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Dreamland Burning
Dreamland Burning
Jennifer Latham | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Subject to Read on
I noticed a large trend in these kinds of books where it’s half in the present, and half in the past. It’s not a trend I particularly like as I adore historical fiction and mixing it with things happening in present day takes away the historical aspect, but I gave this book a chance. This one grabbed my attention because of the subject which interests me. I have not heard of the Tulsa Race Riot until I grabbed this book. It was an eye opener, and definitely something that can’t be ignored or forgotten.

The switch between Rowan and William is seamless and flows throughout the novel. Rowan attempts to figure out the mystery behind the skeleton while William’s story not only gives you the background information but also gives you the sense and the climate on how it was for African Americans back in those times. The historical aspects of the book is well written and gives you a good general idea.

At first, William doesn’t seem that all a likable character. As the plot progresses though, you change your mind as his behavior and outlook changes to something much more favorable. Rowan’s side of the story is interesting too. She’s been pretty much sheltered in a good, privileged life who is also suddenly awakened by recent events affecting herself and others around her. She’s a well written character as well, but I’d have to say I prefer reading William’s side of the story more as I found Rowan’s point of view dragged in a few areas of the story.

The plot overall is well done and interesting. The mystery and historical elements of the story also keeps the plot engaging and it’s a good educational read. Definitely something to read more into and a good subject to write about.
Called to Justice (Quaker Midwife Mystery #2)
Called to Justice (Quaker Midwife Mystery #2)
Edith Maxwell | 2017 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Called to Justice is as much historical fiction as it is cozy mystery, and I found both aspects of the story to be riveting. A young, unmarried woman confides in Rose that she is expecting a child, and then ends up being murdered during the Independence Day fireworks celebration. Determined to find justice for the girl and her unborn child, Rose manages to squeeze in a little investigating, between birthing babies and checking on the well-being of her clientele of local women waiting to deliver.

There was a lot of attention to detail and historical accuracy where the births in the story were concerned. See what author Edith Maxwell has to say about midwives and the birthing process on <a href="">my blog</a>.
Run Afoul (Wiki Coffin Mysteries #3)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wiki Coffin gets caught up in a murder just before the Exploration Expedition docks in Brazil in 1838. And once in the harbor, the expedition runs into his father, literally. This book got so bogged down in the history and historical detail that it forgot all about the mystery, which was actually pretty easy to solve. It's the third in a series, and disappointing after the first two.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post in Friends of Smashbomb

Oct 5, 2020  
Book Inspector

We are excited to announce our latest Publishing Partner: 'Book Inspector' run by Smashbomber @BookInspector

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'Book Inspector' is a fantastic and new Book Blog reviewing a range of genres! From Mystery and Thriller to Historical Fiction, you're sure to find something to read on this superb blog! Definitely recommended to anyone new into the blogging scene!

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6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Substantial characters in a good historical fiction mystery
I didn’t expect to enjoy this book as much as I would! It was a great mystery with a hefty set of characters (historical and otherwise) with an underlying theme of political tension playing throughout the plot.

I think that’s what made the book enjoyable, was despite the mystery being the main hook, the political tension and bickering between the patriots and the British was always in the forefront and mentioned when need be as it was central to the story. Every so often you had mention of Abigail’s refusal to drink tea for example, or minor scuffles happening between citizens and the Redcoats.

Despite the tensions however, Abigail puts her ideas and beliefs aside and works alongside the British to solve this mystery. I enjoyed reading her character. She’s strong willed and has a good retort every so often when she needs to speak out, which shocks other characters as it wasn’t considered “proper”. I enjoy Abigail’s unorthodox behavior and it may seem as if she gives an air of an annoying stubborn woman, but it’s because of her personality that things get done no matter whose side you’re on or who you support.

John and Abigail’s relationship was also nice to read. They’re both equals and you can see a subtle quiet strength between them and they compliment each other perfectly. There’s a mutual respect between the two and if they were alive now, they would probably be a political supercouple ;)

The mystery aspect of the book was good and the intrigue is definitely noted. The setting is superbly done and very descriptive. The list of suspects was substantial and revelation of the culprit isn’t much of a surprise but the execution of obtaining the criminal and his background story was excellent to read , and was very satisfying to see the bad guys get their dues. The supporting characters are also well done - although I have to admit, there are just a little too many for me. Even minor characters have their personality and details and although it’s good and makes the world building more detailed and rich, sometimes it’s a bit hard to follow as to who’s who. (Perhaps a section of cast of characters would help in this case - especially when some characters share the same last name)

I’ll be picking up the next book to read. It’s definitely worth looking into for those that love historical fiction mysteries. The tea has been dumped!!! So you have to figure out what sort of chaos is going to happen and what mystery Abigail will solve next.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated The Plot is Murder in Books

Jul 14, 2021 (Updated Jul 14, 2021)  
The Plot is Murder
The Plot is Murder
V.M. Burns | 2017 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting Idea, but Doesn’t Quite Work
Samantha Washington is pursuing not one but two lifelong dreams. She’s opening a mystery bookstore in the town of North Harbor, Michigan. But just days before the store is supposed to open, she finds the dead body of Clayton Parker behind the store. Clayton sold her the building, but he almost sabotaged the sale. Meanwhile, she starts writing a mystery of her own set in England in 1938. Will she solve the murder? How will the real-life murder influence the fictional murder?

I’ve been intrigued by this series with the story inside the story idea for a while, and I’ve heard good things about it from many others. Sadly, it didn’t completely work for me. With two stories and two sets of characters to develop, I felt like both were a bit underdeveloped. The ending of the historical mystery was weak, and it featured some abrupt character growth. Meanwhile, the modern mystery featured lots of summaries that were told to us, keeping me outside. On the other hand, I loved both sets of characters, and I did feel the modern mystery came to a good resolution. I had no trouble keeping the different sets of characters straight once I realized how close both murder victims’ names were, and there was also an obvious break between the two stories each time we switched. I can understand why others love this series as much as they do, but I wish it had focused on one story and developed that one story better.
When Passion Rules
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been wanting to read this novel since I first saw the cover before it was even released. I don't understand why the cover is so delectable, but it made this novel a must read for me.

I love Lindsey's Malory Series. It's on my top 10 series list in fact. I have read some of her other works but this is the first in a few years. The greatest thing about Lindsey is that she knows how to tell a story. From her style to the dialogue, from the plot and character development to the story itself, the woman has a gift.

However, I did not fall in love with it the way I expected myself to. I love historical romance, and Lindsey is the Queen of Historical Romance. Despite this, I was not wowed like I thought I would. I loved how Lindsey put a little murder mystery in it. The twist towards the end was interesting, though not wholly unexpected.
The Enemy We Don’t Know
The Enemy We Don’t Know
Liz Milliron | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Enemy at Home
It’s November of 1942, and Betty Ahern is doing her part for the war effort from her hometown of Buffalo, New York. That’s why she is one of the many young women working at Bell Aircrafts to build the planes the Allies need. But when someone starts sabotaging the production line, Betty sees her chance to emulate her big screen idol, Sam Spade, and solve a mystery. A murder further complicates things. Can she figure out what is happening?

I love learning about World War II, so it was nice to read a historical mystery set at home during the time. Betty finds plenty of motives that would only work during this time period, which I appreciated. The pacing could have been a little better, but the book kept me engaged most of the time along the way to a great climax. Betty and the main characters were well-developed. I did feel like some of the supporting players, especially Betty’s family, could use more development, but hopefully we will see that happen as the series progresses. Betty was first introduced in a short story that I need to go back and read now. There are a few references to what happened there, but nothing spoilery. If you enjoy historical mysteries, be sure to check out this book.
The Summoner’s Sins (Sandal Castle Medieval Thrillers #3)
The Summoner’s Sins (Sandal Castle Medieval Thrillers #3)
Keith Moray | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Summoner’s Sins is a really engaging historical fiction set in the 14th century. I really liked that real historical people were used in the narrative, and the attitudes of medieval people towards religion and witchcraft always fascinates me. The average medieval person was a very superstitious type - which I suppose was an understandable way to make sense of the world without science. Curses shouted out from the gallows abound in this story, and there are plenty of rebels in the background who are only too happy to make it look as though they are curses that have come true.
Richard Lee is a reasoned and logical man, and able to tell a curse from an actual murder - and thank goodness for him! I really liked the characters that Keith Moray has written in to this story, and Richard and Hubert are great lead characters. Richard is a god-fearing man, but he doesn’t let religion get in the way of the truth. Hubert is ever faithful to Richard and their pursuit of the truth.
I really very much enjoyed this book - I do like historical fiction (you’ve probably guessed this by now!) and I enjoy a good mystery. This delivered in spades on both counts.
Many thanks to Sapere Books for providing me with an e-ARC.

Natalie Portman recommended Cloud Atlas in Books (curated)

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas
David Mitchell | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This was the present I gave everyone I knew for three years. It’s six different stories told in different time periods and genres: One is historical fiction, another is a ’70s thriller mystery, the sixth is a post­apocalyptic story. It’s one of the most beautiful, entertaining, challenging books—something that takes all your attention. I think the stories are meditations on violence, specifically the necessity of violence. The book ends with a beautiful exchange: ‘…only as you gasp your dying breath shall you understand, your life amounted to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean! Yet what is an ocean but a multitude of drops."
