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All My Mothers
All My Mothers
Joanna Glen | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading ‘The Other Half of Augusta Hope’, I was so excited to read ‘All My Mothers’. And I was not disappointed. Joanna Glen is rapidly becoming an auto-buy author for me - and this book is full of the same heart as Augusta Hope.
Eva Martinez-Green has two pivotal , life changing moments when she starts school: meeting Bridget Blume, and her teacher reading a book called ‘The Rainbow Rained Us’. Bridget becomes a lifelong friend, Bridget’s mother helps Eva to learn just what a mother can be like: loving and interested in her, unlike Eva’s own mother who has some serious mental health issues. In fact, Mrs Blume steps in to a mothering role for Eva, when Eva moves in due to her own mother having a prolonged stay in a clinic. Mrs Blume is Eva’s benchmark for being a mother for the rest of her life. For that short time she shows Eva affection, treats her like one of her own. Mrs Blume, along with her childhood book, leads Eva to realise that her mother isn’t her birth mother. And so begins the quest to find her.

Eva’s life in London helps the reader to learn about the characters, and when she starts to study in Cordoba, the real task of finding her birth mother begins.

I don’t want to give anything away, because I want you to read it!! It’s beautiful. I pretty much sobbed through the last couple of chapters, so have your tissues handy. But DO read it!!
Shadowman (Shadow #3)
Shadowman (Shadow #3)
Erin Kellison | 2024 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shadowman is the full-length story of Kathleen and Shadowman! It is the third book in the Shadow series and I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this one!

Shadowman will stop at nothing to find Kathleen. He knows she's not in Twilight and since Custo has told him she's not in the Hereafter, then that only leaves Hell. So he builds a gate. It gets opened-just a crack-by Layla but something or someone slips through.

Oh, man, but I loved this story. It was a slow start but built up to an amazing story that kept me turning the pages, unable to put it down. I loved the twists and turns in it, as both Shadowman and Layla figure out just who they are, both to each other and to other people. It is chock full of emotion and the ending is full of action. I had to read it twice, just to make sure I hadn't missed anything.

It feels like the end of the series, but I sincerely hope we return to Segue. There is still so much to see, and I hope to catch up with all my favourite characters too. Absolutely brilliant and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 29, 2024
Claiming Hope ( Hope 2)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
83 of 220
Claiming Hope ( Hope 2)
By Elizabeth Knight

So you guys remember the naked man in the alley?

Now he’s my mate along with one of his friends. I might also have my eyes on the other two as well because why not? Oh yeah forgot to mention, turns out I’m a werewolf, hence the mating thing. Not only that but I’m the only Alpha Female in existence, which makes sense why that asshole of a fake fiance wanted to keep me for himself.

*Girl you suck at explaining what's going on.*

Shut up I’ve got this handled. Managed to do it last time without you.


Thanks to the four men who came crashing into my life, I was rescued and kept safe. Now I’m on a plane to who the hell knows where while the guys keep alluding to the fact that I have an important role to play in their world. Am I ready to step into whatever they have waiting for me? I’ve only been a werewolf for two weeks and still have so much to learn.

That was so much better than book 1! Hopes wolf is just brilliant I loved it the first time round but this was better. The story had an interesting take I loved her different mates and the pack she now leads. The ending was a cliffhanger but a really good one. Definitely moving on to book 3!
Scrappy Little Nobody
Scrappy Little Nobody
Anna Kendrick | 2016 | Biography
8.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely loved this book. I laughed so much and I was so touched. Many times I felt like Anna was talking about me instead of her. I have many of the same quirks and thoughts about myself, especially while I was growing up. This book made me think, man we could be friends! Except for the freedom of potty mouth, which everyone who knows me knows sounds really dumb when I try to use cool curse words. I enjoy her acting, and now I am really impressed with what a down to earth person she is. And yeah, I hope maybe someday we'll meet, even for a moment, and I'll have the courage to be cool and say I loved this book to her face.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Exit West in Books

Jul 24, 2017  
Exit West
Exit West
Mohsin Hamid | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
A dystopian current affairs magical realistic fiction
A deeply tragic account of how two people can be caught in circumstances of war, how easy it is to lose everything and the potential hope that humanity offers. Saeed and Nadia attempt to face an apocalyptic situation in the face of adversity despite having a tenuous connection to one another. It is quite a depressing read especially given the current situation in the Middle East - but Hamid does a great job in humanising the characters. They are just two simple people attempting to make a relationship work under intense circumstances. A beautiful account, I just wished the story was slightly more developed as it tended to run from one scene to another.
Dynamite Fishermen (Beirut Trilogy, #1)
Dynamite Fishermen (Beirut Trilogy, #1)
Preston Fleming | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Since I received my first book by [Preston Fleming] through Library Thing I have been impressed. [Dynamite Fishermen] did not disappoint me. I really enjoy the way he tells a story and believe Conrad Prosser could compete with Jack Ryan. Except maybe not a pure as Ryan which makes him more credible as a government employee.

The setting of Beirut in the 1980's really was in intriguing setting especially growing up in the 1980's and remembering the weekly new reports. This is an often forgotten time of American history when we supported Iraq and Saddam. I hope this book is widely read by a younger generation and gives them a new perspective of America in the Middle East. Also it was an awesome book.