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    Catholic Short Prayers

    Catholic Short Prayers

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    Helping you to pray at all times with these short prayers ready at hand. "Pray without ceasing. In...

Alien: Covenant (2017)
Alien: Covenant (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
story (3 more)
plot twist at the end
To human looking (2 more)
i'm terrified of aliens
would love to have seen more hope

So first off i should say, i'm bloody terrified of aliens. Greens ones, grey ones, white ones. If they look semi humanish, nope nope nope. Than what happens. THEY HAVE ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE A REAL ALIEN AND NO NO NO! Also i went in watching this without seeing prometheus, I would highly recommend watching prometheus first before watching covenant.

So i went into the theater expecting so many people, turns out i had the theater to my sell, score one for going in super early ' not really it was 10:30' So here i am with my cheeta blankie, my hair in a messy bun, popcorn and drink in my hands with a ton of candy all around me waiting for the movie to start.

I really liked this movie, it was super good. But i really, REALLY should have watched prometheus before i watched covenant. I was super confused on many things. but in the end i realized what was going on.
So let me just say this, it was pretty well crafted, i loved how when they landed you couldn't hear any noises.. nothing. How they figured out what was going on was great as well, what creeped me out was when he was standing with the human like alien, the white one. It was like they were the same thing... I'm not up for that, the alien at the end was perfect!

The ending made me sad and a little upset, i would like to have seen some hope for the future not demise.
Kindred Spirits (Spirits of Nature #2)
Kindred Spirits (Spirits of Nature #2)
Michelle Post | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kindred Spirits (Spirits of Nature #2) by Michelle Post
Kindred Spirits is the second book in the Spirits of Nature series, and I couldn't wait to read it as I had loved the first book. Now, due to the ending of the first book, I knew that this book would be about different characters, but I was also hoping that The Mourning Dove and Running Wolf would also pay a visit. Is this cryptic enough for you? I certainly hope so, because these two books are simply amazing.

Kindred Spirits is about the children and grandchildren of The Mourning Dove and Running Wolf, with some hard-hitting history thrown in too. There is nothing 'soft' about this book, it paints a harsh reality. At times, you will be gasping for breath amidst the sorrow as the story unfolds. And yet..., there is still hope. There are characters that still have a part to play. There is love so deep, so pure, it transcends death. And yet, not everyone gets a guaranteed HEA. This may be a fictional story, but there are so many elements of truth in it, it may just break your heart before it slowly stitches it back together again.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The pace is gentle and smooth where necessary, with a brilliant story that tells its own tale at its own speed. The only thing I would say, which isn't negative by any means, is that I wish I had re-read Spirits of Nature, just so I could immerse myself for longer. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Machine, Metal, Magic (Mind % Machine #1)
Machine, Metal, Magic (Mind % Machine #1)
Hanna Dare | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really REALLY good
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jaime runs, after the facility he and his kind were housed in, was attacked and everyone else killed. He can talk to the computers that run everything. He thinks this is not a gift, but a curse. He finds himself taken prisoner by a starship crew, carrying a cargo that needs delivering. Rylan is his jailer. But Rylan is keeping secrets from his crew, just as much as they keep secrets from him.

Sci-fi is growing on me, it really is!

Sometimes, sci-fi can be a little overwhelming, with all the technology and what-not, but not so here. I loved how it was explained how Jaime talks to the computers, to the ship, and to Rylan's artificial arm. Love how they play with that one ?

Loved how we don't get what Rylan is up to,not all in one go, and loved how I did not see what was in the cargo coming at me, never in a million years! I had an idea, but that was way off base!

I wrote four stars at the top of the page, but honestly?? Can't find a single thing to fault it!

 First in the series Mind + Machine, and I hope I get to read more. Also first I've read of Ms dare, so hope that it's not the last. I loved how she spins her tale, how you don't get it all in one go, just in dribs and drabs, a little at a time. Meant I can keep up!

so, because I can't fault it....

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Never Never (Detective Harriet Blue, #1)
James Patterson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harriet "Harry" Blue is a detective with Sydney, Australia police department. When her brother is accused of a terrible crime, her superior sends her away on assignment to keep her out of the way. He sends her to the desert to investigate the disappearance and/or murder of three miners working in the uranium mines. She is given a new partner, but is not sure if she can trust him or anyone. In the middle of the never never, you are one of the hunted, the object is to make it out alive. Will Detective Blue be able to find out who is behind this hideous crime before she becomes a victim herself.

This is a new series by James Patterson and Candice Fox.

I gave this book three stars because I wanted to know more about Harriet. Maybe as the series develops we will get to know Harriet better. We know her "mother was a prostitute and a drug addict." We also find out that she and her brother were in and out of foster homes most of their lives. I love female lead characters and I hope this is a series I will be able to get into and enjoy.

Sent into the hot desert of Australia, Harriet Blue is completely out of her element. The mine is its own community that includes bilbies(prostitutes), a drug dealer, and protesters who are against the mining. It's a tight nit community that doesn't take well to outsiders. While everyone has a fear of the killer, money is much more important than clearing the mine to find a killer. I'm not sure why the story of Harriet's brother was integral to this story, but I hope that story line will develop more over the series.
The Hope Jar (The Prayer Jars #1)
The Hope Jar (The Prayer Jars #1)
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As you all know, I'm huge fan of Wanda Brunstetter. Not one of her books left me disappointed. So, to say I was excited about the start of this new series , is quite the understatement. The more I saw about it on Mrs. Brunstetter's pages, the more anxious for the release I became. Then when the book arrived, I couldn't wait to dive into it. And then......well, then I was in awe of Mrs. Brunstetter. Why? Because she has once again managed to take me to the heart of Amish country, to the world I wish I belonged in, and filled my heart with healing and hope. 

I loved the characters within the book. They were all chiseled perfectly for their rolls. I loved watching Michelle grown in her relationships, especially her convictions with God after she found the jar. The messages she received, the feelings she felt, all of them quickly spoke to me and became my own feelings. 

This book is beautifully written and will have the reader pulled to the center of the story instantly. From start to finish, I smiled, I laughed, I wondered what God would do in Michelle's life. The messages that Mrs. Brunstetter always manages to weave within the story speak loudly to the soul. I love that in Amish novels. So, if you are looking for a wonderful book to transport you to the heart of Amish country, then grab this book now. You'll be instantly addicted to the beautiful works of Wanda Brunstetter, if you aren't already. This 5 star book is definitely a keeper for me, and I can't wait to start my own hope jar! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Jen Gilroy is a highly talented author! I really enjoyed getting to know her characters through this fun summer time read. It was captivating, moving, and the characters made a home in my heart for good!

This first book in Ms. Gilroy's Firefly Lake series is a wonderful one. This story is one of hope, longing, forgiveness and second chance at love. The emotions of Charlie and Sean can be felt as if they are the reader's own. I love when a book can do that! Each character brought something new to the story, each page turn, capturing me just a little more!

If you love a book filled with amazing characters and a plot that will sweep you away, then this is the book for you. However, I can't give this a full on 4 or 5 star review like I wish to. There is some language(not through the entire book but more than once or twice) and a few scenes that you don't find in a clean read, but the over all story itself, with the wonderfully portrayed characters and the messages of hope and forgiveness can pull the reader in despite the issues, leaving me with recommending this as a 3.5 star read.

Book 2, Summer On Firefly Lake, releases in July and I love the cover just as much!! Despite the lower rating that book 1 had, I may give book 2 a try to see where the next story goes. Overall, Ms. Gilroy is definitely a talented author. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
I absolutely love Maggie Brendan and her books. She creates wonderful stories filled with beautiful characters, lots of quirks, and a plot line that will pull you in instantly. Trusting Grace is the third book in this series, but the first one that I have read. I'm so glad that I did!

Grace, Robert and the children were all wonderful characters. They came to life instantly, pulling me in, capturing my heart. The interaction between Grace and Robert and Grace and the children left me smiling. The sparks that fly between Grace and Robert are endearing and I loved watching Robert come to terms with the way he feels about Grace.

This is a story of anger, love, letting go and moving on. A story of learning to trust again. God works His way into the story line, leaving the reader with messages of hope and faith in the end.

If you love a story that will not only warm your heart, but is filled with captivating characters, history, and hope, then look no further than this beautifully woven novel. This is worth 4 star praises and recommendations to all Christian fiction lovers. Ms. Brendan will leave you wanting more! I can't wait to go back and read the first two books in this lovely series.

Tell me, would you give love another shot and trust again, after being hurt? Leave a comment below for your chance to win a copy of one of Maggie Brendan's Virtues And Vices Of the Old West novels!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Reads and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
As this is the third book in the series, there is not much that I can say about it that will not spoil either of the previous books but I will do my best to avoid most specifics. If you haven't read the series yet, I would recommend not reading this review.

My opinions about this book have not varied greatly since I began reading the Prisoner of Cell 25. The writing quality is still not impressive, but it feels more like a middle-grade novel or low-level young adult so it isn't entirely out of place. The author continues to overuse the word said as his descriptor for almost every person who is speaking, which becomes tedious. As I am listening to the audiobook, I have mentioned before that it could compound the issue for me hearing so many "saids" in a row but in my opinion, that's just poor word choice that could be rectified quite easily.

I enjoyed how this book continued to develop the characters and world because previously I felt those aspects to be a little lacking. We learn more about the Elgen and their secretive board, though I hope that is expanded in future books. They are a shadowy corporation and the "big bad" of the series in conjunction with Hatch, but we know very little about either party.

There was more character development and added depth to their personalities. We were given internal motivation and struggles that made them more realistic and relatable. Our core group feels more developed now, although the supporting characters are still a little flat. I hope that they are fleshed out more in subsequent books.

Overall, this is a fast, easy read that is perfect for middle grade or young adult/teen who just want a fun book with an aspect of fantasy.