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Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
1957 | Drama, Film-Noir
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Sweet Smell of Success is, I think, one of the best — certainly one of the greatest New York films, for me — ever made. Alexander Mackendrick, great director. Unbelievable script. James Wong Howe, unbelievable camerawork. And Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster — to see those two going at it, and really, you know, the tragedy of corruption and how it infiltrates every aspect of peoples’ lives. There was something so deeply dark and cynical about it. But yeah, there’s this sort of tiny little germ of hope at the end of the film, as Susan walks off with the musician boyfriend that Hunsecker has tried to destroy, and you just feel like, you know, absolute power corrupts but not totally. Still, it has a vicious sting to it, that film. It really affected me."

The Elite (The Selection, #2)
The Elite (The Selection, #2)
Kiera Cass | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmm...well firstly: America did my head in in this. The way she was blaming Maxon for things he had no control over? I wanted to smack her a few times until she saw sense. He isn't King yet, he cant tell his dad what to do! Ugh! So annoying!

As for Maxon, he may have done things I didn't like in this with regard to the other girls in the Selection but as he pointed out numerous times; he needed a back-up in case America chickened out, so I don't blame him one bit.

And as for Aspen, he annoyed me too. Interfering bugger!

I really hope America gets her act together so she can be The One that Maxon chooses but if not Kriss seems like a nice enough girl...
Skyfire (2019)
Skyfire (2019)
2019 | Action
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I must admit, I'm not overly familiar with Chinese cinema, but I really hope that a boyband music video immediately playing alongside the end credits is the norm - it really tops off this surreal experience.

Everything in this movie is completely over dramatic, from the characters in general, to the hugely cliché ridden action script. The CGI flits rapidly between being half decent to dodgy as fuck. Jason Isaacs adopts an uncomfortably out of place South African accent, and the action scenes are so so. And in all honesty, I low key enjoyed it. It might dumb natural disaster fodder from Simon "Con Air" West, but I would happily take this over the 2012's of this world in a heartbeat. Skyfire is average at worst, and wonderfully silly at best.

Meg Baird recommended A Room With a View (1985) in Movies (curated)

A Room With a View (1985)
A Room With a View (1985)
1985 | Classics, Comedy, International
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I can’t wait to see this new release! I have such incredible memories of watching this (probably just on a VHS borrowed from the library) and gushing over it with my mom and sister. All that gorgeousness, safe harbor from stupid rules, humor, light and landscape, and Kiri Te Kanawa blasting your heart out—such a welcome alternative for a young teenager into year six of the Reagan era. I am such a fan of how E. M. Forster’s novel engenders hope and the promise of a sane and healthy relationship between humans, love, and nature and themselves. This film is so fun, and feels like everything is coming from such a knowing, good, and caring place. It supports you! Be true to yourself, do the right thing!"

Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Fight scenes (3 more)
Hiroyuki Sanada
Special effects
New character Cole Young a bit weak (1 more)
Some dialog ve
I've been a big fan of Mortal kombat ever since playing the games . The previous films never really did the games much justice but I feel this one has gotten the closet . Hiroyuki Sanada was perfect as scorpion and so was Joe taslim as sub zero. Kano pretty much stole every scene he was in and was a good comic character . The new character of Cole Young was ok but seemed a bit weak in development with his character . The dialog was cheesy in places but then hey. Thos is Mortal Kombat ... who cares about dialog .... the fight scenes and fatalities were spot on . I hope they do more like this

Erika (17788 KP) rated The Day of Creation in Books

Dec 19, 2020 (Updated Dec 19, 2020)  
The Day of Creation
The Day of Creation
J.G. Ballard | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read Ballard, I tend to be completely engrossed, and creeped out. This novel features a doctor, who goes on the hunt for the source of a river that could make the Sahara a land of plenty. The dude, of course, becomes completely unhinged, as most of the main male characters in Ballard's novels.
The summary on the back of the library copy I read had a phrase to the effect of, is this a fever dream, or did it happen... In my mind, I'd like to hope it was a fever dream because it was completely disturbing (some pedo action).
Still, though I felt like I was reading something akin to a car crash (pun unintended), which has also been explored expertly by Ballard, I couldn't help but continue reading until the end.

Kristina (502 KP) rated F*ck Love in Books

Dec 7, 2020  
F*ck Love
F*ck Love
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy freaking cow - I just found my new Tarryn favorite! There were so many ups and downs, so many twists and turns. I was scared to reach the end but desperate to know it. I was afraid to hope, afraid to love, because Tarryn is not known for happily ever after. F*uck Love was a relentless roller coaster of emotions; I experienced confusion, pain, love, heartache, anger and defiance. I haven't felt so motivated to cheer a character on, practically beg them to pursue their love interest, despite being otherwise spoken for, since Colleen Hoover introduced me to Sydney and Ridge in Maybe Someday. THAT is when you know the story has touched you - when you're willing to bypass your own morals to allow love to conquer. Well done, Tarryn. Five stars indeed.
Only The Brave (2017)
Only The Brave (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama
Based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, Only The Brave is the heroic story of one unit of local firefighters that through hope, determination, sacrifice, and the drive to protect families, communities, and our country become one of the most elite firefighting teams in the country.

My normal selection of films doesn't generally include "based on a true story" tales, but this year has really seen to that. I probably wouldn't have seen this one if it hadn't been for the fact it coincided with the next Unlimited Screening. So thank god for that.

I really wish I'd read up about the background story before I went... I was not ready for that ending. It was all I could do to not sob out loud in my seat. Heartbreaking
Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society, #3)
Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

These kids and just the whole "family" Kat has are amazing. Geniuses!

Not my favourite book in the series, since they didn't steal a painting or a jewel or anything as valuable or famous, but just the ability to come out on top and pull off the impossible (as usual!) has given it that flair (and me, a huge smile).

I've been reading some reviews on Goodreads and it seems people thought this was going to be a trilogy but after reading this I've realised there are still a few unanswered questions floating about so I hope the author will write another story in which we find out Hale's first names and the identity of Visily Romani.

I may also have to try the authors Gallagher Girls series too!
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
1983 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Let me start out with this: yes, I love space bears. Ewoks are my favorite alien species out of the entire universe.
Return of the Jedi is my favorite out of the original trilogy, and it's the one I've watched the most, with A New Hope coming in second. I thought it was awesome that Leia dressed up as the bounty hunter to free Han.
The scenes on Endor are my favorite, because it reminded me of the woods my grandmother lived in. This specific film inspired a lot of the stories I wrote as a kid.
Now, I do have a beef with the remastered versions: I absolutely HATE the 'NOOOOO' from Darth Vader when he goes for the Emperor, it's the worst and it makes me cringe every time I hear it.