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Dangerous Behavior
Dangerous Behavior
Nancy Bush | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ties together well with a good ending (0 more)
Extremely slow start (1 more)
Heavy focus on the romance can be off-putting
Killer Couples
I could almost tag this book as a straight up romance given how much time is dedicated to Sam and Jules’ love story. While the romance could be a good hook for some I personally just found it distracting and kind of eye roll worthy. Sam and Jules were high school sweethearts, Sam cheats, and after getting dumped Jules finds her way into the arms of his brother, who took care of her through her family troubles. The book spends an inordinate amount of time on Sam’s miserable love life and how he never got over his first love despite a plethora of women throwing themselves at him. This made the earlier parts of the novel slow down to a crawl as the narrative focus was more about the romance than the actual murder.

It got worse when Jules started getting her memory back and remembers nothing of the love she shared with her husband and instead keeps thinking about Sam and all the great sex they had. Days after her husband is murdered. I groaned. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised and it’s predictable, it’s just so distasteful and was just sort of a big middle finger to Sam’s brother Joe. I couldn’t get behind the romance in the story at all and it really decreased my enjoyment. So much that I actually was really struggling to like the book and had been thinking about rating it lower until I got to the second half of the book.

Thank goodness for the second half, when the mystery really started to come together. The thrill killers were an interesting pair that bring to mind several serial killer couples. It was a confusing twist on an otherwise average murder mystery and at first I had been wondering why they were even in the story at all. As I dug deeper into the story, however, things pulled together nicely and I actually found these characters to be pretty interesting.

This was the part of the book that was actually good, and the ending alone convinced me to push my rating just a little bit higher. It was worth slogging through the romance to get to the good stuff. While I found certain parts predictable and had figured out the dastardly duo immediately when they were introduced I still enjoyed unraveling the mystery and finding a few surprises along the way.
As She Fades
As She Fades
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vale McKinley and her boyfriend Crawford have been together since they were six years old. On the night of their high school graduation they are in a terrible car accident that leaves one of them in a coma. The other does their best to visit everyday, but college is just around the corner and they have to make the decision to either move on together or apart. Vale comes from a large family and their support is very important to her. People come in and out Vale and Crawford's lives as they try to deal with the circumstances they are under. The most notable is Slate Allan, a friend to Vale's brother, Knox, whose reputation is not the most desirable. He reads sports magazines and has a heart of gold. Will Vale and Crawford be able to move forward together or is their life better apart?

Thank you to NetGalley and Feiwel & Friends for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Let me say, this book held my attention from the very beginning. Vale is a very interesting character and you immediately want to be her friend and a part of her family. I read this book in 2 days. Wherever I went, I was reading it. There was a huge twist a little more than half way through the book, that made me yell and curse!!

This is a YA Romance book. The characters are all 21 or under and it made me feel a bit nostalgic. Took my back to my college days with roommates and friends all over campus. How much life changes when you get to college.

Vale and Crawford have a lot on their plates. The accident has changed them and made Vale, especially think about her life with and without Crawford. Everything has always been the way he wanted, even the college they both decided to go to was his idea. It's not too bad, though because her brother is there too.

Will this relationship last? Will the past 12 years of their life come to an end after this accident? Will they be able to push through and continue the relationship through college? Will Slate Allan be able to prove to the world what a great guy he is or will his reputation as a playboy be all that anyone will see?

This is the first book I have read by Abbi Glines, but it will not be my last. This book held and kept my attention from the very start until THE END!!
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Thomas Harris | 1981 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wish I read this when I was in high school. This book really would have been right up my alley. The story was so complex that I would have devoured it within days. This would have been one of those books that I stayed up late reading under my covers. However, reading this book showed me how much I have changed & how my tastes in books have changed as well. Personally I am not a huge fan of mysteries. I find them dull, and typically I avoid them. The weird thing is that I love mystery thrillers. I have always found them fascinating especially if it is a psychological thriller.

Red Dragon is that psychological thriller that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat once you get passed the half way mark. The beginning of the book dragged for me. I would have loved more of an action packed thriller vs. a mystery turned thriller. Though the first half was essential for establishing characters I truly felt that it dragged. I'm typically used to a book that jolts you into the action instead of taking a lazy river ride to a waterfall. I want the rapids. So, due to the first half, it took me forever to finish. One thing that I really liked about the first half was how much it messed with my mind. Honestly I had trouble reading it before I went to bed simply because of the dreams it created at night. I had to make sure every door and window was locked before I went to bed simply to help sooth my mind so that I could get some sleep.

Though the story dragged for the first half, the second half made up for it. I found myself entranced by the thriller aspect of the writing & loved how complex the story truly was. It has been years since I last watched Red Dragon (the movie) so at times the story felt fresh and new. It was weird, sexual in strange spots, and honestly something that I have never read before. Thomas Harris was able to create a serial killer that will make you cringe, sympathize with, and wish they were dead all at different moments. It was fascinating to read.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. It isn't my favorite book but it was an interesting read that makes me yearn to watch the movies again. I probably will not continue on in the series but I'm happy that I did take the time to read it.
I first heard about this book on Bookish First and I was enraptured by the first few chapters. I just knew I had to read this book. I was lucky enough to be accepted as an ARC reader and I know this review has come out after the book was released but that was because I received it last week via Bookish First though I will admit, I was accepted as a Netgalley reader too (yes, I was that in love with just the preview I asked to read the book on NetGalley too which is really completely rare for me.

I was really scared this book was going to hit all of the wrong buttons but I was so completely impressed. Roni Loren has a way about writing that makes you feel like you are sitting on the sidelines watching this all take place. I felt the emotions of the characters and they were realistic. I love how each character was unique and relatable in a way. The characters were well thought out and I loved the personalities of each one. I also loved the friendship and comradery that was in this book between the main characters. I felt like I was hanging out with some of my friends while I was reading it.

Liv & Finn were by far my favorite characters (which tends to happen with main characters). The banter they had was amazing and I found myself swooning for Finn many times while also cursing his name at other times. I honestly just loved the chemistry between the two of them. It made me want to live passionately too.

The plot of this book is unfortunately realistic and I loved that it humanized the survivors of this horrid act of violence. Too many times we think of survivors as props in a way. I've never been in a situation like this but I know people who have. I was a grade schooler in Colorado when the Columbine shooting happened and I graduated from Arapahoe High School about 10 years ago so I see a lot of the press that happens when an anniversary happens. It's a constant barrage of news articles anytime April or December come around. I love how this book made the characters, the survivors, all be humans who are messed up and yet surviving. I loved that.

All in all, I loved this book. This book is messy, beautiful, heart wrenching, and just spectacular. If any part of this book sounds like it's up your alley, pick up the book and read it. It's wonderful.
But Then I Came Back
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Estelle Laure’s second Young Adult novel is due for publication with promises of a unique storyline. <i>But Then I Came Back</i> is about life after a near death experience, and the ways it alters your view of the world. Eden was lucky to wake up from a month long coma after being involved in a terrible accident. However, life cannot immediately go back to the way things were. With a mountain of therapy sessions ahead of her to relearn how to swallow and walk, Eden feels her ballet career is over before it even had a chance to start. And, graduating from high school does not seem likely either.

In the hospital, there is another girl in a coma who has not been as lucky as Eden. Not knowing whether she will ever wake up, Eden becomes obsessed with Jasmine, especially as she is certain she saw her in a dream-like state whilst she was unconscious. Eden also becomes fascinated with Jasmine’s only visitor, Joe, and for his sake is desperate to help wake Jasmine up.
Bordering on paranormal, Eden and Joe experiment with ways of reaching Jasmine, wherever she may be. As their relationship blossoms, Jasmine deteriorates, and soon Joe must make a decision: let Jasmine go, or keep trying, knowing she will not be the same person if she wakes.

Eden’s personality will resonate with book lovers as she is forever quoting from literature. On the other hand, her behaviour is initially antagonistic, which makes it hard for the reader to give her any sympathy. As a result, it takes some time to get into the story.

When Eden wakes up, she is obviously confused and unwell, which affects the way she behaves. I did not like her as a person, and therefore was not that interested in the book. It was also difficult to pin point the key theme of the novel. Was the paranormal theme the main concept, or Eden’s recovery and relationship with Joe? Neither of these was explored deeply. There was scope for so much more, especially the prospect of an in between – a limbo between life and death.

<i>But Then I Came Back</i> is a little disappointing; the blurb promises something special, but all we are given is a teen romance, and not a very interesting one. Estelle Laure is a good writer; nevertheless her storyline was underdeveloped.
The Way You Make Me Feel
The Way You Make Me Feel
Maurene Goo | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
I <em>loved</em> Maurene Goo's previous novel, <em>I Believe In A Thing Called Love</em>, so when I got an email from Netgalley, I jumped at the chance to read Goo's latest novel because I knew I wouldn't be disappointed with a cute contemporary novel. (I also jumped at the chance to be on the blog tour, because oh my goodness, cute books will be shoved at the world. #sorrynotsorry)

<em>The Way You Make Me Feel</em> does <em>not</em> disappoint in levels of cuteness. Goo's latest novel follows Clara, who is introduced as the class clown, committing pranks and causing mischief since early on in her high school career. She especially likes making life difficult for her classmate Rose, the person she got her in trouble in the first place. Clara takes her pranks too far one day and it results in an entire summer stuck with Rose.

Clara is an... interesting character. She was a little hard to like at first, but over the course of the novel, Clara grew on me. She is sassy, carefree and gets in trouble... A LOT. She's also a little rebellious.

I think my favorite part, however, is the <em>food</em>. Food is an important part of the story, and I think my mouth watered while reading the book. Clara's dad owns a food truck called KoBra, which takes Korean and Brazillian cuisine. Both Clara and Rose work the food truck during the summer, where they are forced to get along with each other. they eventually develop a friendship, and I enjoyed seeing them grow from enemies to friends. (This is probably when I started liking Clara a <em>lot</em> as a character. Maybe it's just me and my opinions.)

The side characters of <em>The Way You Make Me Feel</em> are my favorite characters - I love Hamlet (this is a wonderful name as much as the play is wonderful) and his grandparents, who are adorable and cute and funny, as much as I grew to love Clara, Rose and the rest of the characters.

If you're looking for a cute contemporary read that is bound to make you hungry, <em>The Way You Make Me Feel</em> is the perfect novel.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
Truly, I've been meaning to read this one for ages, but those Hulu promos with Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington really did push me over the edge. Shaker Heights is a planned community in Ohio, focused on perfection. No one loves the community more than Elena Richardson, who has lived there most of her life. She and her husband have four children, and Elena works as a reporter for a local paper. They also rent a townhouse to deserving tenants. Their latest project is Mia Warren and her daughter, Pearl. Mia is an artist and Pearl goes to high school with the Richardson kids. Mia is everything Shaker is not--mysterious, interesting, and different. When Elena's friends try to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a battle erupts within Shaker Heights that splits the town--and Mia and Elena. Elena starts digging into Mia's past, but her obsession with this woman will soon put both Mia and herself at risk.

I'm not sure there's much I can say about this popular book that hasn't been said before. I'm often hesitant to read hyped books, fearing a letdown, but I really enjoyed this one. It's mesmerizing, drawing you into Shaker Heights, as one event keeps leading to another, things unfolding before your eyes. Disaster, you know, is waiting right around the corner.

Ng flirts constantly with the idea of being different--Pearl, for instance, isn't sure she likes being different--and loves spending time with the Richardson kids, who seem so average and normal. There are others who are scared of being different. We see different ideas of conformity. And the thread of fires--big and small--real and metaphorical--throughout the entire novel. Ng is an excellent writer; I was really impressed with how everything tied together. She captures the everyday moments so well.

The whole book was incredibly compelling; I had not realized that there was a mystery element to this one, as Elena digs into Mia's past. I was fascinated, and I loved how real each of the characters seemed. The four Richardson kids are unique in their own way, and of course, Mia, Elena, and Pearl are quite captivating. The world-building and storytelling here is amazing.

Overall, this book is just fascinating. I was hooked from the beginning and awed by the excellent writing, as well. I'm extremely curious how this will translate to tv (and what liberties they will take with the story). 4.5 stars.
The Complete Persepolis
The Complete Persepolis
Marjane Satrapi | 2003 | Biography, Comics & Graphic Novels
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<img src=""/>;

<b><i>The Complete Persepolis is a graphic novel written by Marjane Satrapi that covers her life. This is a memoir of growing up as a girl in revolutionary Iran.</i></b>

This is a story of Satrap's childhood; growing up in a loving family in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution. We also follow Marjane in her high school years in Vienna. It is an interesting journey of a young girl becoming an independent woman. 

<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

I enjoyed the graphic novel style. It is an interesting concept of telling a story and I really liked it. It was easy to read and quick to engage with.

Even though I liked Marjane’s story, I didn’t like Marjane as a character. She seems a bit too arrogant. She seemed to always need to prove to the world who she is and what she is about. I have met a few people like that in my life and found them annoying. 

It was really interesting to read about the culture and history of Iran and I loved the places in the book where they showed us the major differences in culture and beliefs. Growing up in Macedonia, I am no stranger to this culture, nor the beliefs, as Macedonia is a country with many different nationalities and religions living together. I have seen things, and I have heard things. 

The writing was very humorous and the story plot was quite interesting. I didn't really feel any emotions during the book, but the sad ending really got me. What a way to finish a book.

<b><i>In conclusion, I have mixed feelings about The Complete Persepolis, only due to the way the character was set up and her attributes. However, I loved the representation of Iran, the way we are thrown into the culture and mindset, and how this book made me think twice.</i></b>

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