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He Never Died (2015)
He Never Died (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Henry Rollins is perfect
Henry Rollins: Keep Talking, Pal (2018)
Henry Rollins: Keep Talking, Pal (2018)
2018 | Comedy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Keep Talking, Pal
Henry Rollins is an interesting character. Here he is reflecting on his humble humility and does it with hilarity and intelligence.
Sons of Anarchy  - Season 2
Sons of Anarchy - Season 2
2009 | Drama
Tara (0 more)
This is definitely my favorite season, the story lines were interesting. Henry Rollins (from Black Flag) killed it in his role. Some of the season was hard to watch, like the situation with Gemma, but overall, it was a strong season.

Frank Turner recommended Cultural Amnesia in Books (curated)

Cultural Amnesia
Cultural Amnesia
Clive James | 2012 | Biography, Reference
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Cultural Amnesia might just be my favourite book of all time. It’s his essays and reflections on people he has been fascinated by, mainly from the 20th century, and I felt like I’d been properly woken up after reading it. A friend of mine actually walks Clive’s dog, so I wrote him a fan letter and my mate was able to pass it on. It was the first gushing fan letter I had written in a long, long time. I actually sent one to Henry Rollins many many years ago, and he wrote back to me. Fan letters are cool."


David McK (3505 KP) rated Excavation in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I normally quite like James Rollins' novels, but this one? Not so much.

Although it is in his usual pseudo sci-fi style of writing which I have no problem with, I don't know whether the reason I wasn't really that sold on this one is due to the rather ridiculous (even for him) plot devices used, that fact that it's not one of his Sigma Force novels (best described as scientists with guns) and so lacks that over-reaching plot strands that connects all those novels, or (more likely) that he seems to share the common American misconception of my home town of Belfast as being (almost) a bombed out Beirout. Choice lines include:

"Surviving among the constant gunfire and bombings between the warring Irish factions and the British military had taught Maggie O'Donnell the vlaue of a good hiding place"

"Maggie knew that expression. A childhood friend ... had worn that same shocked face when caught by a stray bullet during a firefight back in Belfast"

"Henry crossed in front of the man and knocked the rifle towards Maggie. 'You know how to use that?' / 'I'm from Belfast' she said, retreiving the gun"

I mean, really? I could understand it a bit better if the book was set during the 70s, or if she was described as being older, but for somebody who I got the impression was meant to be in her 30s?

If this had been the first James Rollins book I had read I don't think I would have bothered with any others! Thankfully, I had the good fortune to read one of his far-superior Sigma Force novels first instead and hope that this is just a momentary blip on his track record - I also read somewhere that this is one of his earlier novels which, perhaps, excuses some of the flimsy plot devices used.

Wayne Coyne recommended Wizard of Oz by Judy Garland in Music (curated)

Wizard of Oz by Judy Garland
Wizard of Oz by Judy Garland
1939 | Pop, Soundtrack
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Last summer we were playing some versions of Dark Side of the Moon that were more like our versions, that we did with my nephew [Star Death and White Dwarves] and Henry Rollins and Peaches. This summer we're playing another version that has some of the Wizard of Oz themes and ideas running through it, so that'll be a lot of fun. It's just great emotional music. Judy Garland, when they picked her to be the singer, and the embodiment of that longing... she's so perfect for that Dorothy character. There are bits on the Wizard of Oz soundtrack CD that I have - and it's an old CD, maybe 15, 20 years old - when you take the movie away and just hear her singing, and there's a song where she cries. I've put it on to a room full of people and they tear up, it's so real. There's not many pieces of music that can do that. She's so perfect, but it's not just the singing - she's an actor. She's on camera at the same time, she's wearing this ridiculous costume, there's fake backdrops behind her, there's a lot of elements that have gone into this thing, and so for her to be so pure, so potent: it's uncanny. That's why that movie is so good. There's a lot of fantastical, ridiculous, musical movies out there that, to me, are nauseating. Wizard of Oz should be one of those - out-dated, overdone, with horrible music – but it rises above what it's made of. It's unbelievable."

Ballad Of The Insolent Pup by Thee Headcoatees
Ballad Of The Insolent Pup by Thee Headcoatees
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Bikini Kill was on tour and we went to this club in Brighton under the pier and the fucking coolest looking girls in the whole universe walked in. They were the band, and they just started singing and they were the Headcoatees. They were just the coolest thing and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. Then I got the record and really liked their version of the song 'When You Stop Loving Me' that's on that album. I always liked garage rock and I felt like they did it so well – it was the kind of music I could listen to all day and be happy. That record is more about personal stuff and I was getting really burnt out. I don't want to just listen to stuff that's about politics all the time. I want to have my guilty pleasures and I'm not feeling guilty about finding them pleasurable. They made me think I want my music to be enjoyable, not just hard all the time. I want there to be moments where it's like: "This is really fun." I always say Bratmobile was a better band than Bikini Kill, partially because I had that anger to propel me forward and also protect me, whereas they have this sort of, "Hey we're at this summer party and we don't care that you don't even know what a summer party is, fuck you." It was like they were having a summer party on stage and I'm invited. They would literally get up, just Molly [Neuman] and Allison [Wolfe] before Erin [Smith] joined the band, and just sing stuff like, "Girl germs, no return", like childhood rhymes. They're doing it in a room full of predominantly men who are, like, Melvins fans and I was just like, "Man, that takes fucking guts." I heard people in the audience say, "I want to do this and this to the singer, we should fucking murder them" and meanwhile I was having my life changed: "This is the most incredible thing I've ever seen." I use that in my performance partially based on them and I definitely saw their vulnerability as a strength instead of a weakness. I wanted to be able to flash between characters that were very traditionally female and have a macho persona as well, so I try to have both and not just be like the Henry Rollins of riot grrrl."
