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Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
It has been ten years since humanity triumphed over the invading Kaiju in “Pacific Rim”. The world has begun rebuilding from the devastation caused by the conflict and for the most part humanity has moved on. However for Jake Pentecost (John Boyega), he exists as a hustler in a yet to be recovered zone that was heavily damaged by the conflict. Jake lives for the hustle, finding and trading one item of value for another from cookies and cereal to parts from down Jaegers.

Looting and operating parts from the former combat giants is very illegal but with the massive payout from their parts, the lure is too great for Jake to ignore. This pursuit leads him into trouble and reluctantly paired with young scrapper Amari Namani (Cailee Spaeny). Jake gets a choice of prison or returning to train Jaeger pilots as he is the son of the late hero Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba), and naturally has many unresolved issues of sharing the name of the beloved hero.

Figuring training a class beats jail, Jake agrees to teach Amara and a new class of Jaeger pilots with his former rival Nate Lambert (Scott Eastwood), and to say they still have issues with one another would be an understatement.

Despite this, training moves along as planned and Nate and Jake even work well enough to pilot a Jaeger at a ceremony that will usher in a new but controversial new age in protection for humanity.

When an unexpected threat arrives and causes mass devastation and chaos, Jake and Nate must get to the bottom of the threat. As their investigation moves along a massive threat is discovered which pits them and their untested recruits against a threat old and new which threatens to end humanity.

What follows is a FX laden finale where cities are laid waste to and massive combatants engage is a truly impressive visual spectacle

While “Pacific Rim: Uprising” does use a familiar plot threads, it does so in an engaging way. The film does have a very basic plot and does not delve too much into character development and leaves some of the threads it opened unresolved. What it does have is a good amount of action after a slower than expected buildup. The action is visually appealing and exciting and delivers a much better experience than the last few “Transformer” films did. The cast works well with one another and it was nice to see Charlie Day and others from the first film return as Day always makes his scenes engaging.

While you may have a sense of seeing much of this before in giant monster and robot films, it is done in an appealing way. There is much of the film that you can see was clearly included to make sure the film appeals to audiences in China and Japan but in the new global film market, it is vital for films to do well in those markets, and with a film based in the Asian Pacific Rim, it only makes sense to do this. Eastwood and Boyega work well with one another and the finale opens the door wide open for a third film that looks like it would extend the franchise by taking things in a new and exciting direction.
Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity
2009 | Adult, Card Game, Humor, Party Game, Print & Play
Can lead to some hideously funny moments (1 more)
Works well no matter who you play with
Seeing the same cards a lot can be a little tiresome (1 more)
Doesn't really work if people take it seriously
Vulgar, insensitive and crude, but that's what it's trying to be
Well, what can I say about Cards Against Humanity that probably hasn't already been said already? If you go into this party game with a serious head, you will NOT enjoy this.

There are some genuinely insensitive cards contained within this game, but you need to leave your morals at the door when you begin playing, and you will have some incredibly funny moments.

For those that don't know how this game plays, each player takes it in turns to read a question from the stack of black cards, and every other player picks one (or two if it's a double answer) white card from their hand of ten. Once everyone's chosen, the black card player reads everyone's white cards and picks what they think is the best response to the question. The winning player than keeps the black card, to show they won that question. If you feel you ha e a duff hand, you can trade in one of your black cards to pick up ten new white cards from the stacks.

Once everyone decides they've had enough playing, whoever has the most black cards at the end wins.

Many have tried to imitate this game, but few have succeeded, and I feel Cards Against Humanity will still be a top party game for many years to come.
Autómata (2014)
Autómata (2014)
2014 | International, Mystery, Sci-Fi
In the near future following an ecological disaster, humanity lives behind a wall to protect itself from the radioactive and barren wastelands as well as the scavengers outside. This is the setting of the new film “Autómata” by Director Gabe Ibanez.

Antonio Banderas stars as Jacq Vaucan, an insurance agent who is tasked with representing ROC Robotics as their units have become standard for all tasks menial and otherwise in society.

With Acid Rain and pollution a threat to those in the walk, Jacq is happy to have a good job and has a baby on the way that he and his wife look forward to. Jacq becomes involved in a mystery when a robot is found repairing itself in violation of the basic programming for the machines.

The investigation takes a turn for the worse when violence erupts and Jacq is forced to flee into the radioactive areas with a small band of robots watching over him. Despite his bad condition, Jacq learns the truth behind the investigation and those who will stop at nothing to keep it a secret.

The film is very good for budget Science Fiction as the FX work is first rate. This is a take with humanity at its core, and Banderas does solid work in the role. The film also takes some jabs at society and human nature without being over the top or heavy handed and the pacing worked well for the film.

I must say this is one of the more interesting films of the year especially since it came out without the hype and fanfare of bigger studio films.