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Kenny (1 KP) rated Snowpiercer (2013) in Movies

Feb 10, 2019  
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
An apocalyptic world with the last of humanity riding a super train through a frozen wasteland. The passengers are thrown into a caste system where the poor ride the back of the train in filth and squalor while the rich live a happy well fed life at the front. Now it's up to Chris Evans to lead his gang of poor outcasts to the front of the train fighting their way through carriages of violent surprises and deadly passengers on the way. This is a thriller you'll want to watch again and again until theres' no nails left for you to bite.
Batman the Killing Joke
Batman the Killing Joke
Brian Bolland, Alan Moore | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmm.... I've heard so much about this being the "greatest Batman and/or Joker comic ever written" and I'm left here like, ohhhhkkkaaaay, so what? The art is fantastic, but the story? I feel like it went nowhere. Or maybe just circled around. I don't know, but it was a major disappointment. I understand the parallels between The Joker and Batman, but the execution just wasn't there. I felt there was no humanity, and frankly it all felt very ho-hum and I felt no shock, no sadness or anger, or anything, just absolutely no emotions at all really.
2014 | Card Game, Educational, Humor, Party Game, Word Game
Funny (1 more)
Easy to play
I absolutely love this game! This was brought to our group by one of our volunteers and it was an instant hit.

I like it because it’s played I similar format to Cards Against Humanity but can be adapted to use with a group of friends with a very dark sense of humour but will also work with a group where the humour is very light. Basically you could play it with your friends or your nan and it would work.

I have recommend this game to all of my friends, it really is that good!
Evil Apples: Dirty as ____.
Evil Apples: Dirty as ____.
Entertainment, Games, Stickers
8.0 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Online Cards Against Humanity
Easy to get a game together. As you play you open up more and more cards and decks to play with. Nice way to pass an evening with friends both in the room and far from home.

A quick story: We had family in town. One of the nephews suggested we play Evil Apples. By the end of the night we had eight people playing in three different states. It was such a good family moment... based around horribly funny cards, thoughts and visual images that made some of us sleep badly - LOL.

Good job Evil Apples.

Gaby (0 KP) rated Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine in Books

Nov 11, 2018 (Updated Nov 11, 2018)  
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters, plot, themes (0 more)
Restores your faith in humanity
A gentle story that deals with some hard issues. The central characters are beautifully created and although you don’t immediately love Eleanor, by chapter 5 you want to rent her your spare room.

She lives her life guarded, hurt and stuck in her routines. She has no interest in the lives of others and struggles to understand the behaviours of her colleagues, but her weekends are devastatingly lonely.

An unusual series of events opens Eleanor’s eyes to lives of those around her and to the beauty of letting others in to your world.
Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity
2009 | Adult, Card Game, Humor, Party Game, Print & Play
Always good for laughs with friends (0 more)
Requires the right crowd (not a universally playable game) (0 more)
The original edgy humor game.
Cards Against Humanity is the original game of edgy humor. You need to be with the right group of friends for this one though, as it can get pretty offensive. If you have ever been asked to remove yourself from a game of Apples to Apples, this is your kind of game. CAH is definitely NOT kid friendly, but it is a great game to enjoy someone laughs with a group of like minded (read depraved) friends.
    Ordinary Mind Zendo

    Ordinary Mind Zendo

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    Ordinary Mind Zendo's podcast will play Dharma talks from Zen teacher and psychoanalyst Barry Magid....