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David McK (3364 KP) rated Moon Knight in TV

May 8, 2022  
Moon Knight
Moon Knight
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
If you'd asked me ion the 90s to name a Marvel superhero, I'd probably been able to name you Spiderman. Maybe Captain America.

In the 00's? Expand that to include Daredevil before the MCU came into being, then (once it did) the likes of Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk (may have been able to name him in the 90s due to the 70s TV show).

2010s? Even further to include Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, The Guardians of the Galaxy.

Basically, as MCU films with those characters were released.

At no pint prior to late 2021, however, would I have been able to name 'Moon Knight'.

That changed with the release of this 'limited series' on Disney+ in 2022, with Oscar Isaacs taking the lead role of a character suffering from Dissociative identity disorder (DID) - a mental disorder where a patient has two or more personalities - who also becomes a superhero after making a deal with an Egyptian god.

And he's actually very good at portraying which identity is in control at any one time, all down to mannerisms, accents and body language.

Unusually for an MCU project, there's no end credit stings until the very last episode (where it is worth staying for that sting).

David McK (3364 KP) rated Thor (2011) in Movies

Sep 12, 2021  
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
One of the earliest movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), - I think it's the 4th - way back in Phase 1, with what was seemingly an odd choice of director in our very own (I'm from Northern Ireland, as he is) Kenneth Branagh.

However, you can soon see why he was chosen, with this film - in particular - having a very Shakespearian feel to it, what with the whole plot of two brothers to the throne (as an aside, also the first film to leave Earth for large portions) and the whole familial drama going on ...

I also remember, prior to this, that my whole recollection of the character came from the old 70s/80s 'The Incredible Hulk' tv show and mini movies, where Thor was more-or-less somewhat similar to Jekyll and Hyde, in that he shared a body with the lead character ('who-so-ever be so worthy') of the crippled doctor Donald Blake - a name dropped in this movie as an Easter egg, as Jane Foster's ex boyfriend, and - temporarily - borrowed by this version of Thor.

Unlike many of the later MCU movies, this has a surprisingly small finale, and the scene with Thor breaking into the SHIELD camp in his attempt to recover Mjolnir is still the best bit of the whole thing.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Forsaken Dream (Forsaken Destiny #1) in Books

Dec 17, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
Forsaken Dream (Forsaken Destiny #1)
Forsaken Dream (Forsaken Destiny #1)
Maya Daniels | 2020 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FORSAKEN DREAM is the first book in the Forsaken Destiny series and we start off with Echo. She is a Seelie Princess with a betrothed she has no interest in. Plus, she doesn't want to be puppet her father wants her to be. So she leaves and hides in the human realm. Sixty years later, trouble arrives in the form of three mates...

Echo is exactly the kind of female you expect from a Maya Daniels novel. She is strong and feisty, certainly not the kind of female to just accept and obey. Out of the three males, Tyler is my favourite so far. There is something so endearing about the 'Hulk'. Only trouble is, I couldn't pick him out of the book cover! Still, the three males are working out nicely together but a spanner was thrown in the works right at the end. I can't say it was a surprise but I look forward to seeing how it all works out.

This was a great start to a new series with a small cast of characters that I look forward to reading about. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 17, 2020
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well, we all knew this had to happen. And I am a full week late in getting to watch this movie.

Alright, if you know Norse mythology: IGNORE EVERYTHING YOU KNOW. Seriously. Fenrir made it. Yup. Okay, let’s… let’s just not discuss that. I would need to go and refresh myself and, I just don’t want to be that dissapointed.

Outside of that, it was a good movie. A LOT happened, and just understand that we are basically jumping two years from when Age of Ultron took place. Also, Thor has become a true American and lost his god talk. I wish they hadn’t done this. I wish they would have updated him without losing that, because, even though it was annoying at times it also kept to the myth side a bit more. I did love the short hair.

LOKI! Yes! Though, in many ways, I wish we had a lot more of him. It seems as if the film makers are angry over how popular Loki has become – he could have been a lot more.

And the pacing. The pacing was odd. Skipping a lot of information. What happened to Thor the last two years? How, exactly, did Hulk get there? Why does the Valkyrie have such a poorly described and explained back story?

That being said, I did enjoy this. So much sass, so much action, and the characters did move forward.
The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
First of all I will not be referring to this film by the crap UK name of Avengers Assembled. The film is The Avengers and that all it needs to be called.

This is biggest and most anticipated film from the last few years. It is a sequel to the Marvel films Iron Man (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011), Captain America (2011) and The Incredible Hulk (2008). But is it possible to make one film starring them all? Would it work with all of them in lead roles? The film brings together Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans) & The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) along with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). They join forces against Thor's Brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) who has unleashed an alien race upon the Earth so he can conquer it.

As many of you will know by now, I am a huge action movie and comic adaption fan, so this film exactly what I was looking for. I kept away from many reviews and possible spoilers. However I had to see the trailers. After seeing them and being blown away I got a little worried for the film. Many trailers use so much of the action and plot that they show most of the good parts of the film. I really hoped that this wouldn't happen with this one. I wanted this film to be good.

After the first 5 minutes I was worried. The film started out well but there was a really really bad camera cut/edit. For a film fan it stood out and slapped me in the face. I started to worry that it was a sign of things to come. However my fears were soon dispelled as the film sucked me in with outstanding direction, visuals and 3D effects like I have never seen before. The way the film was prepared starting out with Iron Man in 2008 and then tying in all the following films together are a big lead up to this one. A huge gamble but it really paid off. The outstanding cast work so well together. With all these larger than life characters already having their own individual stories told, all what was left was to bring them together. But first they start out against each other. Their individual egos explode as they battle each other with explosive devastation. Soon they all share a common goal and start to band together. Then the film really lets to. Up until this point it was amazing. When they finally start working together that's when an amazing movie exceeds all expectations and takes the superhero genre to a level never before seen. This is also the point then the 3D effects take on a whole new level. Prior to this they were used for depth and clarity of the film very well, but now it bring you in to the film and doesn't let go. The greatest effect is an alien ship appearing from over your head. It actually startled me as it appeared above my head before it was on the screen. Never before outside of a theme park has a 3D film managed this.

Fortunately it didn't just meet my expectations, it exceeded them more than I ever thought possible. I really can't find the right words to convey how good this film really is. It has moments where you laugh so hard you cry, amazingly the best of these involve The Hulk! There are moments where you find yourself holding your breath at the sheer scope of what you are seeing. The action raises the bar for the genre to maybe unattainable heights. This film is so very good.

I usually rate films on a scale of 1-10 but 10 feels inadequate for this. So for this one I am using 1-100. This film scores a 99. Only losing out on 100 due to the single bad edit at the start of the film. Joss Whedon has managed the impossible with this film and pulled of a film no one expected to be so good. For this reason and for the first time my stand out performance is the director Joss Whedon, for creating a perfect superhero movie.

You have to see this on the biggest screen you can find and in 3D