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A Little Siren (Not Quite a Fairytale #2)
A Little Siren (Not Quite a Fairytale #2)
May Sage | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
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Silvia Undine is used to shouldering the blame for everything happening around her; people tend to be suspicious of what they don't understand and they definitely don't understand her kind.
The one place she might find acceptance is her home, the ocean from which she's been banished.

Never had she imagined that her return might start a war and what she most certainly hadn't expected was to find Kings willing to fight for, against, and over her.

So after being disappointed in Cinderella I was weary going into this one. I was pleasantly surprised it was much better than Cinderella and had more depth. I was still very confused in some parts I felt like she was throwing everything at the book and sometimes important things got a little lost. But definitely an improvement and definitely a reason to continue with the series. Although the epilogue threw me and didn't quite make sense!
6.0 (1 Ratings)
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65 of 220
The Ash’bani ( The Five Angels 2)
By Kimberly M. Ringer

Everything has changed. Megan has lost her ability to see the future and CJ is a Vernadali. An Angels Blessed Vernadali at that. What does that even mean?

When Clarice gets a message that her father is dying, Megan and CJ come home to travel with Clarice to Obsecuritan. No one knows what awaits them there, but they can only hope that they can find answers as to how they can stop Ansel.

Clarice’s closely guarded secrets are about to be revealed, but at what cost? And just what is Ansel up to?

This was a vast improvement on book 1 it had more story and more grounding. I actually enjoyed most of it. The only thing that really bothered me was the slushy mushy stuff and yea I get the love and strength that is between CJ and Megan but come on it was over bearing. Really overbearing!!! I do want to see where it goes though as things make a lot more sense.
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The Blooding (Matthew Hawkwood, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
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The most recent book (at the time of writing) in [a:James McGee|223959|James McGee|] Matthew Hawkwood series, this is primarily set during the 'forgotten war' of 1812 between Great Britain and the fledgling USA, with Hawkwood newly arrived in the country while trying to get home to London from his escapades in France in the previous novel ([b:Rebellion|11254850|Seeds of Rebellion (Beyonders, #2)|Brandon Mull||16181497]).

I say mostly as, for approximately the first half, the novel actually flits back and forth - almost chapter about - between current events and those of Hawkwood's childhood (also in the States).

I also have to say that, as the series has progressed, it has seemingly moved further and further away from it's original Bow Street Runner in the Regency period: moving closer, perhaps, in mold (IMO) to the classic Sharpe stories of Bernard Cornwell, and - as a consequence - becoming in danger of losing it's own flavour that originally made it stand out.

Having said that, however, this - I felt - was an improvement on the previous book, which I personally struggled somewhat to connect with.