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Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Labor Day in Books

May 10, 2018  
Labor Day
Labor Day
Joyce Maynard | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's Labor Day weekend and Henry needs new clothes for school. His mother, Adele, rarely leaves the house anymore, since the divorce from Henry's father. They go to the local store and pick out a few things. There they meet Frank, a recently escaped convict. Frank has them take him to their home and stays with them through the long weekend until he can move on.

Henry and Adele aren't really sure what to do, but they do their best not to be too afraid so they can make it through. When Frank turns out to be more than they bargained for, they are in for a lot of surprises. This is a story about love. Love lost, love shared and new love. What happens when love is lost or gone forever.

Joyce Maynard has put together quite a great book. Filled with different kinds of love without being a romance novel. This book teaches you that you can never judge a book by its cover and that the world is full of surprises.

Henry is your typical teenage boy going through all of the strange changes that happens to a boy at 13. His mother has been so shut off from the world since losing her father and a baby, that Henry often has to play the role of husband as well as son. When Frank enters their lives, it's an interesting change for them both. Adele seems to have come out of her depression and Henry has a relationship with a man, that he has been unable to get with his own father.

Together these three bake, dance, and try not to get caught during the long holiday weekend. This is a must read for anyone who is in love with love.
Wrong Place, Right Time
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wrong Place, Right Time tells the story of a woman who is, quite literally, in the wrong place at the right time. She makes a split second choice, and her subsequent choices are equally as important in leading her to a destiny that she was heading for all along.

This is a sweet little romance that was a really easy read. I could pick it up at random moments and dip in and out of it with ease, which I like to see in a book because, if we're all honest, we don't always have time to sit and read a whole book in one sitting. The emotion is strong and it oozes from the pages, embracing the reader in the anger, fear, upset and ultimately pure love that Kate experiences.

Kate, as a lead, is a strong character who is well complimented by the polar opposite men she is chasing after. The grass is always greener - or is it? She learns this the hard way and as a reader, you're willing to go along with the journey, even if you do shout at her from time to time for being so daft. And it's this realistic quality that makes it such an enjoyable read. Most people, if not all, could relate to some aspect of Kate's story, and that makes it all the more readable and hooks you in even more.

An enjoyable story, and a sweet happily ever after, this would be an excellent choice of book for a holiday read, sat by the pool with a sangria and dishy lifeguard to oggle.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Crazy Little Thing Cold Love (Destination Daddies Season Two)
Crazy Little Thing Cold Love (Destination Daddies Season Two)
Colette Davison | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CRAZY LITTLE THING COLD LOVE is part of the Destination Daddies, Season Two series and I'm so happy Jude has got his HEA! We first met him in A Boy to Cherish (Ben and Jayden) where he came across as quite a loudmouth and brash. In his story, we find out more about him, and Kasper, of course.

Although not physically injured like Ben, Jude has PTSD with severe flashbacks and nightmares. This hasn't made his love life very successful and he falls back on his cloak to hide behind, that brash personality I mentioned. Ben isn't fooled though and convinces Jude to book a Cuffd holiday. He ends up in Austria, where Kasper is, and... Let The Sparks Begin!

These two! Honestly, that's all I have to say. I didn't think anyone could be Troy and Apollo. Then came Ben and Jayden and knocked that idea out of the water. And now I have Jude and Kasper. Oh, I want to squidge them all so hard!!! The part I loved most of all is how, near the end, you find out just how Kasper and Jude are making their relationship work within the constraints of Jude's PTSD. There is no magic fix where it suddenly doesn't matter. Instead, it is realistic and wonderful, and a perfect fit for these guys.

I adore the love stories that Ms Davison writes. They are hot, full of wit and humour, as well as having enough love and romance to balance out the steam.

Another brilliant addition to this series. A 5-star read I devoured in one sitting. Loved every moment, and highly recommend it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 17, 2022
An Amish Christmas Wedding: Four Stories
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Travelers Wife 4 Life</a>
This was such a good collection of stories to get me in the Christmas spirit! I had the privilege of reading last Christmas’s book (<a href="">An Amish Christmas Bakery</a>) by this collection of authors (Vanetta Chapman is new though) and truly fell in love with each author’s unique writing style. While not interconnected each story brings hope and warmth into my mind and I hope you will like them too!

<b>Evergreen Love</b> by Amy Clipston – I so enjoyed this story filled with mishaps, love, and second chances. Ryan and Lorene both show growth as characters and a sweet desire to learn from their previous experiences. They were fun to get to know and they showed a great look at forgiveness and the importance of communication!

<b>Holiday of Hope</b> by Kelly Irvin – This story was adorably sweet and heartfelt. I loved Henry’s journey, his special patience with his nephew (especially how he took it all in seamless stride not trying to force things), and his dedication to his first wife and subsequent openness to second chances. Leesa was also a very interesting character whom I rooted for from the beginning. I loved her courage, strength, and willingness to help others; even when it was outside her comfort zone. Overall, I loved the sweet romance in this book and enjoyed Kelly Irvin’s descriptions of deep snow Montana life.

<b>Wreathed in Joy</b> by Kathleen Fuller – I loved this friends to more gone awry story! Definitely one of my favorite sub-genres and Kathleen Fuller nails it. Mary and Jakob are sweet and the best of friends until a sad misunderstanding changes everything. But I enjoyed watching them banter and rekindle their friendship. It was full of sweet moments, memories, and the courage to try again. A great reminder to always give people second chances. Such a sweet story and I loved the ending.

<b>A Christmas Prayer </b> by Vannetta Chapman – Ever had the feeling that life is not going where you planned? Well, Rachel and Micah’s story is definitely one you will like. It was like ‘watching Rachel bloom’ as Micah so eloquently put it. I loved Micah’s caring nature, his use of Cloe (a Beautiful lab
A Tumble Through Time
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Tumble Through Time is a wonderful frolic in the Wild West. When everything is going wrong for Anna, she suddenly finds herself in Kansas, 1870. A slow burning love for the town Marshal, Wes, develops and before you know it, it's love, but for how long?

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review, and I'm pretty certain Callie Hutton is going to be pretty pleased with it! But firstly, I must thank her for offering me this book to read as it was an absolute delight from start to finish.

Let's start with the plot, time travel meets romance, meets a bit of tragedy, meets a lovely ending. Hutton is spot on with her pace, plot development, writing style and story. It ambles at a lovely easy read pace, and has the feel of a book that you can easily slip in and out of, just like a pair of old jeans! But at times, the drama in the story picks up the pace and makes for irresistible reading. However, for me, the most important point to make is how familiar it feels when you return to the book after a short reading break (and believe me when I say short!) as it feels like you never put the book down. As someone who is frequently interrupted whilst reading, that's a really important thing for me.

Next, we have the characters. Anna and Wes are a delight to read, their love isn't cheesy or over the top, and the sex scenes are incredibly well written. The characters are believable and that makes it so easy to invest your emotions and time into reading about their lives, even if Anna is a bit of a 'modern woman', it's just lovely to see the contrast of times and upbringing completely demolished by their love for each other. In fact, if anything, it made me feel 'loved up' because I was bathed in their happy glow.

One of the final things I feel needs to be pointed out is how historically accurate the book is. This area of history is one of great interest to me, and I like my books to be accurate. Whether it's 'Indian Territory' or Kansas, it's clear how much effort has gone into researching this story, especially the accents. The dialects are fantastically well written, and it was easy to find yourself actually hearing the cowboys and little familiar ditties you've all heard in the classic Wild West movies, and it all adds to how believable the tale is, developing the atmosphere to such an extent you actually think you're there in Denton.

Finally, I suppose there's nothing else to say apart from go and get yourself a copy of this book. It's a delight from cover to cover, and I cannot honestly recommend it highly enough. If you like a bit of romance, a bit of action, a bit of time travel or even just something nice and easy to read sat by the poolside on your holiday then look no further. Callie Hutton is a fantastic and very talented author and I look forward to reading more of her work.
Genre: Contemporary, Inspirational

Page Count: 324 pages (of nauseation)

Average Goodreads Rating: 3/5 stars (why, Goodreads? You’re usually so tough on books)

My Rating: 1.5/ 5 stars

Truthfully, this is actually a great story. Yeah. So great. It’s the perfect backstory for its horror sequel: The Martins Trump Manson on Body Count.

As a romance it fucking sucks.

I don’t even know where to begin. This book is so full of sugary sap that it makes pasta covered in maple and chocolate syrup and marshmallows look appetizing.

Still not as sweet as The Air We Breathe
Here’s the thing: I’m not actually a bitter and cynical person. I like sap and fluff. I smile and giggle during romance scenes, I’ve obsessively written cute and romantic fanfiction and my boyfriend and I were arguably the most nauseatingly cute couple to ever walk the halls of John Bapst Memorial High School.

But I gagged reading this book for the amount of love-doveyness.

Marguerite is on holiday in London, recovering from the sudden deaths of her parents which liberated her from 27 years of being suffocated and controlled by them. While there, she has a random chance encounter with Chase Martin, a depressed rock star exhausted from touring with his band. Chase and Marguerite are drawn together by a strange unknown force. They don’t know why they have such a strong connection to each other, but they do know that life without the other would not be living at all.

I actually really liked the beginning and thought that it would shape up to be an interesting and sweet romance. We see them before they meet in the coffee shop, miserable and depressed, and then while sipping her drink and reading her book, Marguerite feels Chase’s anxiety. So she buys him a decaf drink and gives it to him, saying she could feel his anxiety from across the shop. That’s great.

The two of them realize they’re drawn together and can find each other happiness and Marguerite ends up spending the night at Chase’s house just so they can find comfort in having another human being near them. That’s great, too.

The beginning is by far my favorite part because it has promise for a good story and has more vivid scenes than any other part of the book.

But then it moves too quickly from there.

From that moment on, the two of them are so deep in love they make Romeo and Juliet look reserved and cautious. They are constantly “blown away” by each other and moved to tears every minute by each other. They “get a kick out of” every little joke they make to each other, and they start living together immediately after they meet. After a week (that’s right, a flipping week), Chase proposes to her.

And if I had a pin for every time one of those quoted phrases appeared in this novel, I could pulverize a voodoo doll. The repeated phrases and excessive emotion of the characters is definitely the worst part.

I’m still not that aggravated with this book, yet. Yeah, the insta love irks me, but I figure there will be a great plot with lots of trouble between the two of them after they marry. After all, they barely know each other and they need to figure out what this psychic connection means. Maybe they’re the incarnated souls of Hawkgirl and Hawkman and they’re about to get killed by an immortal psychopath (did I mention I’m a huge nerd?).

Nope. The two of them agree on everything, right down to how to decorate the house and the new rule that shoes are off upon entering. And things continue to be hunky dory for practically forever. All of Chase’s friends, and their girlfriends, love Marguerite and nobody questions their whirlwind romance. Yeah, because a severely depressed person getting engaged after a week of dating isn’t a cry for help or anything.

And there is so much to dislike about Chase’s and Marguerite’s decisions. Marguerite is forced to quit her job so she can move to London to be with Chase.

Never mind that she liked her job in Pennsylvania and didn’t express any wish to be a housewife. Never mind that Chase was getting tired of touring and thinking about quitting the band anyway. It’s her life that gets turned upside down.

Also, so much for her newfound freedom following her parents’ deaths! Now she’s shadowed by a bodyguard wherever she goes, needs to sneak into the backs of restaurant when she wants to eat out, and can’t even walk to the store for fear of being accosted by her husbands’ fans.

Yes, Chase’s life gets changed too. He now has a wife that cooks meals for him, cleans for him, furnishes and decorates his house for him, and hands him a cold towel when he walks off stage. He made some real damn sacrifices when he married Marguerite.


But life goes on. With a lot of summary and over thirty years, it goes on.

Aside from dialogues and scenes peppered here and there, the book is mostly sweet and sappy summary of their lives. Dark things happen now and then but they’re glossed over and smothered in fluff.

If this storyline was done by a competent writer, this actually could have been an entertaining series about the Martin family. There is actually plenty of material between the psychic connection, Marguerite’s tragic background, a miscarriage, a huge celebrity drugging conspiracy, two sets of twins, a near death experience, and a baby on the doorstep.

But somehow it becomes boring and plotless when it’s all crammed into one book that seems to drag on forever. During all of this my main concern, the psychic connection, was never explained. It’s just a gift from God. One that turns their “perfect” (as in creepily well behaved and mature) children into kids from The Shining. Because they also have a psychic connection. They can “feel” each other and their parents. Oh, and talk to their dead sister, apparently, when their dead sister wants to tell them about babies being left on their doorstep.

“This is Baby Sarah,” Matt said.

“Baby Sarah?” Marguerite asked.

(Both sets of twins) said “Yes. We knew she was coming.”

Chase asked, “How did you know?”

“Baby Margaret told us,” Mark said.

Also, when Chase and Marguerite choose Sarah’s full name, all four children, in a different room, wake up from a dead sleep, sit up in unison, and announce that the baby is named.

May I present the newest additions to the Martin family?
If you want to read a rockstar romance, I recommend Love’s Rhythm by Lexxie Couper, which isn’t perfectly crafted, but leagues beyond The Band 4: The Air We Breathe.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Solo in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tessa Duvall is an independent artist, who depends on no one but herself. It doesn't matter that she's barely scraping by: she has her pride. When Tessa reluctantly agrees to accompany her best friend, Holly, to a party at the ritzy hotel where Holly works, she isn't expecting much. Tessa isn't one for the lavish affairs that take place at the Grange--a hotel owned by the two incredibly wealthy Monahan brothers. That night, however, Tessa meets Ross Monahan, a renowned playboy. The two have a one-night-stand and Tessa doesn't think much of it: until she realizes she's pregnant. Meanwhile, Holly, spends her entire life throwing herself at Ross' brother, Max, but Max doesn't give her the time of day.

So, while this is a romance, and we're sort of all supposed to know how it ends up, we--as readers--are also supposed to enjoy getting there. It's like the cheesy Christmas movies I've been enjoying during the holiday season. Sure, you know immediately how they will end, but you should like watching the lovelorn workaholic and the handsome Christmas tree farmer fall in love nonetheless. Alas, it just didn't happen for me in this one. The plot was enjoyable at first, but then it just seemed like the same things kept happening over and over. And over. Pregnancies! Weeping! Running away! Angst! Some of the plot twists were just so strange and seemed inserted to keep the book going, but it didn't need to keep going, because it was *lasting forever.*

The majority of the characters annoyed me for most of the novel. Tessa, our supposedly independent heroine, spends a decent chunk of the novel running from her issues. And while I suppose that meant she wasn't running into Ross' arms, it was irritating nonetheless. Ross seemed to just be a cad, and I honestly didn't blame Tessa for avoiding him. The supporting cast was more enjoyable, but after a while, the book seemed bogged down by their own endless problems and "will they or won't they" issues of their own, along with a lot of plot devoted to Ross' exploits. After a while, I really didn't care who ended up with whom, I just wanted it all to be over. I smiled a few times and laughed a bit (Holly is a trip) but overall, this one just irritated me.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.
Frankie (2019)
Frankie (2019)
2019 | Drama
Sintra is a photogenic location (0 more)
Acting, Script and Direction all lacking. (0 more)
A film about death that dies on its feet.
In "Frankie", the eponymous French movie star (played by Isabelle Huppert) is dying of cancer and gathers her complex family and friends around her for one last 'family holiday' in the picturesque Portuguese town of Sintra. We follow the events of a single day of the vacation as frictions and back-stories of the players become more evident.

- Sintra looks gorgeous: as a regular visitor to Portugal's Silver Coast, it's a place I've not yet visited. The cinematography of the region makes me want to change that.
- There are a couple of decent scenes in the movie: both involving the trustworthy Greg Kinnear: one involving him trying to sell a film idea to Frankie (who knows, but won't tell him, that she won't be around for it); and another with Kinnear and Tomei at their hotel.

- Where do I start.... the film is as dull as dishwater!
-- A criticism I had of the otherwise impressive "Nomadland" was that the story arc of the leading character was shallow and not very compelling. The story arc here is a bloody straight line! Virtually nothing happens in the movie and it goes nowhere. Events occur as isolated snippets in the storyline. For example, the 'loss' of an expensive bracelet is randomly lobbed into the story, but then is never referenced back in any future narrative.
-- When the ending happened (which the illustrious Mrs Movie Man referred to as a "blessing") it was a non-event. The lady behind us in the cinema exclaimed "WHAT????". And I could understand her frustration.
- The direction is distinctly lacking. Aside from the couple of decent scenes (see above), most of the shots feel like first takes, with the actors doing read-throughs of the clunky script to try to work out how to best sell the lines. "OK, time to film it for real now". But director Sachs has already shouted "Cut and Print.... now who's for some more vinos and Pastel de Nata?"! Were they aiming for some sort of naturalistic fumbling of the character's conversations? For that's how it comes across, and it's just awful.
- The script feels like a wasted opportunity. The set-up should have been a good one for an intense drama. And there are flashes (merely flashes) of potential brilliance in there: a formative step-brother/step-sister incident is based around the film "Grease", which is mirrored (either cleverly or purely through coincidence!?) in the beach-side romance of Maya (Sennia Nanua) and Portuguese holiday-maker Pedro (Manuel Sá Nogueira). And does the homosexual Michel (Pascal Greggory) have his sights on Jimmy (Brendan Gleeson)? Or Tiago? Or both? None of these potentially interesting strands ever get tied down.
- Aside from the poor script and the poor direction, some of the acting performances are unconvincing. "The Girl with all the Gifts" was a fabulous film - it made my number 2 slot of 2016! And I called out young Sennia Nanua as "one to watch for the future" as the zombie girl at the heart of the film. Here she was 17 at the time of filming. But I'm afraid I just didn't find her convincing as the moody teen. (By the way, I only single her out, since I was so impressed with her previous performance: with the exception perhaps of Kinnear, Tomei and Carloto Cotta. none of the rest of the cast consistently shine either.)

Summary Thoughts: It's a real shame that my first visit back to the cinema was such a let-down. Ira Sachs is not a director I know, but he comes with a strong reputation (for 2016's "Little Men"). But here he delivers a plain stinker. I'm afraid this movie has a word associated with it, and the word is "Avoid".

(For the full graphical review, please check out "One Mann's Movies" here - Thanks.)
Since You&#039;ve Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
Morgan Matson | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have heard so many people recommend Morgan Matson, supposedly it doesn't matter which book you choose of hers they are all good supposedly, she is one of those authors that you must read. This is my first book by this author and I wasn't disappointed. When books are hyped up and everyone and their mother are raving about the book, I am always ready to try and find something that I don't like about the book.

Emily wakes up one morning to find her best friend Sloane gone! There was no previous conversation of Sloane going on holiday at all but when Emily tries to contact her it just goes to voicemail. The only thing that Emily does have is a list.... a list of things to complete.... such as go skinny dipping, kiss a stranger, hug a Jamie etc etc. Emily starts to think that if she completes all of these things on her to do list her friend will return and life can resume as it was. The problem is Emily doesn't know where to start and because her and Sloane have been joined at the hip for the past 2 years she has no other friends, confidence issues and extremely shy. The race is on to complete the list and get her friend back for good.

This is one of those books that gives you all the feels, during the course of this book I got angry, I laughed and also swooned. There are so many great things about this book that I just don't know where to begin, there are so many different elements involved. The book is told from Emily's POV all the way through but skips back and forth to the past and the present which gives you more of an understanding of the girls friendship and also keeps you hooked. I really enjoyed the fact that Matson included the playlists that were used when Emily and Frank were running together, it was good to see that there was modern and older music that they bonded over.

The relationship between Emily and Frank was really well executed. There was no insta-love here - it was a gradual process of becoming friends to more, I liked the fact that the relationship didn't take over the list and her finding Sloane. The Characters were really well developed, I mean all of them were equally fleshed out and you see so much growth in Emily over the course of the book that it's literally heart warming. At first I found her shyness and lack of confidence annoying. I loved Collin's - he just made me laugh all the time, Frank Porter was a sweet character all the way throughout really caring - sometime he felt a bit stalkerish as he was always around or just turned up exactly where Emily was, but he also had his own problems too. Morgan Matson's writing is so fun and easy to read - you just eat it right up.

This is definitely a book for anyone who wants a book with friendships and Romance, also if you are a fan of Rainbow Rowell I would give this one a go. I will definitely be reading her other books which are second chance summer and Amy and Roger's epic detour.

I rated this 4.5 out 5 stars
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<i><b>I'll Be Home for Christmas is a fast-paced adventure that will keep you on your toes right until Christmas!

I am so thrilled to be part of the blog tour for Mills & Boon for I'll Be Home for Christmas. Check out the other amazing people that are participating in the blog tour as well:</b></i>

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I'll Be Home for Christmas is the first Christmas book I have read this year, before the holidays begin. It is an amazing story about a popular UK singer, Jessika Malone, who receives an offer from a famous US singer to record a duet and go on a US Tour for a while. This is a dream come true, but this offer comes right after Jessica's boyfriend proposes. Wanting to spend all the time in her world with him, she is hesitant to go, but at the same time, this is an opportunity of a lifetime.

We see our heroine Jessika travel to the US and embark her adventure. I loved the fact that we get to feel what she feels, and live through her dream. We get to see her cope with new things and learn along the way, and it is amazing being on this journey with her. She is a character that knows what she wants and is not afraid to go and get it.

<i><b>Be ready for some drama, and also be ready to choose sides.</b></i>

The author makes it hard to know what is the right choice, and all choices seem to have their pros and cons, which makes the book even more realistic. I wish I knew what was right or wrong in life straightaway - that would be too easy. Instead, I keep coming across tough choices that sound amazing, and I have to really look though everything and choose what is right. You get to see this reality in the book, and it is refreshing.

Despite it being a Christmas book, I didn't really feel the Christmassy vibes too much, but I think that is due to the fact that the focus on this book wasn't entirely Christmas. We only got a glimpse of the holiday spirit around the end of the book - but it wasn't in a Home Alone sort of style. It was simple.

Despite that, I still enjoyed this book a lot, and it was the perfect book for me to get me through my days when I felt poorly and lying in bed. I recommend it to all of you out there that love romance, Christmas, a bit of an adventure and searching for our true selves.

<i><b>Thank you to the team at Mills & Boon, for letting me be a part of this Christmas adventure!</b></i>

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