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Broken Monsters
Broken Monsters
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Broken Monsters was what I call “High Concept, Poor Execution.” There were two major things that caused me to decide not to finish it.

The first reason: The story was written from several different characters perspectives, and it switched almost every chapter. Some books can get away with this (generally there are two or three PoV) but this one had like 5 different voices, and it was just too much to keep track of.

The second and most important reason: The relationship between the police officer and her daughter. Seriously, no police officer is going to pick up her high school daughter and start telling her all about the secret case they haven’t yet allowed the press to get wind of, or tell her details or hunches, or—what really set me off—have her daughter help her use a search engine to find photos from nasty crime scenes. You just don’t do that.

The premise was cool and the bad-guy was amazing (his PoV was my favorite) but I just couldn’t keep going with those two factors.

Chrissy (8 KP) rated Keeper in Books

Jan 25, 2018  
Kim Chance | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
How would you react if you went from being a normal high school kid with a plan for your future to seeing ghosts, finding out the paranormal is real, and everything you thought you knew about your family was wrong? These are the challenges Lainey faces in this book.

Lainey is almost 17. She is a straight A student, with a plan for her life. Then she starts seeing a ghost, which sets events into motion. With her best friend, and a cute guy she just met to help her figure out what's going on. Then the help of her Uncle and his girlfriend Lainey tackles struggles bigger than any high schooler should have to handle.

This book was amazing. It had me on the edge of my seat, grinning from ear to ear and crying at times. I would highly recommend it. With a few minor kissing scenes and a couple of violent scenes I would say it is still appropriate for kids over the age of 13.
    Assim Al-Hakeem

    Assim Al-Hakeem

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    Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem is one of the prominent propagators of Islam in English in Saudi Arabia. He...

Who Sings My Generation by The Who
Who Sings My Generation by The Who
1965 | Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"If you go back and listen to the early stuff they did, when they were The High Numbers, they weren't exactly a power band. [Pulls out phone again, shows photo of The Who playing a club in Chicago, presumably The Kinetic Playground, in August 1968] I had their singles, too. When I was still in high school I used to subscribe to Melody Maker and I got it by airmail - it was $105 in 1965. That was a lot of money. That's where I read about all this stuff. I'd see all the bands when they were playing clubs, which was the way to do it: you could really see how the bands worked. The sharp, 60s era of The Who is version I like best. A band I was in, The Grim Reapers, opened for The Who just before that photo was taken. They were just wild, the best live band I've ever seen. Hendrix was different: he was cool. Townshend was just exciting, even besides the smashing the guitars."

Lies You Never Told Me
Lies You Never Told Me
Jennifer Donaldson | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won this as a goodreads give-away and am glad I did!

A gripping, thrilling, page-turning YA novel that grabbed you from the beginning until the last page! It touches base on many different relationships. How lies, secrets, desires and choices in life can haunt you, make you question things and make you rethink if the choices you made were the right ones. This was a quick read that kept you guessing. A mixture of romance, thriller, mystery and young adult relationships, struggles and emotions.

Lies You Never Told Me can be broken down into two stories.

The first is about Gabe, a teenager who gets lost in a relationship with his girlfriend Sasha and questions why he stays with her. Sasha is the typical high school popular girl and bully. He decides to break up with her, however Sasha does not want the relationship to end. Sasha tries different things to get Gabe back. She is the epidemy of a psycho ex-girlfriend. Gabe starts falling for another girl Catherine and that too is a complicated relationship in itself. And while this is all happening Gabe finds himself a victim of a hit and run.

The second story in Lies You Never Told Me is about a girl named Elyse who is a teenage high school student who tries to hide a family secret about her mother, while going to school, working and keeping her and her mother from becoming homeless. Her only outlet of feeling normal is from her drama theater class. She gets a role in the school play and her life gets even more complicated. She falls for her high school drama teacher, Aiden Hunter and she has to hide this from everyone including her best friend Brynn. And her story unfolds from there.

In the end, these two stories collide together in such a way, it leaves the readers wanting more and gives you that aha moment of why the book was written how it was.

I rated it 4/5 because it was a little confusing of how the two stories tied together until you got to the end. Both stories told in Lies You Never Told Me dealt with a complicated teenage relationship though both very different, psychologically gripping and written in a way you get pulled to the characters, the stories didn't collide until the end so you were wondering throughout the book why it was written like it was and felt disconnected from each other. You felt like you were reading 2 separate novels until the last few chapters.
I would highly recommend this book to YA readers and adults who want a fast read, like a book told in different character perspectives, want a mystery/psychothriller mixed in with romance and relationship issues, those who like engaging characters and teenage issues that adults can understand as well!!!! I would say it's a YA book that compares adults book authors like Gillian Flynn, B.A. Paris, Lisa Jewell and others with similar writing styles and plots!