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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b>The Tom Wilde Series</b>
#1 <a href="">Corpus</a>; - Not Read Yet
#2 <a href="">Nucleus</a>; - Not Read Yet
#3 <a href="">Nemesis</a>; - ★★★★★

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<b><i>Nemesis is the third book from the Tom Wilde series by Rory Clements. I haven't read the previous two books, and I also haven't read any books from Rory Clements before. I received this book through ReadersFirst, and I will be honest, I was quite reluctant to read it. You already know my opinion on reading sequels before reading the previous books - but I went in blind in this book.</i></b>

The blue cover is simply gorgeous and I knew it was a thriller and a mystery, so I decided this was enough to get me going. If this book review ever captures your attention, I advise you to also go in blind. I think going blind made me enjoy this book even more.The fact that this is a third book in a series doesn't mean anything. The only similarity with the other books is the main character. Almost the same basis as Dan Brown's series and his professor Robert Langdon. The books are entirely standalones.

It is very hard to reveal what the plot is about without spoiling the fun. Tom Wilde is a university professor and one of his very talented students, Marcus, has left to join the International Brigades in Spain. Now, two years after, he is in trouble, and Tom helps him come home.

Meanwhile, numerous things happen, involving World War 2 Politics and propaganda, and in these times, no one knows who to trust. And when Tom Wilde finds himself in great danger, who will help him? And who does he needs to be afraid from? Has maybe helping Marcus been his greatest mistake?

Nemesis is full of suspense from the very first chapter, and the thing I loved the most about it was that the chapters are quite short, and always leave you hanging, hungry to find out more. Every word that Rory Clements types had a meaning and a purpose in this book, and that was the bit I admired the most.

The time setting revolves around the Second World War - a subject I don't often read about. I can't judge about the historical fiction element. However I do know that while I am a person that doesn't enjoy war books, this one struck me in a nice way. The war setting was very well written, and you could even feel the atmosphere around it. The ending was pleasantly surprising and it involved a mystery I could simply not resist.

<b>I will definitely read more books by Rory Clements, as I really enjoy the writing. If you enjoy thrillers and if you are a fan of Dan Brown, you will probably enjoy Nemesis a lot!</b>

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The Devil&#039;s Prayer
The Devil's Prayer
Luke Gracias | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling Read
When I first read the blurb of this book I was desperate to read it - Why would a nun commit suicide? Why had a mother abandoned her children? What exactly is The Devil's Prayer?

To be honest I was expecting a mystery thriller with supernatural undertones. I could not have been more wrong.
This book is entirely unexpected. In a very good way though, it far surpassed my expectations. It does start off slowly but wow - you soon find yourself in an incredibly fast paced tale that twists and shocks constantly.

I enjoyed it immensely. The shifting of the voice telling the story is natural, the differences between them enough to make it obvious who was narrating. The two main female protagonists become incredibly sympathetic as the story moves along and the descriptions of various locations were detailed enough that you could easily 'see' them without the minute that bogs down some novels. Some of the scenes are brutal and deal with subject's that are very delicate. I felt that the author dealt with these incredibly well and, as someone who could be labelled 'sensitive' to some, it never felt gratuitous.

So why only nine stars? Well, there are a few nagging issues that grew rather tiresome.
The main issue has nothing to do with the story itself - rather it is a huge formatting flaw. Every word that is written in italics, usually the foreign names of things or places, is tiny. About half of the size of the normal font. I do not need glasses but squinting constantly left me with a slight headache and a huge amount of frustration. It's always nice to know the real name of things so I nearly always took the time to look. Unfortunately that meant that the flow of the story was somewhat spoilt.
One other minor niggle was that I felt that some characters deserved much more of a back story than they got. At one point the motivation for one of the later characters is being explained then it suddenly turns into a detailed historical description and then back to one of the main protagonist's again. That was a shame because it would have been very satisfying to have learnt more about the actual character.

Overall I would definitely recommend this novel - I just hope that the migraine inducing formatting is sorted out!

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Wake in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Anna Hope | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>Wake</i> is a historical, debut novel by the British author, Anna Hope. Set in 1920 the story spans itself over five days, from Sunday 7th November until Thursday 11th November – Armistice Day. It is a story about the aftermath of the First World War and how individuals deal with the loss of loved ones, as well as their relationships with those around them.

The novel tells the story of three different women. None of them know of each other, nor even meet during the course of the narrative. However, they are connected through relationships and acquaintances with other people. There is Hettie, a young woman who works as a dance instructress at the Hammersmith Palais. Her brother fought in and survived the war only to return shell shocked and unable to cope. Evelyn, just short of 30, lost someone dear to her. Her brother, however, survived but he is also greatly affected by what he has done. Finally, there is Ada, a mother of a soldier who died from his wounds. Unable to let go of tragedy she is slowly, unknowingly, pushing her husband away.

The title of the novel initially gives an indication of what the story may contain. The most common definition is about waking up – emerging from sleep. There is slightly less focus on this meaning, nevertheless, toward the end of the book Ada is, in a way, waking up out of the past and concentrating on the here and now. Wake is also the term for a ritual of the dead. The story takes place in the days leading up to Armistice Day, the day when the Unknown Warrior was brought to England and buried in London. The final meaning, and most important in terms of this novel’s content, is consequence or aftermath. Every character, not just the three women, is dealing with the repercussions of war.

Hope has conducted in-depth research with the result that <i>Wake</i> gives a powerful insight into the lives of Londoners at that difficult time. It shocks the reader by revealing the awfulness and pain – emotionally and physically – people went through. As well as war, the book heavily focuses on family and romantic relationships, and even encompasses a hint of mystery, not in the crime thriller sense, but enough to keep the reader engaged and eager to discover the truth.

Admittedly, the beginning did not appear to have a clear plot line, but once the secrets and revelations begin cropping up, the book takes off and becomes an enjoyable read.
An Earl to Enchant by Amelia Grey
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance

Rating: 1

After the first two chapters of this book, I was ready to give up. I gave it a little bit more just to see if it was worth it, and I sort of regret it. I could have been reading something else.

I felt like I knew everything after the first chapter, and that there was no reason to keep going. The character spilled her guts, the sexual tension was immediate and way too strong for a first meeting, and it felt typical. I knew what would happen: They’d meet, they’d sleep together, they’d get married, they’d fall in love. In that order. There was no mystery, there was nothing keeping me reading.

The characters seemed dense and melodramatic. For instance, Arianna fainted in the first chapter, and woke being “carried in strong arms” (the Earl). She “felt safe there for some reason.” But I was thinking the whole time, She doesn’t even know the guy. It felt wrong that she was so attracted to him and “felt safe” and “felt at home” when she—and I as a reader—didn’t even know the character very well. Also, after one argument she’s convinced herself that he’s ill tempered—when he’s not—and that keeps her from being open to him.

The writing wasn’t that great, either. The prose felt forced and hard to read, and the dialogue was awkward. It was as if the characters said more than they needed to, and said everything they thought, and described things unnecessarily. For example,

It’s just that I’m so happy to be outside for the first time in such a long time. I seldom left my room on the ship, and this is the first time I’ve been out of your house. Everything looks fresh and new.”

(Page 108, ARC)

I would have said “It’s just that I’m so happy to be outside for the first time in such a long time.” She had seldom left her room on the ship, and it was her first time outside of his house. Everything looked fresh and new. It’s less awkward... or maybe just less wordy.

There was just too much against this book to keep me reading. I will say that from what I read, Grey is good at developing the sexual tension. But that was another thing that was just too much for me.

All in all, I was expecting a lot more from the plot and characters than I got from An Earl to Enchant.

An Earl to Enchant was published April 6th. It got 4- and 5-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Please consider other reviews before making purchase decisions.
India Black (Madam of Espionage, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>3.5 stars</b>

<b>India Black</b> is a well-written and entertaining read, featuring a no-nonsense, street-wise, and book-smart whore-turned-madam who is the namesake of the book. While I do like India and her voice, there was something about her that felt off, and after thinking about it I've come to realize that I really don't know her that well. I find that odd because the book is told first-person. Even though this is the first in the series and some authors may not want to divulge everything about a character, I think there needed to be more tidbits about India. What's her history? How did she grow up? Was she groomed to be a whore? Etc., etc., etc. Besides, French is the secretive one, we don't need two mysterious characters in one book. As for the attraction between India and French promised on the back of the book, well, it wasn't there. Now there's the promise for that in the future, but there weren't enough scenes with the two of them together for anything to actually happen except some minor discussions about the issue(s) at hand, some bantering, and a decent amount of bickering -- though luckily not too much of the latter to annoy.

The plot is fine, but there's really nothing new to distinguish it from others in Victorian mysteries. Actually, the book doesn't feature any mystery what-so-ever and it's more of a chase to retrieve top secret government documents; I've heard the term caper thrown around and that sounds about right for this book. After a while I felt like I was in <b>Groundhog Day</b> -- same scenarios popped up under different circumstances, but all with the same outcome, which became tiring. The historical facts would have been better served had they been more smoothly incorporated into the story rather than dropped in big chunky lumps that often bored me (and I <i>like</i> history). The atmosphere of the book was fairly well-done, though it seemed a bit too polished and clean, so a little more grit would have given it some needed realism. The main character is a madam who can't possibly live in best neighborhood, and no matter how well-mannered, groomed, or intelligent she may be, she has to live in a tough place.

While I do have those minor issues about the book, the question is, <i>"Would I read the next book in the series?"</i> Yes, I believe so, because overall, I did enjoy this foray into India Black's world and it has the makings of a very interesting series.
The Stolen Marriage
The Stolen Marriage
Diane Chamberlain | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok so let me just say the cover of this novel is absolutely stunning … all the water droplets are raised and the image is breath taking!!!!
After reading the synopsis of the story in the cover, I was hooked into wanting to read this and the novel did not disappoint. This is not only a multilayered, multifaceted novel of plots and characters but also genre of books. The writing is like watching a movie playing in your head … Chamberlain has a way at pulling you in and making you feel all different emotions throughout the story. Each character is written in a way that you feel like you know them and see their growth and there views and feel each of their stories. If you like historical fiction or mystery or self discovery or even romance, you will love The Stolen Marriage.
The book is set in 1943-1945 with an epilogue that is 1955. It starts out with Tess in Baltimore, which in these times is considered to have northern values and religions with a mix of cultures. Then the story continues into Hickory NC where southern religions, views on colored people, values such as money and family come into play. I am not going to summarize it too much and give too much away nor am I going to describe the synopsis of the book that is given because it is spot on. However, the first chapter draws you in with an accident and a death!!! Then the story unfolds where Tess makes a detrimental decision that changes her path in life drastically. Then its a wild, emotional and beautiful story about a marriage to someone she doesn't know and slowly gets to know, loosing people that are precious to her, loosing herself and finding herself when she becomes a nurse and uses these skills when the polio epidemic hits Hickory, how the town comes together during this time to build a make shift hospital in a very short time, losing and regretting the love of her life, finding out people are not what they make of themselves, secrets that come to light throughout the book, finding out that even though differences are evident you still can learn and overcome a way of thinking, and so much more.
The decisions she makes changes not only her path but others as well. And also the decisions others make change Tess and change the characters lives as well.
This book has race issues, religious issues, moral dilemmas, moral values, personal growth, finding ones true self, etc.
I highly recommend this book!!!!! It was an amazing read, compelling story telling and so many plots wrapped up in one incredible novel!
Leopard at the Door
Leopard at the Door
Jennifer McVeigh | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews at

My favourite genre to read normally is mystery, crime or thrillers, but I try to choose different genres from time to time. I need to rest from investigations and murders, that’s where historical fiction, YA and other books come in. This book is no exception; I needed something to clear my mind, and it really done the job.

Let me begin by saying, that I loved the environment used in this book. Author portrayed the surroundings and places in this book with great detail, and made me actually feel the African spirit. So, all her travels through Africa, really helped her to describe what she felt to the reader.

The main character in this book was Rachel, and she was the one to share her life with a reader. This novel had a huge variety of very diverse characters, some of them positive and dear to the heart, and some of them really negative, which made me really angry about them. Unfortunately, I did not have any favourite character in this book, as I felt they were not fully developed and opened up to the reader. I would’ve liked to read different perspectives and have more insight into different personalities. Even though I really tried to like Rachel’s rebellious views and kind heart, I think some of her decisions were really silly and disappointing.

The narrative of this novel starts in 1952, when British Empire is on a verge of collapsing, and Kenya wishes its independence. I absolutely adored all the details about Mau Mau, their ideology and ways of action. I loved Michael’s thoughts about war and his country’s independence. I think, this book was really well researched and the whole spirit of the book was shared just gorgeously. The whole story was flowing very smoothly, with some turns and twists, which kept me interested. There was a great love story going on in this book, but I would’ve liked it to be a bit more passionate than it was. Author discussed some interesting topics in this book, such as: Life after mother’s death and relationship with a stepmother; feelings, when you don’t have anyone to turn to; love and betrayal.

The writing style of this novel was not difficult to read, but it contains some African words, which were explained at the end of the book. (If you read it on Kindle, it’s not very helpful) The chapters of this book have decent length, but it might drag a little, because there is not much action going on in this novel. The ending was quite interesting and done the justice to the book and Rachel, but still left me questioning about “What happened to Michael?” So, overall, I actually enjoyed this story of wish for independence, unexpected love, family difficulties and betrayal, and I would recommend immersing yourself into this beautiful Kenyan setting.
Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for honest review.

Amy (7 KP) rated Goddess of Troy in Books

Jan 17, 2018 (Updated Jan 17, 2018)  
Goddess of Troy
P.C. Cast | 2008 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nice premise. Interesting characters profiles. Some lovely vivid description. (0 more)
Everything Else. (0 more)
Terrible. Total destruction.
Contains spoilers, click to show
The premise is one that P.C. Cast recycles throughout her work which is of taking modern women and dropping them into the worlds of myth and magic.
A brilliant idea, occasionally well done in her other novels...not unfortunately for this one.
The problem begins with the plot the goddesses send the women back to end the war...okay, but why not do it themselves? The flimsy excuses just don't hold up. The plot is weakly manipulated and transparently executed to make the neccessity of the modern women going back possible.
Problem 2-is the blatant racism of making the indipendant modern black woman into a white slave girl.
Problem 3- problematic sex scenes which read as thinly disguised rape scenes. A male character is hypnotises and the main female character has sex with him....this is made okay by him giving her consent afterwards. Which is not how consent works. This book being intended for young women just becoming sexual is at best concerning and at most incredibly damaging whilst promoting male rape under the guise of female empowerment.
The dialogue when more old fashioned from the warriors is charming and engaging...from the modern women we are forced to deal with censored cringy curse words, way too much teenage level gossip, and not a smidge of maturity in sight...from grown ass women.
For thirty plus successful women the character profiles should have engaged and fascinated, unfortunately those profiles were ignored during in-story application and replaced with twittering, childish teens who giggle over the word penis and lose their minds over the most vacuous and senseless things.
The plot centres around a boring, romance, and changes the original relationship of Achilles and Patroclus from its canonical implied romance to one of cousins...this at best is a misguided deviation from the canonical Iliad relationship they had.
It could easily be read as a blatant attack and hideous misuse of the original content, that could given the sheer overwhelming heteronormaty we are forced to endure be at its worst an erasure of rare LGBT representation from historical content.
The relationships are forced, and their happy endings so saccharine it hurts to read.
The siege of Troy is horrifically rewritten to make the main female lead the deciding factor that ensured victory and removed nearly all canonical battle events.
Throughout the novel not much happens, and by time something does you just want the novel over with.
It doesn't read as mythology inspired, the myths and characters are used as cheap prop and staging whilst removing the deep themes, and messages that ensured their endurance throughout time.
The vocabulary is below pre-teen level, the grammar is sub-par, and the pacing and plotting absolutely abysmal.
How this book ever made it to print in this state is a large and curious mystery for me.
I cannot urge you to skip this book enough, Margaret George's 'Helen of Troy' is a far more valuable use of your time if you are in want of mythology inspired fantasy...and does so without annihilating the entire original stories.

Louise (64 KP) rated The Wonder in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
The Wonder
The Wonder
Emma Donoghue | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is Emma Donoghue’s latest book on the market, prior to picking it up I had heard some mixed reviews but the synopsis is what really pulled me in and regardless of what other readers thought I was going to read it and form my own opinion.

Now I picked up ‘Room’ a few years back and read about half and put it down for some unknown reason. This book is not like ‘Room’ so try not go into it thinking it’s going to be.

This is a historical fiction novel set in rural Ireland just after the Crimean war. Our protagonist is an English nurse who served under Miss Nightingale and goes by the name of Lib Wright. Lib is sent over to Ireland to observe an 11-year-old girl, Anna, who has claimed to have not eaten anything over the last 2-3 months. Lib and a Catholic nun take it turns to watch over Anna, 24hrs a day to see if she really is a miracle as proclaimed by the locals.

I liked this book, I was enthralled by the mystery of a small girl claiming to not have eaten. I was hooked line and sinker wanting to find out what was really happening. How could a child not eat? Was it all just a ploy for fame and money?

This book has a lot with religion involved as all the community and the rest of Ireland are Catholics. I am not a religious person, so a lot of the verses and prayers that were being said went over my head. Religion is the essence of this book, it proves how devout and bordering fanatic people can become.

The Wonder is a very atmospheric book and has a lot of descriptive writing and you really get a feel for the village and the people.

I liked Lib our protagonist, she was determined to find out the truth, she was sceptical from the start and was convinced she would not be there for long. She got frustrated a lot of the time for multiple reasons. 1, The family were not very forthcoming and didn’t like having a stranger in their house (understandable). 2, Anna was very timid and would not open up to Lib. 3, The nun, wouldn’t confer with her as to what happened on her shifts as they were supposed to be forming their own opinions. 4, The doctor looked down on Lib as just ‘help’ and when she voiced her concerns about Anna, she was cut off and told to just do her job.

The couple of things that let the book down for me was the pace of the book. This is an incredibly slow paced book and may not be for everyone. I usually don’t mind slow paced books but it felt like there was a lot of repetition and at points I was thinking to myself that surely this couldn’t on like this for the next 200 odd pages but it did. I think this is for readers who like more atmosphere to their books.

I rated this 3 out of 5 stars

Bob Mann (459 KP) rated Six Minutes to Midnight (2021) in Movies

Apr 4, 2021 (Updated Apr 4, 2021)  
Six Minutes to Midnight (2021)
Six Minutes to Midnight (2021)
2021 | Drama, Thriller, War
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Historical story (Potential for a great film) (1 more)
Judi Dench
B-grade spy caper antics (1 more)
Some ridiculous plot-points
A "39 Steps-esque" thriller that doesn't match its potential
In "Six Minutes to Midnight", it's the summer of 1939 (so we are in a parallel time-flow here with the events of "The Dig"). A private girl's school - the Augusta Victoria College in Bexhill-on-Sea - is run with loving care by the spinster Miss Rocholl (Judi Dench). But the 'finishing school' is unusual, in that all its teenage students are German. Indeed, they are the offspring of prominent Nazis.

When half-German English teacher Thomas Miller (Eddie Izzard) applies for a suddenly vacant position, he is taken on to share the teaching duties with Rocholl and Ilse (Carla Juri). But in snooping into the activities going on there, he finds mystery and danger.

 This is a fascinating premise for a movie that will appeal to an older generation, along the lines of "They don't make them like this anymore". It has elements of the 'good guy on the run' that struck parallels with "The 39 Steps" for me.

 It's great that the school is all based on historical fact. Miss Rochol did indeed run the school, as a part of a plan to infiltrate British high-society with pro-Nazi sympathies ahead of an invasion. In real-life, one of the pupils was the god-daughter of Heinrich Himmler and one - Bettina von Ribbentrop - was the daughter of the German foreign minister.

 After a comic "Family Guy"-style set of production logos to kick off with (for a full one and a half minutes!!), the pre-title sequence is a superb scene-setter. What exactly is going on here? A frantic scrabbling in a bookcase. A pier-end disappearance. The school badge (a genuine reproduction!) with its Union flag and Nazi Swastika insignia. The girls performing a ballet-like ritual on the beach with batons. (This looks to be a cracker, I thought).

 Judi Dench. Superb as always.

 Chris Seager does the cinematography, and impressively so. Most of Seager's CV has been TV work, so it must be delightful to be given the breadth of a cinema screen to capture landscapes like this.

 I like the clever title: "Six Minutes to Midnight". I assumed it was intended solely to reflect the imminence of war. But it actually has another meaning entirely.

 For me, was a highly frustrating film. All of the great credibility and atmosphere it builds up in the first 30 minutes, it then squanders by diving off into sub-Hitchcock spy capers.

 Izzard becomes a 'man on the run', and doesn't seem credible at that. (I appreciate the irony of this statement given that this is the man who ran 32 marathons in 31 days for charity!) But Izzard is built for distance and not for speed, and some of the police chase scenes in the movie strain credibility to breaking point. Another actor might have been able to pull this off better.

 There's a lack of continuity in the film: was it perhaps cut down from a much longer running time? At one point, Miller is a wanted murderer with his face plastered on the front pages. The next, kindly bus driver Charlie (Jim Broadbent) is unaccountably aiding him and Rochol seems to have assumed his innocence in later scenes.

 Various spy caper clichés are mined to extreme - including those old classics 'swerve to avoid bullets'; 'gun shot but different gun'; and 'shot guy seems to live forever'. And there are double-agent 'twists' occurring that are utterly predictable.

 A very specific continuity irritation for me was in an 'aircraft landing' scene. Markers are separated by nine paces (I went back and counted them!) yet a view from a plane shows them a 'runway-width' apart. This might have escaped scrutiny were it shown just once. But no... we have ground shot; air shot; ground shot; air shot..... repeatedly!

Summary thoughts: This was one of the cinema trailers that most appealed to me over a year ago, in those heady days in the sunlit-uplands of life before Covid-19. It's a movie that showed a great deal of promise, since the history is fascinating. And there is probably a really great TV serial in here: showing the 'alternate history' consequences of these high-society German girls penetrating British society and steering the war in a different direction (screenplay idea (C) RJ Mann!) But the potential is squandered with a non-credible spy caper bolted onto the side.

So with "Six Minutes to Midnight", Downton-director Andy Goddard has made a perfectly watchable 'rainy Sunday afternoon' film, that I enjoyed in part for its 'old-school' quirkiness. But it's frustrating that all the promise couldn't be transitioned into a more satisfying movie.

(For the full graphical review, please check out the One Mann's Movies review here Thanks).