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My Mother: Demonology
My Mother: Demonology
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Book Favorite

"Kathy Acker was a punk-rock, post-modern writer-artist and she wrote this piece after her mother died. The title says all there is to know about her feelings towards her mother. Acker’s writing coalesces to its most epic as she reinvents, bends, and destroys language, to build a world that is a complete psychological immersion and creative experience. Her books are a gift to humanity."


Penny Arcade recommended Our Lady of the Flowers in Books (curated)

Our Lady of the Flowers
Our Lady of the Flowers
Jean Genet | 2021
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Book Favorite

"I discovered this book at 15 at a time when society’s view of the gay world was fugitive criminal. Looking thru Genet’s poetic eyes into queer life in France grounded in criminality, in the margins of humanity was a both a validation of the people I was meeting, with their fierce sense of self identification and a window into my future in the NY Underground."


Tracy Letts recommended La Notte (1961) in Movies (curated)

La Notte (1961)
La Notte (1961)
1961 | International, Drama
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Movie Favorite

"Are L’avventura and L’eclisse considered the superior films in Antonioni’s unofficial trilogy? I prefer La notte. The details of the lives of the Pontanos give La notte humanity and universality. I identify with Giovanni’s vanity and insecurity, and I identify with Lidia’s melancholy. The story, by Antonioni, Ennio Flaiano, and Tonino Guerra, makes the abstractions specific and the specifics abstract. A work of art."


"Most theatre actors learn to act doing Chekhov. His plays are a rite of passage. Fanatically popular, they are very hard to do well (in fact it rarely happens) but when you do hit a moment right in Chekhov's world, it brings you as close to the heart of humanity and beauty as you may ever get. “The Cherry Orchard” is a particular favorite."

    Under Falling Skies

    Under Falling Skies

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    Tabletop Game

    Aliens have arrived to conquer Earth. Enemy ships fill the skies. Humanity retreats to underground...