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Cattyana (39 KP) rated The Nightingale in Books

Aug 16, 2017  
The Nightingale
The Nightingale
Kristin Hannah | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (61 Ratings)
Book Rating
Never a dull moment (4 more)
Likesble characters
Accurate historical references
Kept us guessing the entire time (who survived?)
Satisfying ending
Not enough! (0 more)
A period drama that I couldn't put down.
Period drama at its best (0 more)
Can get bogged in the historical details. (0 more)
The next Downtown
If you like Downton, you’ll love this. Witty, contemplative, And engaging, you are continually swept along with the narrative that transports you back to the time of Waterloo and the subsequent architectural development of an up and coming London society.

Occasionally the historical references to architectural nuances can prove a little dull and distract from the flow of the narrative, but the characters are engaging and the storylines keep you raptured to the end.

Baz Luhrmann recommended Medium Cool (1969) in Movies (curated)

Medium Cool (1969)
Medium Cool (1969)
1969 | Classics, Drama, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Medium Cool. I’m crazy about that film. To me, there are a lot of great films from that era because I was seeing them in our movie house when I was a kid [Luhrmann’s dad ran a theater for a period], but what I love about Medium Cool is that it preempts the idea of taking a real historical event and weaving a drama around it. So that’s great about it. Robert Forster is great in that picture. Not to mention — and I’ll be a bit flippant here — the clothes are fantastic. It’s just a great pop cultural picture."

The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
Imogen Hermes Gowar | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This historical drama is unusual but entertaining for anyone who loves period pieces with detail and a slightly surreal flourish. It has a beautifully described backdrop of 18th century London and a cast of characters that fill the pages with their dreams, obsessions and whimsies. Jonah Hancock is shocked to discover that the Captain of his ship has sold the vessel in exchange for… a mermaid. The acquisition of such a rare find catapults Hancock into the highest circles of society and into the path of Angelica Neal, a beautiful courtesan in need of assistance. Their journey is changed by the creature, leading you to ponder the power of these mythical creatures. An enjoyable Georgian romp.
Turn  - Season 2
Turn - Season 2
2015 | Drama
The small stories. (2 more)
interplay between people
time period
Historical Drama done right
What's great about watching history play out is feeling like you understand it better thru people and how they see and deal with it. This series does it right. Even if you don't like "Spy" movies, this is about the people and what choices they make or don't make, the things they do to further the history or follow the tide that pulls them. I also feel like it doesn't just focus on the big names we know like Washington, this focuses on the locals in a small section, but influences the greater part. I really enjoyed the first three seasons and I'm now working on the 4th.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Jabberwocky (1977) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Jabberwocky (1977)
Jabberwocky (1977)
1977 | Action, Comedy
Little bit Slithy, little bit Frabjous
Oddball comedy-drama that sets the tone for much of Terry Gilliam's career by being visually ravishing but a bit all-over-the-place story-wise. Gilliam's background at the time was in TV comedy, which may explain why so many well-known TV comics turn up in the film - apart from Michael Palin, there's Warren Clarke, Harry H Corbett, John le Mesurier, and so on.

The thing is that this isn't actually very funny - there are the seeds of some good jokes here, but the fact the movie has been filmed and edited in the style of an art-house historical drama kills most of them dead. Still, the medieval period has seldom been brought to the screen with such an authentic sense of filth, squalour, and misery, and the monster suit is pretty good. That said, if you're not into absurd comedy, Dragonslayer (1981) tells a very similar story in a more accessible style.

(And I have to say I'm astounded a film so focused on gore and bodily functions has only got a PG certificate. Caveat emptor.)

Kyera (8 KP) rated Alex & Eliza in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Alex & Eliza
Alex & Eliza
Melissa de la Cruz | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alex and Eliza is a historical fiction novel about a love story for the ages. As much as I love history, I don’t pick up historical fiction very often and reading this book makes me want to. It is a wonderfully written young adult novel that makes America’s history more relatable. Some historical texts tend to be dry and don’t lend themselves to casual reading. My belief is that this novel (and others like it) might spark an interest in history that will lead teens, or really anyone, to seek out further information.

As this is a work of fiction, the author takes liberties with the plot and adds a fair amount of drama. Historically, there is not a lot known about the courtship between Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler. As you may be aware from history lessons, or your obsession with Hamilton the musical, the two fell in love quite hard and fast. It was nice to see the author’s take on their first meeting, interactions, and ultimate wedding.

This love story reads true and will warm your heart, even if you are aware of the future turmoil in their lives. I enjoyed getting to know Alexander and Eliza so much over the course of this book. The author also does a fantastic job of introducing and developing the supporting characters in this love story. They don’t feel like flat portrayals, but dimensional people that you love (or hate, as the case may be).

For those readers familiar with Hamilton, you will not find that this is the young adult novelization version of the musical. I’ve heard many readers dismaying that fact and it is unfair to the author to make those comparisons. They are two different mediums that each share their love and admiration for the powerhouse that was Alexander Hamilton. The musical follows and chronicles much of Hamilton’s life, whereas this book is a love story. It tells the tale of two souls who found their match, despite all the odds and fell in love.

While the dialogue at times can be cumbersome and strange, it is likely because the reader is used to the modern way of speaking. If you were to read letters that were composed during that era, you likely would notice they have a much more formal, or flowery, way of speaking. Although I found some of the lines to be a bit over the top, overall I felt that they were authentic to the time period in which the book takes place. It would have been unfortunate if the story had been written as if these historical characters were speaking in modern times.

I highly enjoyed this read and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys history. I believe that it is a very accessible book and would lend itself well to those who are hesitant to delve into historical fiction. It does a wonderful job of blending the love story with purposeful doses of actual historical events. Whether you are a fan of the musical, historical fiction, American history or something else – I urge you to give this book a chance.
Have you ever opened a package and immediately felt giddy over the book that popped out? Well, I will be honest that is how I felt about this book. The cover pulls you in, the weight and feel of the paper further builds up the hopes in your mind, and then to cap it all off, the description is intriguing! Did I mention I got a hardcover edition? 

  Bryan Litfin is a new to me author with a very great writing style. He pulls you in with vivid characters, drama, battles, and dreams. I loved the period and setting, and I am so thankful for the research Bryan Litfin put into making this book believable and accurate. The characters were pretty realistic, and they chose believable courses of action. Although at times I marveled at their courage! The Religious aspects of the book were spot on for the period (but more on that in a bit), and I truly felt like I was back in time facing off against the lions with the characters. Both Flavia and Rex captured me from the first page, and I enjoyed getting to go on their journey (But I am curious to see what happens to them next).

  On the religious aspect. I usually only review Christian Fiction. This is not your normal overtly Christian Fiction. It does not mention God in the sense of having a personal deep abiding relationship with him. He is thought of more as a deity and mostly mentioned in passing. He is not the focus of this story, as most people expect from Christian Fiction. Yet to clarify it is not primarily listed as Christian Fiction, but Ancient, Historical, Romance with a Christian fiction genre thrown in there. Personally, if this book were to be marketed directly to a non-Christian audience, I could see it doing very well (maybe even having a movie made of it) but directing it towards Christians… I do not think it will go well. Also, because it has sexual connotations throughout the story, as well as taking an odd (period correct though) stance on women.

Overall, I give it 2 out of 5 stars for the great research, interesting story plot, and vivid characters. But I would NOT recommend it to anyone who is not sure of their faith, has problems with reading sexual references, or an impressionable audience. I would also recommend the publisher Revell not label it as Christian Fiction.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Summer of '69 in Books

Aug 23, 2019  
Summer of '69
Summer of '69
Elin Hilderbrand | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every year Kate Levin and her family spend the summer on Nantucket with Kate's mother, Exalta. But this summer is different. Kate's eldest, Blair, 24, is now married to a MIT professor named Angus Whalen and they're expecting their first baby in August. As such, Blair won't be on Nantucket this summer. Middle sister, Kirby, is a junior in college and spending the summer on Martha's Vineyard. Her only son, Tiger, recently deployed to Vietnam, which has left Kate feeling completely panicked and lost. Only her youngest, thirteen-year-old, Jessie, makes the trip. But without her siblings, Jessie feels overlooked and ignored. It's the historic summer of '69--and Levin family will have some memorable experiences of their own, too.

I just love Elin Hilderbrand's books and this was a really fun one. It didn't feel that much like "historical fiction," despite the 1969 setting, but it was fascinating to get a glimpse of how the late 1960s affected the family and their decisions--especially the females. The time period affects each woman, even Jessie, in their own way. Mom Kate was a tough one to love, at times, ignoring her poor daughter and moaning about Tiger and her own past. But, man, Hilderbrand just comes up with the best family dynamics. She sets an amazing scene, aided by her beloved Nantucket, and before you know it, you are there with her characters, immersed in their drama and daily lives.

For me, the star of this one was young Jessie. I loved how much of the book revolved around her--the points of view vary, but we hear from her a lot, and I couldn't help but love the kid. Nothing like growing up with a slightly absent mom, domineering grandmother, and a bunch of way older siblings, one of whom is at war. She was a breath of fresh air, and of course, Hilderbrand wrote from a teenage point of view perfectly. She gives all Kate's daughters their own unique voice, and it's amazing how each character stands out easily as distinct from one another.

This is not "simply" a tale of a family over a summer, it's captivating and engaging look at a family shaped by historical and domestic circumstances. I certainly enjoyed this novel and would definitely recommend it. I usually shy away from historical fiction, but I found it quite interesting--great characters and family dynamics as always from our summer novel queen. 4 stars.
Censor (2021)
Censor (2021)
2021 |
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Niamh Algar is fabulous (1 more)
Novel story and great direction
A genuinely original story (at last!)
- I often whinge on about there being no novelty in movies anymore, with everything being derivative of everything else. Well here's a case for the defence. There have been movies before about the mental effect of working in the horror movie business (Toby Jones in "Berberian Sound Studio" comes to mind). But none (as far as I'm aware) from the viewpoint of a film censor. This novelty gave the movie the scope to go in a number of different directions - including as a historical drama. But it focuses on a study of how loss and grief can suddenly emerge in dramatic ways even after many years. Director Prano Bailey-Bond co-wrote this and directs it with such verve that she is very much added to my "one to watch" list for writer-directors.
- Irish actress Niamh Algar is just brilliant here, reminiscent of Morfydd Clark's fantastic performance in "Saint Maud" (not the only parallel to be drawn in this review). The acting during the dramatic conclusion is utterly chilling.
- While the ending of the movie might be polarising, I loved it. No spoilers, but it's one of my favourite endings of any movie so far this year. It reminded me strongly of the ending of "Saint Maud".
- The editing is by Mark Towns (who also did "Saint Maud"). And it's bloody marvellous, particularly during that finale! While it doesn't shy away from showing some pretty horrible stuff, Towns shows much of this subliminally in the edit (shades of the "Psycho" shower scene). This probably helped with its certification (of which more later).
- The music by Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch is quirky and fitting for the movie. I loved the jaunty end-title music.
- Has one of the best impalings since Timothy Dalton fell on that model church spire in "Hot Fuzz"!

- While Algar is utterly fabulous, I was less convinced by the acting of some of her fellow censors in the office. Some of this felt a bit wooden to me.

Summary Thoughts on "Censor": The workings of the UK film censors have always fascinated me, and here's a novel insight into their work during a very difficult period in their history: the National Viewers and Listener's Association, headed by the fearsome Mary Whitehouse, was up in arms at the potential damage to people's (and particularly children's) mental wellbeing from the influx of "video nasties" arriving in homes on VHS tapes. The film needs to be applauded for coming up with such a novel storyline.

What I found surprising (and ironic) is that this got away with only a "15" certificate. Editor Mark Towns suggested to me, in a private communication on Twitter, that the BBFC rated it thus due to the "context" in which the violence was set. But I remember the first 'X' film I saw. It was Brian De Palma's "The Fury", which (from memory) was purely rated as such for the final scene in which John Cassavetes's character explodes in a gory fountain. Judging from "Censor"'s "15" certificate, things have become significantly more permissive in recent years!

(For the full graphical review check out onemannsmovies on the web, facebook and (for the video review) Tiktok. Thanks)