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Victorious (The Lost Fleet, #6)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final book in Jack Campbell (the pen name of John Hemry)'s <i>The Lost Fleet</i> series, <i>Victorious</i> sees 'Black Jack' Geary returning to where the series started: back to the Syndic's Home System. While the last 5 books in the series ahve all dealt with the long retreat home (even if the Alliance Fleet never believed it was, or called it as such, and which ended in the finale of <i>The Lost Fleet: Relentless</i>), this sees that fleet go on the offensive in a bid to end the century-old war.

Without giving anything away (or, at least, any more than the blurb on my edition does!), the previously hinted-at alien forces on the far side of the Syndic space also have a role to play in this novel, leading plenty of space for that to be developed in the planned next series of books: <i>The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier</i>. I may just be convinced to pick those up ...
The Master Undone (Inside Out, #3.3)
The Master Undone (Inside Out, #3.3)
Lisa Renee Jones | 2013 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Out of all the novellas so far in this series this one has to be my favorite. Mark goes home to be with his parents after discovering what happened to Rebecca. His mother is having surgery for breast cancer and Mark discovers Crystal can be a welcome distraction. An excellent quick read.
World After
World After
Susan Ee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
My one thought right now is: why didnt I fetch the last book with me on holiday?!?

I sped through this so easily and quickly got dragged back into the series despite it being 2 and a half years since I read the first one.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to wait another four or five days till I'm back home to finish the series now and see how everything plays out with Penryn, Raffe, Paige and their crazy mum.
Crossed (Matched #2)
Crossed (Matched #2)
Ally Condie | 2013 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed the first book so I decided to read the 2nd in the series. Granted it took me awhile to get to it, but I read it. And I have to say it took me forever to get through, yes Christmas was in there, but really!? 20 days to finish a YA book!? It was nothing to write home about, but I feel obligated to see the series through to the 3rd & final installment. I just can't decide if it's worth it or not...
Dexter: New Blood
Dexter: New Blood
2021 | Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Michael c hall (0 more)
Just finished the first episode so no spoilers here yes he's back Dexter Morgan is back new identity new home new friends but can he stay away from his past for long will have to watch the rest of the series to see what happens plus Michael c Hall is still Brillant as Dexter

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Dead as a Duck (Washington Whodunit #7) in Books

Sep 10, 2021 (Updated Sep 10, 2021)  
Dead as a Duck (Washington Whodunit #7)
Dead as a Duck (Washington Whodunit #7)
Colleen J. Shogan | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've slipped into the middle of a series......I need to read the others!!

To say we are reading a murder mystery, Dead as a Duck is a lot of fun. I enjoyed the closeness of the main characters, the different personalities bouncing off each other.
    Kit is a bit if a firecracker and very determined in the things that she does.....especially when suspicion is cast close to home.

As I said this is part of a series, however, it could easily be read as a standalone.....don't do it!! Go for the whole series and treat yourself to a cheeky bottle of wine.

I Hate Fairyland, Vol 2: Fluff My Life
I Hate Fairyland, Vol 2: Fluff My Life
Skottie Young | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Picking up directly where the first volume leaves off, this volume of I Hate Fairyland, with Gert now Queen of Fairyland, and that goes about as well as you'd expect. She is eventually ousted from the throne and continues her search for a way home, dragging the unfortunate Larry along the way.

While Scottie Young's writing is still funny and his art is as madcap as ever (and Jean-Francois Beaulieu's eye-popping colors are eye-popping!), this volume was far more episodic than the previous story arc, with each issue more or less playing out the same scenario each time: Gert finds a "new" way home each issue, which of course turns out not to be a way home and then she fights her way out of the situation in the usual bloodbath, end of issue. The final issue of the collection does offer an interesting post-apocalyptic view of Fairyland, but it's actually not made clear whether the series is continuing after this volume (which there will be after a short break until the monthly series picks back up again in March), so the casual reader may be confused about whether this is actually the close of the series.

I'll be picking up the next collection of the series for sure, regardless of the slight disappointment that came with this issue, because I Hate Fairyland is still one of the most original comics that I've read in a long time.
Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables
L.M. Montgomery, Lauren Child | 2008 | Children
7.6 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
My absolute favorite book and book series. I first read this book when I was about 12 and fell in love with all the characters and avonlea. Anne an orphan girl goes to live with a brother and sister marilla and Matthew Cuthbert and it is all about Anne's adventures in her new home and the trials and tribulations of growing up.
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
New series regularly being added and created (1 more)
Netflix recommendations can help you discover similar material to view
Often things will disappear with little warning (0 more)
Well worth the money
I fell in love with Netflix whilst home ill one weekend. I admit I am a devourer of things I love and I must have binge watched more than a months worth of series in a weekend. It's a great way to catch up on those shows you missed on other channels and find new shows to watch. You may end up, however, getting hooked on a series only to find it has been cancelled after one or two series. Netflix own original series have been pretty spectacular and just keep getting better.
Plenty of kids options for my 2 boys plus my wife can have her own profile with her own recommendations so we are all kept pretty entertained.
Overall, if you have a choice between going to a movie and paying for a month of Netflix, choose Netflix.
The Complete Chi&#039;s Sweet Home Vol. 4: Vol. 4
The Complete Chi's Sweet Home Vol. 4: Vol. 4
Kanata Konami | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Chi's Sweet Home series is so cute! Part 4 of the complete manga series wraps up Chi's story. Chi learns what she actually is, and gets a chance to make an important decision. Chi stays innocent and naive throughout part 4, but begins to realize how parts of her life really are with the help of her good cat friends. She still has a long way to go, but she begins to learn how to be more of a cat. She gets closer to her cat friends, but also realizes how close she is to Yohei and her human family.