The Kitchen Gardener: Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg
Allotments with ten-year waiting lists; fruit and veg seeds outselling those of flowers - Britain is...

The Weeder's Digest: Identifying and Enjoying Edible Weeds
'What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not been discovered.' Ralph Waldo Emerson This book is a...

The World of Kew
Without plants, there would be no life on earth. Kew Gardens is famous for its breathtaking displays...
Parisian Interiors: Bold, Elegant, Refined
Barbara Stoeltie and Rene Stoeltie
Bursting with colour and dramatic focal points, these exceptional interiors offer exclusive access...
Strategies for Landscape Representation: Digital and Analogue Techniques
Strategies for Landscape Representation discusses a variety of digital and analogue production...

Katori Hall Plays One: Hoodoo Love; Saturday Night/Sunday Morning; The Mountaintop; Hurt Village
An important new voice for African-American theatre, Katori Hall explores the lives of black and...

Mixed Race Cinemas: Multiracial Dynamics in America and France
Using critical race theory and film studies to explore the interconnectedness between cinema and...

The New Orleans Voodoo Handbook
One of America's great native-born spiritual traditions, New Orleans Voodoo is a religion as...

Bruce Springsteen and Popular Music: Rhetoric, Social Consciousness, and Contemporary Culture
This interdisciplinary volume enters the scholarly conversation about Bruce Springsteen at the...

K9 Investigation Errors: A Manual for Avoiding Mistakes
Make sure your K9 investigation work holds up in court. Based on Resi and Ruud s previous book, K9...