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Ex Machina (2015)
Ex Machina (2015)
2015 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
A Look at the Possibilities of AI
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This movie is a fantastic look at the possibilities of artificial intelligence. While Ava is questionable about the full extent of her intelligence as she was merely programmed to make Caleb fall in love with her. I'm not sure that there is any difference between her and another person. She wanted freedom and while she did everything she could to gain that freedom. Her final decision to leave Caleb is the ultimate test of her intelligence. While she certainly used him to gain freedom that showed her intelligence. However, it also showed her lack of humanity. This does show that she has true artificial intelligence she has no humanity which means that she is not the same as a human and never will be. She failed Nathan's true purpose for her though succeeding in her own purpose.
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Visual effects (1 more)
A step in the right direction
Honestly, DC did well with this movie. Easily their best movie since the Dark Knight trilogy. You get to see Diana learning about humanity and finding that everything isnt as cut and dry as she learned back home. The supporting cast does a great job to help teach her and bring a bit of comedy to their dire mission.