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Causeway (2022)
Causeway (2022)
2022 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Strong Performances
Welcome back, Jennifer Lawrence, the movies missed you.

Shot to stardom early - a 3x Oscar Nominee by the age of 23 (winning once for SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK) and the top paid actress in 2015, 2016 - Jennifer Lawrence took a hiatus from filmmaking right before the pandemic.

With the lowkey, PTSD character study CAUSEWAY, let’s hope that Lawrence is back for good.

Directed by Lila Neugebauer (ROOM 104), Causeway tells the tale of Lynsey (played by Lawrence) who returns home after suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury while serving overseas. Once home, she forms an unlikely friendship with James (an Oscar Nominated Brian Tyree Henry) who also has some trauma to work through.

It is a low-key, pensive film about friendship, recovery and dealing with loss/pain. Most of the film is the 2 lead characters talking and in order for it to succeed, the 2 main characters better be performed by 2 charismatic, interesting actors.

And fortunately for CAUSEWAY, it is.

Starting with Lawrence. She is a unique acting talent in that one can see what she is thinking and feeling with a minimum of facial gestures. She draws the audience into her portrayal of Lynsey - making her a person to empathize with (but not pity). Lynsey is strong, fearful, focused and damaged and the audience sees every part of this in Lawrence’s performance. It is a wonderfully understated performance and it’s a shame that she, too, was not nominated for an Oscar.

But, of course, with a talk-y, two character piece, BOTH performances better be Oscar caliber to keep the audience engaged and with the surprising strong and vulnerable performance of here-to-fore known as comedy performer Henry (BULLET TRAIN) Causeway has the 2nd anchor to this film.

When James (Henry’s character) is first introduced, the audience gets the impression that he is the funny, affable, friendly rock that Lynsey needs to get back on her feet, but as the film progresses and we peel back the layers of James’ onion, we find out that he is just as damaged - and as real - as she is. Henry embodies James with the same strength and vulnerability that Lawrence shows as Lynsey - and Henry is a well-deserved Oscar nominee for his work.

Creidt, of course, for this paring - and the performances therein - lies with Director Neugebauer who lets her camera linger on the performances and the emotions that are laid raw in front of the viewer.

Not the fastest paced film, Causeway is a marvelous unlikely pairing of 2 damaged souls portrayed, strongly, by 2 fine actors.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 stars (out of 10)


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GoodFellas (1990)
GoodFellas (1990)
1990 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
LIKE A FINE WINE - gets better with age
I have to admit, when I first watched GOODFELLAS 30 years ago, I thought it was "good" but not "great".

The years and subsequent viewings of this epic masterpiece has slowly changed my mind.

Directed by one of the finest Directors of all-time, GOODFELLAS is based on the real-life experience of former "Wiseguy" Nicholas Pileggi (from his book) and depicts mob life in New York City in the 1960's and the 1970's.

Scorcese knows this world and it's looks & feels and you can sense that world while watching this movie. Whether it's the clothing, the set decorations, the vocal inflections or the music choices, Scorcese meticulously blends all of the minutiae of these eras and these people extremely effectively to draw a vivid picture of people - and gangsters - of another era.

It helps tremendously that he has an "A" cast to inherit the characters. Robert DeNiro shows his ferocious personae as a "force to be reckoned with" as legendary (their word) mobster Jimmy Conway. He has a danger to him that could erupt at any time, but he also has something else - probably even more dangerous - he's smart and wily and will meticulously plan his crimes out. This makes him stand out in a world where most are acting out of impulse. Joe Pesci, rightfully, won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his take on psychopathic gangster Tommy DeVito. What struck me on this viewing of the film was how small a role in this film that Tommy is. Pesci is not on-screen all that much, but for the scenes that he is in, he is incredibly powerful. You can see that Tommy is dangerous and needs to be handled with "kit gloves".

Scorcese took a chance by centering this film on an unknown actor on who's shoulders that this film will stand or fall - and he chose wisely - for Ray Liotta's performance as Henry Hill is fascinating to watch. He has a charisma and charm to him that draws you in, but there is also an air about him that repels you away at the same time. Scorcese cast another unknown, Lorraine Bracco as Henry's wife, Karen Hill, who is drawn towards the power and danger of Henry (and his world). Bracco was nominated for an Oscar and Liotta never came close to this level of performance for the rest of his career.

Credit, therefore, must be given to the Directorial job that Scorcese put in on this film. This is his masterpiece (despite what the Oscars say). Years from now when scholars look back on his career, this (along with Raging Bull) will be the films that are shown (not THE DEPARTED - the film that he, finally, won his Oscar for).

I find more and more nuance and richness to this film upon subsequent re-watches, and I drank those in on this viewing. GOODFELLAS is like a fine wine, it gets better with age.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars out of 10 (and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)