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Snowden (2016)
Snowden (2016)
2016 | Drama
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As with every Oliver Stone movie, you have to consider context while watching it. Snowden is a persuasive essay attempting to turn the focus from the crime committed by Edward Snowden to the mass surveillance practices of the US government during the Bush and Obama administration. This story was huge when the leaks began hitting the internet and so I was very familiar with the story through the media coverage ensued. Through that coverage it was made to seem as though Snowden, a low level contractor, stole data and was putting it on the internet to spite the American government.

Later more information came forth that he wasn’t as low level as we were led to believe and that Snowden was claiming that he performed the illegal act out of love for his country, not out of spite to harm it. But for a large portion of the country the original story has already been burned into their brain and nothing short of Ronald Reagan descending from heaven to tell them otherwise will change that. A few months ago Donald Trump even called for Snowden’s execution, if that helps paint a picture of the mindset of a portion of the US population about Edward Snowden.

This movie was made to convince you otherwise, that Snowden was and still is a brave American hero. It tells the story beginning with his Special Forces training and takes you all the way through the incident and up to present day, with the actual infamous Edward Snowden closing out the movie. I won’t go into too much detail here because I hate when reviews ruin a movie but I will say that it covers the whole story right down to the Ocean Eleven’s esque way that he got the files out of secured US spy facility.

This movie surprisingly also weaves a love story in and out of the technical background of the data release and while I enjoyed that aspect of the movie, some of it made me question its authenticity… it wasn’t realistic at times how the two reacted to different problems that arose in their relationship.

I left the movie thinking how strange it was that the espionage was the most believable part of the movie and the love story seemed contrived.

Joseph Gorden-Levitt was awesome. I’ve watched enough Snowden videos to know that he nailed it. The love interest was cute and likeable, but the primary antagonist was a bit over the top for a movie based on reality. But I guess that’s what this movie was trying to tell me… that there are some seriously evil people working for our government.

The pacing was good, acting was great, subject matter was insanely interesting and the love story humanized the hacker/criminal/hero. Go see it with an open mind, consider the context with which the film was created and come to your own conclusion. Snowden… hero or villain?
The Pages of Her Life
The Pages of Her Life
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Award-winning and bestselling author James L. Rubart explores the way our memories shape us . . . and how they affect our beliefs. Allison Moore has no idea why she got out of her car on that rainy March afternoon and picked up the soaked journal laying on the side of the road. Brought it home. But she did. It was empty. Except for two lines scrawled in the front, too washed out to read. And a Jesus emblem inside the back cover. Something about the journal compels her to start writing in it, capturing thoughts about her newly acquired job that she thought would be heaven, but has turned into hell. Then one day, she finds words in the center of the journal. Words she didn’t write: Mene mene tekel upharsin. After her heart stops hammering, Allison Googles the phrase, and reads the story of Belshazzar’s Feast, where a hand from God writes on the wall, and the king is slain. Fear grips her, certain God is coming after her for what she did twelve years back. What she’s done wrong her whole life. She vows to make things right. Then she discovers more phrases appearing underneath each of her journal entries. Those phrases take her on an emotional roller coaster that forces her to look at everything she believes about her past in a new light, and opens her eyes to a supernatural realm of staggering consequence.

My Thoughts: What would you do if someone gave you a journal that changed your words after you wrote and spoke directly to you? This is what happened to our main character Allison. This was an enjoyable read, about one woman and her brother and how their memories formed who they were in their lives. The memories of their father's lack of approval affected them throughout life and in relationships.

Journaling is a wonderful way to talk to God and to see how He works in our lives. This journal that is given to Allison is extraordinaire! With the changing entries that she sees in her journal, Allison is able to see who she really is and how loved and important she is to herself and those around her.

There are lessons to be learned in this novel; we really do need to look deep inside ourselves, checking our character to see if it stands up to what God wants us to be and turn to God in difficult situations. Trust God, listen for what He has for you in life.

I loved the concept of this novel. The author has done a wonderful job of putting this story together. The characters were very true to life and easy to connect with. The storyline was flowing and a fast read. I truly enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading more from James L. Rubart.
Broken Ceiling (2018)
Broken Ceiling (2018)
2018 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A critique of toxic workplace culture
We’ve all had to endure conference calls at work, and we all know how boring they can be. When I realised that Broken Ceiling takes place almost entirely within a conference call, I was worried that they wouldn’t be able to keep my attention for a full hour and a half. However, I’m pleased to say I was wrong!

Broken Ceiling is Adam Davis’ first feature film, following office assistant Angela as she deals with workplace discrimination based on both her gender and race. She is surrounded by white men and gets pushed to the side, despite the hard work she puts in every day. The film throws us straight into the middle of the action, right when the company is dealing with their biggest and most important deal to date. It is during this deal when all of the drama unfolds.

Karan Kendrick completely shines in the leading role, bringing Angela and her struggles to life on screen. I was captivated by her raw and honest performance throughout. She has reached breaking point, and does the unthinkable in order to make her colleagues finally listen to her. She has the power throughout most of this film, as she skilfully puts everyone in their place. Kendrick is a joy to watch and I was absolutely on her character’s side, rooting for her the whole time.

The cast is very small, only featuring four key characters. I enjoyed every performance in Broken Ceiling because of the way they reflected very familiar personalities. These kinds of characters exist in real life business, and contribute to the toxic environment. Regen Wilson is the power-hungry, short-tempered CEO Ken Wolfe, who constantly berates and yells at his staff whilst putting on a cheerful facade for his clients. He makes difficult decisions easily, and seems to lack compassion for those around him.

Beside him on the call are Rane Jameson and Torran Kitts as rival salesmen Tyler and Garrett, who are riddled with their own personal flaws. They are entitled and deceitful, both wanting the most praise and recognition whilst simultaneously ignoring Angela. The dynamic between these characters is often fast paced and intense, thanks to Davis’ great script.

The cast and script are a match made in heaven, delivering memorable lines of dialogue and many twists and turns to keep the audience engaged and wondering what happens next. Whilst, admittedly, it may be a little far-fetched in places, it makes for a great piece of drama that draws on real life issues to raise an important critique of corporate life.

Overall I thought Broken Ceiling was a strong debut film with an important message about modern workplace culture. Despite a few sound and camerawork issues, I thought it was a well made and crafted film, especially for a feature length independent film. The pacing is right, the script is captivating, and the performances are strong. It’s a film that I urge you to experience for yourself and let Angela’s voice finally be heard.
The Dragon Warrior
The Dragon Warrior
Katie Zhao | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>The author/publisher provided a free copy of the book for review purposes - thank you! Receiving a review copy does not guarantee a positive review and therefore do not affect the opinion or content of the review.</i></b>
<h2><strong><em>The Dragon Warrior</em> is such a fun and delightful read</strong></h2>
<strong>I'm 1000% sure the middle school me who got swallowed by </strong><em><strong>Percy Jackson & the Olympians</strong></em><strong> would devour this book</strong> as quickly as she inhales all the dumplings, stuffed buns and dim sum. (Look, they're comfort food.) <em>The Dragon Warrior</em> really brings back the nostalgia of those times. <strong>Katie Zhao wrote a beautiful novel that promises fun and adventure featuring Chinese mythology.</strong>

Zhao's debut novel follows twelve-year-old Faryn Liu as she is revealed to be the Heaven Breaker after she crosses paths with a demon during Lunar New Year Festivities. She and her companions set off on a quest across various Chinatowns to find the island of immortals so she can prove she is worthy to take on the role.

But both she and her brother are outcasts in the Jade Society and have been treated as such for years. To the members in her local Jade Society, she's not worthy of such an important role and it's not something she plans for either (does any twelve-year-old though?). But despite frequently thinking about ròu bāo zi (I don't blame her; meat dumplings are delicious), Faryn readily steps into the role even if she might know what she's doing or feel ready to potentially command an army.

<h2><strong>Full of adventure and humor</strong></h2>
<strong><em>The Dragon Warrior</em> is a huge nod to my childhood, featuring various deities and other well-known figures from Chinese mythology.</strong> They're full of wit and sass that brought a constant smile to my face as they aided or deterred Faryn and her companions in the quest. The novel brings in aspects of family, tradition and honor, all of which are important parts of Chinese culture. It's clear throughout the novel Faryn has a strong bond with not just her brother, but also her Ye Ye.

<strong>Zhao's debut novel is a fast-paced, page-turning adventure that is chock full of humor</strong>; it's easy to forget this is a debut as this is extremely well-written, and I loved every second of it. Honestly, the only thing I'm disappointed is there probably won't be any sequels. (Someone please tell me there will be one???) <strong><em>The Dragon Warrior</em> is an engrossing story featuring Chinese mythology and tying in various aspects of the culture; </strong>I highly recommend this to Chinese American readers who want to see themselves in a world where Chinese mythology clashes into the modern world.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Supernatural  - Season 5
Supernatural - Season 5
2009 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Supernatural follows 2 brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who have been raised by their dad in a lifestyle of moving across country fighting supernatural beings, ever since their mum was killed by a yellow eyed demon in Sam’s nursery when he was only 6months old. At the end of season 4 Sam accidentally frees the devil from his cage in hell, kickstarting the apocalypse and then in season 5 Sam and Dean have to try and stop the apocalypse, but the apocalypse can’t happen without Sam and Dean’s help. Sam’s body is to be the vessel used by the devil, and Dean’s body is to be the vessel of the angel Michael. Once the two angels have gotten Sam and Dean to say “yes” to being the vessels, they are to have a battle, and should the devil win, the apocalypse will begin.
I have very mixed feelings about this season. There were parts of it I loved and parts of it I disliked. The brothers have always had a rocky relationship, but in this season, we see them split up more than once, which I didn’t like, I’ve always enjoyed the two brothers being together. An element of the season that I have very mixed feelings about is the angels. The angel we see the most is Castiel, who has rebelled from heaven and is helping the brothers. He is my favourite character, but that’s where the good parts of the angels stop. The other angel we see frequently throughout the show is Zackariah, who is just annoying. And the third angel, who is only in one episode is Gabriel. He has been in the show multiple times before in earlier seasons, but he was pretending to be a Trickster, and even then, I didn’t like him. Another element I have mixed feelings about is the actual content. The main focus of the season was trying to stop the apocalypse and tracking down the horsemen. In previous seasons a large amount of the episodes were about the brothers’ encounters with supernatural beings that weren’t angels or demons. Two of my favourite episodes were “The End” and “Changing Channels”. In “The End” Dean gets sent five years into the future and in “Changing Channels” Sam and Dean get stuck in Tv shows, or TV Land as they like to call it. Although not obvious at first, these two episodes link back to the angels, which really disappoints me. Something I did like was one of the demons they introduced, called Crowley. He helped the brothers out in a couple of the episodes, and I think he might become a larger part of the show in later seasons. Another thing I liked was that there seemed to be more humour in this season. There has always been bizarre deaths and witty one liners from Dean but there was definitely more humour, which I really enjoyed. Another thing I disliked was the ending. They ended it with Sam in hell and Dean finally having the nice, normal life he always wanted, but you knew that wouldn’t last because there’s 11 more seasons. Overall, I think the season was good, but not hugely enjoyable.
Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
Perfect Match of Director and Material
1954's REAR WINDOW is my favorite of all of the Alfred Hitchock films. So when it came time to expose my college-aged children to the works of "the Master of Suspense", it was a "no-brainer" as to which film it would be.

And...they loved it.

Starring "everyman" Jimmy Stewart and the always fabulous Grace Kelly, REAR WINDOW tells the tale of photographer L.B. Jefferies (Stewart) who is laid up in his New York apartment with a broken leg. His only means of entertainment is looking out of the "rear window" of his apartment into the courtyard - and the other apartments (and the people) therein.

This is a treatise on voyeurism and the pairing of this material with a master of film like Hitchcock is a marriage made in heaven. He sets up most of the movie so you are viewing the events as though you are Jefferies - confined to his apartment. Each apartment around the courtyard are their own little viewing boxes. He does a neat, subtle trick in this film. When he pans counter-clockwise, he is just browsing the apartments (like channel surfing on TV). When he pans clockwise - or goes straight to an apartment - he is focusing on that place/story. More often than not, the scenes in the apartments that Jefferies is looking at is mirroring what is going on in the relationship between Stewart and Kelly - sometimes with a sinister undertone. As always, Hitchcock ratchets up the suspense in a way only he can - focusing on a mundane item/thing until it becomes malevolent. This could have easily been a boring/static film, but in Hitchcock's capable hands, there is movement aplenty and the film flows beautifully.

As for the performances, Stewart has never been better as the audience stand-in/everyman who goes from charming scamp just snatching peeks of his neighbors to "peeping-tom" voyeur who is intruding in the private lives of his fellow courtyard denizens. Grace Kelly is just radiant in the way Hitchcock photographs her and in the way that all-time great costumer Edith Head dresses her. She is perfectly made-up and costumed to make her "the most beautiful woman in the world". But...what caught me in this viewing was how good of an acting job she does in this film. In previous viewings I was swept up in the look and feel of the actress. This time, I was taken in by the character and she became the one in this film I was rooting for. Well...either Grace Kelly or the great character actress Thelma Ritter as insurance nurse (and willing accomplice) Stella. She almost steals the movie from the two leads...almost.

All of the elements at play in this film work - acting, costuming, scenic design, cinematography and script - all wrapped up by a Master Director at the top of his game.

If you only watch one Alfred Hitchock film, make it REAR WINDOW. You'll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A+

10 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Terror by Night: the true story of the brutal texas murder that destroyed a family, restored one man’s faith, and shocked a nation.

by Terry Caffey with James H. Pence

Genre: True Crime, Christian, memoir

Rating: 5

My summary: Terry woke up one night and saw his daughter’s ex-boyfriend standing in front of him with a gun. Charlie shot him several times, killed his wife, then him and his friend brutally killed his two sons. They set the house on fire, thinking everyone was dead. Terry managed to escape by God’s life-preservation alone, and made the long trek through the woods to the neighbor’s house. All Terry wanted was to die and live in Heaven with his family. But he stayed alive through sheer will-power and God’s grace. He made it to the neighbor’s house, identified the killer, then colapsed, hoping never to wake up again.

He woke up.

and He has to live with what happened for the rest of his long life.

Terry suffers from suicidal thoughts and depression, overdoses on his drugs, and can’t sleep at night because of his fear.

But God can take any situation and turn it around… Terry went back to where his house was to have a heart-to-heart with God. Terry found something there that was preserved through weeks of rain and wind, and yet was still readable. It was a page from James Pence’s novel Blind Sight (though he didn’t know it at the time) and the first lines he read were these: “I couldn't understand why You would take my family and leave me to struggle along without them. And I guess I still don’t totally understand that part of it. But I do believe that You’re sovereign; You’re in control.” Terry eventually found out through some hard hunting that the character in the book who was speaking had lost his wife and children. It was as if that book was written about him.

Terry’s life changed drastically. He went into ministry, he got re-married… and he learned what unconditional love, forgiveness, and trusting God really meant.

Review: Terror by Night was an absolutely stunning book in every sense of the word. The awful things that happened to Terry, and how God restored him, are amazing. Terror by Night is like Job all over again. God took everything away from Terry—his family were dead and his house was charcoal. Terry suffered tremendously, but God restored him. God used him to restore other people. And God blessed him and gave back what he had taken away.

This book is a testimony of how God can take anything and turn it around for good, how everything that happens is His will, and how He is the one and only thing we can always trust.

A powerful message, an amazing testimony, a picture of forgiveness, uplifting, encouraging, and brutally beautiful, Terror by Night will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Content: 100% clean

Recommendation: I whole-heartedly recommend Terror by Night to everyone over the age of 14. Terror by Night is extremely emotional, several times I had to stop and put it down. There were also some disturbing images of how the children were killed. It would probably make you cry if you read it in one sitting. However, I still think everyone should read it.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Blue in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Getting into this book was a tad slow since there was alot of back story to get through before I felt like I understood what was occurring in the present time of the book. Once I got through that, there were a few things that I could easily predict about the plot. First, the plot would very much favor the father over the mother in regards to the relationship shared with the main character, fourteen-year-old Becky. Second, it is inevitable that Becky's leukemia is going to relapse. Third, this fantasy world of Tamarisk would somehow play a part in both Becky's disease and her parent's ugly divorce.
What I could not predict was how absolutely fascinating the world of Tamarisk is. I actually thought about researching all of the made-up names of the plants, animals, and geology before I completely realized the depth of creativity to which Becky and her father Chris went in the creation of this fantasy world. What began as a coping mechanism for a young child going through the rigors of chemotherapy became a world in an alternate universe that existed with its own laws of physics. I was completely enthralled by this unbelievable world of blue foliage, black dirt, microfarming, moldable crystal, smelling of chocolate and raspberries, and featuring transportation in the form of giant flying birds - and that is only the beginning of all that this world holds to tantalize the senses and ignite the imagination. Becky's voyages into Tamarisk alone are enough to fill countless children's stories that would hold any grown adult rapt with wonder.
On the alternate side of this fantastic world is the grievous reality of the ongoing feud between Chris and Polly, Becky's divorced parents. Even though Polly has remarried, she still harbors intensely negative feelings towards Chris. In addition, Chris's whole life is about finding ways to connect with Becky better, as the reader watches him fail at blind date after blind date. Becky wants so badly to hang onto her life that she lives in denial of her increasingly-severe symptoms. My heart went out to all of the characters at different points as I connected with the different emotions and situations. As a mother, I can not even fathom one of my children going through the horrors of childhood cancer, and as a wife, the thought of abandoning my spouse is inconceivable, especially during such a difficult time. My heart broke for Becky's best friend Lonnie, and I felt the awkward sadness of Becky's stepfather Al. These characters are as real as if this story were not fiction, but a memoir or biography.
I could not help noticing the parallels between belief in Tamarisk and the beliefs of Christianity. Polly either could not or would not believe in Tamarisk, and many of her arguments against it matched the common ones against a belief in the existence of God and Heaven.
The ending was bittersweet, but light on bitter and rich on sweet. I shed a tear, but Chris's perspective was very fitting for how I felt about this conclusion. This was a very, very good read that would enrich any reader's book collection. What I gained from this book will stick with me for a long time to come.
His Steady Heart
His Steady Heart
Nell Iris | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I’m gonna jump straight in here, cos, well, because it’s my review and I can.

If you follow my reviews, you’ll know I have a particular dislike of several things.

First Person

Present Tense

Single Point of View.

So, when I started this book, and found it first person AND present tense, I got all ansty and twitchy and thought, nope, not doing it. THEN I realised it was single point of view, and my twitchiness went sky high and . . . .

bloody hell if I did not bloody LOVE this book!

Ashley or Buck, depending on who addresses him, was 22 years old when he first met Pippin and now, some 15 years (I was a bit unclear on that) later, he is still looking out for the little 6 year old boy who wormed his way into his heart. Now though, the little boy is all man, and when Pippin’s mother throws him under a bus (not literally, mind you!) of course Ashley will step up to look after the young man. But Pippin is proud, and won’t just take Ashley’s care, he must give back. The big bear of a man is Pippin’s idea of heaven, he just has to reach out and take him.

This has to be the sweetest, cutest CLEANEST book I've read in a long time, and I inhaled this book. I mean, I sat down, and didn’t move til I was done. It is only short, took me just over an hour but I really LOVED!

Ashley is the sweetest bear of a man, and no one can see that, except Pippin. Pippin sees Ashley, deep down, that he isn’t anyone’s “daddy”. He wants to look after people, yes, but PIPPIN is at the top of that very short list. PIPPIN is the one he realises he wants, even as he fights his attraction to the smaller man. PIPPIN tells Ashley he wants him, too, but not just for a quick lay. Pippin wants his first time to be special, and ASHLEY is that special man for Pippin.

I didn’t like what Pippin’s mum does to him, but you kinda saw that one coming like a train wreck and you can’t do anything to stop it.

The only thing, the one thing I cannot forgive is that Pippin doesn’t get a say! I wanted desperately to hear from him, even if it does make it first person/present tense/MULTI point of view (cos that would be my idea of Hell!) I NEEDED Pippin and I don’t get him. And I wanted to know, just what it was about Ashley that pushed his buttons, what he thought when Ashley’s ex turned up (and I LOVED how Pippin reacted to that!) and I wanted to know how he felt about his mum, and what she was doing to him.

That’s the only reason I gave it 4 stars and not 5 stars, was because I did not get Pippin and I really needed him.

I’ve not read anything by this author before, but if they are all this good, I’d gladly inhale a few more!

4 sweet, cute, warm and so bloody fuzzies stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Also read my review here:

<b>TRIGGER WARNING: rape, incest, domestic abuse, child abuse, animal abuse, child murder</b>

I’m speechless. (OK, maybe not). What the <i>heck</i> did I just read? You’re telling me this is <b><i>non-fiction?</b></i> ...How? <b>HOW?</b> This isn’t just some freak incident either, people live like what’s described in this book, I’m baffled by it. I mean I’m a little baffled by strict religious following anyway (no offence meant) but Mormonism is just on another level.

The story of Mormonism is so strange because Joseph Smith was a fucking control freak and swindler but also the way society got away with treating him and his followers was awful. You really can’t pick a right and wrong side, they’re both pretty terrible.

This book's main focus is on how people's strong faith in Mormonism makes them believe they're above the laws of the land, so they go and commit crimes they think are justified and right. For example, Dan and Ron Lafferty, who <i>truly</i> believe God has spoken to them and told them they need to kill their brothers wife and young baby. A deed done by them so brutally, the poor baby was basically beheaded. <b>Clearly this book isn’t for the faint hearted.</b>

One of the saddest moments in this book is when Krakauer meets a Mormon family and their young daughter (I think she was between 8 to 12) comes into the room with floor plans of her dream house, where she's drawn out several different rooms for the other wives of the husband she is going to share. How <i>awful</i> is that, to believe that you must share your husband with other women, because for men of the Mormon faith, women are just child bearers, nothing more. <b>Joseph Smith actually declared God said "women shall be man's handmaid".</b> For this young girl to be planning her life with a shared husband and feeling that's <i>normal</i>, even feeling <i>happy</i> about it, is a terrible, terrible thing to think about.

This took me around 3 months to finish, not only because I accidentally left this in my dad’s suitcase when I came back from Spain, but also because this was such heavy non-fiction reading. Not only did it describe, in gruesome detail, the crimes committed by those under the Mormon faith, it was also a long historical timeline of how Mormonism was created and has grown to where it currently sits today. (<i>Did you know,</i> there are currently more Mormons on this planet than Jewish people?) Not to mention the confusion it causes when trying to remind you who everyone is and how everyone is related, because they’re pretty much <i>all</i> related through marriage.

This is certainly an interesting read. I'm sure you’ve heard about Mormon’s and the Book of Mormon and polygamy, etc, but never really looked further into it. Well, for those of you that would like to look further into it, then this is the book for you! It's incredible to read all about how Joseph Smith magicked up Mormon faith and how gruesome and evil polygamy really is.

I really recommend this book for all of you who love learning about religions or just love to have some random shocking facts to dish out around the dinner table. A seriously interesting, if not disturbing read.