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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2091 KP) rated Finding Zelda in Books

Oct 2, 2019 (Updated Oct 2, 2019)  
Finding Zelda
Finding Zelda
Sue Ann Jaffarian | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zelda’s About to Experience a Bunch of Bad Holidays
We first meet the Bowen family at Easter as Zelda and her two sisters, Norma and Bea, are arguing over who will wear the bunny costume that year for the kids. Normally, that is something their father would do, but he has vanished without a word to anyone. Even though the three women are grown, two of them with families of their own, his absence has repercussions in all of their lives and in their family overall. As the year progresses, how will they deal with what happened?

I was excited to see this novel come out. It started life as four short stories in a series called Holidays from Hell. Those stories, plus some additional scenes to help fill in the gaps, make up the first half of the novel, and I was anxious to find out what happened to Zelda. I wasn’t disappointed. While author Sue Ann Jaffarian is best known for her mystery novels, this isn’t a mystery. Instead, it’s a dysfunctional family dramedy. And yes, there are scenes that will make you laugh and scenes that will make you feel for the characters and what they are going through, especially Zelda. As our main characters, she is the most sympathetic, but all the characters have their moments as the book unfolds and all of them are great. This book definitely falls into the PG-13 realm with a smattering of foul language and some scenes that discuss characters’ sex lives. I could have done without those elements, but they are worth noting only in passing. Despite the fact that the book takes place roughly over the course of a year, we get a clear plot and only the scenes we need for the story. While originally conceived as a standalone novel, we are going to get more of Zelda’s adventures. I’m not sure where things can go from here, but I’m looking forward to visiting her again.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
The Christmas Holiday Speical
The Rise of Skywalker- is better than the last jedi but worse than force awakens. I mean it has good parts, intresting parts and alot of bad parts, no spoilers. All of go to this place to get this thing, than go to that place, than that place and continues on until the end. Still alot of unanswered questions from the pervious movies, still alot of questions from this movie, that will be unanswered. Alot of what the fuck moments from this movie.

The Plot: The surviving Resistance faces the First Order once more as Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron's journey continues. With the power and knowledge of generations behind them, the final battle commences.

A fitting conclusion to this saga. I felt that this whole new sega was way overhyped, just so much hype for them, that their were all okay.

May The Force Be With You All, and a merry christmas. Happy holidays and a happy new year.
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy
I know some people complain about how dreary some kids films can be when it comes to the summer holidays. They knock out a bunch of stuff to make your little munchkins get excited and nag you into going. If the nagging takes you to see Hotel Transylvania 3 then I don't think you'll need to worry about it being a dreary outing.

Is it groundbreaking stuff? No. Is it entertaining? Yes.

My toes were tapping. I was laughing. It's an entertaining film. You know where it's going, you know before it even starts if you've seen a trailer for it, and it doesn't matter.

I don't want to spoil it, but there was a part in the movie where I was laughing before something had quite happened... maybe that's what too many years of terrible life choices does to you... when it happens, if you aren't dancing in your seat then you're a monster. And not the fun kind like in the movie!
Bad Santa (2003)
Bad Santa (2003)
2003 | Comedy
"I'm On My Fucking Lunch Break!"
A crook poses as a mall Santa over the holidays to pull off a quick score.

Acting: 10
Billy Bob Thornton is, dare I say, brilliant in his role as Willie Stokes. His rage alone makes for a number of hilarious moments throughout the movie. In one of my favorite scenes, a kid walks up to him in the food court because he is still in his Santa pants. After the kid continues to pester him, Willie finally screams, “I’m on my fucking lunch break!” as pieces of food fly out of his mouth. It is still to this day one of the most memorably hilarious scenes I’ve ever seen.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
Just like Willie, Bad Santa features a bunch of broken characters that are messed up and dysfunctional. They are the reason this movie works as its fun watching everyone walk around so screwed up. Screwed up people have a tendency to leave a mark on scenes and this movie is no exception. Some of my favorite scenes involve the senile Grandma played by Cloris Leachman. Like most of these characters. You really just don’t know what to expect from her.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 9
This category fell short of a perfect score for me due to the fact that, while I think it’s absolutely hysterical, I also understand that this is a specific type of humor that may not cater to everyone. Speaking for myself, it had me in stitches. It is one of those comedies that’s just hard to forget.

Memorability: 10

Pace: 6

Plot: 10
I will admit, the story is a bit of a stretch in certain spots, but otherwise very creative. Its originality allows me to say that I have seen anything like it before it or since. The best part is though it follows the story of an alcoholic crook, it manages to somehow still stay within the spirit of Christmas.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 93
If you’re not watching Bad Santa during the holidays, you’re doing something wrong. It’s about as ridiculous as a softcore porn movie, but if we’re being honest, aren’t most Christmas movies? Ah, Christmas and porn. Yup, that just happened.

ClareR (5596 KP) rated Ghost Wall in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Ghost Wall
Ghost Wall
Sarah Moss | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A disturbing look at family dynamics.
This novella really packs a punch. Its uncomfortable subject matter is presented in an uncomfortable setting. Slivie, her checkout assistant mum and bus driver dad, spend their summer holidays recreating life in Iron Age Britain, along with an archaeology professor and some of his students. Silvie's dad is a very keen, knowledgable amateur archaeologist, and is well respected by the professor. However, he is an unhappy man. He seems to hate the way he lives, and takes his frustrations (physically) out on his wife and daughter. I actually thought Silvie was far younger than it transpired that she was, purely because of the way her father spoke to and treated her.
The book becomes darker as it goes on, as we see more of Silvie's dads' outdated ideas of masculinity and a woman's station in life, and the conclusion is simply stunning.
This is well worth a read in my opinion.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book to read and fairly review.
1935 | Business / Industrial, Economic
Great game (2 more)
Time consumer
Time consumer (2 more)
Tears families apart
Hope you don't mind a prison sentence
Either a really good game, or a really bad game
I love this game. My family and I always used to play this in the school holidays so it always has a lovely memory attached to it. On the other hand, it has been the cause of a few arguments and sore losers as you can probably imagine. Nevertheless, when you can get through a game without arguing it is so fun to play.
It is a massively long game if you are playing in large groups though or people refuse to trade cards and help the game progress. We used to have to either play until an ungodly hour in the morning or put the game aside and continue playing the next night. So if you're after a quick game, Monopoly is a no-no.

Additionally, we used to play card games and use Monopoly money as currency. So there's that use too if you're not feeling up for a massive board game.
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Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 10, 2018

Love this game!


Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) Mar 10, 2018

@KatieLouCreate Everything?

This book is a collection of silly questions that present two options and ask you to choose one. It is structured into ten chapters, and the author provides some questions that are easier to answer.

Children will enjoy this book as they can ask others their responses. The author also includes some ridiculous questions you may or may not want to choose between.

I enjoyed this book and believe it's not just for kids. While some silly questions provoke thought and can lead to exciting discussions with your children. There's also plenty of laughter to be had with this book.

Some questions made me think, and I explained the reasoning behind my choices. Other times, I would explain why I wouldn't choose either option. While there were some questions I liked, there were also some that I wouldn't say I liked either answer for.

This book is perfect for fun holidays and other occasions. If you're having a dull day, you can pick up this book and ask someone around you what they would choose.
Barrel Fever: Stories and Essays
Barrel Fever: Stories and Essays
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a HUGE David Sedaris fan but this was not my favorite. This was written in 1994, his early years of being published, and he has definitely improved with age. He's still trying to find his voice and clearly we all know he does! "Me Talk Pretty One Day", "Naked", and "When You Are Engulfed in Flames" are proof of that.

"Santaland Diaries" is an exception - I give that 5 stars alone, his recollections about being a mall elf at Macy's are hysterical to say the least, and you glimpse true Sedaris wit and satire. If you want to read a better Sedaris book, that also includes "Santaland Diaries", read "Holidays on Ice" and it's also published there for your reading pleasure!

Some bits of these stories are fun and witty, but I found most a bit angry, a little disturbing in parts and somewhat tiresome. The immaturity in his early writing is definitely evident, but it's classic Sedaris at the root of the stories... and we know it only gets better from here. A true Sedaris fan should read it for sure either way.
I LOVE Christmas! And I LOVE coloring books! What better way to celebrate the season than by coloring a Christmas book? Beginning on December 1 this devotion will carry you through Christmas to New Year's Eve. Each devotion is only one page long and the opposite page is a full picture to color in. The perfect way to relax and express creativity while keeping Christ at the focus of Christmas. Filled with beautiful pictures of angels, nativity scenes, stars, winter, scripture, and patterns. At the end of the book there are Family Activities. Verses and conversation starters and prayer, to discuss Christmas as a family and keep or sights on Jesus in the middle of a busy season. Extra coloring pages are included at the end of the book as well. A beautiful way to bring the story of Christmas into our daily routine. If you enjoy coloring books, this is the perfect one to begin your holidays.

I received a free copy of All is Bright from Tyndale Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

the_mad_meeple (55 KP) rated Forbidden Island in Tabletop Games

Mar 10, 2020 (Updated Mar 10, 2020)  
Forbidden Island
Forbidden Island
2010 | Adventure, Card Game, Fantasy
Sink or swim?
Considering my Y childhood holidays spent by the water, I've never been more anxious at the sight of rising water levels. A fully cooperative experience, all players, new and experienced, took part in an adventure fit for all. Fighting to get to the chopper we found ourselves facing an ever changing table top with tiles sinking faster than we were able to get to them. As you move around the board collecting treasures, you face difficult challenges of whether to move yourself or to use your special abilities to better position your comrades. A gem of a game, the variety of characters provide a strong amount of replay ability, ideal for a game that provides an air of impending doom telling you that all you can do now is it to start planning for the next attempt.
Whether you play it for the theme of an intrepid explorer searching an unknown island, or you are looking for an excellent family friendly cooperative experience (allowed by the ability to simply and effectively vary difficulty levels) this is a game for boardgamers of all shapes and sizes.