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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
The humour Chris Hemsworth as Thor Tom Hiddleston as Loki Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/The Hulk Taika Waititi as Korg Cate Blanchett as Hela Jeff Goldblum's Grandmaster is a God send (1 more)
Tessa Thompson as Valkiyrie The Action was awesome specifically Hulk vs Thor and the final bridge battle The synth score
Humour overshadows emotional beats Not enough Karl urban (0 more)
"Piss off Ghost"
Perhaps, the most entertaining and enjoyable movie in the MCU since Iron Man?

There’s so many reasons why I enjoy Thor: Ragnarok, but it has to start with the direction and vision of Taika Waititi. He’s a genre changer in the comic book man movie universe. From his Kiwi sense of humor, to the choice in mood music, to the simply fun action sequences; Thor: Ragnarok is a two hour smile that would make it appear I had Botox injections, since my facial expression stayed happy.

Thor is one of my favorite characters in the MCU and I like the way the fat has been chewed off in his movies. Less memorable characters are disposed of, and screen time is given to the characters you want to see. Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster is a gift from God. Loki is Loki and who doesn’t love Loki? Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie has a lot of depth. Cate Blanchett’s Hela might be in the top 5 in baddest of bad MCU villains, and puts the D in dysfunctional families. Plus, Idris Elba’s Heimdall deserved his own movie, and perhaps the number one scene stealer, and one of the reasons why this movie is truly special is Taika Waititi’s Korg. Who knew a CGI rock could be so hilarious? His voice is infectious, and I want to see more of Korg.

Hulk and Banner are both used just right. The synth-pop score makes me want to dance a boogie groove. Thor’s flaw is there’s too many interesting storylines, which causes the film to jump some from character to character. Watching Chris Hemsworth ham it up as Thor is what these types of movies should be all about. Putting the F back in fun and having a helluva time in the process doing so.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Thor! (3 more)
Everything else!
Finally, a decent Thor movie!
Thor movies have always been a bit hit and miss for me. The first one did a pretty decent, standard job of introducing Thor and the mythology surrounding him and home world of Asgard. It also introducing us to mischievous brother Loki, in preparation for his involvement in the Avengers and beyond. But, in my opinion the movie never really hit the mark in the way that the first Captain America or Iron Man movies did. The Dark World was just awful. I remember falling asleep halfway through and then waking up right at the end. Before I drifted off, Loki was dead. When I woke up, he was alive. I just couldn't be arsed to go back and find out what the hell had happened in-between, and I still don't know.

Since then, the appeal of Thor (aside from his obvious appeal to the ladies) has grown considerably via his other appearances within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His humourous side began to show a lot more. Ragnarok just takes that side of him to a whole other level, delivering the funniest most ridiculous Marvel movie to date. And it's a joyous blast!

Things start as they mean to go on, with Thor dangling in chains before giant fire demon Surtur, constantly interrupting his monologue as he waffles on about destroying Asgard. Thor soon escapes, defeating a huge army and killing a dragon creature in an impressive battle sequence. Then, it's back to Asgard for a little bit of Loki mischief, down to Earth for a brief but hilarious meeting with one of the newest additions to the MCU, followed by a trip to Norway! And then it's time to introduce us to the big bad of the movie, banished sister of Thor and Loki, Hela the goddess of death (Cate Blanchett), who has returned to claim the throne of Asgard. It's no secret, if you've seen the trailer, that she's powerful enough to destroy Mjolnir, so when she does, Thor and Loki both know she means business. Hela banishes Thor to Sakaar, and that's where the crazy really kicks in. Captured by a Valkyrie from Asgard, Thor is transported to the fighting pits where he is set to meet the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum) and fight against his champion in the main event. It's at this point that we also meet Korg, a rock gladiator voiced by Taika Waititi himself, who manages to deliver many of the films funniest lines in a softly spoken Kiwi accent.

Again, if you've seen the trailer then you've already at this point got a pretty good idea who the champion gladiator is going to be. And the "He's a friend from work" line sums up just how much fun this entire scene is. Watching from the sidelines is Loki, and his reaction upon seeing Hulk, along with his reaction to the whole magnificent fight sequence, is hilarious. But, the one thing on Thor's mind is to get back to Asgard and stop Hela. And his plan involves eventually recruiting Hulk, the Valkyrie who captured him, and even Loki, to form a brand new team called 'The Revengers'!

Along with Thor, this is also the best use of Hulk within a Marvel movie so far. He has plenty more to say this time round, and with a wider range of emotions too. Most of the time though this involves being sulky and moody, and complaining about everyone on Earth thinking he's the stupidest Avenger. The banter between Thor and Hulk throughout the entire movie is just brilliant.

I tend to judge my Marvel movies on how often I catch myself gazing at the screen with a wide-eyed, slack-jawed geeky grin on my face and there were a lot of those moments during Ragnarok, especially during the final scenes. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun watching a Marvel movie!
Marvel Studios: Expanding the Universe (2019)
Marvel Studios: Expanding the Universe (2019)
2019 | Documentary
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This 12 minute documentary was essentially a long trailer for the upcoming MCU Disney+ shows. It consisted of the announcements and information that came from SDCC and D23 this past year. There wasn't any new info on the Ms. Marvel, Moonknight, and She-Hulk series. The only new footage was some behind the scenes stuff. And hey, I'll look at Tom Hiddleston's profile for an extra 10 seconds.

What struck me as interesting was the amount of time spent on the Hawkeye show, considering the drama with Jeremy Renner. I guess that means they're not planning on firing him? I'm assuming that they'll probably minimize his role in the show, if anything.
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
2008 | Action, Sci-Fi
A lot of people forget this film is even part of the MCU, I do as well! And there’s a reason for this. Louis Letterier’s version of the great green behemoth is a decent film in its own right, but a little bit boring and nondescript.

Edward Norton and Liv Tyler are fine, if lacking a little in any on-screen chemistry and the story really disappoints. The special effects too, whilst better than Ang Lee’s Hulk, just aren’t up to scratch, especially considering Iron Man was released just two months earlier. This film threatened to derail the MCU before it had even got going. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Asgardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2.5
Marvel attempts to fix some of the flaws in Norse mythology, by including a few more spaceships and the Hulk, and also its own series of Thor films, by basically doing another Guardians of the Galaxy-style knockabout comedy. Obviously the former is less controversial than the latter.

Boisterous entertainment, of course; technically extremely accomplished and often very funny indeed. My only issue was that this was the third Marvel Studios movie in a row to basically be played for laughs, and something with a slightly more adventurous tone would have been welcome. But it manages the trick of actually making one excited about seeing more movies with Thor as the main character, so I guess that counts as mission accomplished.