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The Dictator’s Muse
The Dictator’s Muse
Nigel Farndale | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This sounded like it was going to be solely about Leni Riefenstahl, but it’s not. This is a really enjoyable mystery set in Germany and England in the pre-war years, and the Berlin Olympics in particular.

Hitler is in power, and one of his most respected film makers, Leni Riefenstahl, has been tasked with filming the Berlin Olympics. She has to tread a fine line between the film-making she wants to create and that of the Nazi propaganda machine.

Meanwhile, back in England, Kit is training for the olympics whilst holding down a full time job and trying to impress his upper class girlfriend. He discovers he can get sponsorship through Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, even though he isn’t by any means a fascist.

Alun is a Welsh Communist, who has been tasked with infiltrating the Blackshirts.

Leni seems to be in a state of permanent dread, because even those who are staunch Nazis aren’t safe from being taken down by the SS.

There’s a lot going on in this book, and it sounds like it should be confusing. But it’s really not. It wasn’t fact, unputdownable.

There’s a great mystery threaded through this, introduced by a modern day character, an academic called Sigrun Meier.

Historical fiction AND a mystery - what’s not to like?!

Darren (1599 KP) rated Quatermass and the Pit (1967) in Movies

Oct 2, 2019 (Updated Oct 24, 2019)  
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
1967 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Dr Mathew Roney is one of the team that is set to investigate the discovery, he takes and scientific approach to everything working with the historian to put the pieces together. Professor Bernard Quatermass brings the historical point of view to the table, wanting to study the discovery and using previous historical discoveries to help figure out the truth. Colonel Breen brings the military point of view often looking to use the quick answer over the smart answer. Barbara Judd is a reporter that is trying to put together a story for the public who believe this is an unexploded bomb.

Performances – The performances from the whole cast is great throughout, we believe the scientific figures, the military ones and the reporter looking for a story. the four main stars of the film know how to make the most of their scenes where their character needs to be the larger focus.

Story – The story follows an object being discovered in London while digger to make the underground larger, we follow how the investigation to learn what this could be from different perspectives which shows how this would be handled in real life. We do have twists which comes from the discoveries going on, but for the most part this keeps things simple, with an air of mystery about what could be happening around the object.

Horror/Mystery/Sci-Fi – The horror surrounding this movie comes from what could come from the object, it could bring horrific consequences, this plays into the mystery as we are left with the mystery behind what could be behind it. The sci-fi side of the film comes from the explanation to what could be behind the object and the potential of space being involved.

Settings – The film is set in London and the underground, this is always a tight compact location which will add to suspense and horror in anything.

Special Effects – This film was released in the 1960s, the special effects for the time were great, while we might look down on them now, it showed us just what was capable for the time.

Scene of the Movie – The final act which we are built up to nicely.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The fact they just look like grasshoppers and no one says this.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the best hammer horror mystery sci-fi horror films out there, it keeps you guessing before letting everything out in the final act instead of giving away too much too early.


Overall: Must watch Hammer Horror
    Bible Pathway Adventures

    Bible Pathway Adventures

    Book and Education

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    Have fun teaching your children about the Bible with the FREE Bible Pathway Adventures' storybook...

Bound Across Time (Bound #1)
Bound Across Time (Bound #1)
Annie R. McEwen | 2024 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bound Across Time is intrigued with the title. The description also pulled me in. Who doesn't like a bit of paranormal with historical fiction mixed in? I was surprised by something I usually do not read, which brings in some magic.

Bound Across Time offers a unique perspective, blending historical fiction with elements of time travel or 'time slipping '. The narrative is enriched by a female main character, a rarity in this genre. Alongside her, a male main character adds depth to the story. The book initially presents itself as a blend of paranormal romance and historical fiction, a combination that it delivers on.

Though most of the story action takes place in the castle and its grounds, I do like that the author included a bit of witchcraft and soulers. Though the pace of the book at the beginning is a bit slow, it does pick up and get a bit more interesting when things start to happen without FMC and our MMC meeting each other.

Bound Across Time weaves a tantalizing mystery into its narrative, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. The FMC's initial ignorance of her family history adds a layer of intrigue, and as the story unfolds, her research on a young man who is a ghost leads to unexpected and fascinating revelations. This element of suspense is a major draw for readers interested in historical fiction with a paranormal twist.

CeCe wants to go to Wales to use her history degree. What she finds is different from what she expected. The plot is really good. However, I was unsure if CeCe found out who she was in the plot. But it was good nonetheless. Mixing in love and witchcraft and a little magic was really good. I enjoyed it and will read more about it. The ending has me wanting more. I would have liked to hear more about CeCe and her lover.

This book may be your ally if you're a fan of witchcraft and historical fiction with a paranormal romance. I was craving to find out more about CeCe and what happened at the end. I wanted more, and there is a bit of explicit sex in this book, but nothing to offend anyone. Does CeCe and her lover have sons or not, or does CeCe have a big family? You will need to find out by reading.
In the Shadow of the Bull (An Ancient Crete Mystery #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IN THE SHADOW OF THE BULL is the first book in the Ancient Crete Mystery series and we start with a wedding and a murder. Martis, the fifteen-year-old sister of the victim is charged by her dead sister's ghost to find out who killed her. If she fails, she will be haunted for nine generations!

Martis is split between her duty to her sister and her need to train for bull-dancing. She is also fifteen, so her attention span isn't that good yet, and she flits from person to person, convinced each one is the killer.

I preferred the historical aspect of this story more than the mystery. For me, it wasn't so much a mystery as a when will Martis figure it out? I did like the ending, with how it tied it up, but I wanted to know more about Bais and Nuia. And what about the barbarians? Would they receive an apology or just be given permission to leave? Maybe that will happen in future books. Although it was explained to a degree, it left me wanting more.

I have no hesitation in recommending an enjoyable book with great attention to detail.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 22, 2023