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Shadow Sands (Kate Marshall #2)
Shadow Sands (Kate Marshall #2)
Robert Bryndza | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I stupidly thought that you wouldn't be able to better or even come close to be as good as the first in this series "Nine Elms", which was one of my all time top reads, but I was so wrong ... Mr Bryndza has written another doozy of a book that I absolutely gobbled up. You don't have to have read the first story as this works as a stand alone BUT you really should!

Once again, I was totally engrossed from the first to the last word and became totally invested in the strong characters and their stories. The pace felt spot on for me and the tension, particularly when the story is being told from the victim's side, was spine-tinglingly good. Similarly, when the story is told from the killer's point of view, there were times when I got shivers up my neck he was so cold and matter-of-fact about the terror he was inflicting on a fellow human being - it was perfect.

As I've said, the characters are strong. The relationship between Kate and Tristan feels natural and genuine and I really feel for them as they go through their own struggles as if they were real people such is the strength of how they have been developed by the author. I thought it was genius to have Peter Conway (from Nine Elms) make an appearance and I hope we get to "see" more of him in subsequent books.

Mr Bryndza says "there are lots more books to come, and I hope you stay with me for the ride!" ... well, I certainly will and can't wait for the next instalment.

Highly recommended for readers who love dark, exciting, suspense-filled stories that despite making you feel ill at ease at times, you read on into the night.

I am so grateful to Little, Brown Book Group and NetGalley for providing my advance copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated 337 in Books

Dec 13, 2020  
M. Jonathan Lee | 2020 | Contemporary
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow life story
The protagonist in this story is Samuel, a man who lives quite a sad life, in my opinion. He is divorced, lives alone in his parent’s house, and doesn’t have many things going on, to be honest. He had quite a difficult life though. His mother left, the father was rigid and abusive, and his brother left as soon as that was possible. Samuel reflects a lot in this novel. He tells his life story, including the life of his grandmother, who is about to die. I didn’t really like Sam, he seems quite miserable and pretty dull. 😦

The narrative is told from a single, Samuel’s, perspective. There are quite a lot of thoughts and personal experiences shared in this novel. I kept waiting for that investigation and surprises, but they didn’t really come. There were attempts to it, but the time spent in a care home with grandmother took most of the narrative. The topics discussed in this novel were mental and physical abuse, children’s mental health issues, loneliness, drugs and alcohol use, controlling fathers and many more.

The atmosphere of this book is quite depressing, it is divided between sad memories and a dying grandmother. 😦 The writing style is quite thought-provoking and detail-oriented, and I did like the story that Sam shared with the readers. I also really liked the short and snappy chapters, that made the reading experience more enjoyable. I liked the ending of this book as well, it was very satisfying to have some sort of closure, and I do hope that Sam finally can have something positive in his life. 🙂

So, to conclude, it was an interesting experience to read a book focused on a man’s mental health issues and his relationships to his quite estranged family members. Even though this novel felt dark and sad, I think that Samuel’s life has thought-provoking experiences. Do give this book a go, and I hope you will like it. It is quite different…
The German Wife [Audiobook]
The German Wife [Audiobook]
Debbie Rix | 2022 | History & Politics, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is a departure from my usual but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I usually read crime/thriller books but I do have an interest in the World Wars and this sounded like something a bit different so I took a punt and I definitely wasn't disappointed.

With strong characters, a riveting story line blended between real events and fiction, this book had me hooked from the very beginning to the very end. It's a story of love and survival set amongst the horrors of World War II. It's told from the German perspective and provides an illuminating insight into what life was like for a German SS Officer sent to Dachau in order to further his medical experiments and his wife. I'm not going to lie, this is a tough read in parts as you would expect from the subject matter but it's not overly gratuitous.

This book is filled with moral dilemmas and whilst I didn't want to like or sympathise with any of the main characters, I found myself torn and asking myself the question "what would you have done in the same situation?" I absolutely do not condone in any way, shape or form, the horrors inflicted by the Nazis on their fellow human beings but this book does make you question what you would have done had you been in their shoes. I would hope to think that I would make different choices in the beginning but hindsight is a wonderful thing!

This is a story about love and hope amongst horror and fear and one that I would recommend to others who enjoy this genre.

I must give a shout out to the narrator, Tamsin Kennard, her voice absolutely drew me in completely and was perfect for this book.

Many thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Merissa (11928 KP) rated The Gentle Wolf (Perth Shifters #2) in Books

Nov 16, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
The Gentle Wolf (Perth Shifters #2)
The Gentle Wolf (Perth Shifters #2)
Pia Foxhall | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE GENTLE WOLF is the second book in the Blackwood series and, wow, I hope you're ready for a read that will knock your socks off.

Aodhan is Braden's best friend and a well-renowned chocolatier in his own right. Thomas is the curator/owner of a local museum. For the past two years, Thomas has gone to Aodhan's shop every Tuesday for a coffee. Both of these have their own issues to work out.

What an amazing story! This covers some serious issues like child abuse, emotional and mental abuse, demisexuality, depression, survivor's guilt, and a whole host of other things so please don't expect a light and fluffy read. Instead, what you get is a story full of depth and feeling without being depressing in and of itself.

The pacing is perfect for this story and there were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my enjoyment of the book. The characters are outstanding and now I really can't wait for Hunter's book. I don't actually know if he's got one but I sincerely hope he does. Braden and Coll from book one pop up now and again but you don't have to have read their book to get this one. Different settings, some different characters, all good.

Aodhan and Thomas make the perfect couple and I was with them every step of the way as they tried to work through turbulent pasts. One of the best bits for me was when Iona told Thomas something and he told her just exactly what she had done. I'm trying to be deliberately vague but, trust me, read the book and you'll know which part I'm talking about.

Blackwood was a great book that I thoroughly enjoyed. This one? Phenomenal! Absolutely and utterly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 16, 2020
Survive the Night
Survive the Night
Danielle Vega | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like a cheap horror movie (0 more)
More like a 5.5
I had expected something more from Vega since I've read two of her other books. I knew her writing style and knew what to expect, yet somewhere 2/3 through it went downhill. It felt like when you rent a movie from Red Box and you can tell this movie was something someone made in a month. You're all into it. The gore is amazing, the plot is actually kind of decent for a low budget fill, and you started to cheer for the main characters to live despite the fact you were okay with them all being slaughtered at the beginning because that's what horror movies are for. Then it's like whoever created it ran out of money so the end was glued together in an attempt to have something and hope it was good enough, but you're back wishing everyone got slashed.
1922 (2017)
1922 (2017)
2017 | Crime, Horror
Excellent screenplay from a great short story (1 more)
Thomas Jane is amazing
Just a good old fashioned ghost story
I try not to put too much stock in Netflix produced Horror Films. I Am The Pretty Thing... Was not so great, and prior King offering Gerald's Game could've been better.
But they got this one right. It was creepy as shit.
A true slow burn o a movie, it drags a little in the beginning, but the slow spiral downward in to true dread for Jane's character is felt by audience members.
A true story of a man's slow decent into insanity and desperation that makes only the most heartfelt viewer feels for poor ol' Wilf.
All in all, this is a good offering by Netflix. I hope they follow it up with something just as good.
Dread is as good as fear when it comes to the horror genre. And dread is what this makes you feel.