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The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
Philippa Gregory | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.6 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this quite a long time ago, but I have to say that I do read all of Philippa Gregory’s books because they’re just really good stories. I do have a bit of a thing about the Tudor period, and I’ve read a fair bit of both fiction and non-fiction around the period. I’m aware that this (and her others) may be heavily fictionalised, but part of reading is entertainment, no? But I do like how I feel immersed in these stories.
And who knew that Anne Boleyn’s sister had an affair with Henry VIII before Anne married him (well, when the book came out, not many people seemed to know - unless they were very heavily into their history!)? And honestly, I wouldn’t be overly surprised if a lot of goes on in the book actually happened!
The Catherine Howard Conspiracy (The Marquess House Trilogy #1)
The Catherine Howard Conspiracy (The Marquess House Trilogy #1)
Alexandra Walsh | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is set in two timelines: modern day and the Tudor Court. Dr Perdita Rivers and her twin sister, Piper, have been left an enormous bequest by their maternal grandmother. Perdita’s grandmother was a renowned Tudor historian, and had cut off all ties with her granddaughters after the death of their mother. So this is a bit of a shock!
The other timeline follows Catherine Howard in the lead up to her marriage to Henry VIII, and those fateful months that followed it.
I really do like historical novels, and the Tudor period has always particularly fascinated me. I loved all of the historical detail (and I know a lot of it is just conjecture, but it’s fun to imagine!), and Perdie’s research was very interesting too. I’d love a library like hers!
I’m very much looking forward to reading the second instalment as the ending was most intriguing!!
Henry VIII: The Heart and the Crown
Henry VIII: The Heart and the Crown
Alison Weir | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoy Alison Weir’s storytelling. I always know that I’m going to get a book that I can really sink my teeth into. I’m a big big book fan, through and through - how on earth can you write a short book about a monarch like Henry VIII?! Six wives, heads being chopped off, wars, reconciliations, breaking from the Catholic Church, hunting, sporting and womanising! I’m sure there’s more - and it’s all in the book!

It’s interesting to hear the story of his life from his own (fictionalised) point of view. We’ve seen what his wives think of him, and here we get to read what he thinks of himself. It’s a lot, by the way.

For the fact collectors (🙋🏼‍♀️) this is a real treat, and Weir has really done her research. There’s plenty of (Henry’s version of) romance - most chivalrous!

This kept me turning the pages throughout. I will admit, I listened to this at the same time on a NetGalley audiobook that came through as I started reading on The Pigeonhole. And it really added to the experience. The narrator, Elliot Fitzpatrick, was perfect. He brought Henry to life again, as well as the other characters. He was really “listenable” to (is that even a word?).

So, thanks to The Pigeonhole and Headline both - it was a really enjoyable experience!

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Songbird (The Tudor Court #1) in Books

Apr 13, 2021 (Updated Jul 27, 2023)  
Songbird (The Tudor Court #1)
Songbird (The Tudor Court #1)
Karen Heenan | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SONGBIRD is the first book in the Tudor Court series, and we are introduced to the world of King Henry VIII, and his love of music. Bess is sold to the King just before her tenth birthday and, with hard study and lots of practice, becomes a favourite of his. We stay with her as she grows from a young child, to a young woman, with friends and lovers along the way.

Reading about Henry, Katherine, Mary, and the Boleyn sisters, from a servant's perspective made it all the more fascinating. Her life at court is comfortable, but she is still a servant. There is romance for Bess, from Tom, who was with her from the start, to Nick, a courtier currently in favour with the King. Bess has her own choices to make, some of which end up being heartbreaking.

If I had one thing to say, it would be I was disappointed we skipped so much of Henry's reign, but then, if we'd had it all, it would have been enough for more books! A fascinating story, with realism and character development a-plenty. This was a book I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending, and I am so happy to see there is a second book in this series!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 13, 2021
The Fool’s Folly
The Fool’s Folly
Keith Moray | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Fool’s Folly is set in 1485 in Yorkshire, England, when King Richard III has been on the throne for two years. It must have been a very unsettling time to live in: not knowing whether your King has murdered his nephews, not knowing how much longer the King will actually keep the throne (Henry Tudor was a very real threat at this time), and not knowing what your fate will be if you chose the wrong side!

This story is set at Sandal Castle, the seat of John de la Pole, King Richard’s heir (and now it becomes clear why Henry VIII wanted to get rid of the de la Pole family!). De la Pole’s jester is murdered, and the newly appointed judge, Sir Giles Beaton, is asked to get to the bottom of the mystery. What starts out as a seemingly open and shut case, ends up being the start of a killing spree. Giles has to wonder if the deaths are connected, and whether this has something to do with a plot against the King and his heir.

It’s a bit gruesome at points - I liked this, I will admit. Medieval postmortems wouldn’t have been for the more sensitive observer (or reader!), I’m sure. I do have a bit of a thing for historical fiction, and a newly developed respect for crime and mysteries. I appreciate the attention to detail, and the research that must have occurred in writing this book, it feels very authentic.

I haven’t read the first book in this series, but it didn’t affect my reading enjoyment at all. In fact it has made me want to read the first in the series as well!

Many thanks to Sapere Books for sending me a copy of this book to read and review!
Highland Surrender
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the reign on James V (son of Margaret Tudor, the sister of Henry VIII, and father of Mary Queen of Scots) Fiona and Myles, representatives of two feuding clans, are told by the King that they must marry and form an alliance.....

Sadly, Fiona, the heroine, appears as a right Little Madam for most of the first part of the book. Even after feeling betrayed by her brothers, she is unable to reasonably question anything beyond the clan indoctrination and acts simply like a spoilt child. It's quite hard to see why Myles falls for her at all.

That said, overall this isn't a bad book. I think a bit more on the history side would have made this a more solid and exciting novel, as the ending was really rather good, but it seemed that it couldn't decide if it wanted to be an historical novel, with a romance element (think Elizabeth Chadwick) or something more akin to a bodice ripper (and nothing wrong with that!). You started off feeling there was a bigger plot at play, but this seemed to get a bit lost in the middle, before a quite exciting ending after all.

Not sure it's worth a second read, but I'd consider this author again in the future.
Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen
Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen
Alison Weir | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tudor England at it's best!
Everyone knows the stories of Henry VIII and his six wives, don't they? Jane Seymour always seems to be the quietest, almost childlike, always doing as she's told. This novel paints a very different picture of her. She is a young woman of her time: obedient to her parents and the males in her family, religious, and ready to do her part as a woman (and that means bearing children!).
This novel looks at how she probably wasn't as innocent as we have always been led to believe. In all honesty, she lived at court - a place where family loyalties and wealth were above all else in importance: she couldn't afford to be an innocent.
I like the Jane that Weir portrays. She's resilient and cares deeply about her family and HER Queen (Katherine of Aragon). I really liked this book and all of the courtly intrigues: Tudor England has always fascinated me. It was such a sad end for Jane, and the authors extended notes at the end really explained well what she and some experts thought had really happened to her and why she died (heres a clue: it wasn't childbirth). I will be going back to the first two books in this series to read about Katherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn in preparation for Katherine Howard (wife #4 - and that should be a good one!!).
Young Elizabeth: Princess. Prisoner. Queen
Young Elizabeth: Princess. Prisoner. Queen
Nicola Tallis | 2024 | History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Young Elizabeth: Princess. Prisoner. Queen by Nicola Tallis is such an interesting non-fiction account of Elizabeth’s life: from her mother, Anne Boleyn meeting Henry VIII, to the day she succeeds to the throne. In those intervening years, Elizabeth is pronounced a bastard after the execution of her mother, is predated on by her stepmothers husband, is accused of trying to topple her sister Mary from the throne, is imprisoned in the Tower and other great houses - as long as she is out of Mary’s way. She is spied on and may well have really been involved in plots against her sister.

Elizabeth was far too clever to be caught, and that comes across really clearly. She was her parent’s daughter: clever, resilient and she knew the best people to have around her. These personality traits and the things that happened to her, formed the young woman and queen she would later be.

Nicola Tallis read through, and included, a lot of Elizabeth’s personal correspondence. It must have been exhausting for Elizabeth. She was constantly under suspicion of treason. She may well have been though, and she certainly didn’t conform wholeheartedly to Catholicism as Mary wanted her to.

This was such a fascinating read - and I’m notoriously picky with non-fiction. I often find it dry and hard to concentrate on, but not with Young Elizabeth. It was riveting, and held my attention from start to finish!
I've read a couple of other historical novels by this author, which were quite enjoyable, but not great. I had to review this after finishing this morning as it was so much better and a really rewarding read.

The novel covers the reign of Henry VIII from the point of view of Will Somers, the man who becomes the king's jester or fool. This gives the book a totally different twist and insight from something concentrating on the usual courtly suspects. Will is in the thick of things, with a front row seat in the course of history, if you like, but he's not one of the players in the drama.

The novel is actually written in the first person, and it's very rarely that I like this because in the hands of most authors it is clunky, but here I had to go back and check that this was so, as it seemed so natural.

Obviously, hindsight is a wonderful thing in history and some of the points made are from the point of view of someone with historical hindsight, but there's also a lot of psychological truth in there and you can quite clearly see why characters act the way they do.

Now, my only problem is that MCB was not a writer of authorial afterwords, like many present authors. What I really want to know is how much of the story is true (within the bounds of fictional probability!) and what is fiction/surmise - and what happened to Will Somers next?!

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Execution in Books

Jul 26, 2020  
S.J. Parris | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Execution is the sixth book set in Elizabethan world of Giordano Bruno. I have read the first book in this series, so it was definitely on my radar, but as so often happens with me, I got distracted by other books 🤯
The fact that I haven’t (yet) read books 2-5 has made no difference at all to my great reading enjoyment, so this can be read as a one off (but why would you do that? Books 1 and 6 are fab, so I’ll be reading books 2-5 without a doubt).

Bruno is working undercover for Elizabeth I’s spymaster, Francis Walsingham, and they hope to stop what becomes known as The Babington Plot - a plot to kill Elizabeth I, break Mary Queen of Scots out of prison and put her on England’s throne instead. This is all about Elizabeth’s claim to be queen. Henry VIII has disowned her as illegitimate when Anne was beheaded, and she was a Protestant to boot! Babington and his crew are staunch catholics, and they want a catholic on the throne. Mary fits the bill.

Francis Walsingham is desperate to find an excuse to dispose of Mary, and Babington is providing the goods. There is a secret letter exchange going on between the plotters and that Walsingham knows about, but he needs to catch them in the act - and he needs to ensure that Mary implicates herself completely.

This is all historical fact, as is Bruno’s existence, and I think that’s what puts the icing on the cake for me. I love historical fiction that brings real characters to life on the page. Bruno is a great character - he’s intelligent, funny and emotional. Basically, he’s a great character to build a story around.

So much research must have gone in to this book, and I really appreciate that. The side characters add couloir and substance to the whole story.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and I’ve now given myself the rather enjoyable task of catching up with Bruno!