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The Zig Zag Girl
The Zig Zag Girl
Elly Griffiths | 2015 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating mystery set in the 1950s
When DI Edgard Stephens sees the body of a girl, cut into three, it reminds him of a magic trick: the Zig Zag Girl. His friend, Max Mephisto, used to perform it. Max and Edgar served in the war together as part of a secret unit called the Magic Men. Max still performs, but when another person turns up dead, he reluctantly helps Edgar look into the deaths--especially since this one seems tied to magic as well. Both men feel like the murders may be linked to their war days, and if they're not careful, their whole unit could be in danger.

This was the twenty-sixth (and final!) book in my #atozchallenge! I challenged myself to read a book from my shelves that started with each letter of the alphabet.

"'The way the body was cut into three, each part put into a black box, it reminded me of a magic trick. One you used to do before the war.'"

I absolutely adore Elly Griffiths, but I don't read a lot of historical fiction, so I've always kept this series in my back pocket. When I needed a "Z" book for my challenge, this seemed like a perfect fit. No surprise, really, but this was an easy and interesting read. Griffiths is such a good writer, and this is written in what I've come to think of as Elly's style--a fun, enjoyable form, where she captures the essence of each of her characters so well.

The book is filled with magic and war stories. The mystery is quite captivating--it's a good case, which draws you into the story. And Edgar, Max, and their crew are very compelling. I enjoyed the themes of friendship and wartime, plus the surprising vulnerability that shone through in both Max and Edgar. I would certainly read the next book in the series. 4+ stars.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Dec 7, 2021  
Watch the book trailer for the romantic mystery novel SCATTERED LEGACY: MURDER IN SOUTHERN ITALY by Marlene M Bell, Author on my blog. There's also an amazing giveaway for a chance to win the a prize pack valued at $425 for one winner! The prize pack includes:
- a $50 VISA gift card
- a Patricia Nash leather bag
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the Puglia Region of Italy
- Orecchiette Pasta from the Puglia Region
- Weekly 2022 Engagement Spiral Calendar
- Silver/Gold Italy Coin necklace on 18” silver chain
- autographed copy of Scattered Legacy by Marlene M. Bell

To outsiders, the relationship between Manhattan antiquities assessor Annalisse Drury and sports car magnate Alec Zavos must look carefree and glamorous. In reality, it’s a love affair regularly punctuated by treasure hunting, action-packed adventure, and the occasional dead body.

When Alec schedules an overseas trip to show Annalisse his mother's birthplace in Bari, Italy, he squeezes in the high-stakes business of divesting his family’s international corporation. But things go terribly wrong as murder makes its familiar reappearance in their lives – and this time it’s Alec’s disgraced former CFO who’s the main suspect.

Accompanied by friend and detective Bill Drake, Annalisse and Alec find themselves embroiled in a behind-closed-doors conspiracy that threatens the reputation and legacy of Alec’s late father – linking him to embezzlement, extortion, and the dirty business of the Sicilian Mafia. The search for the truth sends the trio straight into riddles, secrets, and an historic set of rosary beads. Annalisse leads Alec toward a discovery that is unthinkable, and events that will change their futures forever.

Scattered Legacy is the third in Marlene M. Bell’s thrilling Annalisse series, which weaves romance, crime, and historical mystery into addictive tales to instantly captivate fans of TV show Bones or Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.

Clair (5 KP) rated The Essex Serpent in Books

Sep 29, 2017  
The Essex Serpent
The Essex Serpent
Sarah Perry | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Purely a cover book buy, I had high hopes for this as it has won lots of awards. I’ve given it 3 stars – it took me over 100 pages before I really started to like it – I struggled to engage with the story and found my mind wandering, meaning I had to go back and reread several paragraphs again.
Set in 1893, Cora Seaborne finds herself a widow after her controlling husband dies. She and her son Francis and companion Martha leave for Colchester in Essex as she is a keen amateur naturalist and hopes to explore the area looking for fossils.
On arrival she hears rumours of the mythical Essex Serpent that has returned to the coastal parish of Aldwinter and she sets off to explore. She is introduced to William Ransome, a vicar who doesn’t believe in the Serpent but on meeting the pair find they have a connection.
There are many characters in the book, and this is for me what kept it interesting. Its meanders quite a bit but once I got used to the style, I ended up quite enjoying the story, and the historical and mystery elements were interesting.
I read it for my book club (my recommendation) and I have a feeling they may have enjoyed it more than me. I much prefer contemporary novels, but I’m glad I read this.
Desert Moon by Susan Page Davis is a wonderful historical fiction. The story takes place in Arizona. There is a sweet romance throughout the story with a little bit of danger and mystery added. The story begins fast with a stage coach robbery and then blames of the crime are made and with evidence.

The main character, Julia Newman, is a young lady that makes the difficult decisions. Julia receives double bad news in a short amount of time. First she learns of her mother's death, then she learns that her brother is accused of robbing a stagecoach and the person who informed her is the man that Julie has always love, Deputy Adam Scott. 

Julie left home to go to school to become a teacher because she could not stand to be near the man she loved, Deputy Adam Scott.  On her way home, Julie learns that the stagecoach she is riding in has been robbed. Deputy accused Julie's brother of the crime, which frustrates her. Julie tries to convince Deputy Adam Scott of her brother's innocence but then finds out that her brother has gone mission.  During this exchange, Julie discovers that her feelings for Deputy Adam Scott has not gone away as she hoped would happen when she went away to school. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Once Upon a River
Once Upon a River
Diane Setterfield | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

"Once Upon the River" by Diane Setterfield is a difficult book to categorize. It’s part fairy tale, part mystery, part fantasy, and has a dash of historical fiction thrown in for good measure. It revolves around a little town, its pub, its residents, and the river that flow nearby.
The residents are a colorful cast of characters. I enjoyed Setterfield’s use of the pub’s regulars and how they helped move the story along with their storytelling. Storytelling is a significant topic discussed in the story.

I found the beginning of the story confusing. I think it was because of all of the people involved in the storyline. Three separate storylines run parallel and intermingle in the story. Once I was able to keep the characters straight I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
I also listened to a preview of the corresponding audiobook and recommend that also. The narrator, Juliet Stevenson, uses different voices that allows the listener to clearly recognize that character.

I devoured Setterfield’s “The Thirteenth Tale” (my rating is 4 out of 5 stars) and now “Once Upon a River” (4 stars rating). Diane Setterfield is now an author I follow and am looking forward to her next story.
Show all 3 comments.

Allison Knapp (118 KP) Jan 26, 2019

Sounds interesting. I'll have to read it


Christine A. (965 KP) Jan 27, 2019

I haven't read Bellman & Black. I'll let you know when I read it.

No One’s Home
No One’s Home
D.M. Pulley | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
145 of 200
No ones home
By D M Pulley

Margot and Myron Spielman move to a new town, looking for a fresh start and an escape from the long shadow of their past. But soon after they buy Rawlingswood, a foreclosed mansion rumored to be haunted, they realize they’re in for more of the same…or worse.

After a renovation fraught with injuries and setbacks, the Spielmans move in to the century-old house, and their problems quickly escalate. The home’s beautiful facade begins to crumble around them when their teenage son uncovers disturbing details of Rawlingswood’s history—a history of murder, betrayal, and financial ruin. The Spielmans’ own shameful secrets and lies become harder to hide as someone or something inside the house watches their every move.

As tensions build between the family members, the home’s dark history threatens to repeat itself. Margot and Myron must confront their own ghosts and Rawlingswood’s buried past before the house becomes their undoing.

Such a good book!! Full of mystery and suggestions of paranormal activity all written around historical events, places and people. I read mainly at night and in the dark so I got a few chills reading this. Such a well balanced and well executed book! You got drawn into all these characters lives!
Cats Aloft (Anton and Cecil #3)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anton and Cecil, Book 3, by Lisa Martin, and Valerie Martin is the third book in the Anton and Cecil historical fiction series. After traveling by ship and train in the first two books, they get an opportunity to travel in the air in this outing. Anton and Cecil hook up with a bloodhound, Ruby LaNez in Chicago, to try a solve the mystery of the stolen white puppies. After helping to capture a bank robber, they head off to the fair to track down half a dozen missing white puppies. When they think they know who the culprits are, Cecil accidentally ends up in a hot air balloon. After a disaster in the sky, he ends up at the circus where he locates the missing puppies. With the help of some of the circus animals and a group of overgrown rats, he comes up with a plan to free a Siberian tiger and rescue the puppies. Anton and Ruby follow their noses and also end up at the circus.
What an enjoyable adventure for a pair of adventurous cats. The illustrations are scattered throughout this early chapter book and add just enough visual appeal that children will enjoy. For readers who love animal adventurers this is a fun series. This is an early chapter book that would be great for those late primary, junior readers to enjoy.

I received an advanced copy this book via NetGalley and Algonquin Young Readers. Thanks so much.
Murder on Waverly Place
Murder on Waverly Place
Victoria Thompson | 2009 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder at a Séance
Midwife Sarah Brandt is surprised when her mother, Mrs. Decker, begs Sarah to join her at a séance. Mrs. Decker is hoping to reach Maggie, Sarah’s older sister, and obtain forgiveness for something that happened before she passed. Sarah goes, but nothing she experiences convinces her that it is at all real. However, Mrs. Decker goes back a second time, and one of the group members is murdered. They quickly call in Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy. The lights were out, and everyone was holding hands, so how was the victim killed?

Between the how and the who, I was pulled into this story and couldn’t put it down. There are some great twists along the way, and the climax is logical, although one part bothered me. It’s a very minor complaint. Sarah and Frank continue to be strong leads, ably sharing the view point of the story in a way that is easy to follow. They even made me laugh a few times as I was reading. While we don’t see Frank’s family, we do get to see more of the people in Sarah’s life, and I love spending time with them. The new characters are fantastic, and help bring New York City of 1897 to life. I always get lost in Sarah and Frank’s world, and this book was no exception. If you are looking for a historical mystery, I highly recommend this book.
I truly enjoyed this adventure across the country!
I have read several of Misty M. Beller’s books now and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors in the Christian historical fiction genre. This is the first book in The Mountain Series and a great introduction to the series overall! I will be buying the rest of the series.
    From the very beginning, Misty M. Beller grabs your imagination with intrigue and travel. With so much going on in the first few chapters I was nervous that the rest of the book would not live up to the beginning’s standards. I was pleasantly surprised when that same even pace was kept through the whole book! The vivid descriptions through Leah’s travels across the country and the descriptions of everyday life on the mountain were fascinating and believable. It got my imagination involved. The plot was believable (Mostly, I mean it is a work of fiction), and it flowed well from one scene to the next keeping a hint of mystery along the way.
    The characters in this book were interesting. I loved Leah’s faith; I strive to have the faith she displays. I also liked her unwavering strength when things got tough on the mountain, she showed such a positive spirit and seemed like a joyful person. Gideon... Silent and quiet at first, great with animals, like to chop wood, Mm, talk about a mountain man
The Curse of Lord Stanstead (The Order of the MUSE #1)
The Curse of Lord Stanstead (The Order of the MUSE #1)
Mia Marlowe | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of Entangled's Select Historical novels and my first introduction to both them and this author. I have to say that I am in no way disappointed!

The Order of the M.U.S.E. is a secret society that you learn about as you go on. They have various members who are capable in various ways. The latest 'recruit' is Cassie, an emergent fire mage who needs help controlling her element. But this is also during the time of the 'mad King George' and it is the Order's job to protect royalty against any who would harm them. Where there is yin, there is yang and although it is only mentioned in passing, you are left with the impression that there is another Order there who seeks to harm, not help.

This is very well written and gives you a good insight on the ton and the rules and regulations that would need to be followed to be part of Polite Society. The plot is smoothly written and moves along at a fair pace, never slumping.

A warm-hearted story with a hint of mystery, a dash of the paranormal and more than a tinge of hot romance. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 28, 2015