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Daughter of the King (The Derbfine Series #3)
Daughter of the King (The Derbfine Series #3)
Ashley York | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daughter of the king (The Derbfine Series #3) by Ashley York
Daughter of the King is the third book in The Derbfine Series, but could be read as a standalone as most of the characters are not major ones in the first two books. Brighit and Darragh have been promised to each other, almost from birth. And whilst there is comfort in the familiarity, there is also worry for Brighit as she fears Darragh will want her to change, to become the 'perfect little wifey'. Darragh is aware of Brighit's behaviour and loves her spirit. The only way for these two to work together is to trust each other, and that doesn't appear to be happening any time soon.

Once again, this book will draw you in. Not so much for the mystery, as that is quite straightforward, but for the complications and restrictions upon others in that time. Brighit and Darragh have to talk to each other about what happened, truthfully, for any headway to be made. I loved how Darragh worked things to allow Brighit more freedom, and how she realised Darragh wasn't how she had pictured him.

I'm putting this one as my favourite out of the three, simply because of how well written Brighit and Darragh were. With no editing or grammatical errors, this book was a delight to read, and Ashley York is a fantastic historical romance writer that I have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Wonder
The Wonder
Emma Donoghue | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:

<b><i>It came to Lib then that the question to ask was not how a child might commit such a fraud, but why?</b></i>

<i>The Wonder</i> is an absolutely beautiful and thought-provoking novel and by far one of the best books I’ve read this year.

Set in towards the end of the 19th century, we meet one of Ms Nightingale’s own nurses, shipped out to Ireland to investigate a so-called miracle. Young Anna O’Donnell hasn’t eaten since her 11th birthday, which passed four months ago. Lib begins a frustrating journey into learning whether Anna is truly a modern day Saint.
She is determined to prove the miracle a hoax, but being faced with old Irish superstitions she doesn’t understand, sexism and strong Catholic faith, she has a hard time getting to the truth.

It’s a bit of a slow ride, but it’s interesting enough to keep you wanting to know more. Donoghue creates a beautifully vivid story for you to really lose yourself in, you’ll find yourself reading this book within a couple of days (or hours, depending on when you’re reading it). Not what I’d classify at a mystery novel - the story is so much more than just working out the story behind Anna’s apparent loss of appetite. It’s a story of faith, believing in yourself and following your heart.

A really enjoyable book, with a wide array of likable and dislikable characters, beautiful scenery and heart warming lessons to take away, this is a must read for any historical fiction lover.
Untrue till Death
Untrue till Death
Graham Brack | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Master Mercurius is back with, unfortunately for him, another murder. It’s 1674 in Leiden, and after solving the mystery and murders of the young girls in Delft, he has made something of a reputation for his abilities as an investigator. William of Orange wants to employ Mercurius to rout out any plotters against him, and just as he starts his investigation, one of his colleagues at the University of Leiden is killed. When one of William of Orange’s men is murdered, it looks as though they are linked. Mercurius is called on to solve the murders therefore safeguarding William.

I don’t know whether it’s just me, but I never manage to work these things out, but the big reveal always seems to be completely rational. The whole story is delivered with a bit of tongue in cheek - I really do appreciate the humour in all of Brack’s stories, his main characters are immensely likeable, and that mixed with the historical details makes for a very enjoyable read.

Mercurius is an ordained Catholic priest masquerading as a Protestant cleric, and he’s surprisingly adaptable. He seems to be very open minded for someone living in this period, and we see his thoughts on a variety of topics - this time whether it’s right to condemn someone to death for accidentally killing someone else. Perhaps there were people who thought like this - I like to think so.

Many thanks to Sapere Books for sending me a copy of this to read and review (even though I had preordered it after reading the first one!🤦🏼‍♀️). It was my absolute pleasure!

ClareR (5657 KP) rated The Rose Code in Books

Jun 26, 2022  
The Rose Code
The Rose Code
Kate Quinn | 2021 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Rose Code is an exciting historical mystery with a definite ‘thriller’ edge to it. It’s set in Bletchley Park - which is precisely what drew me to it. I’ve been there with some friends, and discovered that one of their grandmothers had actually worked there during the war.

I actually listened to this on an audiobook, and although there were one or two pronunciation issues, I thought the narrator Saskia Maarleveld did a really good job. She added extra character to the three main women in the story - all friends, but all so different from one another: the debutante with fluent German; the practical East Londoner who wants to escape poverty; the local village girl who, it turns out, is a genius cryptographer.

I really enjoyed the way that these characters were developed, and how their unlikely friendship grew. The secondary characters were also all interesting and well-developed, and all came together at the climactic end. I was gripped throughout, listening at every opportunity. And the ending really was a breathless race to the finish.

Oh, and there’s a rather large part given to Prince Phillip as well. There is a foot placed in fact, but I’m not really sure just how much. Oslo Kendall did exist, and was Prince Phillips girlfriend (or friend, at the very least) before he married Queen (then Princess) Elizabeth. I liked the “is it true or not” element.

If you like war time fiction, and have an interest in Bletchley Park - or want to find out more - you might just enjoy this as much as I did.
His Lordship&#039;s Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HIS LORDSHIP'S MASTER is the second book in the His Lordship's Mysteries series, and we continue on our merry way with Alfie and Nick. Now, you 'could' read this as a standalone but, honestly? To get the most out of it, I would absolutely recommend you read it in order.

We leave the grime and corruption of London behind us as we travel to Scotland with Alfie and Nick. However, what we find there is cold, wet, and mysterious! A big old house, an urban legend of the 'Wicked Master', plus a murder or two, and you've got plenty to keep you occupied.

I loved how the relationship between Alfie and Nick just went so much deeper. Their love is true, even if they're not at it like rabbits all the time! (Understandable considering the time period).

There are so many layers woven into this story and I love it all. I won't go into detail as I don't want to ruin it for anyone else but nothing is as it seems. The closest I got was with a couple of the female characters. I was sure something was going on with them, but I did not imagine it would be what it was!

For a great historical mystery with some MM tenderness as an added bonus, I can absolutely recommend this.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 22, 2022
After seven long years in Devon, Lady Maud Worlington returns to London to reclaim life on her own terms, but a nefarious shadow and the prospect of financial ruin dog her steps. An impulsive and unforgettable kiss under the mistletoe creates a connection with Geoffrey, the handsome, young Duke of Tilbury. Yet as pleasant as it is to have a suitor, Maud is not sure how a boy of one-and-twenty can prove an equal partner in life and the equal of all the forces mounted against her.

The Duke of Tilbury considers himself as adept at managing matters as he is at swordplay, but his beautiful new acquaintance Lady Worlington has other ideas about how to manage her complicated life. Intrigued by their stolen kiss, Geoffrey pursues Lady Worlington’s affections, only to be foiled by the lady’s own doubts, by rivals for her hand, and by a sudden death, that affects both their families. When Jacob Pevensey, the investigator from Bow Street enters the scene, the duke becomes a prime suspect in the murder case. Truths are unearthed that Geoffrey would rather keep hidden, and the twelve days of Christmas race toward a perilous end.

My Thoughts: A story full of mystery, suspense, romance, and some charming characters. I truly enjoyed this story, based on the twelve days of Christmas, in true Victorian style. The characters were well developed and easy to relate to. Some you liked and some you dislike. It was good to see the strengthening of Maude's character, that she was finally able to stand up for herself and to go on with life without being bullied or blackmailed. This story takes many twists and turns and has many surprises for the reader. This is a book for those who like historical fiction. A wonderful read just in time for the Christmas season!
Murder Knocks Twice
Murder Knocks Twice
Susanna Calkins | 2019 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bringing 1929 Chicago to Life
Gina Ricci is thrilled when she lands a job at The Third Door, one of many speakeasies in 1929 Chicago. Her friend, Lulu, already works there, and she has promised the tips are good. Since Gina needs to support herself and her sick father, the promised money is very welcome, and the glitch, glamour, and possibility of meeting some celebrities captivates Gina. As Gina settles into her new job, she starts to hear that her predecessor was murdered, but no one seems willing to talk about it. Besides, it happened away from The Third Door, so surely the murder was unrelated to the job Gina has now, right? Gina has just convinced herself of that when she witnesses a murder. Is she safe in her new job? Can she figure out what is really happening?

Since I love history, especially US history, I’m always looking for promising sounding new historical mysteries to add to my to be read list. This one does a great job of bringing the era and location to life as we get plenty of discussions about life during the time, including celebrities of the day. However, this detail took away from the mystery. The murder I teased takes place a third of the way into the book, and that does make the plot move forward a little faster, but still, we could have used some more clues and red herrings. The climax does explain everything, but it feels very rushed. The characters are a little thin as well, although I did feel we got to know Gina and a couple others well. In you are interested in the time or location, I definitely recommend you pick up the book. Hopefully, with some things now established, the next in the series will be stronger.

Kyera (8 KP) rated The Night Circus in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
The Night Circus
The Night Circus
Erin Morgenstern | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (106 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Night Circus is set in the 19th Century although the Circus itself travels the globe. We don't see much of the world, rather the story is built and developed around this mysterious venture that only opens at night. Before we even get to know our two main characters they are placed in a competition that they know next to nothing about. As readers, we are not privy to much information that Celia or Marco do not know.

Both main characters are likable although we don't get to experience much of their personalities outside the use of their magic and the way they are shaped by the game. Celia is outspoken and witty when she chooses to be, unlike typical victorian heroines and it is wonderful. I wish we got to experience more of the interactions between Celia and Marco during the book but overall their time together is limited.

At times, we learn more about the Circus through the eyes and stories of its fans - the reveurs or as Bailey who dreamt of the circus since he was a little boy. As a reader, you are drawn to the magic and mystery of the Circus. Dreams of attending fill your mind and you become a reveur yourself. The story of the Night Circus fills you with its majesty and doesn't let go.

It's difficult to explain just what is so appealing about this book, but I fell in love with it almost immediately. The black and white striped tents, impossibly intricate clock, mouth-watering scents and tastes all come together in this enchanting novel - sure to spellbind teens and adults, whether fans of magic, fantasy, realistic or historical novels.
Historical fiction isn't my favorite genre, but I'm much more willing to read it when it's mixed with mystery. I've read some of Hambly's work before and know her to be a fine writer, and I'd read good reviews of this series by people I respect, so I decided to give it a whirl.

I suppose all the descriptions of people's clothing would have mattered much more to someone who cared about such things, but I do realize that they were important in the context of the story. Personally, I was relieved when the main character went on a journey! I would have been happier had his medical skills been utilized more frequently than they were, but I suppose his experiences were fairly true to life for a "colored" man of his time.

I did learn quite a lot&mdash;things that I intend to verify in non-fiction sources shortly. The information about the black code, for instance, and the explanation of the distinction between "black" and "colored" people seemed too precise to be fabricated.

I knew, too, that Louisiana is the only U.S. state whose laws are based on French rather than English common law, which seemed silly to me. Why wouldn't they go with the standard everyone else used? After reading this novel, I'm starting to realize that there may have been rights given to citizens under French law that were lost under English law.

I'm not sure as to whether or not I'll go forward in the series, as I'm not sure that I can handle the unhappiness I can see foreshadowed even in some of the titles. However, I will say that this volume is well-written and well-plotted. I certainly didn't guess who the killer was or why the murder was committed before the big reveal, and that was a pleasant change!

Deborah (162 KP) rated The May Bride in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
The May Bride
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The May Bride is not, in fact, so much about Jane Seymour - although she is the first person narrator and was married in May (practically before her predecessor was cold.....) - as about her sister in law, Katherine Folliot, first wife of her eldest brother Edward (later Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector under Edward VI). Edward's second wife, Anne Stanhope, is probably better known to historians or lovers of historical fiction, but there remains something of a mystery around the fate of Katherine Folliot, which Dunn has chosen to take as the basis of this novel.

I realised I had read a couple of Dunn's previous works - The Queen of Subtleties and The Confession of Katherine Howard. Of the former, I remember thinking that Dunn must have done a lot of research into the history of confectionery, but I can't remember anything of the second book, other than it wasn't dreadful, but wasn't the best thing I'd ever read either. I feel a bit the same about this latest offering. There's a lot of detail in there about how a moderately wealthy Tudor family may have lived, but a couple of days after I finished reading it there is nothing that stands out for me. I think perhaps that Jane herself isn't very interesting and Dunn doesn't make her interesting. I think her point is that she's plain and dull and normal and gets on with things because it's just easier.... but it doesn't make for a very entertaining read somehow. Katherine herself, who is the focus of the novel also often doesn't seem very likeable, so it's difficult to like her story or to really feel sorry for her.

In summary, not a bad read and there are far worse out there, but someone it doesn't quite hit the mark for me - just a bit forgettably mediocre.