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KittyMiku (138 KP) rated Rebekah in Books

May 23, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
First, let me say that I loved this book and have just one major issue with it—there is no second book! Even though the book was very good (although short) it left me with questions unanswered and wanting more. This is good considering not all books do so. Even though the book has been out for a little over a year, I was very sad to see there wasn't another one, and have even contemplated writing to the author to tell her how much I love her book and desire a second one. I have never felt so passionate about a novel as I do now.

The characters were lively and easy to understand for the most part. To be able to give Angels and Demons such different personalities that made you love, hate, or respect them in different ways was truly appreciated. I especially enjoyed how the story was told in Rebekah's point of view, so it was easy to understand how something could look and feel from an Angel's perspective. Especially with how much an Angel could see where are human's would not be able to see. I felt that having it from Rebekah's view allowed Reyna to be able to reflect more on how Rebakah and felt and why she felt so strongly one way or another. This was smart and allowed the reader to really understand her and the actions she took.

There was romance involved in the story, and I found it to be the perfect amount among all the mystery shrouding Miss Rebekah. With so many love interests, it made you wonder why she was so special and what could be the reason behind how she acted when it came to choosing a lover or sticking with one over another. However, the romance scenes were brief and only added to the story about Rebekah and Lucifer. It definitely allowed Lucifer's possessive side show and how if something would get in his way how he would react which were very nice touches.

I would have to say my favorite part of the story was seeing how someone who is so different from those around them and appears to be useless in planning things could come up with the best ideas for a battle. I also enjoyed how when someone cares deeply about another, they are willing to make sacrifices. I definitely think this book deserves 5 stars out of 5 stars and should have a follow-up book. Although it was very short, it was interesting and kept me wanting more and turning pages. I would recommend this book who is into the Angel, Demon, Heaven and Hell kind of books. It will definitely make allow you to see different views of the same kind of battle while keeping you highly entertained.
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo
Amy Schumer | 2016 | Biography
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amy Schumer's book comes out at a time when it seems like every celebrity in the world has a book out: some collection of essays about their life, showcasing how funny they are and what their life is like as a celebrity. In Schumer's, we hear about her life from childhood to her post <i>Trainwreck</i> success and nearly everything in between: her friendships, her relationships, her parents, and her growth as a comedian. And, of course, a lot about sex. The book is told in a series of chapters - essays if you will - each one covering a particular moment in Schumer's life. They don't go in any particular order, but cover the gamut of her range of experiences.

I found this book to be a refreshing and engaging celebrity book. It carried a surprising depth. I don't know a ton about Schumer, but loved <i>Trainwreck</i> and have had a crush on her for ages. That crush has only intensified upon reading her book, as I discovered several similarities between us: introverts who love hotdogs and have complicated relationships with their mothers, who both internalize stress to the point where it makes us sick. We're a match made in heaven! But, seriously, Schumer is an excellent writer, and her book is an easy read, with well-written and wonderful essays that range from humorous to serious (and often both).

Her book avoided all of my usual celebrity autobiography/memoir/essay pet peeves. In this book, we really learn about Schumer, instead of just a few token stories. I was fascinated to hear about her career trajectory: you get a great look into how hard she worked in her early years as a comedian. In addition, we actually get a lot of insight into her early life-- her childhood and teenage years. What I love is that she comes across as a real human being, instead of giving us a book that is simply full of polished, trite jokes and well-worn stories.

In fact, while parts of the book make you laugh out loud, other places make you empathize with Schumer. The book is funny, but not too funny or fake funny. And it's serious without preaching. She covers topics such as sexual assault, gun control, her father's MS, her relationship with her parents, and other serious childhood experiences that molded her, with a realism that is refreshing. Sure, there are a few "woe is me" moments about how hard it is to be a celebrity, or what it's like to have money, but they are few and far between. By the end, I admired Amy even more as a person and a comedian, and my crush will continue on stronger than ever.
Being There (1979)
Being There (1979)
1979 | Comedy, Drama
A gardener with no professional skills has to strike out on his own when the owner of his estate dies.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 4
Being There gets off to an extremely slow start and I think it has more to do with expectations than anything. I don't know what exactly I was looking for, but it seemed as if the film started out laying the groundwork for what was to come, but it was trying to feel its way into the story. If your film is going to be over two hours long, it should be because there is a lot of meat in the film, not because its got a slow start latched on to it.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 0
For the life of me, I can't remember not one memorable shot in this film. Not a single solitary one. Believe me, I sat on this for quite a few minutes trying to remember something, anything that stood out for me. Nothing. For main character Chance (Peter Sellers) to have been a gardener, we never got to see him working his craft in one of the rich, extravagant gardens. Nothing doing.

Conflict: 4
There's not a lot of friction in the conflict, but it is fun to watch as things unfold. You know it's only a matter of time before someone uncovers the truth of what's going on with Chance, but every scene that passes where he comes out unscathed is absolutely confounding. There are never any real stakes, however, hence the lower score.

Genre: 8
When it comes to dramas, I consider Being There, highly original. It feels like Forrest Gump mixed in with a ton of political satire. It stares the norm in the face and completely breaks the mold.

Memorability: 6
While the visuals were absolutely forgettable, the film did have some solid memorable moments that stood out. In one particular scene, Chance is having a dinner conversation with Benjamin Rand (Melvyn Douglas) about the "room upstairs". Ben thinks they're talking about heaven when Chance is literally talking about the room upstairs.

Pace: 8
Once the film can get out of its own way in the beginning, it definitely managed to hold my attention with a solid pace. I was so entertained by Chance that things never really got slow again for me. His actions and presence alone kept me engaged.

Plot: 9

Resolution: 10

Overall: 69
I was rooting for Being There to be better but there were just a handful of pitfalls that kept it well short of getting an all-time rating. With solid characters that were highly entertaining, I wish it would have gotten out of the gates stronger, among other things. For me, the film is a skippable one.
Get a Life, Chloe Brown (The Brown Sisters #1)
Get a Life, Chloe Brown (The Brown Sisters #1)
Talia Hibbert | 2019 | Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enemies to Lovers (4 more)
Sunshine Character with a Grumpy Character
Invisible Illness Representation
Amazing Characters
Great Banter
Best Romance of 2019
I read this book a few months ago, thanks to's influencer program. I saw quite a few of my favorite blogs reviewing/talking about this book, so I knew I had to read it. I've waited a while to write this book review simply because I loved it so much. Get A Life, Chloe Brown is one of those books that will stay with you for a while after. I struggled to write this book review because nothing will do justice to how much I loved this book. I seriously want to shove it into everyone's hands and tell them to read it.

The narration for this book was outstanding. Adjoa Andoh narrated this book to perfection. Her voices, her attitude, everything was executed incredibly well. I always knew who was talking and never once questioned her narration. She brought this story to life & I loved every second of it.

What I loved the most about this book was the banter. Seriously, Talia Hibbert should get an award for verbal sparring. As you all know by now, banter is my catnip & I couldn't help but squee at the interactions between Red & Chloe. The author genuinely made me love each character more than I thought possible. Both Characters were realistic and had their faults. I loved seeing them work through their issues and grow.

I also loved that this book included so many of my favorite tropes. Enemies to lovers is hands down one of my favorite tropes, so when paired with a sunshine character with a grumpy character, I was in heaven. Talia Hibbert also executed the enemies to lover trope incredibly well. This trope is hit, or miss and so many things can go wrong. The fact that this was done to perfection still has me wowed.

I wouldn't do this book justice if I didn't mention that Talia Hibbert also handled invisible illnesses, domestic abuse, and some hard-hitting issues with compassion and accuracy. I loved that Chloe has fibromyalgia, and I genuinely appreciated how accurate it was. I also was thankful that this illness was present but didn't define Chloe. Chloe was three dimensional, and fibromyalgia didn't make up the core basis for who she was. It was beautiful to see Chloe as the main character, and I appreciated how well this story came together.

As you can tell, I loved this book. It's probably one of my all-time favorite books I have read. I loved the banter, the tropes, and the execution. Talia Hibbert should write a master class on banter. I honestly can't wait to dive into her backlist and have bought this book the second I could.
Party of Two (The Wedding Date #5)
Party of Two (The Wedding Date #5)
Jasmine Guillory | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Humor & Comedy, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An absolutely charming romance with lots of cake!
This is the sixteenth book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

When Olivia Monroe randomly chats with a handsome stranger at a hotel bar, she has no idea that they will wind up making a lasting connection. After her chance encounter, she learns that man was no other than Max Powell, a hotshot junior senator from California, where Olivia has just moved to start her own law firm. Olivia is focused on her firm--and she has no desire to date someone well-known--but when she and Max meet again, and he then sends her a cake, she can't help but be charmed. She finds she really likes Max, but not the scrutiny that comes with dating a high-profile figure. Olivia knows she and Max have something special, but is it worth all the other stuff?

This was my first book by Jasmine Guillory, but it will certainly not be my last. I found PARTY to be completely charming. I had no idea it was the fifth book in a series, and I'll definitely be going back and catching up on the previous books. That being said, this one seems to stand-alone.

PARTY is one of those romance books that just sweeps you off your feet from the beginning. It's incredibly fun and sexy and made me smile while reading it. Oh how I needed a book that made me smile. Olivia is smart and easy to identify with: I have a soft spot for skeptical workaholics. She also loves cake, and there are so many references to baked goods in this book. I was truly in heaven! (And hungry.) Max is handsome and a bit too perfect, but, yes, you learn, he too has flaws. And honestly, I was quite protective of my Olivia, so I only wanted the best for her anyway.

So sure, maybe this is a little predictable, but who cares, because it's so fun, and it made me laugh and tear up. Our couple is adorable, and the supporting cast is excellent (and, as far as I can tell, links to other books). I liked the references to politics and adored any and all mention of sweets. The book also touches on racism and the issues plaguing working women, so it's not just fluff. Overall, I loved basically every moment, and I can't wait to read the copy of THE WEDDING DATE I immediately bought upon finishing this book. 4.5 stars.

Gaspar Noe recommended Eraserhead (1977) in Movies (curated)

Eraserhead (1977)
Eraserhead (1977)
1977 | Drama, Horror

"When Eraserhead came out in France, it came out with the weird title, The Head to Erase. It was in French. I remember I was reading my parents’ newspaper — it was a socialist newspaper — and there was a whole page of how much this famous film critic didn’t like the movie. He was really trashing the movie. But the way he was saying it was very awful, disgusting, it made me — I was a 14 or 15 year old kid — want to go to the other side of the city and see it. And then it was like my own secret. And I went there. And I loved the movie so much, that I believe I went to see it four times in one month. Then after two weeks it moved to another city and I went to see it again in a screening with my friend. Then maybe one year later, it was replaying near my house at the midnight screening, so I went again with another friend. And for me that was the confirmation that cinema could also portray your inner world, that cinema could portray dreams and nightmares. And I hadn’t seen, at that time Un Chien Andalou by [Luis] Buñuel but Un Chien Andalou is one of the rare movies that is written in a mental language, a dreamt language. Eraserhead is another one. Kubrick said once that he regrets he didn’t have the idea to do that movie. In any case, it had such a strong impact on me that I would say Eraserhead — it made me get into film school two years later. Maybe it was a mix of 2001 and Eraserhead. I don’t know how many times I saw Eraserhead in the movie theater, but I guess it was maybe 15 times. I had an addiction to this movie, which is the kind of addiction kids can have to their mother telling them a story. You want to listen to the same story over and over, and have a hypnotic feeling and relaxing feeling. It created some kind of relaxing feeling in me. That I would enjoy all these movies — that are nightmarish– as if it were a dream, especially when the girl comes out saying everything is fine in heaven. There’s a fact also that David Lynch made that movie with almost no money over a period of five years. Then when I was doing I Stand Alone, I had a lot of money issues. I had problems completing the movie, then doing the editing, also. All the time I had in mind that David Lynch did that movie in five years. And I said well, “Maybe it will take me 10 years to finish the movie. If it takes ten years I’ll do it and I shouldn’t worry.”"

The Last Duel (2021)
The Last Duel (2021)
2021 | Drama, History
Doesn't Really Work
With films such as GLADIATOR, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, ROBIN HOOD, EXODUS: GODS AND MONSTERS and the current THE LAST DUEL, Director Ridley Scott is single-handedly trying to keep alive the “Sword and Sandals” genre that was so much en vogue in the Golden Age of Hollywood.

However, he’ll have to do better than THE LAST DUEL to keep the genre going.

Starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Adam Driver and Jodi Comer, THE LAST DUEL tells the tale of the…well…Last Duel in France in the 1300’s. The story tells the tale of 2 noblemen, their ups & downs and the accusation of the wife of one of them that the other raped her. The only way to solve the dispute is a duel to the death.

Following the format of such films as RASHOMON (1950) and, more recently, WRATH OF MAN (2021), THE LAST DUEL is told in 4 parts - telling the same story from different perspectives. But, unlike RASHOMON and (surprisingly) WRATH OF MAN which peeled the onion back during each different telling, adding a deeper and richer layer to the story each time, THE LAST DUEL pretty much tells the same story over and over, not really telling it differently and not really adding any layers to the story. You pretty much know before THE LAST DUEL who is innocent, who is guilty and how the duel is going to play out.

So, Director Scott will need to rely on the performances and the look and feel of the film to get the audience hooked and intrigued during this 2 hour and 32 minute epic, but the script (by Nicole Holofcener, Affleck & Damon just isn’t up to the task.

The acting is…fine. Driver fares the best out of the 4 leads - probably because he is the actor most suited for this type of film than the others. Comer’s part is underwritten and she has surprisingly little to do - which brings us to Affleck and Damon. Affleck has the showier role and provides a spark of interest in his limited time on the screen while Damon is dour and serious and trudges through the film - as does the audience.

Director Scott (ALIEN) brings professionalism to the proceedings and accurately depicts the look and feel of the time and stages the duel (and battle scenes) with a trained eye, but the characters/performances did not leave me with anyone to truly root for (or care about) and by the time we got to THE LAST DUEL, I just wanted it to be over.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Don&#039;t Worry Darling (2022)
Don't Worry Darling (2022)
2022 | Crime, Drama, Horror
6.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Plays it Too Safe
The previews for the new thriller/mystery DON’T WORRY DARLING shows a housewife in a seemingly idyllic 1950’s paradise community - but something about this seemingly perfect paradise is off - an intriguing premise for a film and one that I am a sucker for. Clearly, it will have some sort of twist that explains the weird situation our heroine is in. Most of the time, I can glean what that twist is going to be, but I gotta give DON’T WORRY DARLING credit, I couldn’t guess this one.

Starring Florence Pugh (BLACK WIDOW) and Harry Styles (of ONE DIMENSION fame), and Directed by Olvia Wilde (who also has a supporting role in this film), DON’T WORRY DARLING is a passable mystery/thriller with a plot twist that “plays fair” with the incongruities early in the film.

This is a safe film - and one that is safely paced - and that is the very definition of “damning with faint praise”. It doesn’t “lean into” the weirdness of the situation or the resultant take on the Male Dominated society of the 1950’s that marginalizes women into subordinate helpers.

Writer Katie Silberman (BOOKSMART) and Director Wilde just are too tame and cautious in their approach to this material and the film drags, slightly, in the first part of the film - a part of the film that could have used more injection of life into it by showing stronger instances of incongruity caused by “the twist” later on or stronger resistance by the Pugh character to break out of the background role her character is bound to, but they shy away from it.

Saving this film is the central performance of Pugh as housewife Alice who is slowly beginning to realize that something is wrong with this piece of heaven. Chris Pine is enigmatically mysterious as Frank, the boss of this experimental community while Wilde, Gemma Chan (THE ETERNALS) and Nick Kroll (WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS) all provide solid - if unspectacular - supporting work.

Styles, on the other hand, works hard at his character and to hold his own in his scenes with Pugh, but he just isn’t on the same level of acting ability as Pugh, so his character falls short and seems thin in comparison to hers.

A film that could have been better if the Director and Writer had the courage of their commitments and pushed the envelope further AND if they could have found a counterpart performer to Pugh…but at least it does come up with an original and unique twist.

But, as it is, DON’T WORRY DARLING, falls squarely into “it’s fine, a good way to spend a few hours” category.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The In Between
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I confess that this book was not exactly what I was expecting. The novel appears to tell a typical tale of YA love, but it also spends much of its time in a paranormal, mystical world of the "In Between." It's very odd and I wasn't expecting so much talk of Heaven and Hell, despite the hint from the title.

The story follows Tara Jenkins and Justin Westcroft. Friends as children, they become close again after Tara saves Justin's life, when he nearly drowns in an accident at the public beach. Now in high school, Justin is a popular soccer star, while Tara is just a "regular gal." Tara and Justin quickly fall madly in love and become each other's world.

Part of my issue with this book is just that - Tara and Justin are in high school and the entire book centers on their "great romance" and the idea that they are made for each other, destined for all eternity. Some people pull it off, even if it's a cheesy YA series like Twilight. You find yourself rooting for Bella and Edward. Here... I don't know. Pierce's characters just aren't well-developed enough. I like Tara, but I'm not fully invested in her. I actually cared for Justin a bit more (he seemed to have more of a head on his shoulders), but I don't get to learn enough about him, or really get to know him enough as I read the novel. Instead, you are just left wondering why two young kids are so in love and so convinced, at this age, that they are meant for each other. Instead of falling for their love story, it seems like a Made for TV Special.

Once Justin actually dies (and I'm not giving anything away, the book's summary is forthright in telling you that Tara can't save Justin a second time) and he goes to the "In Between," you find him in this weird mythical, mystical land, and it's just odd. I do feel empathy for Justin as he struggles to get back to Tara, and even for Tara, as she grieves for Justin, but it often feels like two kids playing at being grown up. With the distraction of some weird mystical characters thrown in to boot.

That being said, the book managed to keep my interest. I kept reading, wanting to know what would happen to Justin and Tara. Would they kill them both? Would they be reunited? Surely it wouldn't just end with him stuck here and her still pining away? After all this?! In the end, the ending is rather "pat" and the book just sort of ends.

Come to think of it, this probably *would* make a great Lifetime movie. And I'd no doubt guiltily enjoy it with a box of chocolates.

(Note, I received a free digital copy of The In Between in return for a honest review.)
If I Could Ask God One Question
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>This is a review of a soon to be published (April 2016) version of <i>If I Could Ask God Just One Question</i></b>

<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Whether you have been brought up in a Christian family or have made the decision to turn to God yourself, religion can still be very confusing. Greg Johnson has worked with teenagers for fifteen years and has compiled “80 Answers to teen’s most-asked questions.” Johnson’s aim with <i>If I Could Ask God Just One Question</i> is to aid the reader’s progress towards their goal of understanding the bible.

Johnson maintains that all answers to questions that matter can be found in the bible. He tries to prove this by answering each question firstly with a bible verse or passage, before explaining it in an informal, more relatable manner.

Presumably, the questions discussed are what teens have directly asked the author, or questions he has heard throughout his career. Many of the questions are generalized, such as how to become a better Christian, fears about being mocked in school, worries about sin and not going to heaven, and so forth. On the other hand there are a few deeper questions, for example why do bad things happen? These are not simple yes/no questions that can be stated as fact. Many of the answers are up for their own interpretation depending on the reader’s own circumstances. This may make things more confusing, however something may hit home and open their eyes in recognition of the Christian faith.

Although written informally and appropriately for teenagers, it is still obvious that this is an adult talking to someone considerably younger than himself. Johnson includes his own personal experiences, however they are slightly outdated compared with the issues modern-day teens may face, e.g. social media.

Johnson tries to make the Bible a less intimidating book. He suggests a chapter order to follow for those new to the Christian faith. The layout of<i> If I Could Ask God Just One Question </i>lets readers dip in and out, reading the answers to questions that relate to them or that they have thought of at some point themselves. It is probably not wise to read from front to back in one sitting, but instead to take the questions one at a time, analyzing the answers and relating them to personal experience. Note pages have been included for the reader to jot down any thoughts they have whilst reading.

Ultimately this book helps teenagers to feel less alone and overwhelmed with their newfound faith. Despite this there is nothing to stop older Christians from benefitting from it too. Everyone needs a reminder once in a while, and a nudge back onto the right path in order to continue living a humble, Christian lifestyle.