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Delilah (Ties That Bind #4)
Delilah (Ties That Bind #4)
Fay Lamb | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
They’ve sparred for years, but now they’re both headed for a knockout.

Newly elected judge, John M. Turner, tries his best to soothe the hard feelings of former Circuit Judge Delilah James, the woman he bested in the election by only a narrow margin, but his friend’s and her haughty reputation are making it difficult for him to let things slide. Worse yet, a vengeful assistant state attorney, the other candidate whose entry in the race actually handed the win to John, is seeking to have them both removed from the Florida Bar. Delilah wants to make amends to John, but every time she attempts to apologize or to behave in court, she makes a mess of it. Since leaving the bench, life has become complicated: John’s teenager sister hates her, Libby Carter, has been arrested for battery on a police officer and embroiled her in the plight of the homeless, her past has returned to haunt her, and if that’s not enough, she’s fallen into the one experience in life she never thought would happen to her. John finally offers to make peace, but Delilah’s not ready for that. Calling a truce with the man you love? What’s the fun in that?

My Thoughts: What more can I say? A story about friends who become like family; they care for one another, they look out for one another and they are there for one another. This is a fabulous book! I honestly could not put this one down.

All the characters are fun, the storyline runs smoothly. Yhis is a book the reader won't put down until it's finished.

The themes that I pulled from the story were, forgiveness and grace. It's about showing the love of God, and how it can influence others. It's about knowing the peace of God and showing His love to others.

This was book 4 in the "Ties That Bind" series. This book can be read by itself without the reader wondering about past events in the series. I enjoyed this book so much that I will go and read the others in this series.
Deadly Class
Deadly Class
2019 | Action, Drama
8.3 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
characters pop with personality and individuality, the action and violence, really awesome motion comic scenes (0 more)
OMG!!, Why would they cancel this show after 1 season, might not be for everyone, a little too over the top when it comes down to it (0 more)
Teenage Angst, Romance & The Deadly Arts - 8/10
Deadly Class is a tv series airing on SYFY based on the graphic novel created by Rick Remander and Wesley Craig and published by Image Comics. Developed by by Miles Orion Feldscott and produced by the Russo brothers, it's set in a much more macabre late 1980's San Francisco. For me this show has been addicting and is easy to get swept up in the chaos of the halls of Kong's Dominion.

Marcus (Benjamin Wadsworth) is a recently homeless orphan who is inducted into a boarding school of elite assassins called King's Dominion. Recruited off the streets by a gang of students, mainly Saya (Lana Condor), on orders by the headmaster Master Lin (Benedict Wong). He must learn the deadly arts while navigating the perilous halls and vicious social cliques in the free-for-all that is King's Dominion. The institution's a place where the world's top mob and crime families send their children to become better killers and it's graduates include serial killers and government assassins.

This show might not be for everyone but I have found it really enjoyable. It's very cliche at times and definitely has it's standard archetypes but the characters pop with personality especially when the show goes into these really awesome motion comic scenes when delving into their personal backgrounds. The action is definitely top class and keeps the show going but it's not able to always keep that tension when not in the halls or classrooms of the school where anything can happen. By the 1st or 2nd episode you'll know if it's for you. I particularly like how the main group is a bunch of misfits who come together and the progression of the main character. Like i said, I give it a 8/10.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
1975 | Comedy, Drama

"What’s to say about One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest that someone else hasn’t already said? It’s perfect. Milos Forman, wow. It’s the most soulful, most heartfelt movie ever made. It’s hilarious. The most dynamic performances — Jack Nicholson’s just robust persistent optimism in that movie is so infectious. His complete lack of sympathy or empathy for anyone who wants to reject life. That character is something so unique. I don’t know if it’s ever existed in the way that it did in that. Not to mention the whole ensemble of Danny DeVito, Brad [Dourif], everyone in that movie is incredible. I find that it’s got such a sense of humor and such a light touch, but it’s also got such a deep, patient eye. I love it. I absolutely love it. I saw it in theaters the other day and just sobbed. I saw it with my dad, and we were both weeping. It’s such a nice uniting film between many generations. It’s got a universal, timeless quality. In terms of directing, what he does in that movie is kind of impossible. He has no real scope. He’s in that asylum, and yet it’s this delicious, not bleak movie to watch. All the greens and whites, everything is so pretty. Just the cigarette smoke, and the way he navigates the camera around that area and all the color palette and his choice of shot, it’s really a feat. Only once you’ve made a movie do you see how much you rely on your surroundings and your environment and how I was spoiled because I was shooting in New York on these rooftops. It’s not even fair. I’ve got all these buildings and these lights and these streets and the homeless people and all this crazy, vivid environment. To shoot a movie in one location essentially and make it that lush and interesting; to be fascinating the entire way through without it feeling like a play on wheels. I can’t understand it. I’ve seen it a billion times, and I can’t understand it. Like how is that possible?"

Divergent (2014)
Divergent (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨. Unabashed (better) 𝘏𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘎𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 ripoff which doesn't just have nothing to say - but worse - it has nothing to say yet *thinks* it has something to say. A fucking terrible metaphor about conformity depicted through surface-level teenage angst and wince-worthy 2014 YA genre tropes while deliberately (and frustratingly) refusing to provide any world-building above routine exposition, but sometimes it's fun! Woodley is pretty crappy but everyone else is solidly engaging, Teller is great as a piece of shit and James is shockingly one of the better 'faceless white beefcake' roles - but of course the winner goes to evil Kate Winslet in full Hillary Clinton mode, pantsuit and all. I fully admit to being enchanted by this movie's stupid little world and it's never unwatchable either, often quite enjoyable - but can we talk about how idiotic of a system this is? You're telling me in order to stop discrimination and foster peace (from some conveniently absent events just known as "the war" [ugh]) they thought it'd be a good idea to make distinctly unconnected factions based on - essentially - a Buzzfeed "What's Your Personality Type" quiz, which aren't allowed to communicate and all of whom evidently hate each other that they then force a bunch of moody TEENAGERS to choose which one they want to be in - the single MOST IMPORTANT AND PERMANENT LIFE DECISION they'll ever make - and AREN'T ALLOWED a single switch EVER (because... reasons, ostensibly you aren't allowed to change as a person); and if they fail or want to choose a different path they just become HOMELESS FOR LIFE. (A sadly close unintentional riff on capitalism, actually). Anyway I like when this gets trippy and when it acts as a slideshow of these supposedly helpful organizations (which don't serve their respective purposes here at all) just start doing a bunch of fucked up things to their new recruits literally from day one but all its non-politics aside I'm sick of when movies like these make the blandest character in the movie not only lead the whole thing, but also make their only discernable personality feature that they're "not like the rest of us". Yeah, no shit they aren't - they're way less interesting.
A Fall of Light
A Fall of Light
L.J. Greene | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
only ONE thing knocked that star off!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Greg appears as a side character in a series by Greene. I have not read those books, but I don't feel I missed out on anything by not doing. I'm intrigued by this group, though, and may well go back and read them. *if I can find the time*

I gave this 4 stars, and one thing ONLY knocked that star off.

Single person point of view.

Only Greg gets a say here, and I wanted, so desperately wanted to hear from Louis, at many key points along the way and I don't get him.

That said, it's the only fault I can find with this book.

I loved that Greg knew, deep down, that he wasn't a casual person, and he could never be casual with Louis. Yet he jumped right in with everything. I loved that Greg let Louis keep his secret for as long as he wanted to. He knew it would come out in the end, he just had to bide his time. I hated what Greg's brother was doing to him, I really did. Said brother does get his comeuppence though.

Greg's past is dark and shocking, being made homeless at 16, he did what he had to do to survive. Loved that Louis did NOT hold it against him, even if his own flesh and blood did. Loved that the band supported him doing the solo stuff, to appease his brother, and also that they stood by him.

It's not especially explicit for a MM romance, but I liked that here, it's more about the emotions going through Greg (since we don't get Louis!) than anything else.

Some difficult topics dealt with: religious intervention, conversion therapy, street life and doing what you need to do to survive. Triggers for some, be mindful.

This is the first I've read of Greene's work. Like I said, I'd like, *time allowing* to read the series that Greg first appears in, but if not, I will absolutely read any future books by this author.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Under the Silver Lake (2018)
Under the Silver Lake (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
In David Robert Mitchell’s (It Follows) Under the Silver Lake, Andrew Garfield portrays a jobless and lethargic young man named Sam. Apart from his obsession with conspiracy theories and finding obscure messages in common pop culture, Sam typically spies on his topless and bird-loving neighbor. He also blatantly ignores the fact that he’s facing eviction in five days for unpaid rent. His current infatuation is a zine entitled Under the Silver Lake, which seems to mirror what’s currently transpiring in Los Angeles. Sam develops a crush on his new neighbor named Sarah (Riley Keough), who seems to disappear without a trace overnight. What begins as an investigation into Sarah’s current whereabouts evolves into something deeply rooted in the peculiar.

There’s a lot to digest with Under the Silver Lake. Not only is the story constructed on finding clues and deciphering the bizarre, but the film itself is also loaded with homage to famous music, film, and people. Nirvana, The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo Power, and Spider-Man are just a few references in the film and that doesn’t cover the blatant influence of films such as Rear Window or 2001: A Space Odyssey. What you have to ask yourself, and this is probably what makes the film so polarizing, is if what lays between the admiration for popular culture a worthwhile experience?

What you can appreciate is Andrew Garfield’s performance. Sam is so bored with his uneventful existence that he tries to find hidden meaning in everyday items. He is basically a stalker fueled by paranoia and consistent lusting of whatever woman is closest to him. When sex isn’t an option for Sam, he masturbates and somehow this becomes a common theme of the film. The first thing you ever pleasured yourself to is suddenly a conversation piece. Garfield has an unusual demeanor as Sam, but never really comes off as creepy. The method in which the story keeps snowballing into something bigger with more and more connections helps Sam’s case. Sam beats the snot out of a kid who keyed a giant penis ejaculating onto the hood of his black GT Mustang and you only seem to like him more because of it.

The fact of the matter is you also become invested in Sam’s discoveries. Despite what you feel about Under the Silver Lake as a film, it’s still unpredictable and intriguing even with its 139-minute duration. With its abrupt camera movements, a kamikaze squirrel, a serial dog killer on the loose, pets named after soda, the discovery of saltines and orange juice being one of the most unique combinations ever, a gory dream sequence, animated zine stories, people barking like dogs, the map on the back of a cereal box being the answer to everything, a seething hatred for the homeless, a way too impressive piano medley, and an almost unrecognizable Topher Grace as a reliable friend, Under the Silver Lake feels like it is overloaded with these overwhelmingly precise details that don’t necessarily lead to anything substantial.

On first watch, it’s impossible to decipher if Under the Silver Lake is destined to be a cult classic or a misguided neo-noir mystery. David Robert Mitchell knows how to introduce elements of comedy, mystery, and drama, but that final product is what leaves you scratching your head. Maybe this gets better with multiple viewings and you find more Easter eggs with each watch or everything connects differently in your head after knowing what direction the story is headed in. In the meantime though, Under the Silver Lake mostly feels like a nearly two and a half hour session of stoner ramblings that can’t decide whether to be Brick, Inherent Vice, or Southland Tales; even The Homeless King feels like a side story lifted from Terry Gilliam’s The Fisher King.

What’s happening directly in Sam’s world isn’t what matters most in Under the Silver Lake. He’s more worried about Sarah and Los Angeles than he is about not having a job or possibly a place to live in a matter of days. The outside world is far more interesting to Sam because it’s that, “The grass is always greener,” kind of mentality. Sam is consumed by Sarah because she is the one woman in the film he doesn’t get to sleep with. Having everlasting discussions of what your topless neighbor’s parrot is saying is far more humorous than revealing anything remotely personal. Becoming entangled in this crazy spider’s web of a conspiracy is far more interesting than living a boring existence. Sam makes the most out of nothing, literally. Under the Silver Lake is this spellbinding enigma of a film that is equally stimulating as it is mystifying.