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2015 | Card Game, Deduction, Party Game, Spies / Espionage, Word Game
Codenames is one of my top party games as it's one of the few that doesn't lose its lustre over multiple plays. Unlike games like Cards against humanity, there's actual skill involved with its clue choices. Two teams face off with one member from each team acting as a clue giver. The cluegiver aka spy master tried to come up with a word that can relate to selected phrases in a 5x5 grid. First team to guess all of its card wins. There definitely can be a skill difference between cluegivers, but the mind games of tryung to guess what your team will associate with your clue can result in hilarious moments.
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Heather Morris | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics, Religion
8.7 (74 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beautiful narrative follows the life of Lale, a Slovakian linguist who finds himself labouring as a ‘Tätowierer‘ within a concentration camp. The interactions of the prisoners and their captors portrays the full spectrum of humanity. Knowing that the cast of real life characters may not survive the war, is a stark reminder that every one of the seventeen million people who died during the Holocaust, had a story of their own. There are a number of formidable novels that depict this harrowing time, they ensure we never forget the strength and tenacity it took to live and love in the harshest of circumstances. Definitely one to read before the film is released.