Untangling the Web: What the Virtual Revolution is Doing to You
The World Wide Web is the most revolutionary innovation of our time. In the last decade, it has...

Edward Bond: the Playwright Speaks
Edward Bond and David Tuaillon
Over 50 years after his first appearance on the theatre scene, Edward Bond remains a hugely...

Rhetoric in Tooth and Claw: Animals, Language, Sensation
We tend to think of rhetoric as a solely human art. After all, only humans can use language artfully...

Second Death: Theatricalities of the Soul in Shakespeare's Drama
Donovan Sherman's study is original in the ways in which it seeks to join together a theology of the...

The 1000 Wisest Things Ever Said: Wisdom of the Nobel Prize Winners
'The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer,' said...

The Aeneid
Virgil, Robert Fagles and Bernard M. W. Knox
Robert Fagles's award-winning translations of Homer's twin works The Iliad and The Odyssey have sold...

The Iliad
Homer, E.V. Rieu and Peter Jones
A stunning Penguin clothbound edition of Homer's great epic, in E. V. Rieu's classic translation....

The Most Beautiful Gardens Ever Written
Are gardens anything more than collections of plants? Spaces for leisure activities? Extensions that...

Werewolves, Wolves and the Gothic
Wolves lope across Gothic imagination. Signs of a pure animality opposed to humanity, in the figure...

A Tale for the Time Being
Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2013 'Hi! My name is Nao, and I am a time being. Do you know...