Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) rated The Animators in Books
Jun 18, 2018
This book surprised me! I enjoyed it, and I wasn't sure I would. Mel and Sharon have been friends since college, spurring each other to greater artistry in their chosen field of adult cartooning. (Not porn, just not childish themes.) They work well together, with Mel coming up with most of the beginning ideas and Sharon hammering them into a shape that will work and keeping them on track through projects. But Mel has a drug and alcohol problem, and Sharon has a stroke, and working through all of those things are really what the book deals with.
The two go back to visit Sharon's hometown in Kentucky at one point, and the way Sharon describes the town, and how surreal it is and how she never felt like she belonged, even when she lived there - that was a really hard-hitting passage for me. I went back to my own hometown last Christmas, and I felt the same feelings Sharon has in the book. Seeing those feelings actually put into words was....strange.
I honestly didn't like either Mel or Sharon for the first few chapters, but as the story unfolds, they begin to open up. The book is about growing up in some ways; the two of them, though advancing in their careers, haven't had to do a lot of maturing emotionally until the events of the book. I thought they both become much more likable as that happened.
The writing was excellent in this book, the character development outstanding, and the plot heartbreaking in places. Even though it's not my typical reading fare, I really liked it.
You can find all my reviews at http://goddessinthestacks.wordpress.com

Carma (21 KP) rated Sweet Home Louisiana (Boys of the Bayou, #2) in Books
Jun 17, 2019
Maddie left the Bayou about 12 years ago, she never wanted to return but then her brother died. She retunred for the funeral but ran again back to the west coast. It isnt that she hated her hometown, she hated how her hometown made her feel. Wild, unencumbered, no filter, she needed to feel more in control of herself. It didnt help that the bayou had Owen.
Owen is a bayou boy through and through. Maddie was his first real love and they were dangerous together. The passion and fire when the two of them got near each other could set the room on fire, and pretty much did. When Maddie wants to sell her shares of Boys of the Bayou she first must return home for 30 days as per the agreement made years before. Owen sees his chance to remind her whats in her blood, who she is down deep.
Owen and Maddie together are full of passion and spark. You can almost see the flames jumping off the pages when they come together. But will that be enough to get Maddie to want to stay home and run the company with them? She has an investor that is a good fit for the company that wants to jump head first into helping grow the company but the boys arent that open to a new person coming into their tight fold, especially with him having majority ownership along with Sawyer. Kennedy doesnt want Bennett there but for much different reasons (I see a juicy story unfolding).
This series has me dying in between releases. The author has the ability to pull me right into not only the pages and scenes but I can feel the heat of the bayou, the smells the bayou, the noise of the airboats. Sawyer is next up and it is going to be so so good, I can feel that too.

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Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Someone You Know in Books
Mar 15, 2019
If you are looking for a thriller with a difference, you will not be disappointed by this. This is a fantastic story with an ending you won't see coming. This debut thriller has red herrings and twists to keep you guessing to the very end. Fabulous fast paced read and the author has a way of drip feeding you little bits at a time and you won't want to stop til you have reached the end.
You have here a thick plot with loads of suspense, well structured characters. The story is done in two timelines that keeps you held in utter suspense. This story is dark, twisted, creepy and very atmospheric; you won't be able to put this one down!
Make this one of your must reads....Highly recommend!!!
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an arc copy.

Sue (5 KP) rated Carbs and Cadavers (A Supper Club Mystery, #1) in Books
Aug 13, 2018
James and the rest of the flab five tried to weed through who could have killed the ex-jock. Was it one of the ladies he has spurned, a boyfriend that didn’t like Brinkley’s attention to his girl, or the sweet young waitress at the town diner?
The book is more than just about a mystery. The author pulls you in and has you falling in love with the likable yet flawed James, the wanna be cop Lucy, Bennett the postman, Lindy the teacher, Gillian the pet groomer, and Jackson (James’s dad) the lovable grump.
This book is a great start to what I know will be a favored series.

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