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To Have and To Lose (Deathly Beloved)
To Have and To Lose (Deathly Beloved)
Miranda Grant | 2022 | Humor & Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Aurelia is a fairy princess with the world on her shoulders. For as long as she can remember there has been war it's down to her to end it all.

I love Miranda's writing it's always one that captures me and makes me want to read more, I'm always disappointed when I get to the end of one of her stories.

This is the prequel to death do us part and is pretty gut-wrenching in parts. It's a fast-paced book with some rather hot sex scenes and a lot of blood.

I can't say too much without giving away what happens and nobody likes spoilers!

I hope you read it and enjoy it as much as I have.
Tony Hogan Bought Me an Ice Cream Float Before He Stole My Ma
Tony Hogan Bought Me an Ice Cream Float Before He Stole My Ma
Kerry Hudson | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Funny and tragic with a ton of nostalgia (0 more)
This is not only a well-written novel but also a powerful commentary on life within the poverty trap.
‘Graffiti and scorch marks, echoes of small fires, decorated doorsteps. Golden Special Brew cans and crushed vodka bottles, bright as diamonds, collected in gutters. Front gardens were filled with mouldy paddling pools and, occasionally, a rust burnished shell of a car. I had never seen anything so beautiful, so many colours, before in grey Aberdeen.’

This is a novel with nothing held back. While the title is light hearted and the cover art bright and cheerful, both are deceiving. The cover shows a silhouette of a young girl holding a giant red balloon against the backdrop of a Scottish suburban town. It is important to address the significance of this image. Readers may recall a similar painting by Banksy, named Girl With Balloon which was originally painted on a wall in London. Beside the painting was engraved “There Is Always Hope”. While Banksy’s painting shows the girl releasing the balloon, possibly representing lost hope or lost innocence, Hudson’s cover shows the girl being lifted by the balloon. Considering this when addressing the text, it is clear that Hudson wished to demonstrate that one can only hold on to hope by not letting go. Critics have described this book as containing bittersweet humour and Hudson cleverly intrudes in the second chapter by saying that this is in fact a ‘humorous cautionary tale’. As soon as you begin reading, expect to get dirt under your nails. The author launches right into the location of the novel using regional Scottish dialect and local Aberdonian vernacular. The story begins with the birth of out protagonist, Janie Ryan. Born to Iris (formally Irene), a single, homeless mother who comes from a line of women described as ‘fishwives to the marrow’, Iris has recently returned from London after trying to change her destiny (not wanting to become her mother). After falling pregnant to a rich and married American man, the relationship breaks down. Iris is forced to return to poverty in the back streets of Aberdeen but is keen to ensure that things have changed,’ I didnae go all the way to fuckin’ London to come back an’ be the same old Irene!’ Unfortunately, Iris falls back into her old ways and for Janie; this has a direct effect on her life. The reader follows the protagonist from her first home to temporary care and then to a string of homes over the UK in some of its poorest areas. Janie watches, as her mother gets involved in some abusive relationships, including one with alcohol, and watches helplessly as her mother loses hope. Towards the latter end of the novel, it is clear that Janie is falling into the same habits as her mother, however, a string of unfortunate event forces her to reassess her life. The end of the novel, like the cover art, is left to the reader’s interpretation. Can Janie break the cycle and make changes to her life, or is she destined to become her mother? This is not only a well-written novel but also a powerful commentary on life within the poverty trap.
Kerry Hudson, Tony Hogan Bought me an Ice Cream Float Before He Stole My Ma, 2012 published by Vintage Books
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Following the unexpected and shocking moments from “Avengers: Infinity War”, fans eagerly awaited the next Marvel Studios film for any type of clues as to what will happen next when the next Avengers film arrives next summer. “Ant-Man and the Wasp”, is set before the events of “Avengers: Infinity War”, and finds Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) under home confinement thanks to a plea deal he took for siding with Captain America in “Captain America: Civil War”.

The years of being at home have driven Scott to find creative ways to entertain himself when his friend Luis (Michael Pena) and his daughter Cassie are not around. Scott is nearing the end of his isolation but knows F.B.I. Agent Woo (Randall Park), is waiting for him to slip up and with a possible twenty year prison term in the balance, he is not eager to make any mistakes.

Scott is also on the outs with Hope (Evangeline Lilly) and her father Hank (Michael Douglas) as it is revealed he took the Ant-Man suit and took part in the Civil War without their permission.

Fate intervenes when a strange dream causes Scott to contact Hope who in turn takes a reluctant Scott along with her to get to the bottom of the dream. Scott is naturally reluctant as he is days away from freedom and being discovered out and about and consorting with his wanted former associates would not be good for his eventual freedom.

A shady tech dealer named Sonny Burch (Walton Goggins) and a dangerous new adversary named “Ghost” (Hannah John-Kamen) also complicate matters and force Scott, Hope, and Hank to contend with issues all around them as the race against time on an urgent mission while trying to stay away from Woo and his team.

The film is a bit slow getting started but it does have some great character moments as well as humor around the build-up to the action sequences. The action when it comes mixes some great visual FX with some humor as Hope and Scott jump between everyday items at various sizes to face the threats presented to them. The cast works very well with one another and there are some great moments that will likely become favorites for fans of the characters and Marvel.

The Ghost is a rather interesting choice as an adversary as we do not have an individual bent on conquest, revenge, mass destruction, or accumulating power and wealth. While it may seem odd to have a more down to earth and relatable villain in a Marvel film, it does continue a recent trend of showing of adversaries who are complex, harder to define, and sympathetic much like The Winter Soldier.

There are two scenes in the credits which are very important to the continuity of the Marvel Universe and with “Captain Marvel” due in March 2019, it will likely get fans whipped into overdrive thinking about the possibilities they present.

“Ant-Man and the Wasp” is not as epic in scale as some of the past Marvel films, but thanks to a likeable cast and some timely humor, it should keep fans happy until the next chapter in the series.
Rediscovering the Earth
Rediscovering the Earth
Michal Hall | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Natural World, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Using a work of fiction to bring a serious problem to light is a wonderful idea and may help alert more people to the problem (0 more)
The book is a bit on the repetitive side, which is always disappointing but even more so with shorter books such as this one. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Rediscovering the Earth by Michal Hall was a very quick read with a powerful message. This is a book full of both despair and hope that deserves to be read multiple times. It reminds me slightly of Voice of the Elders by Greg Ripley (the first book review I wrote).

 The Earth is dying, humans and animals are going extinct quickly, and it is our fault. Humans have let our pride destroy our planet. Our belief that we can control everything and that we are better than even each other has destroyed our connection with other humans. Our pride, wars, and so-called technological advances have polluted the air and water, making it poisonous to humans, plants, and animals alike. In seeing plants and animals as inferior humans have selfishly destroyed entier ecosystems an wiped out species. Within one-hundred years or so humans will be completely gone as well.

 This is where The Federation steps in. As a highly evolved alien race, they offer to help pull the human race back from the brink of extinction and at first, humans foolishly deny this help. Thankfully one man by the name of Carl, who is nothing special himself, takes it upon himself to advocate for the entire race. After many years of deliberation on the subject, The Federation decides to help. Even with their help, it takes around twenty years before any major difference is noticed and much longer before most of the damage is reversed. As humans learn a culture of love, humility, and connection to the Earth The Federation hopes humans will one day be able to join them.

 Using a work of fiction to bring a serious problem to light is a wonderful idea and may help alert more people to the problem. Telling how help is almost denied because of how selfish and prideful humans are is a slap in the face that we would face destruction before the change. The book is a bit on the repetitive side, which is always disappointing but even more so with shorter books such as this one. I understand the repetitiveness is to drive home the point but it still could have been better. Also, I wish it was more detailed on how Earth went from being in so much trouble to be safe. It seems to make a large time jump in that area and I would have liked to see more of the transformative process.

 There is nothing in this book that would be inappropriate for anyone. However, anyone younger than a middle schooler probably would not understand the powerful message in this book, and some middle school students might even miss it. Adults and those that truly love the Earth will enjoy this book and see it as hope. Others who are not as aware of our situation might see it as a wake-up call. I rate this book 3 out of 4. The book brilliantly delivers a very important message. Without holding anything back it shows just how much trouble the world is in but offers hope through change. I hope millions of people across the world get to read this book.


    Games and Entertainment

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    In “Episode 5: Terminus," the fifth and final episode of the thrilling République saga, battle...

Carolyn Miller has done it again! She has created a wonderfully written, hope-inspiring novel that is sure to sweet all her fans, new and old alike, off their feet and plop them down in a whole new world filled with uniquely witty characters. I was once again in awe of the way Ms. Miller captured my whole heart and left me wanting more. 

In this addition to the series, we get Miss DeLancey's story. I loved her in the first books, and I loved her in this book. She was dealing with so much, from scandal to rejection (I've been there on both accounts!), and I felt her emotions as my own. She just wanted to be loved for herself and it was quite hard with her circumstances. But, then Ms. Miller brings Ben into the story, and oh my goodness did I ever fall in love! I loved his character and cheered for him and Miss DeLancey so much through the story. 

A story of hope, forgiveness and relying on God in times when you want to give up, Ms. Miller has concluded this series with a bang. Five stars, hats off and two thumbs up, this is one book you want on your wish list this holiday season! I can't wait to see what Ms. Miller brings her fans next. If they are books like this one, then I know I'm in for a witty, charming regency novel that will sweep me to the heart of England. Well done, Ms. Miller! 

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
This Is Not a Love Story (Love Story Universe)
This Is Not a Love Story (Love Story Universe)
Suki Fleet | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is Not a Love Story (Love Story Universe) by Suki Fleet
"This is Not a Love Story" is both the title of the book, and a description of what it is about. This isn't a light and fluffy romance. This is hard-hitting, dark, and gritty, that tells you in no uncertain terms just how hard it is to be on the streets... and even then you can imagine it's a whole lot harder than even your imagination can go.

Remee and Julian have been there for each other over the past couple of years. Remee was just thirteen when he came to the streets, for reasons you find out. You don't know how old Julian was, but these two have bonded, for good, or so you hope. However, life on the streets is tough, and things happen to loosen that bond, possibly even break it.

There is so much that goes on in this story, and yet it all flows together perfectly. Remee may seem fragile, but his spine is made of steel. There is an outstanding supporting cast of characters too, with Crash topping the bill. He is brilliant, and I really hope to hear more about him soon.

With no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, this story was one to pull me in, and keep me turning the pages long after I was supposed to have put it down. I have no hesitation in recommending this story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Not bad, but nothing special
The first Ant-Man film was a pleasant surprise and much better than expected, but it was still lacking in some of the magic of the other Marvel films. Sadly Ant-Man and The Wasp suffers even more than the first.

I love Paul Rudd and I think he's the best thing about this film by far, his Scott Lang is nothing other than lovable. The second best things about this film are Michael Douglas who is surprisingly funny and of course Michael Pena, but sadly the rest of the cast fall flat. The bad guys aren't particularly threatening and the whole film lacks any real threat, tension or suspense. I'm also not a big fan of Hope. I have nothing against Evangeline Lilly but I find Hope a little dull and irritating and not endearing in the slightest.

The effects in this are good but after the first film there's nothing particularly remarkable. The plot just seems a bit generic and boring, and the film drags and it isn't even on for 2 hours. I just found the whole thing a bit meh, it's entertaining enough with just enough humour and nods to the other Marvel characters but it's nothing special. What I liked the most was the toy-like end credits sequence. Oh and the post credits scene is totally not worth it. This isn't a bad Marvel film, and certainly isn't anywhere near the likes of Iron Man 3, but it's just a good/average film lacking anything memorable. And that's not good enough when it has to follow something like Infinity War.
Izombie: Volume 1: Dead to the World
Izombie: Volume 1: Dead to the World
Chris Roberson, Mike Allred | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this because I enjoy the show, but other than the crime solving and brain eating induced images, the two have next to nothing in common. That's not to say that the comic isn't any good, just not quite what I expected.

The comic is set in a small town where Gwendolyn "Gwen" Dylan, the main character (not Olivia "Liv" Moore), has an antiquated job, that makes no sense in this day and age. As if that wasn't different enough, I was certainly surprised by the presence of so many other supernatural creatures (ghosts, were-terriers {not to be confused with werewolves}, and vampires). Although, the explanation of the different types of supernaturals was well thought out and plausible, as plausible as the existence of supernaturals can be.

For all of it's differences, I must say that the resemblance between Gwen and the actress playing Olivia on the show, is spot on. This is really the only thing that kept grounding me to the fact that the two were related as I read.

I think that the biggest hurdle will be the lack of some of my favorite characters from the show, like Ravi and Major. I 'm thinking that Major might have been loosely, and I mean VERY loosely, based on Horatio, but I really hope not and that he (or someone a lot closer to his character) shows up later in the series.

With all of that being said, I will continue to read and hope I can further dissociate the two in order to enjoy the comic more, as it has potential as a very different type of zombie story.
Set during one of the most horrific times in human history, be prepared for an emotional and heart wrenching journey to Auschwitz.

Kristy Cambron has long been a favorite of mine. However, I have only now had the opportunity to read her debut novel. And I was blown away! The depth of emotion, the spiritual journey that all of the characters undergo, the style of writing is all so beautiful. Kristy's voice is unique and stands out among the masses of WWII novels. She brings to life the love, hope, despair, and passion of history on every page.

It is always hard for me to read stories set in WWII. Especially inside the concentration camps. But while the characters in thus book may not have "actuall" lived, they are birthed from true events. I believe these stories are important for us to read. So that we never forget those who lost their lives and so we can see the HOPE and the LOVE that carried the world through one of its darkest times.

The split timeline is an aspect of this book that gives it a unique and completed feel. We get to see the story come full circle and that is incredible. This is very well done and very easy to follow.

If you read WWII fiction, you will fall in love with this book. I highly recommend and am off to start A Sparrow in Terezin now.

I have purchased this book, won a print copy, and for this specific review, I borrowed the audio book from my library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.