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The Queen's Confidante
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book has three mysteries at the heart - was Arthur Tudor really murdered (I confess this is a new theory to me and not sure how credible this is), what happened to the so-called Princes in the Tower and what became of Lord Lovell after the Battle of Stoke. Personally, I think the latter is done a great disservice here, based on the historical knowns of his character. Even so, what happens and with the hero and heroine's consent is pretty horrific - yes, I know the historical basis for this, but it doesn't do much good for liking the supposed protagonists! Also the rather melodramatic language as the book nears it's conclusion - monster, beast, devil - it just goes a bit over the top.

I could explain a bit more about why I wasn't keen on the book, but it would be difficult to do without spoilers, so I suppose I will leave that there. I will just say that I find it hard to credit that when Elizabeth Woodville came out of sanctuary in 1484 she didn't know what had happened to her sons and therefore one would assume that Elizabeth of York would also have known - and she was happy enough to be honoured at her uncle's court that Yuletide. Having the Elizabeth of this book rail against Yorkists when she came from what seemed a close family does seem to me to be somewhat absurd.

There are, also, a number of errors which could and should have been picked up. Another reviewer has already mentioned the note which is shown to two other people on one page and on the following page is apparently a secret! There are also TWO erroneous mentions of Richard duke of York, when the context is reasonably clear the person actually referred to is York's son, Richard Duke of Gloucester - elementary mistake that should not have been made!

Perhaps I have read too many non-fiction books about the period and have formed my own strong opinions to enjoy this book as much as some other reviewers. If it is going to be your 'thing' I can only give you my opinion and leave it to yourselves to determine.
The Year 2001.

I wondered into a local branch of Eason's, and saw Under the Eagle on offer, sold for an introductory price (which I can't even remember), and with a blurb that sounded interesting. That, and a quote from the king of historical action-adventure fiction Bernard Cornwell that 'I really don't need this kind of competition ... a great read'.

Jump forward just over 20 years, and we're now onto book #20 in the series, and back in the Roman province of Brittania after the intervening books have had us all over the Roman Empire.

The series has also lost the 'Eagle' that was always included somewhere in the earlier titles (Under the Eagle, The Eagle's Conquest, The Eagle and the Wolves etc), with that word last used in the title in entry # 7 (The Eagle in the Sand).

That's not all that has changed: Cato is no longer the scared young man he had been in the first entries; Macro no longer the seasoned Centurion. Now, Macro is retired from active service whilst Cato - who now has a family of his own - has risen in rank above that that Macro ever reached but is still firm friends with the latter.

We've now also reached a pivotal moment in Roman Britain history, with the Boudicean revolt just about to kick off (as it does here) and as the Romans finally capture and raze the Druid stronghold of Mona.

Those two events form the backbone of this novel, with Cato involved in the attack on Mona whilst Macro is charged with the defence of Camulodunum (Colchester) and in charge of the Roman Reserves there whilst the main army is away on campaign, just after the Governor of Britain has further alienated their Icenian allies.

As with all of the Simon Scarrow books I've read, the history is worn lightly enough to make an enjoyable read: this is not a dry, stuffy retelling of events but rather uses the real historical events as the backbone for the story being built around it.

This, I have to say, is also the first in the series that I can remember ending in a definite cliffhanger ...

(I might have to go back and re-read the previous now)
I received this book as a complimentary review copy through Story Cartel.

A love story of a different kind, The Divided Hearts tells the tale of Judith and Nate, and the long realisation they both go through before they accept their love for each other. Set against the backdrop of Newport, America, on the another war with the motherland, some great historical points are raised, as well as dealing with the emotional conflict of those with English ties but who are American at heart.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, which is quite strange as I usually stay away from romance, and there are many reasons for this! Firstly I'll start with how easy it was to read. The flow was fantastic, really easy to get your head into, Darcy really sets the scene well and gives you just the right amount of information to keep you engaged in the story without overloading you. IT's very rare to find a book that's so easy to read, but you could dip in and out at your own leisure, knowing the idyllic life of early America was waiting for you to return.

Another thing I enjoyed about this book was the fantastic description used by Darcy. It was beautifully detailed, I felt that I could see every vista she described, feel all the dresses Judith wore and get all hot and flustered at Nate's muscles! It's rare that a book truly appeals to all senses whilst you are reading it, but Darcy manages this superbly and it is a great delight to read.

In addition, the characters deserve a mention. In a relatively short text, it's sometimes difficult to really engage and invest emotionally in the characters, but in 'The Divided Hearts' you are drawn whole heartedly into their lives. You agonise with Judith over her decision of whether to stay in America or not. You get excited when good things happen to the characters, you feel scared for them when they're in danger. I know it sounds vague, but believe me, this is a book you want to read for yourself, and I won't spoil that first read excitement!

Perhaps the best thing for me though was the story itself. It was entirely believable from start to finish. You really could have imagined this happening during that difficult transition time, and that makes it all the more enjoyable. It's like you're getting a lovely snippet into the past, and although it's a story, you don't feel it is entirely fictional, rather, you feel like there's some truth and somewhere out there this actually did happen. I think the accuracy of the history in general helps greatly with this, and it's a relief (and a pleasure!) to see a book that's so well researched and that presents such an accurate historical representation of the time and place it is describing.

In conclusion, this is a brilliant read for an easy afternoon sat in the sunshine. The plot, characters and description work fantastically together to provide a much needed release from the drama's of every day like. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction or a little bit of easy reading romance.
The Solder Who Killed a King: A True Retelling of the Passion
David Kitz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to fiction books that are centered around Biblical times, it takes a really good author to hook me into the story line. Don't get me wrong, I love reading my Bible, however, not every author can create a story that brings the Biblical portion off the book pages and to the reader like a movie screen. David Kitz, however, truly hooked me with this book, and took me a first-class whirlwind ride through history. 

I absolutely felt every emotion of this book, watching, most often on the edge of my seat, as Christ was cruxified. This book really brings to life the Biblical and the historical detail. As I watched the Roman Centurion who was tasked with awful task, I found myself with tears in my eyes, both for him, and for Christ. It was a heartwrenching, gut twisting, thought provoking story of sacrifice and pain. 

This book......anything less than a 5 star review would be a disgrace. The style of which David Kitz wrote this novel is stunning and captivating. This book is definitely not for everyone though. If you are a reader of Biblical fiction, if you want to see what happened during that eventful week in time, then this book is for you. You will not be disappointed and you will want more! I know I am already ready for another beautifully written novel of Biblical times by this superbly talented author! Grab this book and be prepared for a jaw dropping experience of watching the cruxifixion come to play. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Historical fiction isn't my favorite genre, but I'm much more willing to read it when it's mixed with mystery. I've read some of Hambly's work before and know her to be a fine writer, and I'd read good reviews of this series by people I respect, so I decided to give it a whirl.

I suppose all the descriptions of people's clothing would have mattered much more to someone who cared about such things, but I do realize that they were important in the context of the story. Personally, I was relieved when the main character went on a journey! I would have been happier had his medical skills been utilized more frequently than they were, but I suppose his experiences were fairly true to life for a "colored" man of his time.

I did learn quite a lot&mdash;things that I intend to verify in non-fiction sources shortly. The information about the black code, for instance, and the explanation of the distinction between "black" and "colored" people seemed too precise to be fabricated.

I knew, too, that Louisiana is the only U.S. state whose laws are based on French rather than English common law, which seemed silly to me. Why wouldn't they go with the standard everyone else used? After reading this novel, I'm starting to realize that there may have been rights given to citizens under French law that were lost under English law.

I'm not sure as to whether or not I'll go forward in the series, as I'm not sure that I can handle the unhappiness I can see foreshadowed even in some of the titles. However, I will say that this volume is well-written and well-plotted. I certainly didn't guess who the killer was or why the murder was committed before the big reveal, and that was a pleasant change!