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This book had quite an intriguing premise -- four women decide to place an ad for husbands in order to revive a dead mining town and turn it into a sawmill town. Their good intentions did not account for the reality of the kind of men who would be showing up for such a curious promise, and the likelihood of their being able to maintain control of a town full of men. I also found it a bit ironic that the book is marketed as a Christian fiction book, though the four women have made themselves heads over the men and are anything but submissive -- even Cora, the one woman actually engaged. Still, the scenario presents some humorous situations as the women interact with the various men of many colorful backgrounds.
The major issue of control is a point of contention for the women throughout the book, as it is obvious that food and lodging won't be enough to corral the men into subservience, even food as delicious as Evie's. Jake is one of the men that steps in to act as bodyguard to the women and leader over the men, since he conveniently has a background in running a sawmill. Jake's presence in Hope Falls is an accident, though, as he had no previous interest in obtaining a wife and was more interested in pursuing revenge for the murder of his brother. He adopts the name Jacob Creed to hide his identity, and uses the husband ad as a cover for his true intentions, but his attraction to Evie is obvious to all but Evie herself.
Evie's self-esteem issues regularly get in the way of her being able to build a relationship with any of the men, especially the one man who gets under her skin, Jacob. She covers her low self-esteem with a bossy pride that annoyed me throughout the book, as her main obstacle seemed to be herself. But Jacob's approach to her low self-image will have any woman with "heft" cheering, especially when he almost force-fed her cookies.
This book was a fun and humorous read, with an original concept that I found refreshing.
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
A strong move in the right direction
A brighter and more humorous movie (compared to B v S which I also enjoyed) For me it did the job of putting a smile on my face throughout most of the movie. I still wish Green Lantern was properly in the mix but I know the Green Lantern Corps movie is upcoming. I've waited for this movie to be made since I was a kid and while it's a long way from perfect, it's fun to watch and watching Batman interactions with heroes new to the screen was always going to be exciting for me
The CGI was pretty poor in places and the story workman like,but like I said before I had a smile on my face a lot of the time. To me it was a good movie,just wish I could be writing that it was great. Hopefully we will still get to see the hero's in a movie truly worthy of their comic book counterparts
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Gorgeous Imagery (1 more)
A wonderful Portrayal of a Classic Character
Humorous And Absolutely Wonderful
I find that this movie tends to get a bad rap and I will admit based on the multiple portrayals we see of Sherlock Holmes in the modern area this is no match for Cumberbatch's portrayal. However, I love it all the same. Even if people hate on it no one can tell me that this film holds any less whimsy or joy that Sherlock Holmes offers. The since of mystery and adventure bring a me much joy as I watch him piece things together without giving a damn for how it may make him look or a care for other's opinions. Everyone's portrayal of Sherlock is different and even if it's not Cumberbatch I love this one all the same and enjoyed every last second of this film. From the gorgeous imagery and scenes painted on the screen to the hilarious banter passed back and forth between the characters, this is a film one could watch again and again.
Meet the Fockers (2004)
Meet the Fockers (2004)
2004 | Comedy
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Better than the first...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well, simply put, this was slightly better than the first. Following the exploits of the previous film, "Meet The Parents", Gaylord Focker, Ben Stiller, introduces his fiancée's parents, excellently portrayed by Robert De Niro and Blythe Danner to his family, with the obvious humorous consequences.

Dustin Hoffman is on form and Barbra Streisand, who I honestly cannot recall seeing in anything but this franchise in the last twenty years, is not bad either as the laid-back titular Fockers. Stiller's and his lies are sidelined here, as the focus is on the conflict between the parents themselves, but all is resolved by the end, obviously and even though Owen Wilson's cameo is pretty contrived and we could have done without it, it had its moments.

"Meet The Fockers" is marginally better than "Meet The Parents", I think because the characters boundaries were more clearly defined, the jokes were funnier and tended to be less reliant on the awkwardness. This lighter offering was more than worth the watch and made me laugh which all you can ask from a comedy.

Tim Fitzmaurice (1 KP) rated The Adventure Zone in Podcasts

May 31, 2018 (Updated May 31, 2018)  
The Adventure Zone
The Adventure Zone
8.8 (9 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Well edited (2 more)
Worked with fans for new content
Advertisements (0 more)
Silly, funny, and sometimes a little bit stupid. Overall grear.
Loved listening to this. My physical therapist got me into this podcast. Thanked her a couple times as it was a blast. At first I wasn't too sure how I was going to like it... found I loved the way the characters interacted with each other and the npc's. Reminded me of how my players play... A bit serious but mostly silly. Want to try and charm an enemy instead of fighting it why not? Want to poke fun at npc's why not? Want to eat a unicorn horn because you can? Go for it! This show will make you laugh and even if your an experienced gamer or game master you will discover more exciting and humorous ways to mess with one another.
I know they make money via advertising revenue from this podcast and all. I only put it in there because I needed to put a negative and couldn't think of another.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Mad Love in Books

Jul 5, 2018  
Mad Love
Mad Love
Nick Spalding | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Funny and pretty realistic
I'm not really one for romantic novels, even funny, modern ones like this - mainly because they're ridiculously predictable. Mad Love does fall into this category, but it gets away with it because it's so realistic and funny to go along with it.

The two main characters Adam and Jess are endearing and flawed, they're not perfect. Reading about their impromptu marriage from both side is both humorous and very true. Anyone who's had an argument or gotten in a huff with a loved one will surely recognise a lot of this book. It's full of pop culture too and very modern, with its take on dating websites and reality stars. Of course this has already been done on a tv show, but its still an interesting read.

The one thing it's lacking is a little bit of sentimentality and heart warming emotions. It gets there towards the end, but its a long time coming and I could feel myself getting very frustrated at how situations turned out.

But still, it's a very fun, quick and entertaining read.
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Better than expected
I'll happily admit to expecting to really hate this film, I wasnt expecting much and didnt particularly like the first film, but actually this wasnt that bad. I'd even go as far as saying I preferred it to the first.

The reason why I didnt like the first film much is because they tried too hard to have a cohesive storyline when really, I'd have preferred a random mash up of silly clips making fun of all the silly things pets do. And whilst this second film doesn't quite get there either, it gets a lot closer! It's basically just 3 random stories tied in together, a bit ridiculous but there are some funny humorous moments and I laughed a lot more than I did with the original.

But that said, it still isnt great. Some of the characters just dont fit with their voices and I found some of the new characters (Daisy) ridiculously annoying. This is just one of those films that's not bad but not good, and mainly just alright.
The Land You Never Leave
The Land You Never Leave
Angus Watson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in Watson's West of West trilogy continues following the Hardworkers (a small tribe of Nordic descendants) and the former Calnian Owsla (a Native American warrior team), who have now joined forces. Their aim is to simply head West to try and save the world, as told by a dream. The book sees them approaching Badland country and expecting trouble. The Calnian army are gathered to track them down and attack them, the empress being controlled by her mysterious new healer, and following her own dream which told her the Hardworkers would destroy the world.
As in the first book, the humorous dialogue keeps this book rolling along really well. The interactions and relations between characters is superb and believable. The world is familiar enough to us, but with some unusual creatures and customs thrown in. The Badlanders are a truly psychotic tribe.
The pacing of the book is top notch with plenty of action and excitement spread throughout, and told from numerous different points of view.
A wonderful read with excellent characters.
The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
2019 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Misses the mark
The trailer made this film out to be a wonderfully eclectic humorous look at the life of David Copperfield, but I'm afraid to say the trailer was very misleading.

I've never read the book and to be honest, I really hope it's different to this mess. Yes this film is definitely rather eclectic and seems to swing from attempts at humour (that really miss the mark) to rather sombre drama and seriousness, and it also just feels a little jumbled. The script too is not what you'd expect from a film that feels so obviously British and there's nothing particularly clever or witty about it.

The cast are great, there really is a stellar line up of British stars in this and Dev Patel is a wonderfully charismatic choice as Copperfield and he's well supported by Tilda Swinton and Hugh Laurie. It's just a shame the rest of the cast are let down by the dodgy script and plot.

I really wanted to like this, but sadly it's missing virtually everything you'd expect and want, especially some decent British humour.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 30, 2020

Everyone seems to be loving this, I’m so glad I’m not the only one that didn’t 😀

Nurse Betty (2000)
Nurse Betty (2000)
2000 | Comedy, Drama
As bleak, jaundiced, and jet-black of a comedy as we've gotten in quite some time - this would make a perfect double feature with 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 or any of LaBute's other riveting provocations. But unlike even those others, this somehow manages to also have some sort of a happy ending? This really is fantastic; a well-rounded, bizarre, humorous (if not always consistently hilarious), completely solitary curio and a cleaner/better example of a woman flourishing in the knocking down of the toxic men in her life than 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳. Not to mention it has a surprisingly positive view of women in general without resorting to that insulting, disingenuous T-shirt-ready brand of corporate faux-feminism that stagnates the pond in many of today's films of the sort. Cast is insanely good, legit one of Freeman's best performances and Kinnear isn't too far behind. LaBute really was something, God could you imagine if comedies could still get screenplays like this, sell big, and be in awards contention?