in love with it as well.
Mother May I
Mother May I
Joshilyn Jackson | 2021 | Contemporary, Thriller
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
After loving Joshilyn Jackson's novel Never Have I Ever, I definitely knew I wanted to read Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson. Jackson is a brilliant writer, and I was drawn in by the synopsis of this story. I was not disappointed at all!

Bree has everything and wants for nothing. She has three fantastic children, a loving husband, and plenty of money. She starts seeing an old woman that looks like a witch looking through her bedroom window and then again at her daughters' school. When her infant son keeps kidnapped from her daughters' school, it sets something sinister in motion. If Bree wants to see her son alive again, she has to agree to do some pretty messed up things. However, as Bree gets sucked in further and further, she learns some pretty crazy things about those she thought she knew.

First off, the world building for Mother May I was done so fantastically! It was so easy to get sucked into this book. I could easily imagine every little thing that happened throughout Mother May I as I was reading. The pacing was perfect. I found myself never wanting to put this book down. Not once did it ever slow down to become boring or speed up that I got lost. I wanted to make sure baby Robert was safe, and I was also frantic when he went missing and Bree was doing all she could to get him back. I didn't feel like there were any major plot twists. There are a few minor ones though. There is no cliff hanger ending, and all loose ends are tied up by the end of the book. I did enjoy how the book ended though. Mother May I definitely shows was having wealth and privilege can do for you even when you do something bad, so kudos to this book for bringing it to the forefront.

I felt that all the characters in Mother May I were well rounded and developed. It was easy to relate to Bree throughout the book. As a mother myself, I felt her fear and worry at her son being kidnapped. (That's one of my worst nightmares!) I never once blamed her for what she did to make sure her son would be safe and so she could get him back. I'm pretty sure I would do the same as she did. I loved that she came from humble beginnings as well. I loved her backstory. Marshall was such a stand up guy to help out Bree. It was obvious how much he cared for Bree. I admit that I was wary of him throughout the book. I kept waiting for him to somehow be involved in Robert's disappearance. Trey seemed like a stand up guy with how he treated Bree and how much he loved her although Trey was another one I was wary of. I also kept thinking he had something to do with Robert's disappearance. Coral was another one that I could kind of understand her hurt for what happened to her daughter. While I don't agree at all with what she did as an act of revenge (not a spoiler), I knew her heart was hurting for her daughter and what she went through. Coral was a fantastic antagonist though.

Trigger warnings for Mother May I include rape, sexual situations, drug use, drinking, murder, suicide, death, child murder, swearing, and kidnapping.

With such wonderful characters and fantastic world building, Mother May I is a book deserving of such high praise. It goes to show how unfair the world is and how money talks in a well done story. I would definitely recommend Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson to those aged 18+ who are after a book with a fantastic storyline and a great cast of characters.
(A special thank you to William Morrow for providing me with a paperback ARC of Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson. I was under no obligation to write a review.)
Erin A. Jensen | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first heard of Benevolent by Erin A. Jensen through the blogging community. It sounded very interesting especially the more I heard about it. When an opportunity to review Benevolent came about, I jumped at the chance. Although Benevolent does mention the television show Supernatural throughout the book, you don't have to be a fan of Supernatural or know anything about the show to enjoy this novel. I will admit that I've only seen a few episodes of Supernatural back when it first began, but my limited knowledge of Supernatural did not take away my enjoyment of Benevolent. I'm really glad I got the chance to read Benevolent because it truly is a gem of a book!

The plot of Benevolent was a truly interesting one that really tugged at my heartstrings throughout. Benevolent begins with a teenage girl, Abigail (or Abbie as she's sometimes called) losing her best and only friend to cancer. She is comforted by an angel who appears in the form of Castiel from the television show Supernatural (her and her best friend's favorite). The reader is then taken through a journey throughout Abbie's life including all the ups and downs. Her angel, Castiel, plays a big role in her life's journey, and Abbie's left wondering if Castiel is real or if he's just a figment of her imagination. Benevolent is more than just that though. It's a gripping and emotional love story, but not in the romantic sense.

I could not put Benevolent down! In fact, I pretty much read this book in one sitting. It's a fairly short story, but the pacing was absolutely perfect throughout. I love how each chapter title was a song title. In fact, it makes for a great playlist whilst reading the chapter that features it or before and/or after that chapter. I was pulled into Abigail's world as soon as I started reading the first page. I loved how every loose end is tied up before Benevolent ends, and every question I had was answered. The world building is fantastic, and I can't fault anything about it. Erin A. Jensen is such a talented writer based on Benevolent!

I absolutely enjoyed every character in Benevolent. Abigail felt like an old friend. In fact, I felt like I was reading a true life biography about Abigail instead of just a work of fiction. Everything about Abigail's character was just laid bare for everyone to read about, and I think that's what made me love her so much. She had been through a lot, and I could relate to her on so many levels. The character of Castiel was written perfectly too. Like I said, I had only watched a few episodes of Supernatural before they introduced the character of Castiel, so I can't comment on how much Benevolent's character of Castiel was like the one on Supernatural. However, it is mentioned in the beginning of Benevolent that Abigail's angel took on the form of Castiel and his name and mannerisms to make Abbie feel more comfortable. It is said that he isn't the actual Castiel from Supernatural. We also get to know Danny, Abbie's childhood best friend, through Abbie's memories. Danny seemed like such an awesome person, and even I was saddened by his death.

Trigger warnings for Benevolent include death, cancer, attempted suicide, overdosing, drug use, alcohol, and some profanity but nothing too bad.

Overall, Benevolent is one of those books that will stick with you long after you've stopped reading. It's a book that tugs on your heart strings and won't let go until the very end. Benevolent has such a fantastic plot with such a relatable main character that it just makes for an awesome read. What makes Benevolent even more awesome (which is saying something since Benevolent is highly awesome already) is that 100 percent of the profits from its sales will be donated to Random Acts charity. I would wholeheartedly recommend Benevolent by Erin A. Jensen to everyone aged 15+ no matter what genre of book they like. I feel like this book will touch everyone who gives it a read.
(A special thank you to Erin A. Jensen for providing me with a paperback of Benevolent in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
When The Devil Wants In
When The Devil Wants In
Cate Ashwood, J.H. Knight | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When faced with a murder charge, John has to choose between his freedom, and his heart.

You know how sometimes, you read a blurb for a book, and your mind writes the plot out and its all wrapped up in a nice pink bow?? And then you read the BOOK, and your version is so very wrong but you have no idea why??

This book totally surprised me, and I cannot put my finger on WHY it did! I loved it!!

John is hiding in plain sight, driving 90 minutes to get his hook ups. Matt moves to Magnolia Ridge from San Fransisco, out and proud. But Matt knows he needs to reign it in. A hook up between the guys has both of them shocked and wanting more, so much more. A shocking discovery causes John to question what he really wants.

I loved both these guys. John, so far in the closet he's in the next room, and Matt who just knows when to say what about his sexuality. They both have their say, so we get every little bit that these guys feel, together and apart. I loved that Matt took to John's closed off-ness quickly, and without question.

The murder has you crying for John, it really does. And I was WAY off base with whodunnit, let me tell ya!! Did NOT see that one coming! I really love being proven wrong.

And I need to say something about that gorgeous cover. When I saw the cover FIRST, I thought its pretty, it nice, but somehow it doesn't fit. I had the blurb before I saw the cover. And I couldn't put my finger on WHY it didn't fit, still can't, truth be told, but that's what I felt, and ya'll know I gotta tell you what I'm feeling. And I'm reading the book, my brain is registering that they are in Magnolia Ridge, that there are magnolia blossom on the cover, I swear I knew that, but still it did not make any sense WHY they were on the cover!

Then! One word, one single word was all it took, and my brain exploded! Light bulb moment does not quite cover what went through my brain at that point! It was like a nuclear bomb going off, and that cover makes TOTAL sense now! Totally the right cover for THIS book.

Is there another book after this?? I feel with what John did for Matt's birthday, and the subsequent scenes kinda left me wanting more of a certain fellow!

Anyways, loved the book, loved the cover and read it in one single sitting, so...

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Gathering of Shadows
A Gathering of Shadows
V.E. Schwab, Victoria Schwab | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
So you all know how I felt about the first book. Yeah, those feeling are continuing over to this one.

I honestly could not put this damn book down if I tried. Which I didn't try because that would have been me depriving myself of something amazing and there is no reason to do that.

If I thought the first book hit my feelings, which it did, this one ran them over with a damn truck.

I loved the addition of Allucard Emery. He was my favorite new character because he is amazing and beautiful and just so great. I love his sass. He is such a great magic mentor for Delilah and I want him to have the world. He deserves to be happy. Anyone who thinks differently can fight me.

I love the idea of this competition. It's cool to see different kinds of magic users with the different elements, but also how they use them. Some are more defensive users, some more attack based. But all of them are really cool. I won't give away too much, but I am happy with the last couple of fights and how they went on. Especially that one. You know which one I'm talking about. Just great stuff there.

I love how Delilah and Kell's relationship is evolving in this book. They don't necessariily see all that much of each other, but when they do, sparks are FLYING. I was listening to the audio book when I was out running errands and in the middle of Michael's, I burst out laughing when they got to the ball part. It was just so cute and fun to see them relaxed for a change. Big fan. I ship them so hard it hurts. So whenever they were cross with each other, in my head, I was pushing them together saying "make up damn it. You will make beautiful children."

Those plot twists though. All of them got me right in the feels.

I will say without shame that I cried in this book. More than once. And almost in public. Those people in Michael's must have thought I was crazy.

The ending was mean. I mean, come on Victoria. That hurt. Why would you put me through that? I mean, yes, it was amazing that you wrote it so well I almost threw the book across the room, but still. My heart. I have to wait a bit until I can read the next one because I don't have any book stores around me to be able to get it and my library doesn't have it in physical copy either. But they do have an audio book version that I am on hold for. So there's that. I cannot wait.
Rainy Day Friends (Wildstone, #2)
Rainy Day Friends (Wildstone, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis is a Wildstone series book and of course another great one from this author. I loved the format of this book, and I really don’t think I’ve seen it before, of each page having an interaction between Lanie and her anxiety.

Lanie (Delaney) Jacobs is 30, starting a new job 2 ½ hours away from her old life and leaving everything behind (including her anxiety) for 2 months. Unfortunately her anxiety decides to come along for the ride. Lanie just lost her husband and what she finds out about her husband after his death would send anyone packing for a quick getaway. She agrees to take on a temporary job helping a family business re-brand their business and quickly finds herself in the middle of a real “Walton family” family.

Mark Capriotti is as rough and rugged as they come. He is an ex military man, an assistant sheriff, but at the end of the day, this tough guys heart has long been captured by his twin daughters. Having to move back home with his family to be a single dad to his girls was the last thing he ever thought would happen. He is grateful to have his mom, 2 sisters, uncles and more to pick up the slack of helping to care for Samantha and Sierra. He never wants to fall in love again, and isn’t that just what happens.

With a back story for Lanie that comes out piece by piece and secondary characters to help push it along, this story was really well told. My only gripe about this entire book was the abrupt ending. I don’t know if it was due to reading on an ereader that it felt more abrupt but it stopped and I was feeling like I missed some pages. As I said above I loved the anxiety quotes on each page, how many of us have those same thoughts on a daily or weekly basis. I loved how this family came together and stayed together through thick and thin. Being sarcastic myself, I enjoyed Mia’s sarcastic humor most of all. Even Uncle Jack, though sometimes behaving like a overgrown frat boy, had insightful wisdom to share with anyone who asked (or even those who didn’t).

Overall this story was well written for each character both main or secondary. I enjoyed following along on their journey of escape, attraction, hiding, and eventually not fighting the feelings. I received an advance copy of this novel without any expectations for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own (whether you like them or not ha).

Fred (860 KP) rated Dumbo (2019) in Movies

Jun 19, 2019  
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
This is how you ruin a classic
Dumbo is one of my favorite Disney films. The original, not this crap. When told that his film was not long enough to be considered a full-length movie & that he would have to add 10 more minutes or so, Disney said "No. It's perfect the way it is." And he was right. The people who made this live-action remake apparently never heard that story. It's almost 2 hours long. The original story of the first film is done in about the first 20 minutes of this film, then it's an original sequel, basically.

The first & main problem of the film is the most obvious. The focus on the human characters over the animal characters. There are no talking animals in this one. Sure, Dumbo didn't talk, but he had Timothy mouse with him to speak for him. There's no stork, the bully elephants are gone, even the racist, but very entertaining crows are completely gone.

Second problem: Some of the music from the original film is here, but instrumental versions. Only "Baby Mine" is sung. We hear a clip of "Casey Jr." at the beginning. At the very end of the credits, we hear a bit of "When I See a Elephant Fly", but no "Look Out For Mr. Stork". But the biggest mistake was what they did with "Pink Elephants on Parade" In the original film, Dumbo accidentally drinks some champagne & gets drunk. He then blows bubbles & the bubbles take shape & thus begins one of the greatest scenes in Disney history. The bubbles take the shape of dancing, skating & tromping elephants. The scene is a nightmare & probably scared some kids in the day. The song itself is both fun & creepy. This should be perfect Tim Burton stuff, but in this film, it is not. In this film, circus performers are creating giant bubbles & somehow they are taking the shape of the elephants. In fact, they're copies of the elephants (and camel) from the original film. The song plays, but again, no lyrics. It's also not very well directed. Instead of looking like a nightmare, they keep cutting to Dumbo, watching the performers, with a smile.

And that brings me to another problem. Tim Burton. Like most Tim Burton movies, it looks fantastic, but it's just boring. The story is boring & unoriginal (Free Willy anyone?) I didn't get to like any of the human characters to care. They kind of just go through the motions. Dumbo himself lacks character & I never really felt for him.

I know Disney is set on remaking their classics & I haven't seen any before (and probably will not see anymore after this one). It breaks my heart to see Disney reduced to this sort of thing. I'll stick with the originals, thank you.
When God leads three sisters to a town called Defiance, they had no idea how He would use them to shine His light in the darkest of places.

"Naomi found it mind-boggling and quite humbling what God could do if you let him."
Location 3665

About the Book
Charles McIntyre is the founder of Defiance, a town riddled with lust and drunkenness. He is determined to clean up the town so that the railroad will lay tracks there. The only problem is, he has forgotten what it takes to be a man of honor. Recently widowed Mrs. Naomi Miller and her two sisters, Hannah and Rebecca, know that they were led to Defiance by God. Intent on opening a respectable hotel, they face challenges that they have been unprepared for. Following the Lord's lead...and sometimes that of a feisty personality, the sisters aim to earn a decent reputation in the town and share the love of God with those around them. Showing them that no one is perfect, and that our Heavenly Father loves us no matter our past. Repentance and salvation is available to us all. Will Naomi be able to see past the sins of the man and see his heart? With more than one disreputable man in town, will the sisters remain safe?

My Thoughts
I have not read many books that so blatantly show us the black and white of sin and salvation. There is a lot of language referencing the work of the prostitutes in the story. But I do not feel that the profession was glamorized at all, far from it. There is a lot of reference to the prostitutes' low cut dresses and ogling of the females in general by the men. But as the sisters remain pure, their attitudes and behavior rubs off on those around them. Giving us a perfect example of being in the world but not of it. They held firm to their beliefs and were not swayed by the godless world around them. And through them God brought a change to the town and the occupants. While this is not a book I would recommend for young readers, I never felt uncomfortable reading this and I am planning on reading the rest of the series. I would also like to honor Heather for writing what she was called to write. She shares the true grit of the west with the pure love and acceptance of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My Rating
★★★★☆ - You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. (More Info)

Published by Rivulet Publishing. I received a free digital copy of A Lady in Defiance in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Yesterday (2019)
Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Music
The best British film in years!
Despite not really being a fan of The Beatles or their music, when I first saw the trailer for this at the start of the year, I was genuinely intrigued by the concept. An aspiring musician (and huge Beatles fan) is hit by a bus during an inexplicable global blackout, only to wake up to a world in which The Beatles seemingly never existed. As the only one who remembers their songs, he releases them as his own and conquers the music world.

The trailer did a good job of letting you know what to expect without giving too much away, believe it or not. There are a few twists and turns along the way, which were a nice surprise. Ultimately, this IS a British rom-com underneath it all, and the final third is as predictable as every other film in the genre.

Yet this film oozes charm and whimsicality, and sets itself apart from everything that's come before it. Say what you want about Love Actually, but for me, that was the last British film to really make a splash on this level - which was 16 years ago!

The script is amazing. No scene feels unnecessary. No dialogue feels pointless. Richard Curtis, yet again, proves he's a true master of his craft. The lead roles are perfectly cast. Lily James, in particular, puts in another great performance, showing she's worthy of more heavyweight roles (although she's definitely found her niche in this type of film).

What I really loved about this film was how thought-provoking it was. Relative newcomer, Himesh Patel's portrayal of Jack Malek is spot-on, playing with your own emotions and morals, forcing you to ask yourself if you could remain as grounded and humble as he did if something like this happened to you. Despite being over the top at times, it all felt surprisingly real. I can imagine this is exactly how it would play out if something like this were to happen to someone - the media frenzy, the explosion of popularity online, the whirlwind of life-changing moments...

The film is about big moments in your life, and what you choose to do with them when they happen. It's about chasing your dreams and what you would do if you caught them. It's about how to follow your heart when it wants two things at once. I left the cinema smiling, but also genuinely thinking about my entire outlook on life.

Danny Boyle has done an excellent job with this film, and it deserves to go down as one of the best British films in recent years. Whether you're a fan of the music or not, this should not be missed. Near perfect!
Thicker Than Water
Thicker Than Water
Becca Seymour | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I needed Thatch!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Callen finds Thatch, the leader of a black ops task force, bleeding and bitten when he goes against orders, again. But Thatch was bitten by Callen's sister, and his niece is now missing and Thatch might be the only link to finding the child. But as the investigation spreads its net, Callen is forced to make some decisions, decisions that could cost him his heart.
I really REALLY enjoyed this from Ms Seymour! She usually writes fairly fluffy, contemporaries and this isn't fluffy, nor contemporary but it is great!
I loved the twist to werewolf lore, that the oly way for a wolf to be made is to be bitten. But that act kills the wolf and transfers all their memories to the new wolf.
I loved the supporting cast, and all the little . .hints/clues/dropped comments . . .about them. Some questions wre thrown up, that haven't been answered here. However, in my personal experience, its best not to wait for those questions to be answered cos the last time I felt like this, I had a right proper hissy fit when those questions were NOT answered LOL So I won't voice those questions, and then I can't be dissappointed, right?
I loved Callen. He is funny and hilarious, and dark and deadly. He is deep and meaningful, but takes great pleasure in winding his friends up.
I loved that fact tht the bond between Callen and Thatch creep up on them, and there isn't that MINE moment at first meeting. It DOES come, but it's more growled out of Callen in reaction to someone else touching Thatch.
So why only 4 stars with all those things I loved?
Thatch isn't given a voice.
Now, I know I say it a lot, and I will continue to say it where I think it necessary but HERE I think it really needed. Thatch takes ALL of his Hazel's, Callen's sister, memories and thoughts and feelings. ALL of them. And that had to be confusing when they start to come through! When those memories sends them far north to find Hazel's daughter. When he comes face to face with that daughter. What was Thatch feeling? I needed that, I really did, and if I HAD Thatch, I have no doubt, not a single one, that this would have been a 5 star read.
I don't know if this is a stand alone, or there will be more of this group of people, I hope so, I really do!
But I don't get Thatch, and so. . .
4 good, great solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**