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ClareR (5784 KP) rated The Sin Eater in Books

Oct 5, 2021  
The Sin Eater
The Sin Eater
Megan Campisi | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Sin Eater is set in an alternative Elizabethan England, with so much attention to detail that it could be true! I mean, there WERE Sin Eaters, but in reality I don’t think their diets were as varied and rich-sounding. I had a google, and it seems as though some bread was left on a coffin for a Sin Eater to eat. Until, that is, the Church got involved. Sin Eating had to many Pagan connotations.

Each sin in this book has a different food, which is how 14yr old May Owens learns that something sinister is going on in the Queen’s court.

May can’t tell anyone what she knows. It’s a terrible punishment for a young girl: sentenced to a life of silence and ostracised by everyone - all because she stole bread to eat. Ok, she’ll never go hungry, but some of the combinations are pretty grim!

I really enjoyed reading about the travelling entertainers, and the homeless people who decide that living with a walking, breathing curse (May) is worth the risk when it’s cold outside.

This is a really atmospheric book, steeped in the sights, sounds and smells of a 16th Century England-type-place, and it ticked a lot of boxes for me as a historical fiction, occasional fantasy fan (amongst the other types of fiction!!)
Phoebe's Light is the first book in suzanne Fisher's Nantucket Legacy. In this first book, we find our main character Phoebe Starbuck a Quaker on her 18th birthday; September 8th, 1767. Her father Barnabas decides it is time to pass along Great Mary's journal. Great Mary was Pheobe's great-grandmother and was well known for her wisdom.

Not only excited for her birthday, but the ship Fortuna has arrived in port. Phoebe has always imagined that she loved older widowed captain and she hopes to finally capture his attention. When Phoebe runs into the captain he is very interested in Phoebe's birthday gift and wants to read this journal for himself.
Soon Phoebe finds herself married to the captain Phineas Foulger and on a voyage with two things, her great grandmother's journal and a man sent by her father to mind her; Matthew Macy a cooper whom she once loved until he turned away from God.
Pheobe soon finds that life at sea is not the trip she envisioned. Seasick and disillusioned, she turns to the pages of great-grandmother Mary's journal and she finds a secret that has consequences for everyone on the ship.
This is a book that the reader will find hard to put down. Full of history and mystery; the plot takes the readers on many twists and turns and keeps your interest going.
I truly enjoyed this book and found it difficult to put down. Anyone who loves historical fiction will love this book. The author has done her research well and brought this research to life in her novels. I look forward to the next book in the series "Minding the Light".
I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Watersheds of World History
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was provided as a complimentary signed copy from the author, and I am very grateful to be finally fulfilling my promise to review the book.

Firstly, I have to be honest, world history from start to finish in 200 pages? I know, I asked myself that question so many times before I sat down to finally read this and I was highly sceptical whether it could be achieved. How very wrong I was.

Taylor has a unique take on history, succinct and incredibly to the point. I read a lot of history books and most historians get a little 'flowery' with their language in an attempt to make the reader love the history but Taylor takes a completely contrasting methodology in being almost blunt with the delivery of the historical facts. Usually, I would prefer more description but in this book it is much more apt to have this short, sharp burst approach as it keeps the reader hooked to the very end, even if they already know the history being told. That being said, I'm a self professed history enthusiast who reads history like fiction, and Taylor, in this masterpiece, managed to teach me a thing or two about periods of history I thought I knew inside out.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough for anyone interested in getting a beginners knowledge of world history, whether to help decide options for school, find a new hobby or even brush up on quiz knowledge. Taylor has written an immensely useful and informative text that I would, if I were a teacher of history, make a compulsory text for all my children. As it is, I'm in primary teaching and I can see myself recommending this to colleagues who are less confident in general historical knowledge to make sure they meet the grade! A fantastic talent has emerged in the literary world of non-fiction history, and I look forward to reading more from this incredibly talented and unique author.
The Scandalous Duchess
The Scandalous Duchess
Anne O'Brien | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit that I do enjoy Anne O'Brien as a writer of historical fiction. Maybe it's not great literature, but it's still an enjoyable ready and she actually makes a first person narrative come off, whereas with some other authors it sounds unnatural or is handled clumsily.

O'Brien's latest offering gives us the tale of Katherine de Swynford (nee de Roet), famous (or perhaps infamous!) as the mistress and later wife of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (and if you didn't know that he marries her, I think the title might give it away, so I don't think it's a spoiler!). There actually isn't all that much known about Katherine herself, which may seem surprising. I'm sure there may be other novels about her, but by far the best known is Anya Seton's 'Katherine' which might well give another author pause when looking to cover the same ground. The fact that so little is really known about her life does give an author a fair bit of freedom. It must be fairly obvious that there is a love story in there - she was his mistress for many years and then he chose to marry her, which I doubt anyone would have expected.

The novel's subtitle give it as 'the forbidden affair that started the Tudors' - who of course were descended from the legitimated Beaufort line.... but then again Joan was also the maternal grandmother of Edward IV and Richard III! The benefit of hindsight can show us clearly how a seemingly small decision, such as Katherine's decision to acquiesce in becoming John of Gaunt's mistress, can have such a huge impact - namely being a large factor in the Wars of the Roses!

I found this a well written and entertaining novel and I do enjoy my historical fiction! If you've read O'Brien before, I think you'll like this and if not I would recommend giving her a try. I find her writing far superior to the much touted Philippa Gregory.
The Burning Chambers (The Burning Chambers #1)
The Burning Chambers (The Burning Chambers #1)
Kate Mosse | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is an immersive experience! I found myself drawn in to the world of 16th Century France - and to be fair, it was all pretty exciting stuff! Historical fiction is one of my favourite genres, one of my ‘go-to’s’, and this did not disappoint one bit. It’s a story of religion, conflict, ambition, with a bit of a love story thrown in for good measure.

It’s all history that I know little about - my history education being that of the carefully selected English type. I’ve always tried to find out more about European history (ahem, German degree) and further afield if I can, and historical fiction makes it a bit more interesting than a dry history book. This book taught me a lot about the tensions between the catholic majority, and the Huguenot minority.

Minou is the 19 year old daughter of a bookseller, and lives in Carcassonne with her family. She meets Piet, a Huguenot convert, and helps him to escape from the town. Later, in Toulouse, they meet again in far more dangerous circumstances. They become trapped in a city at war - Catholic against Huguenot - and someone that Piet believes is a friend is very far from that. In Puivert, the chatelaine of the castle has a secret that she wants to keep hidden, and the only way to do that is for her to find Minou.

First, the most obvious thing: this is one big book. It’s the kind of book that I would buy on my kindle, because at 600+ pages, it definitely won’t fit in my handbag! The Pigeonhole is great for these circumstances!

Secondly, although this book is a serious whopper, it didn’t feel that way when I was reading it. It’s an exciting, fast-paced, delight of a read. It has it all: action, history, romance. Everything that makes for a compulsive read! The heroes and heroines are good, and the villains are thoroughly bad, and I loved them all!

ClareR (5784 KP) rated The Deep in Books

May 29, 2020  
The Deep
The Deep
Alma Katsu | 2020 | History & Politics, Horror, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a book that starts off in a pretty harmless, if tragic way, and goes on to weave the stories of the Titanic and the Britannic together. Annie Hebley is an ex-stewardess from the Titanic, and when we first meet her she is a patient in an asylum. A fellow stewardess invites her to work on the Britannic some years later (1916), after it has been converted in to a hospital ship. Without any nursing experience, other than what she has watched the nurses do in the asylum, Annie accepts the job.

As soon as she sets foot on the Britannic, the memories of that fateful Titanic journey come flooding back to her. The atmosphere on the voyage in the lead up to the Titanic's destruction, can only be described as menacing. The passengers are fascinating - there's a real mix of people that we learn about. There is something definitely not quite right about the ship, but I was never able to put my finger on it (and I think that was intended). And that feeling follows Annie on to the Britannic.

I always think the unseen menace is far more frightening than what can be seen, and I really enjoyed this approach. I loved learning the backstories of the passengers, and the eventual reveal of Annie's story too. It really is historical fiction with a twist (that twist leaving me with a reluctance to ever get on a ship, if I'm honest). How Annie ever gets up the courage to board the Britannic, I'll never know.

If you know your history surrounding these two boats, you'll have a pretty good idea how this all ends, but it's the journey, isn't it? And it's also the way in which Alma Katsu manipulates that history that I really enjoyed. If you like your historical fiction a bit dark, a bit gothic, then you'll really like this. I did.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.