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Merissa (12394 KP) rated Surfacing in Books

Nov 28, 2017  
Daniel Stephens | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surfacing by Daniel Stephens
Surfacing is the engrossing story of a young man, hurt beyond belief and grieving, lost to his world but desperately trying to reconnect. Everywhere he turns, he drowns in memories of the life and loves that have been taken from him. So he returns to his roots, to the cabin where he spent the summers with his grandparents, hoping to find some solace. What he finds is a family - a group of people where many of them remember him from his youth. Where he can find out just who he is, and learn to deal with the grief, and maybe even move forwards and find love again.

The descriptions in this book are second to none - whether it is the characters, the wolf, or even the cabin. They will pull you in and keep you reading. It is a story of pain, of loss, of heartbreak. And yet there is also the glimmer of hope, of the future, if only you feed the right wolf! There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the pacing was smooth throughout. Whilst this book is also about love, the only thing that is 'shown' is kissing - the rest is fade to black.

This is a poignant story that I thoroughly enjoyed, and would highly recommend to all.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
X-Force, Volume 3: Not Forgotten
X-Force, Volume 3: Not Forgotten
Craig Kyle | 2010 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
After a brief hiatus, I resumed reading the X-FORCE TPBs, jumping with the third volume of Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost's dark run of X-FORCE.

This trade made up the "Not Forgotten" story arc, which sees the return of Kimura, bringing with her a whole boatload of hateful hurtin' for Laura (X-23). It is also saw some well-deserved (!) hostility on Wolverine's part toward Cry-clops for the casualties suffered in the team's hunt for Hope Summers as well as Laura being kidnapped. And, like the little b he has been all his life (sorry, not a fan of Scott Summers, but it's totally cool if you are), he just says "I know" when Wolverine tells him that it will death for him if either of the two students die. Wow!

Varied opinions on the art (again). I have always been fond of Clayton Crain's art style, especially his attention to facial details, so his art on the first two issues of the trade was outstanding! He brought a darkness mixed with creepiness to the way he drew the Leper Queen. WIN!

And that brings us to the art for the remaining three issues in the trade. I also like Mike Choi's facial details on the characters he draws. However, his attention to women's breasts and his intent to make all the women under his pencils to be well-endowed is a bit uncomfortable, especially in regard to Laura (who is supposed to be age 16, as stated by Domino in Issue 20. No need for it to be as such, to be honest.

Even more offensive was the way Rahne Sinclair, in wolf-form, was rendered like an extra in a hip-hop video (!). Come on, Rahne has always had a tiny form, never rendered like this EVER! Tho' I am sure a more than fair amount of 'shippers (I assume Rahne has 'shippers) feel differently about that. Jus' sayin'..

<a href=""><img src=""; alt="Xforce18 rahnegotback" border="0" /></a>

So, art quibbling aside, the story, still continuing to be written by Yost and Kyle since it's return in 2008, was all aces! There was more than enough adrenaline-fueled excitement contained within, providing a white-knuckled ride, leading directly into the next volume of X-Force, NECROSHA!

I will advise this one, like the previous two volumes, is dark AF! There is very little, if any, humor. There is a higher violence output in this one as well, but it is warranted for sure, when you considered the odds they're up against! That said, if you can handle all that, then I encourage you to pick this one up!

Also, if you are fan of Laura Kinney/X-23, then I also encourage you, as it will give more backstory to her character.
X-Men: Second Coming
X-Men: Second Coming
Craig Kyle | 2010
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a re-read for me, as I remember reading the actual issues when when came out in 2011. I can recall liking it overall. After this return to it, I have to rephrase my opinion.

The story is about Hope Summers, but it is also about Cable, and it is about sacrifice. It is also about taking responsibility for our actions, and the consequences of those actions. And, it is about the end of Christoper Yost's and Craig Kyle's X-Force run.

There was some top writers assigned to this x-over, but it just felt inconsistent. I love Matt Fraction's HAWKEYE run (still one of my favorite Marvel series runs EVER), but here, it just was missing something, like when someone gives you a recipe, you try re-creating it, and the end result is as far from the recipe as the tool in the White House posing as the President! Even Yost and Kyle, who I have a great deal of regard, felt like they were glad to be done and having nothing more to offering.

Then there is the art. There was really great pages in the beginning. The art by David Finch (he was the only reason I gave this book three Stars) in the first chapter is brilliant and totally suits the theme(s) of the story. However, after his issue, everything goes from derpy (re: Greg Land, "Mr. Lighbox" himself) to just not-as-good-as-I-remember (re: Terry Dodson). And don't even get me started on the inconsistency of which costume Wolverine would be wearing in the issues he would be appearing!

I thought that NECROSHA was as bad as it could get, but this one definitely took care of that bad taste!

Instead of reading SECOND COMING, there are slew of older X-books out there, with better art, better stories, and better direction. Save your money!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Quatrain in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is four short stories that each take place in a different world of Shinn's creation. I am only familiar with two of those worlds, so I read the corresponding stories first, starting with Flight. This story was interesting as it gave me a peek into the corruption that was occurring at Windy Point with the Archangel Raphael, and how the lesser people viewed the angels at this time. The ending was slightly disappointing, but I understand that Shinn could not cause any major drama regarding Raphael since this story is meant to be a prequel to Archangel (Samaria, Book 1).
The second story I read was Flame, which centered around Senneth, the mystic who wields fire, with appearances by several of the other characters that appear in the Twelve Houses series, starting with Mystic and Rider (The Twelve Houses, Book 1). I enjoyed this story because it gave me an idea of what Senneth did when she was a lone nomad, as well as how the people of Gillengaria reacted when a new mystic was discovering her abilities. I can't imagine being in such a situation and not reacting similarly. This story also shows how Senneth and Tayse first meet and her first thoughts at this meeting, which is intriguing enough that I hope she writes more in the Twelve Houses series.
The third story I read was Gold, based in the world from her book, Summers at Castle Auburn, which I have not read. This story centers around a princess living in the land of Alora for a time, which is strikingly similar to the concepts of the world of Fae, and how she fights to resist the allure. I enjoyed this story so much that I intend to read the book it is based on to get more of the tantalizing story between Orlain and Zara. This was my favorite short story of the book.
I read maybe two pages of the story Blood before I lost interest and shut the book. This story is based on her previous work Heart of Gold, which is a science fiction title. I have very little interest in this genre, and I did not feel compelled to read this particular story, which is not to say that the story was bad. It's just not my cup of tea.