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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland (2 more)
The villain (thank god)
The script
No real stakes (1 more)
Not enough fighting scenes
Spiderman has never been better
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Tom Holland is fantastic. Never has writing a review been so releaving. After the car wrecks that were the first 2 amazing Spiderman movies we finally get a great depiction of the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. Tom played both the quick witted Spiderman and nerdy Peter Parker fantastically and actually looks like a high school kid.

Michael Keaton plays another winged comic book character in the vulture who unlike other marvel villains added some gravitas and was not just a throw away. He played almost a sympathetic villain where you understand his motivations.

The story was solid. We actually got to see a teenage Peter Parker with teenage worries in high school rather than trying to skip over his school life quickly in other iterations of the character. His high school sidekick Ned was a great comic relief and in my opinion created most of the laughs in this film.

One major worry going in was that iron man would steel the show. Luckily Robert Downey Jr was used almost sparingly and was there in just a mentoring capacity which was good to see.

Overall this was a funny, charming story with a great portrayal of one of the world's most loved characters.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
It's great but I fell sleep
For years I have been adamant that McGuire was THE Spiderman since I didn't like Garfield's version.

However, when this one popped up on Netflix one Saturday evening, I thought "why the heck not." I wasn't disappointed. It is really difficult not to like Tom Holland. An I biased because he's British? No. The kid was talent. He is funny, can do impressive tricks and a professional dancer... it's no wonder why they chose him. But let's swing back into the review shall we?

So Pete is trying hard to be noticed by our MCU's Stark after the events of Cival War. (I fell asleep watching that too but that's a review for another day.) He swings into action, sort of accidentally causing more trouble than saving it but you can't deny he wants to help people.

The SFX were okay but the whole build up to the fight at the end literally brought me to sleepy land. It may hold your attention for that brief moment but I woke up wondering where Gwyneth Paltrow came from and was she in this movie the whole time?

Other than that, Holland has become my favourite Spidey. I haven't seen far from home yet but I do hope it lives up to this version of the friendly neighbourhood spiderman.
Keeping You a Secret
Keeping You a Secret
Julie Anne Peters | 2007 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is out and out a love story. The fact that it is two girls just adds another dimension. Cece is the 'out' lesbian. Holland is the girl everyone wants to be, ecept she is pretending. When she stops pretending to herself she begins to realize how very hard being yourself and love can be.I thought this book was good. As a teacher I think Julie Ann Peters does an excellent job of capturing what it means to be young and gay. I feel comfortable recommending this book to some of my students especially my LGBTQ kids. It has a good messege and hard realities.